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2007-01-15 8:14 AM
in reply to: #652594


Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Thanks, Julie. My weakest part is the swimming and this program gives a good outline of some basic swim workouts instead of just swimming back and forth for whatever amount of time.

2007-01-15 9:08 AM
in reply to: #654617

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN


My pleasure.  BT also has some nice plans.  Enjoy your training and stay injury free.  Julie

2007-01-15 11:12 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Lompoc, CA
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - OPEN
Hi. I would like to join the group!

My story:
I am 37 years old and have always been active in something... rowing crew, paddling outrigger, dance, swimming, modest amount of cycling, etc. I have wanted to finish a triathlon for years but my bum knees have always been a challenge. I have a M.S. in Kinesiology; I am an exercise physiologist/health educator with a consulting business. I don't do one-on-one training anymore, my focus is on commuinty health promotion and prevention. I know the basics of safe and effective physical training, but I have zero experience in triathlons. My current training consists of cycling on my mountain bike on a trainer in the garage and using my rowing machine a couple times a week. I also play roller hockey once or twice a week.

I signed myself for a sprint triathlon in April. I'm the kind of gal who needs a concrete goal to work towards. I am looking for tips and guidance on training, gear, and logistics. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

Married, no children.

No prior races.

First try at a TRI: April 15, 2007 Santa Barbara, CA

I am not really doing this to lose weight, but I'll glady give up a few pounds if my body will let go! I was treated with radiation for Graves' disease about 6 year ago and as a result I have been carrying around extra weight. It originally caused me to gain about 45 lbs but with adjustments to my meds over the years and consistent exercise it came down a bit. I am learning to accept where I am now - about 15 pounds over my old "fighting weight. "

2007-01-15 6:49 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Good for you Judytg! You'll have no problems, especially with your background...I too am a Phys. Ed/Health Educator. You'll be surprised how much you do know, most of the time we sell ourselves short.

On another note, I went to Phoenix this weekend to compete in my first 1/2 marathon. Ok, so I had a really rocky start with a 3 hour delay, then I get there and it is the coldest it has been since 1990! So deep down, I was really not going to run this half marathon, that was my excuse for going and leaving my husband behind. I wanted to leave cold Milwaukee in the middle of winter and get some fantastic rays and perhaps a little such luck! weekend did get better as I thought I wouldn't do this race for time and then my competitive juices started flowing. So I said, 8:45 min/mile pace would be my goal...but my ultimate unattainable goal that I set for myself was 8:30 min/mile pace. To my surprise I finished in 1:52:01 and according to the official standings that is a 8:33 min/mile pace...but my GPS said it was over 13.1 miles and my pace was 8:27 min/mile that is what I am going by. I ended up placing in the top 12% overall including male and top 6% in both my age group and females. I'm pretty proud of myself as you might be able to tell. I've come to the realization that it is mental, mental, mental. I get there and I think, "What am I doing? I'm only doing the half and look at these people doing the full, I can do that! It makes me feel like 1/2 isn't so special....but I'm still proud. In any case I have a long way to go to get to the 1/2 Ironman this summer! There were 20000 people who did the half, and 10000 people that did the full. That is pretty impressive in itself...kinda makes you feel small. Just running though, I kept thinking, I am strong, I am happy, I am amazing! You go girl!
2007-01-15 8:12 PM
in reply to: #655619

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Awesome, awesome race trYgrl.   You should be super proud.  I don't know if I will ever be able to do a half marathon.  But then again, five years ago I couldn't run a mile.  Practice, practice practice.  I sometimes am rough on myself because I ran a slow four miles, but then I think before this year I have never ran four miles.  It puts it all in perspective.  So you go girl.  You did great!!  Julie
2007-01-15 9:19 PM
in reply to: #655619

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

Congrats on not only finishing the 1/2, but doing it in great time!!! You absolutely should be proud.....and the word "just" should not be a part of your training vocabulary!! (as in "just" a 1/2 marathon)

Keep up the good work! I'm proud of you!!


2007-01-15 9:59 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL could definately do the 1/2. I talked my best friend into doing it, she trained by herself in Denver. She never ran 4 miles before I talked her into this, and she finished in 2:24! I was so proud of her....even when she couldn't walk down steps later that day!

kriscrn---your right...just should's the mental game that I play and need to conquer. Put one foot in front of the other right? That'll get me to my 1/2 Iron and marathon! Tired girl needs to go get ready for a busy day at school tomorrow. Have a good night all!
2007-01-16 8:55 AM
in reply to: #639509

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Overland park/ KC area
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

Congrats!!! on your race. you ONLY ran a half marathon? Well I only ran 3 miles last night. The half is a big accomplishment enjoy it and hopefully I will be able to set that as one of my goals.
2007-01-16 10:12 AM
in reply to: #655780

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Just a little reminder to everyone to push yourself throught those days when you really, REALLY don't want to train.

Its been cloudy and drizzly, and basically miserable here in the NE for several days, and I am definitely one of those people who gets into a funk after a few days without sunshine. (I could never live in Seattle!!) Anyway, I was driving over the the gym this morning grousing to myself that I really would rather take a nap than work out today, and generally had a crappy attitude towards training. But, I did go and pushed myself through the first few minutes of my workout and very quickly, my bad attitude turned into a great workout.

I feel so much better, and more energized than I did earlier this morning, and I think we all need a reminder every now and then about how important it is to stick to your training program as closely as you can even (or maybe especially) when working out is the last thing you want to do. You'll thank youself for it!!!

Best wishes everyone!
2007-01-16 10:39 AM
in reply to: #655833

New user

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

Congrats on the 1/2 mary. Your pace was incredible! Way to beat your goal pace. What are you going to do to celebrate?

On a related running note: anyone got suggestions for recovering from plantar fascitis. Thought that I had this thing beat for a couple of years...but after a friday 5 miler, now suffering from probably the worst bout I've ever had. Feels like steak knives are jabbing into the bottom of the foot. Only occurs when I walk..when I'm on the bike no problems...Was set to do a 1/2 mary in february but now I think that this is out.

Bummed but not too bummed since I hate running and now don't have to suffer through 13 miles

BTW: I bought those nike free trainers to try to simulate bare foot running which was supposedly supposed to help with plantar fascitis...was it a crock...or did I do too much mileage in them?
2007-01-16 12:17 PM
in reply to: #656261

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
trimd - 2007-01-16 10:39 AM

On a related running note: anyone got suggestions for recovering from plantar fascitis. Thought that I had this thing beat for a couple of years...but after a friday 5 miler, now suffering from probably the worst bout I've ever had. Feels like steak knives are jabbing into the bottom of the foot. Only occurs when I walk..when I'm on the bike no problems...Was set to do a 1/2 mary in february but now I think that this is out.

I have problems once in awhile, but not so bad anymore. Have you tried getting custom orthodics? Also, go to a good running store that will analyze the way you run and put you in shoes that are right for you. In the meantime, stick your foot in an ice sucks, but has helped me tremendously several times a day, or atleast after you run. I know that you may not want to take IBU, but to get you kick started to cut down on inflammation might be a good idea. How old are your shoes? Sometimes I start to get it when my shoes are getting to the end point. You should be rotating your shoes every 3 or 4 months or 500 miles (I think). Don't whimp out now, it sucks, but you can make it through if you take care of are trying to get your way out of this! I also switch to treadmill when my foot starts acting up to decrease the shock on my body and when I do run outside, I run on the street (asphalt) rather than sidewalk. Last but not least...Stretch, stretch, stretch! Take time to decrease injuries.

2007-01-16 2:43 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Alright I have taken four - count them FOUR - days off training for my little Gator road trip and I am already feeling the affects. Tonight I plan to get back into it and do a 44 minute swim and a 75 minute Yoga class. Oh, and I plan on making up the 3 workouts I skipped over the next week...I'm not sure if that is a good idea, but I'm sure my body can handle it after this much rest. My goal before this first race in May is not to cancel any of my scheduled workouts.
2007-01-16 3:03 PM
in reply to: #656720

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Danielle---don't overdo it! So you missed a workout, tack a few minutes on, but you don't want to set yourself up for injury...bottomline is...did you have a good time?

Anyone else confused who is who out there? I don't really know where to go to check out what people's goals are. I can get to their logs, but don't remember who is who and what your goals and levels are at. If anyone could help that would be awesome!
2007-01-16 3:08 PM
in reply to: #656763

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
workouts are workouts. If you miss one so be it. if you miss 4 or 5 so be it. The only ones you should always try to fit in are the long ones...long rides, runs. Those help build the endurance and push the wall back. If you miss midweek stuff, big deal. Don't double or triple up for the sake of doing the workouts.

Plus, no matter where you are in training, the additional downtime is always good for the body.

I am confused as to who is who here too....lets just keep this page alive and comments here for our little training group. I think thats how its supposed to work anyway.
2007-01-16 3:09 PM
in reply to: #656763

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
I concur, if everyone can sign their posts with their real name that would be great.  I am emailing people and I don't even know if some of you are male or female.  I am Julie and did my first tri this past September.  I have signed up for six this year, all sprints and would love to try maybe an oly at the end of this year if all goes well.  Have a super day everyone.  Julie
2007-01-16 4:15 PM
in reply to: #639509

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
I am in agreeance about missing sessions! I used to have Anxiety attacks if i missed a session and stress about what i was missing out on. Once i spoke to a couple of others who were going through simular things training for their IM race, they told me if you start to stress out over sessions you will very soon start to NOT enjoy training at all, and become a victim of work outs in your mind.

I soon stopped worrying



2007-01-16 4:39 PM
in reply to: #639509


Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
It's good to hear that missing a few training days is okay. I know that marathon running you can afford to miss a few days as long as you get the long runs in. I was sick all weekend with sinus pain and somehow was experiencing something similar to vertigo on Sunday. I'm getting back in today though. I've been off since last Friday. Anyone here going to run in Miami in 2 weeks? Just curious. I'm going to run the half marathon.
2007-01-16 6:02 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Rocko--all the power to you...I hope it is warmer there than it was in Phoenix this past weekend.

I am doing my first swim in probably 5 months tomorrow a.m. YIKES! How I'll get to that 1.2 mi, I'm not sure, but starting from scratch tomorrow. Should feel good on my body after my race and give me one more day for the absence of the pounding of running. I talked to our school trainer tonight about my problems with my leg, knee and foot and we both think it is IT band. I guess I'll be icing and rolling that out the rest of the way. Hopefully it is something as simple as that and not anything more.

Work hard everyone and lose yourself in your workouts. Come this weekend, you'll want those extra calories burned so you can have a glass of wine or beer to celebrate a week well done without guilt! Tomorrow is hump day!

Kersten--from MILWAUKEE...aiming high 1/2 IM
2007-01-16 6:22 PM
in reply to: #656984

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Swam my first mile today peeps.  Felt good.  Maybe there is an IM in me somewhere yet.  Have a great night.  Julie
2007-01-16 7:43 PM
in reply to: #657013

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Hey Jules, that's awesome! Glad you're feeling good with swimming. Hey, i still owe you race's on the way!
2007-01-16 7:48 PM
in reply to: #656907

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Hey, are you feeling any better? I missed training today too - everything hurts. Gotta look at the long term goals, huh? Missing one day this week actually benefits you or hurts you for next week...

2007-01-16 8:25 PM
in reply to: #656984

Subject: Alta's Group - Meet 'n Greet
Hey TrYgrl brought up a good point. So, when logging in today...first thing I though was "dude, what an awesome group of people!" Then thought, "does everyone know who is who?..."

Can we do a "meet 'n greet" - check-in? Many have sent me messages with their race goals, backgrounds, training plans, etc. If you're okay with it, would you share them with the group?

Does anyone need any help planning a key workout for the week? What's your focus this week? Endurance? speed? technique? strength? Me, it's endurance (bike focused...)

Another thing, would you find it beneficial if I added a thread under each main discussion topic in the general boards that's ID'd to our group. That way, when we're out there corresponding on other topics, we'll have a place to locate one another? For example, set up an "Alta's Group" under the "Race Report" discussion item...

Let me know & stay strong...
2007-01-16 8:31 PM
in reply to: #639509

Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
I think thtas a great idea Alta that way we can communicate on a better level. Look forward to it all.


2007-01-16 9:07 PM
in reply to: #639509


Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL
Admittedly, I know I am spoiled. The weather has been excellent here. 5.5 mile run tonight. I did some intermittent stride work. Sounds like everyone is getting their swimming underway. Congrats to all. Hitting the pool early tomorrow morning.
2007-01-16 9:13 PM
in reply to: #639509

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Chester, NY
Subject: RE: Alta's Group - FULL

Rocko, Where are you at that the weather is so nice?  Finally got pretty chilly here tonight. 

Cherri, if you send a link for your new sub group I will copy and paste it into my log and I am there.  This is as far as I have ever gotten on the groups and threads.  I am a newbie in that sense. 

Have a stellar evening all.  Off to bed.  Julie

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