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2007-01-03 11:24 AM
in reply to: #640604

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Extreme Veteran
Northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Shannon3 - 2007-01-03 12:15 PM That stinks that your family wasn't supportive about the 5K. I would think that they'd think it's fun to go as spectators.

 We were visiting my in-laws, where the biggest activity is getting up from the TV to go out for lunch.  I have to be fair to my husband - he does try to be supportive.  I think that once he saw how much this race meant to me he felt bad about it.  Both of us grew up in homes where no sports or physical activity took place.  We have 3 young kids and encourage them to be involved with sports and I'm really trying to set a better role model for my kids. 

Now it's time for me to go and do my lunch-time run.

2007-01-03 2:58 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Extreme Veteran
Northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
I did the lunch-time run and had one of my exercise fears realized...I was passed by a walker!  Oh, the shame!  Actually, on my last 2 blocks I sprinted hoping to leave the person behind.
2007-01-03 3:33 PM
in reply to: #641018

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

imnotjoking - 2007-01-03 3:58 PM I did the lunch-time run and had one of my exercise fears realized...I was passed by a walker!  Oh, the shame!  Actually, on my last 2 blocks I sprinted hoping to leave the person behind.


I was passed by a 3 legged dog like 4 or maybe 6 times in my first 5K...found that humilating.

Maybe see this as great motivation to keep running. In a year you'll be amazed how much faster you will be....1-2 minutes maybe even more!!

2007-01-03 4:25 PM
in reply to: #641090

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

I don't know why walkers have to be such show-offs ... how rude ... .

2007-01-03 6:06 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
You guys are cracking me up, LOL.
2007-01-03 9:52 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Thanks for posting your training plan for the week. Glad to see what you guys are planning...making a plan is step one to accomplishing the plan.

A couple thoughts about training plans:

1. Your body gets fitter after the stress is placed on it from workouts while one or two rest day each week is important. Also after 2-3 normal weeks you need a rest week with a cut in volume so you doing about 50-60% of what you do the other weeks and during rest weeks no hard or intense stuff keep it all aerobic.

2. To get fitter you need to change the workouts be it length or intensity. So if you do a long run of 4 miles this week or 20 minutes, next week do at most about 10% more in either time or distance; you don't want to keep running the same 4 miles or 20 minutes as that wouldn't be putting stress on your body which is needed to get it stronger.

My long runs have been 5 miles, 6 miles, then rest week of 3 miles, then 6 miles this week is 7 miles, then rest week of 4 miles, then 6 miles again then either 7 or 8 miles. I don't need to keep adding distance as my longest races this spring are 6.2 miles or 10K it is better to vary distance than sticking to same route (try running it backwards going the other direction) with same distance or time each week as it helps you get stronger & fitter.

3. If you miss a workout just skip it and move on unless you plan to swap days. You don't want to add a workout or try to catch up on the to be consistent if you can but stuff comes up.

4. Only do two workouts a day at the most otherwise you will tire yourself out and not make progress.

2007-01-05 7:01 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
I've posted my 2007 goals. I'm sure I'll add more in terms of training as I go along.

Have a great weekend everyone!!
2007-01-06 10:54 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

How is everyone? What workouts today and tomorrow? How did they go?

I'm riding/swimming today and long run  (7.5 miles with last 4 at 5K race heart rate which is challenging) tomorrow with optional easy aerobic ride.

Record setting warm today here in MA ....63 and I'll be riding in shorts and long sleeve bike shirt. The Tarmac is in so I'm going for a test ride at the LBS. Wonder if I'll like it?



2007-01-06 11:11 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Oooh, neat!  Glad to hear the bike is in, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Kathy!

I had to laugh about the getting passed by a walker comment... happens to me a bit in races here too   But to their credit, some of the racewalkers in the local "circuit" are REALLY fast and intense!!  When I do my reservoir runs, I'm always getting passed, because at least 2 of the local running clubs use the trail on weekends as well.  I just can't let myself worry about it, I'll get there eventually!  What I hate though, is getting passed by the jogging stroller folks in races... here they are pushing 20 pounds of stroller and goddess-knows how many pounds of kid on top of that... yow!  We've also got a few sillies that run in costume, and when I say costume, I mean a windmill and a lighthouse.  Big heavy bulky things, I have no idea how they do it, but it's hysterical ... and I NEVER let them beat me!

I do have a question for our beloved mentor - how much stretching should I be doing after my runs?  Right now I'm really lame about it, maybe doing some calf stretches off a curb or a step, and maybe some hammie stretches on the same curb or step, and maybe some forward bends, and if I'm REALLY ambitious I'll do the forward bend stretch where I cross one foot over the other to get my quads/glutes/IT band a little.  I don't think I've ever done more than 3-4 minutes after my standard 3-mile run.  Is this too little?  As I start to increase distance, should I have a true stretching 'routine' or can I just do what feels good?  Doing what I'm (barely) doing now I feel like maybe I'm selling myself short - especially in the mornings when I get a late start due to bad snooze-button habits, I run myself out of time to get ready for work!  But I don't want to be setting myself up for an injury.  Any thoughts??


2007-01-06 10:08 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Stretching is something that there is great debate over.

When stretching, I think stretching that you hold is much better than any type of bouncing type stretching we did as kids. Don't stretch before as your muscle are cold and not warmed up.

For me stretching my legs and lower back helps with rotating my pelvis which is key for good bike riding and bike fit that allows me to stay injury free. Tight hamstrings make a huge difference in bike position. Can you touch the floor? Can you lay on your back and lift one leg up so it points toward the ceiling..those are good test of tight hamstrings.

When I was having back issues in August I stretched after every run and bike. Since I'm feeling good I do it once or twice a week. My coach says there is no evidence that stretching prevents injurys that in fact folks who strech have more injurys. My take away from that is people like me who are (were)  injuried try stretching to see if it helps not necessarily that the stretching caused the injury. I stretch using this big band that looks like a super big rubber band. I stretch almost exactly like these. I do each stretch 3 time for 5 deep slow breaths and my quad stretch I do on my belly and pull my foot toward my butt...and hold that 45 seconds.

I think the biggest things that help you prevent injury running is to not increase run volume more than 10% each week, take rests, if something acts up look into it before you keep running to be sure you won't make things worse by running.  It is good to have a supportive sports oriented Doc, chiropractor, Ortho. Doc or PT that can guide you when things crop up.

Not sure how helpful all this is....

2007-01-08 4:20 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

How's everyone doing? Any questions? Great training? Issues?

Post them here so we can share & learn.

I'm impressed with so much you guys have done already..picking races, setting goals, working on weight loss.

How is the nutrtion going? Somedays it is harder than others, right? 


2007-01-09 8:53 AM
in reply to: #632158

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
My workouts and training are going well ... the biggest challenge for me is pulling the reins in after my holiday feeding frenzy.  I thought it would be easier but everyone at work brought in their leftover goodies ... stuff we didn't have at our house ... my discipline went completely AWOL one day last week but I'm doing better this week.
2007-01-09 9:03 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
I would say that aside from the running, nutrition is the biggest challenge. I've got to get my head straight. I hate that I have to be in the right frame of mind to eat well. Why is it easier to eat crappy? Grrrrr.

This week I'm hoping to break through that running wall I come up against. The phrase "Slow and steady wins the race" is so true.

Today I'm planning a full workout with strength and running since I've missed 3 days in a row. I'd say that's PLENTY of rest time. Then I'll get back on track following the new schedule I've set up.
2007-01-09 5:52 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Seems like lots of us are struggling with nutrition. I have a couple of ideas. How about we keep track of what we ate for the day and our workouts and post a day or two...helps each of us get some ideas and maybe it would help keep us on the good food choice mode.

Any ideas how to stop eatting sweets and nibbling?

This is a summary of what I ate the last week during a build (ie more volume) workout week:

 Daily averages for the past 7 days

Energy Gained Through Food:
1963 cals
Energy Burnt Through Exercise:
-741 cals
Net Energy:
1222 cals

Fat: 62.9 g; 28%
Carbs: 222.1 g; 43%
Protein:148.4 g; 29%

Based on net calories, Calorie King say I should lose 4.6 pounds a month, ah but no that doesn't happen more like 1-2.  Still the trend is down and that is good.



2007-01-09 6:08 PM
in reply to: #632158

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
I use the nutrition log on here and it's saved me on many a day when I would have continued to eat if the gruesome facts weren't staring me in the face.  I especially like the feature they have where you can enter custom foods.  I usually keep my nutrition log private but I'll switch it to public so you gals can get on my case if I go buck wild again.
2007-01-10 5:44 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
I have to go back to keeping track. I'm a nibbler...I keep sweets out of the house as much as possible....but nibbling and snacking is my down fall.

Posting what I ate will definitely keep me from eating the wrong things especially at the wrong times. Plus my workouts suck when I haven't eaten healthy. It definitely affects me immediately aside from weight gain.

2007-01-10 10:21 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

I like to make eating well a habit than it makes it easier to do when stressed as it is the norm.

So when I eat something bad it is not the normal and it takes mental thought to do it. Problem is when I eat something bad once my habit is broken and I need to retrain myself to eat on the straight and narrow again.

It is easy now when I go out to eat as I'm not even tempted to order what I'd like (what I used to eat and love), but get what I want to eat (ie healthy stuff). In time it got easier.

2007-01-11 1:02 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Some of my favorite trainer rides:

Warm up:  Ride 5-10’ solid aerobic.  if you are riding inside, do 3X30” at 85-95% effort during the second half of the warm up – 30” light between “intervals”.
Cool down:  Ride 5’ EZ soft pedaling.
Goal: develop bike specific skills and strength.
  • 10X30” Single leg pedaling.  Allow 30” soft pedaling between as time to clip in one leg and pull out the other.  So you could consider this to look like 30” left leg, 30” both, 30” right leg. 
  • 5’ riding aerobic
  • Now shift down in the gears to the 53 X12.  Ride @ aerobic.  Let cadence be whatever it will be at that heart rate in that gear.  Now at 1’ increments, shift to 1 easier gear.  Work down through the first 2/3 of gears in the big ring, then shift to the small chain ring 39X13(whatever gear you have that is 1up from the 12).  Continue going to 1 easier gear per minute.  Your cadence will steadily increase during this exercise; try to keep up with cadence without bouncing in the saddle. 
  • Cool down.

Goal: develop bike specific skills and strength.
  • 2X ramp sets. 
    • 1 Ramp set = Pick a gear that has you low aerobic but 90RPM.  Ride that gear for 5’.  Then shift into one harder gear.  Ride that gear for 5’ before again shifting into 1 harder gear.  Aim to go through 4 gears.  Your cadence will fall.  That is ok.  you are building strength and aerobic fitness with these intervals.
  • Ride 5’ EZ between Ramp sets.
  • Cool down.
On bike skill and aerobic fitness building.
  • Ride aerobic – keep it really steady there if possible.  Ride there for 45-60’.  During that time, alternate from 70rpm for 5’ to 100rpm for 5’ – keeping speed as constant as possible.
  • Cool down

2007-01-11 1:07 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
Kathy, when you say 10x30", what does the 30" indicate? Same question for the other numbers you wrote about. I'm still not familiar with how things are named or designated, etc.

2007-01-11 1:47 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

30"= 30 seconds

1'= 1 minute

When it is 3x1'= 3 times you do 1 minute....

Do the warm up first, then the main part which I put in 3 options, then cool down. If the main set is to long cut it shorter by doing less time or less repetitions of the drill.

When you start single leg pedaling I doubt you can do it for 30 seconds, try using a harder gear and shorter time say 15 or 20 seconds. When I do single leg pedaling I used to put other foot on chair next to me, now I just rest it behind me on the bending my knee & sort of hooking my my toe on the part that connects to the back wheel.

If it doens't make sense let me know....

2007-01-11 2:02 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
No that makes sense now. I was thinking that it was literally 30" (inches), 5' (feet) and I knew I was wrong, but I just didn't know what it meant

2007-01-11 3:05 PM
in reply to: #651041

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Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Sorry...I should have been more clear as I've been using those abbreviations for last couple of years.

 Give them a try...let me know how they go.

2007-01-11 4:03 PM
in reply to: #632158

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Hooksett, New Hampshire
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full
I've got to learn the abbrev's some time! I'll let you know how I make out.
2007-01-11 9:37 PM
in reply to: #632158

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

Thanks for putting the trainer rides out there ... I'm spending lots of time going nowhere on my bike right now.  The main streets are clear but the side streets are still packed with ice ... and more snow is expected this evening.  This is the fourth week in a row that we've been hit with a storm ... I am so ready for the sun to shine.

You asked about my calories ... I try to stay in the 1400-1700 range.  I eat a little more on the days I workout.  I think I've finally gained control over the holiday hiatus I went on ... sheesh ... what a pain that has been.

Your advice about my upcoming 5 mile race was almost word for word what my coach suggested.  She said to start off with the first 2 miles at a pretty easy effort and keep my HR around 150.  Run the next two miles a little harder and keep my HR around 165.  The last mile ... no HR guide ... just stay tough and strong and go for it.

Tonight I've been playing on BT ... I created an album and I entered some of my planned races.  We did a lactate threshold test last week so I've entered my HR zones ... I'm starting to feel like a real athlete.  Tomorrow is a rest day.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Have fun at the Chiller Chase 5K on Sunday.

2007-01-12 6:05 AM
in reply to: #632158

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: KathyG's group- Full

My problem's not so much nutrition, it's getting out of bed in the morning (which, most days, is the ONLY time I have to train).  Today is the second morning in a row I wussed out when the alarm went off.  Doesn't help that it's "that time" which means I have way less energy than I normally have.  Good thing it only lasts 3 days for me!!  (sorry if that's TMI, but the way I see it, it's one extra thing we women have to navigate!)

I'm going to TRY again tonight to get on the treadmill at home.  I went to bed last night after I put the kidlet to bed - when I had said yesterday that I would TRY to get on the treadmill after I put the kidlet to bed - but sometimes the days are just so long and draining.  And kidlet was coughing as it was, I didn't feel right about going downstairs and using our LOUD treadmill - I would have felt terrible if he had needed me and I couldn't hear him  

Anyway, try, try again   Wish me luck today.

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