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2007-01-13 7:33 PM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Dear all...

I hope you're having good workouts and staying motivated.. All your comments definitely keep me motivated, so I figured I'd try to do the same.


I absolutely LOVE running. Swimming is the most mentally (and probably physically as well) challenging of the three for me. I learned to love running because I grew up with Jeff Galloway's running plan:

I really love Jeff's outlook... he's learned to be flexible over the years (he's been running for something like 45 years!) His training plan makes sure he keeps having fun, doesn't get injured, and keeps him from burning out. His plans never made me feel like it was the end of the world if I had a bad run.. If I simply would rather die than go running one day, he reminds you that that's okay, to be flexible, etc. For example, in my runs, I walk about every mile for a few seconds (from 20-60) while I drink my water or what have you. I get to look forward to these miniwalks each mile, so I don't feel overwhelmed when I set out to tackle a long run. Jeff also emphasizes the LSD- "Long Slow Distance" runs-- once a week, at a pace you can simply maintain, that is drastically slower than your weekly training runs. It's not a cardio workout per se, but to get your legs conditioned to run the distance. And I've run a half marathon with this guy.. He shuffles along for a while, then walks, then shuffles, then walks... and I couldn't keep up with him for more than 2 miles. I think it's a lot harder to get burnt out on a single sport when training for a tri, but maybe you'll find some motivation/information on his website.

I also love the read the Penguin column at Runner's World online. Here's a guy who has logged so many marathon miles and loves it, keeps coming back for more, even though he's at the back of the pack.

As far a s FOOD is concerned, I think that's a great question and could probably use some advice... I'm eating mostly:
Cereal and milk breakfasts
salad or chicken sandwich sandwich lunches
veggies, baked potato, sandwich, soup, perhaps a slice of pizza :/ dinners

2007-01-14 8:36 AM
in reply to: #633528

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Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Seeing everyone's logs are inspiring for me. I feel competitive to do my best to show that I am participating. Thank all of you for inspiration and the motivation through this group.

I took a day off, and yesterday I felt like I struggled to get back on the treadmill. Only a limited time yesterday I didn't do weights. Today I have to watch the Bears game....GO BEARS. Luckly there are tvs at the gym. Eating at work friday was good. The everyone at the firehouse wanted to eat healthy which helped.

I have seen alot on eating and I can tell you what has been significant in my eating plan is the south beach diet. Toughest part is the first two weeks of no breads or pasta. If you are not looking for major weight loss, the recommendations of whole grains, high fiber,less sugar. Meats and vegatables at first then after your body reprograms from no sugars for two weeks you re-introduce the breads and pasta in the whole grain form. The book was interesting to read and the recipies are good. Some of the products that taste awsome are the south beach pizza's found in the freezer at the grocery store. It has helped me eat better thats for sure.

If you want to watch a scary movie watch supersize me. It is alarming to see our nation and how it has changed over the past 40 years. And what food like Mcdees does to a person. Watching that movies certainly motivates me. Along with the 500lb man I help carry down stairs the other day, but thats another story in itself.

Keep training and be safe!!! oh yeah eveyone better be cheering for the BEARS today....

xoxox Eric
2007-01-15 3:01 PM
in reply to: #653756

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2007-01-15 3:17 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hey Y'all -

Hope everyone is doing good... it is a cold, rainy day here in south mississippi.

Thanks to Eric and Betsy for their responses! I already have a long list of do not eats (fish & seafood {don't like the taste], fried foods, deli meat, dairy products [lactose intolerant], no caffeine or carbonation, either). Today, I got placed on a high fiber diet (which, for the most part, I was on... but apparently not enough fiber!!)

What kinds of proteins are y'all eating - chicken? Anyone taking a protein powder? When are y'all eating your protein and complex carbs?

On a dif note... and a sad one.. my good friend, Candice,had a brain aneurysum that burst this morning. She is 28. She got to the hospital and through surgery, but will be in a coma for 2 weeks. If any of you have a prayer list, please put her on it. Thanks!!

2007-01-15 3:24 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-15 10:12 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hi Everybody:

I got a bike! Thanks to everyone who asked about it. I ended up purchasing a 2006 Specialized Allez Elite, first new bike in about 20 years. What a difference! It's near the bottom of the line but is a lot lighter and has lots more gears and easier shifting so I should be able to go faster with less knee strain. I like that Allez means "Go!" in French and hope to take that to heart.

Speaking of knee strain, sorry to hear about yours Betsy. Hope it mends soon. Sorry to hear about your friend, Carrie.

Christina, thanks for the running advice. I'll check out the website. I'm planning to run at the gym tomorrow.


2007-01-16 2:08 PM
in reply to: #633528

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(mpm 06.jpg)

(betsy bike.jpg)

mpm 06.jpg (35KB - 54 downloads)
betsy bike.jpg (64KB - 38 downloads)
2007-01-16 2:43 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hey Betsy - NICE bike!! What is her name?

Rene - congrats on your new bike!! I like the line's name - Allez!! I don't remember what is "go fast" in French!!

I am posting a pic of my Sallie - I hope it works. I didn't take this pic, it is from their website.


Sallie.jpg (23KB - 43 downloads)
2007-01-16 2:44 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Sorry to post 2 times in a row.. but Betsy, you aren't a dork at all! Glad to hear that other people talk to their bikes!! We have names for all of our bikes and sometimes I tell Sallie good night. lol.... MAYBE WE ARE BOTH DORKS??????????
2007-01-16 4:12 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-16 8:50 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Ok so I have a confession.....I made fun of my wife for joinining a mentor group. Well I am certainly glad I joined this group. I look forward to entering my workouts and hearing what everyone here has to say.....and we must be good and wife likes my group even did the core workout and said " Wooooooo". She thinks our group rocks and I have to agree. It would be awsome to do a race together. Naming the bike thing, its hard to do when its hanging in the garage......too much snow,ice, and cold...cold....cold. Supposed to be around 0 tonight. Keep up the good work and our group rocks....xoxoxox Eric

2007-01-17 10:49 AM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Nice Trek, Carrie! My friend and fellow triathlete has that one. I actually went shopping for Treks first but ended up fitting better on the Specialized (not sure what fast is in French...rapide? "toute suite"? Anyone?)

Anyway, here she is...the as yet unnamed Allez (maybe I will just call her Allez!)...hmm, not sure how to post a photo...I will attach it.



Allez2.jpg (2KB - 64 downloads)
2007-01-17 12:50 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Just got on-line this week. We've been iced in since Monday and I'm about to go CRAZY! Our driveway has over 2 inches of ice on it and there's no way to get out and do anything. I HATE missing my gym workouts but I am going to jump on the tread this afternoon...after I dust it off a little. Nice bikes guys. I'm still searching for mine. I've had a very old road bike for years and it's time to invest in a new one.

On another note, I meet my swim instructor on Friday to go through drills, strokes and tips to help me with the 1/2 mile swim. I feel lucky to have found her and she's working me in on my lunch hour for the next 8 weeks.

On the nutrition note, I'm not an expert but I do watch what I eat. I try to eat 5 small meals a day and never let myself get hungry. Keep your matobalism working all day and you'll burn more calories. The key is to eat from the 5 food groups focusing on the "good" fats and carbs and increasing your fruit and veggie intake. I keep whole natural almonds with me as well as packages of veggies and fruits ready to eat. High fiber cereals are good and fill you up. Reduce simple sugars and drink lots of water! 2 quarts a day is recommended. I do an energy drink in the afternoons to get me through the 3:00 PM low...there are a lot of good ones out there that are full of vitamins.

Pray that the ice starts to melt and I can get out of the house SOON!
2007-01-17 3:13 PM
in reply to: #657934

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hello everyone! This week is going well for me...sorry to those of you that are stuck in the ice/snow!!!

I have to work tonight but I'll post soon! Hope everyone is doing well!

This is my bike, a 2006 Felt F80 (my life savings---don't tell my mom how much I spent on it!) and my puppy Sierra! She loves getting her picture taken. I haven't named the bike yet--I should get on that.

(felt seirra small.JPG)

felt seirra small.JPG (20KB - 50 downloads)
2007-01-17 6:30 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL

(Schwinn Fastback comp 2007.. Thanks to Bargain Basement Bikes in Tucson, AZ, for the amazing discount on this bike!)

2007-01-17 6:51 PM
in reply to: #658570

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2007-01-17 9:25 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Ok all of you have these beutiful racing bikes, I have a green Giant mnt bike. Thinking about new tires and looking at the handle bar options. I cant afford a racing bike, maybe when I complete my first race I will consider spending some money. I was thinking the MEAN GREEN I will take a picture of it soon. Upside down on the garge ceiling.

Hope everyone is doing well fabulous. Down another 2lbs.....I am really being careful with foods and doing alot of cardio. 3,500 calories to burn a lb of fat. Uping the cardio and decreasing the calories are working.

On a side note our 105ft ladder truck was side swiped while the guys were working at a accident scene the other day. I am glad I was not working. It is always a fear of being hit, fortunately no one on our side got hurt. I was hit head on in the ambulance once, that was enough for me. I am on shift tomorrow.....I will be working out there.......always hard to accomplish my workouts at work.

Everyone take care and be safe.....xoxox Eric
2007-01-17 10:37 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hey Y'all - I have enjoyed looking at everyone's bikes (and Sierra)!

Stacey & Jessie - Sorry to hear about all the ice! Was it pretty, at least? We had sleet here today (which is a rare occurence in central Mississippi). Matt and I rode bikes over the weekend in 70 degree weather - I am already missing it!!

Eric - keep up the awesome work on your eating and loosing the weight! And I like the Mean Green Machine! I have seen many a people on a mountain bike go faster than those on a road bike!

Take care everybody and keep up the spirit!!
2007-01-19 4:46 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-20 2:10 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-22 1:15 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hello Team!

Hope everyone is doing well! I've been looking at your workouts---you're all doing great! I can't wait to be as good of a runner as yall are!!! I finally got good running shoes and a HRM...

Betsy--how in the world do I get this zones thing started? This friggin HRM is too complicated for my tiny brain!!! Its a Polar RS200 if anyone knows...I could clear my whole day and just read the manual I guess....grrrrr.


2007-01-22 1:15 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-22 3:34 PM
in reply to: #633528

Subject: RE: Betsy's Group - FULL
Hey everyone I hope our team is doing well.

I had a great weekend. First and foremost.....HOW ABOUT THOSE BEARS!!!!!

Yesterday at work proved to be an awsome day...most of you will think im a sick individual ....ok I am mostly in the male kind of Seriously though I had a house fire in my district. First engine in and we put the fire out text book style. Less than 20 minutes the fire was out. Everything was clean up in time to watch the game. I tried to get a work out then I got a gun shot to the chest. Wife shot her husband, 75yrs old. what is this world coming too. The gentleman will live, but two very good calls. Challenging and we did great.

Went to the gym today fatigued and tired. Sore back, just not into the workout but the past two days were birthday party and no work out and a fun but challenging day at work with very minimal workout. I never intended to run but I looked at the mirror and said @%&* and began to run. I gave myself a goal of twenty minutes. I ran 22 and 36 seconds. I ran two miles uninterruptted. I am proud that I have stuck with it. I wanted to prove to myself that I can run and I did.

Two good days........One reason I that gave me the push to do so well. All of you and this damn web I felt that if I didnt do some good today you all would have thought I fell off on my training. And I not only did not want to let me down....but all of you.....thank you all for the motivation.

Be safe....Eric...xoxoxoo
2007-01-22 4:24 PM
in reply to: #633528

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2007-01-22 4:25 PM
in reply to: #663462

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