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2007-01-17 2:31 PM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Good day everyone, Just left the gym, swam almost 20 minutes... but it was ugly. Certainly need to practice, practice, practice with the swimming. Knocked out 6 miles yesterday on the treadmill, about 55 minutes and stopped past the local bike shop.

They measured me, looks like a 58cm Trek 1500 for me at this point. Haven't actually purchased the bike yet but leaning that way. I SERIOUSLY didn't know of all of the additions to the bikes, YIKES!!! Remaining positive cuz I think this is really what I've been looking for.

Any of you have input on training for a marathon, as well as a tri at the same time?? Good, Bad??

Take care everyone, and KEEP UP the GREAT work!

2007-01-17 3:02 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Nice job on the workout police. The swims get easier the more you do it. I'll bet you are way excited about the bike. I would be. Yes, there are lots and lots of extras that you can buy, but just wait until you are comfortable with the bike before getting all the extra stuff for it.
I had a decent swim, not fast by any means as I am still moving like a snail to keep the old heart rate down. 650yards and then some practice with flip turns. The good: less water up the nose. The bad: blowing out an eardrum from exhaling through my nose so violently....just kidding, kind of.
2007-01-17 3:55 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Hi guys.  In Chicago on a lay over.  Checking in.  Talked with Budda on the phone about us meeting up but he has to work and my flight leaves soon. 

 Ok some points I'd like to "mentor" you guys on that have been coming up here lately. Remember I'm not a certified coach.   Just passing along my experience.

 1. Ipod while running.  Absolutley! Let's face it, none of us are pro's and will never be.  So knowing that, I am gonna rock out while on the run.  very motivating.  I suggest that the week before your tri or run you have planned, Go do some light runs without it.  They are allowed in running races but not in a triathlon.  It's all about your preference.

2. Swimming. - Someone mentioned they kept going anerobic and had to stop.  I had the same prob 2 yrs ago.  Here's how you can build up yrds without trouble.  INTERVALS!  If your goal is to swim 1000 yrds, break it up.  No shame in it what so ever and you will soon find yourself swimming like a goldfish.  i suggest starting with 20 x 50 yds with a 60 second rest between.  Try this at least twice in a week. Next week, 10 x 100 yds with 60 seconds rest between 100's. From there each week reduce the interval rest down to 45 seconds, then to 30, then to 15 and before you know it, you'll knock a 1000 in one smooth event.

 3. Speed work.  Yes I would incorprate some sort of speed work once a week early on in the season.  It doesn't have to be long or intense.  Short and moderate.  And for god's sake don't hurt yourself......yet.

4. Flip Turns.   I don't do them and never have.  Never will.  Just not my style.  I'll swim to the end of the pool.  Touch the end, turn around and swim again.  I'm not entering any swim meet soon, so I figure why bother.  And yes sometimes I get water up the nose.  Not worth it to me.


2007-01-17 6:40 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Am I too late? Can Tyler help me? I need some coaching!
2007-01-17 6:51 PM
in reply to: #658363

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
tydarby - 2007-01-17 1:55 PM

4. Flip Turns.   I don't do them and never have.  Never will.  Just not my style.  I'll swim to the end of the pool.  Touch the end, turn around and swim again.  I'm not entering any swim meet soon, so I figure why bother.  And yes sometimes I get water up the nose.  Not worth it to me.


Man did you post that to the wrong forum! Of course you will learn them this winter! Duh!

2007-01-17 7:22 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
LOL....looks like Tyler is gonna inhale some clorine too :0) All in the name of Ironman...what we will do.

2007-01-17 7:25 PM
in reply to: #658631

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

That's much better than inhaling other stuff - and it makes a man or woman out of you. Flip turns are important to learn - it helps keep your swim stroke flowing, forces you to deal with missing a breath, teaches you coordination and most importantly, it makes you look like a real swimmer.

I say this whole group learns how to do flip turns this winter! Bring it!

2007-01-17 7:26 PM
in reply to: #658584

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

mikericci - 2007-01-17 7:40 PM Am I too late? Can Tyler help me? I need some coaching!

Folks, pay no intention to this room crasher :-) that has way too much time to play around on BT (over 3000 posts!).  Mike, I think you need to BT anonymous.  "Hi my name is Mike--I have a posting problem"  :-

 Everyone say hi to Mike Ricci.  THE MAN! THE MYTH!...MY COACH!

Hey Mike, I just flew into Chicago, got a crew car, hit the local gym for 1500 yrd swim, changed back into my pilot uniform and am back out  at the airport for my flight to Tampa.  And not one flip turn!! Can't make me...nope..not gonna do it...nanny poo poo. :-)

Folks, if Mike offers one piece of advice here to you, (and I hope he does) consider it a blessing from the Tri Gods above.  I just spent dinner and a half-day with Mike in Boulder.  Riviting useful info that I was trying to absorb over the weekend.


2007-01-17 7:33 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
See, I told you I was gonna look cool. Flip turns rock....yeah right....they still suck. BUT, I did one good one today!!!
2007-01-17 9:07 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Besides if you do the flop turns right you can get a good push with your legs and glide half way back down the lane there by saving you from actually having to swim
2007-01-17 9:08 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
oops F-L-I-P turns.

2007-01-17 9:11 PM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Wish me luck, tomorrow morning i'll be in the pool bright and early and yes, I'm gonna try the flip. Tyler I'm taking your advice regarding the swim. I'm shooting for 10x100 meters
2007-01-18 7:28 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
A wonderful thing happened today. I was able to run on the treadmill .5 mph faster than I had been doing the last two weeks. My rpe was the was the heart rate was a little higher avg. 146 and a max of 164 but the run felt good overall. Finally seeing some improvement, can't wait to weigh in on Monday.
2007-01-18 9:42 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Hey Tyler. Nutrition question. What is a typical eating schedule for you. Mainly, what do you have for breakfast to get your metabolism going in the morning.
2007-01-18 12:03 PM
in reply to: #659074

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

PGilger - 2007-01-18 10:42 AM Hey Tyler. Nutrition question. What is a typical eating schedule for you. Mainly, what do you have for breakfast to get your metabolism going in the morning.


Just the usual, with one exception. REDUCE THE DAIRY!  I have cut about 80-90% of my dairy intake in my diet.  Here's why.  I'm asthmatic.  Always have been.  REAL BAD.  So bad my parents flew me out to the National Jewish Center for Asthma Research in Denver when I was 6.  Their written report, I still have to this day, pretty much sums it up that I really need to be living in a plastic bubble.

For 10 years a close friend of mine (a nutritionist) was yelling at me to give up the dairy.  After cancer I finally saw the light and decided to try it.  I gave up ice cream, milk, cheese etc...  However, not 100%  I do have weaknesses.  I just drasticly lowered the volume and percentage I was eating.  

Within a few weeks I saw improvement.  Clearer airways, easier breathing, I woke in the morning clearer, my snoring has lessened I wasn't sneezing as much,  But that's prob also from weight loss.  You might say, "well you need milk for strong bones".  Hogwash!  Try brocolli instead.  Ton's of literature on other foods that provide calcium for strong bones.

Experpeted from

Nondairy Foods with Calcium

Getting enough calcium can be a especially hard if your kids are allergic to milk. These nondairy foods can be good choices for kids with milk allergies who need calcium:

  • Salmon
  • Tofu
  • Rhubarb
  • Sardines
  • Collard Greens
  • Spinach
  • Turnip Greens
  • Okra
  • White Beans
  • Baked Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Bok Choy
  • Almonds

Many people go through life and don't even know they might have allergic reactions to certain foods.  I start to sneeze, get congestion (mucus build up) from dairy products.

During the day I try to eat a little but often. (5 times)  We've all heard that before right?  Spread out your meals.  Don't group them into 3 feeding frenzys.  I always have a power bar close by for a snack between meals.  So to finally answer your question.  In the morning I love a bowl of oatmeal with raisins and tiny bit of milk in it.   But what really gets my metobolism going is my fiance' :-)


PS- Small factoid I learned from a nutritionist.  The need for fluids and the urge by the body to get something to drink can show up in the body as a feeling of hunger.  So if you feel hungry and you know you've already eaten, try drinking instead.  You could be partially dehydrated.

Edited by tydarby 2007-01-18 12:08 PM
2007-01-18 1:53 PM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I agree on the 5 meals a day. Protein is very important in saving/building muscle. I try to eat protein every meal I eat. I'm far from an expert, but trying to save as muscle as I can while training and have found I have to up the protein intake some.

Training today went ok I guess. I take Tyler's advice and split the pool into 10x100m swims. I only made it to 8 and was seriously frustrated. Not to the point that I'm throwing in the towel, just know swimming is definitely a weakness I have.

Considering a spinning class this evening. Still trying to tack down a regular workout routine. Suggestions?

2007-01-18 2:13 PM
in reply to: #659609

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Police256 - 2007-01-18 11:53 AM I agree on the 5 meals a day. Protein is very important in saving/building muscle. I try to eat protein every meal I eat. I'm far from an expert, but trying to save as muscle as I can while training and have found I have to up the protein intake some. Training today went ok I guess. I take Tyler's advice and split the pool into 10x100m swims. I only made it to 8 and was seriously frustrated. Not to the point that I'm throwing in the towel, just know swimming is definitely a weakness I have. Considering a spinning class this evening. Still trying to tack down a regular workout routine. Suggestions?

Police - there are plenty of free programs on this site and I have written some programs for the Gold and Silver level as well. Check them out.

2007-01-18 2:21 PM
in reply to: #659370

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Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
tydarby - 2007-01-18 10:03 AM

PGilger - 2007-01-18 10:42 AM Hey Tyler. Nutrition question. What is a typical eating schedule for you. Mainly, what do you have for breakfast to get your metabolism going in the morning.


Just the usual, with one exception. REDUCE THE DAIRY!  I have cut about 80-90% of my dairy intake in my diet.  Here's why.  I'm asthmatic.  Always have been.  REAL BAD.  So bad my parents flew me out to the National Jewish Center for Asthma Research in Denver when I was 6.  Their written report, I still have to this day, pretty much sums it up that I really need to be living in a plastic bubble.

For 10 years a close friend of mine (a nutritionist) was yelling at me to give up the dairy.  After cancer I finally saw the light and decided to try it.  I gave up ice cream, milk, cheese etc...  However, not 100%  I do have weaknesses.  I just drasticly lowered the volume and percentage I was eating.  

Within a few weeks I saw improvement.  Clearer airways, easier breathing, I woke in the morning clearer, my snoring has lessened I wasn't sneezing as much,  But that's prob also from weight loss.  You might say, "well you need milk for strong bones".  Hogwash!  Try brocolli instead.  Ton's of literature on other foods that provide calcium for strong bones.

Experpeted from

Nondairy Foods with Calcium

Getting enough calcium can be a especially hard if your kids are allergic to milk. These nondairy foods can be good choices for kids with milk allergies who need calcium:

  • Salmon
  • Tofu
  • Rhubarb
  • Sardines
  • Collard Greens
  • Spinach
  • Turnip Greens
  • Okra
  • White Beans
  • Baked Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Peas
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Sesame Seeds
  • Bok Choy
  • Almonds

Many people go through life and don't even know they might have allergic reactions to certain foods.  I start to sneeze, get congestion (mucus build up) from dairy products.

During the day I try to eat a little but often. (5 times)  We've all heard that before right?  Spread out your meals.  Don't group them into 3 feeding frenzys.  I always have a power bar close by for a snack between meals.  So to finally answer your question.  In the morning I love a bowl of oatmeal with raisins and tiny bit of milk in it.   But what really gets my metobolism going is my fiance' :-)


PS- Small factoid I learned from a nutritionist.  The need for fluids and the urge by the body to get something to drink can show up in the body as a feeling of hunger.  So if you feel hungry and you know you've already eaten, try drinking instead.  You could be partially dehydrated.

Here are my keys to good nutrition:

1. Eat fruits/veggies as snacks - try 6-8 pieces of fruit per day
2. Eat lean meats
3. stay away from processed foods - this means anything in a box, in a wrapper etc (including power bars etc)
4. Drink lots of water - upwards of 100 oz a day
5. Eat starchy carbs after a workout for glycogen replacement
6. Eat protein with EVERY meal!

That's it. :-)

2007-01-18 3:37 PM
in reply to: #659609

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Police256 - 2007-01-18 2:53 PM I only made it to 8 and was seriously frustrated. Not to the point that I'm throwing in the towel, just know swimming is definitely a weakness I have. [/QUOTE]

Only made it to 800 huh?  Police do realize what your saying? Today you just swam the length of 8 football fields!!!  You should be damn proud of yourself.  How many people can say they've done than in their life.......ever.  And that was just one of your workouts!  CONRATS MAN.  Good on ya.  Ok so swimming is your weakness, hop in the pool man, you're in good company cause that's prob the weakness of 99% of amatuer triathlete's like yourself.

Congrats to all of you here that are making the effort to even get up in the morning and do this stuff.  In todays world of fast-crap-food, "lose weight now", "burn calories while sitting", infommericialized trans-fat America - you guys are winning the battle against is all by making the decission to not get strung along anymore. You're taking back charge of your life & health and the responsibility for it.  Making up your mind to do something is tougher then any physical event there is.  The strongest fastest person can never win if they can't make up their mind to do so.

I'm so glad we got this little group going. This Mentor Program by BT is fantastic.  I truley believe in this type of system.  It's very analagous(is that a word?) to the movie PAY IT FORWARD.  By being better to yourself and just a few people, it spreads rapidly to others and affect them tremendously.  So on and so on.  By being healthier, your happier, people want to be around more, you wake up looking forward to the day, not dreading it.

So from now "I only..." is not allowed.  From now on it's "I did..." 

2007-01-19 3:14 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

So what's everyone's first race scheduled for this year?  Inquiring minds want to know.

 BigGuyTri where are you buddy?  Out tri'ng?



2007-01-19 4:39 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
My first tri isn't until June 3rd.  (Deer Creek Triathlon), . I am going to to a Duathlon May 13. Olentangy Duathlon.

2007-01-19 4:54 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Well, now that it's nearly the end of the week, here are some of my numbers.
Run/walk: 7 miles I have a shin splint issue I am working on so most of this is walking mileage
Swim: 1400 yards plus a lesson and several choking sessions (flip turns)
Bike: 1hr 50min all on the trainer. No distance, just time in the bank.
Tommorrow is an off day for me.

My first tri will be the Firecracker triathlon in Benton Harbor, Michigan July 1st. It's a fun sprint distance race with an open Lake Michigan swim. I am doing a couple of 5k's before that, the first being April 30th. I am also looking for a half marathon this spring that is close to home and not too big.

Hope everyone had a great week!
2007-01-19 7:55 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I'm doing the Chicago International distance in August. Everything else is in flux right now. I'll do a couple of 5K'S as they come up and depending on how I'm doing.
2007-01-19 9:12 PM
in reply to: #661218

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Hey Kim did you do the firecracker last year. Sounds like it is a pretty good race. If you did it what can you tell me about it. Might try and do it if my schedules works out.
2007-01-20 7:12 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Off to swim bike run today.  Per Coach Mike's plan.  He's so sadistic.    All zone 1-2 stuff.  Almost starting to not tread the multiple workouts per day....almost.  Not there yet.



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