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2007-01-09 6:11 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

That is the bike that I just got I am so glad to hear that you like it!!!!!

I found out today that I have to have a little procedure done on Feb 6th....UGHHHHH however I will be able to swim after 2 weeks and ride after 4. That will leave me 12 full weeks to train for June hopefully I will be okay still!!!

I swam 3500 yards this morning and I am exhausted. I am supposed to take a day off tommorrow but I am going with a friend to work out with her personal trainer I am going to take this opportunity to ask her about strength training for the Tri.

Hope you all had a good day.


2007-01-09 6:28 PM
in reply to: #647864

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

lialog - 2007-01-09 10:58 AM From reading everyone's background I think I'm a beginning beginner. I did a walk/run (a lot more walking than running) on the treadmill this morning. Then I did some strength training. Cathy, I do not have a bike and I don't know anything about bikes. What bike do you suggest that I get starting out? Is there anything out there that has a good reputation and is under $1000? My son who is almost 3 has to get a root canal done on his front tooth tomorrow. He was running around and fell and his front tooth is loose. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do any training tomorrow. The dentist said after having oral sedation they can get very cranky. It all depends on how he does. Thanks! Mel

Hi Mel!  I agree with Kaci....going to visit your local bike shop (LBS) is invaluable, especially for figuring out your bike size!

Bikes that are good in that price range that have what I consider to be good components are: Felt 85, Specialized Allez, and Giant OCR 1.  The MSRP's on these go up to $1100, but they typically are less at the LBS.  Or you can make an offer.    and keep in mind that the '06 bikes are now "last year's" models and you can often find a good deal on them. 

Nice work with the treadmill and strength training! 

OMG, a root canal in a 3 y/o?  How awful!  good luck, I hope your little guy is ok (and that you are too!). 

2007-01-09 6:35 PM
in reply to: #648383

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

countregirl - 2007-01-09 5:11 PM I found out today that I have to have a little procedure done on Feb 6th....UGHHHHH however I will be able to swim after 2 weeks and ride after 4. That will leave me 12 full weeks to train for June hopefully I will be okay still!!! I swam 3500 yards this morning and I am exhausted. I am supposed to take a day off tommorrow but I am going with a friend to work out with her personal trainer I am going to take this opportunity to ask her about strength training for the Tri. Hope you all had a good day. Heather

wow, Heather....not fun, BUT it's great that you'll still have plenty of time before your tri!  Nice work on your swim.  You are a fish! 

If you get any good tips from the personal trainer, let us know! 

2007-01-10 9:25 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Good morning everyone!  How is training going?

My plan is to enjoy the last warm day here for a while.  We are supposed to get snow YET AGAIN beginning tomorrow!  My house has seen a grand total of 46 inches of snow since 12/21! 

Have a great Wednesday!  It has been really cool to check on your workouts!

2007-01-10 10:18 AM
in reply to: #647864

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
lialog - 2007-01-09 11:58 AM

From reading everyone's background I think I'm a beginning beginner. I did a walk/run (a lot more walking than running) on the treadmill this morning. Then I did some strength training.

Cathy, I do not have a bike and I don't know anything about bikes. What bike do you suggest that I get starting out? Is there anything out there that has a good reputation and is under $1000?

My son who is almost 3 has to get a root canal done on his front tooth tomorrow. He was running around and fell and his front tooth is loose. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do any training tomorrow. The dentist said after having oral sedation they can get very cranky. It all depends on how he does.



Mel, I'm totally new to this too!! Last time I did any real riding on a bike it had a basket and a bell--my pink Huffy in the 6th grade I took a look at the road bikes.. I'm SURE at some point I WILL fall of the thing.

Cathy, thanks for all the help with bikes... I'm planning on buying used. There are a few new/use bike shops in town I plan to visit--get fitted and suggestions. I'm going to have to start training in the gym, so I feel I have a month or so before I have to buy.

We CAN do this ladies

2007-01-10 10:44 AM
in reply to: #647151

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Subject: Managing Family and work thread
So, I was reading through this thread and a few times people were using the accronym AG, like:
" I think that a HIM might be a little trickier to negotiate, especially with a new baby, but it's certainly not impossible, especially if your goal is just to finish the race and not to win your AG. "

What is AG?

By the way, some good tips in there, thanks for the link!


2007-01-10 11:17 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

AG=Age Group

HIM=Half Iron Man


Hi everyone, you couldn't have picked a better mentor than Cathy, she's always willing to help, and a good friend as well.

Good luck to all of you on your triathlon goals...

Edited by bsjracing 2007-01-10 11:21 AM
2007-01-10 12:57 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Thanks Brad!  And here's a link to a recent article about triathlon lingo, including abbreviations (of which there are A LOT!):

I feel like the queen of links! 

You are all doing awesome!  Keep it up with training.  And keep asking questions! 

Anybody have a wetsuit?  Thinking about one?  Too warm where you live to use one? 

2007-01-10 1:25 PM
in reply to: #649370

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
I get claustrophobic in wet suits... I feel like I can not breathe. I need to find a way to deal with it. Any tips? I know it's a unique issue ;-)
2007-01-10 1:27 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
I am not sure I will need a wetsuit in NC in June----the water should be around 80....I plan on wearing a Tri Suit.....I think you cannot wear wetsuit if above 80 right?

Training for today: Strength training and ran/walked 20 minutes on treadmill....

The trainer was awesome--she gave me a list of exercises for the gym OR home which is great...she said the strength training will help with the run and the transition times....

Hope everyone is well!

2007-01-10 1:37 PM
in reply to: #649370

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
I probably won't need one in CA in August - but I have an o'neil swim wetsuit. I like to swim with the wetsuit because it keeps you more bouyant

Workout today: run 2 miles

Homework for this week: Find heart rate monitor and check my bike to make sure I'm ready to ride. Then set up my bike on the trainer.

2007-01-10 2:43 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

I do use a is usually needed here because of temps, but since swimming is my weak spot, I like the buoyancy!  Swimming in open water is NOT my forte!  But I've decided that I will conquer open water swimming (OWS) THIS YEAR.

Zoya - huh, not sure what to tell you on that one!  Maybe try on some and see how others feel?  Or maybe don't zipper it all the way to the top?

Heather - yes, the rules are that if the water is above 74, then wetsuits are not legal.......however, you CAN still wear one, but you won't be counted in the placings then. 

Kaci - where is Barb's race?  Is that a lake swim?

I forgot - you are all the swimmers extraordinaire!  That's good though! 

2007-01-10 4:30 PM
in reply to: #649567

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Barb's race is in Santa Rosa, CA. It's a really beautiful tri. You should do it if you get the chance. The swim part of it is in the Russian River. Sounds bad, but they dam the river in the summer and there is hardly a current. Besides, we're not getting much rain at all right now and the snow level in the Sierras isn't that much.

That's a great idea about the wetsuit - try not zipping it up all the way and folding in the collar. Sometimes I do this because I hate the feel of a wetsuit on my neck.
2007-01-11 11:55 AM
in reply to: #641608

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

Hello everyone!  Happy Thursday.   

kaci, if you want any extra snow, you can HAVE it!  We're getting yet another storm starting today.  It doesn't normally snow like this here!  And it's supposed to be single digit temps with lows in the negatives!  ouch. 

Does everyone know about cadence?  With biking in triathlons, (and in training) it is ideal to get your cadence (rpm's for one foot) to 90 per minute.  That is supposed to be the ideal for keeping moving at a decent clip AND for not overdoing it so that you can still run or walk the next part of the race! 

I have a swim on tap today.  I got on the trainer this morning already.  Hope everyone is doing well.  And feel free to check out each other's logs and comment!  It helps with the camaraderie.  (did I spell that right?)

2007-01-11 12:43 PM
in reply to: #650782

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Reston, VA
Gold member
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
How about the running cadence? I've heard that it is also recommended to keep it at 90 (per one foot), i however tried so hard to move from my 83 count cadence I'm stuck with. Any advise?
2007-01-11 1:08 PM
in reply to: #650876

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

zschaller - 2007-01-11 11:43 AM How about the running cadence? I've heard that it is also recommended to keep it at 90 (per one foot), i however tried so hard to move from my 83 count cadence I'm stuck with. Any advise?

Yes, that is also true!  Supposed to be most far as advice, it just takes time to develop that.  I'm still working on it also!  I have increased from 80 to about 84, but still working on getting to 90.  With your running, try a few minutes of trying to hit 86 or 88 and then return to your norm (because it's hard to maintain!).  It can be a drill for a few minutes.  Over time, lengthen the amount of time with a higher cadence and keep aiming for 90.  It will just take some time!  A lot of time!  But keep working on it, you will get there.

2007-01-11 1:28 PM
in reply to: #650782

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hey Cathy!

Stay warm out there - I've been watching the weather and you guys are getting hit this season!

How do you measure cadance for running? And can you measure cadance for biking without equipment? I already have a bike computer and it doesn't have cadance.


Edited by kaciphiz 2007-01-11 1:29 PM
2007-01-11 1:57 PM
in reply to: #650970

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

kaciphiz - 2007-01-11 12:28 PM How do you measure cadance for running? And can you measure cadance for biking without equipment? I already have a bike computer and it doesn't have cadance. Kaci

Just by counting on your own.  For running, count how many right foot strikes you have in 15 seconds and multiply by 4, shoot for 22-23. 

for biking, count how many times your right knee comes up in 15 seconds and multiply by 4.  It is nice to have a cadence function on a bike computer (found on the Cateye Astrale 8), but it isn't necessary! 

2007-01-11 3:59 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Thanks for all the info. I'm going to print everything out so I can read it. That was a really good link on balancing family and training. I think I'm pretty lucky since I'm a SAHM and we have an excellent Y that is close by. They have a tri training group that is starting in Feb.

Trimomnewbe, Thanks that makes me feel better that I'm not the only one!

Training today: swam 1 hour & biked for 45 min.

I have a few questions that I was thinking about:

Can you recommend a HR monitor? I was looking at them but I don't know if I need all the bells & whistles or just some of them.

This is going to sound like a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway, How do you figure out how many laps you've swam?

I used to swim when I was in HS but that was a long time ago. It's almost like I need to relearn how to breath while I'm swimming again. I'm having a tough time breathing esp when I do the crawl stroke. Any tips would be very much appreciated! I also noticed the other swimmers around me are doing the crawl stroke the whole time they are swimming. Should I be only doing the crawl stroke or is it okay to do the breast stroke too?

Are there any good tri books you can recommend?

My ds ended up having his tooth pulled yesterday instead of a root canal. The dentist was unable to save his tooth. My ds did really well. I was so proud of him. The dentist gave him a shot to numb the area and he didn't even cry. They are going to put a fake tooth in.

I hope everyone is doing well!


Edited by lialog 2007-01-11 4:00 PM
2007-01-11 8:17 PM
in reply to: #641608

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Hi Mel-

I am glad your DS is okay that sounds bad! It hurts me when my kids hurt I hate it!

As far as the swimming...are you swimming yards? The pool I am in is 25 yards, however some swim long course which is 25 or 50 meters. 1000 yards = 40 laps. 1 mile = 72 laps (25 yard pool).

As far as the stroke thing I think it is like riding a bike, most triathletes swim freestyle (crawl) however I HATE all freestyle as I swam 400 IM and 200 Butterfly my whole life. Distance free gives me a stomachache ahahahah

This morning I sucked it up bad I am REALLY sore from strength training had trouble even sitting on the toilet today TMI sorry, from doing lunges with weights. UGH

I still managed to do 3000 yards (120 laps) but it was not great!

I think I need a day off I am sore all over.

I would like to know about the heart rate monitor thingy too.

Have a good night girls!

2007-01-11 10:47 PM
in reply to: #651288

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

lialog - 2007-01-11 2:59 PM Can you recommend a HR monitor? I was looking at them but I don't know if I need all the bells & whistles or just some of them.

They DO vary a lot.  I think a great starter one that has probably everything you need is the Polar S150 - I believe it is about $75.  The important functions are displaying your HR, and average HR at the end of your workout.  It's ideal to be able to put in your zones (next paragraph) or at least an alarm of a low and high HR.  Timex also makes decent ones.  Garmin started making HRMs that also have GPS in them so you can measure distance, etc.  Those are pretty cool.  But expensive.  Tri Geeks who like gadgets often get the Polar S625X or the Garmin 305 ($$$!). 

The important thing with HRMs is finding out your LT (lactate threshold): the point (the heart rate) at which your body makes more lactate than your body can handle.  You can test this for both the bike and the run (they will be different).  For example, my LT for the run is 173, but for the bike it is 155.  From that, you can figure out your zones.  Most endurance training is to be in zone 1-2.  Zone 3 is "no man's land" where you are pushing hard enough that you aren't gaining so much fitness as you are breaking down your body.  Z4 is LT.  Z5 is sprinting.  Man, I have to find a link on this one.....I am not an expert, but have the general idea.  Zone 1-2 often feels ridiculously slow, but it helps to build endurance!  Feel free to look at my log, and click on the HR zones for run and bike, just to see what they are.

This is going to sound like a stupid question but I'll ask it anyway, How do you figure out how many laps you've swam?

Do you mean how do I keep track?  Mainly I swim in sets - you can look at my log for examples.  Today I swam a whole lot of 300 yd sets.  I can keep track of that, but anything beyond 500, I get confused.  So I do something similar to a suggestion that TriMom217 made probably 2 years ago.  For each 25 yds, I go through the alphabet: A is for Ann (25), Ann lives in Annapolis (50), Ann sells apples (75), Ann has a son named Adam (100).  So there are 4 things I go through for each 100....and then for the next 100, I move on to B, C, etc.  That probably sounds more confusing than it is!  At least it keeps my mind occupied!

There is also a product that I've never used....a thing you can put on your finger that is a lap counter.  I've also heard of people having a pile of pennies at the end of a lane that they move to indicate each 50 yds. 

I used to swim when I was in HS but that was a long time ago. It's almost like I need to relearn how to breath while I'm swimming again. I'm having a tough time breathing esp when I do the crawl stroke. Any tips would be very much appreciated! I also noticed the other swimmers around me are doing the crawl stroke the whole time they are swimming. Should I be only doing the crawl stroke or is it okay to do the breast stroke too?

Heard of TI? (total immersion? it's a book and a DVD)  Mostly drills. "Purist" swimmers don't like TI, but it helps with re-learning balance to be able to breathe.  The one that helped me the most was kicking on my side, face in the water (belly button pointing towards the pool side wall).  I do almost totally freestyle.  But I am no swimmer, and I only know how to correctly do the backstroke (learned in Masters).  I think it is a good idea to do some of the other strokes because it helps balance out the shoulder muscles and hopefully avoid injury.  In a race you can do any stroke you want!  You will see people doing backstroke and breaststroke!  People typically do freestyle because it is the fastest for distance

Are there any good tri books you can recommend?

Triathlon 101 by Mora; Triathlete's Training Bible by Friel though this book is fairly technical. 

OMG, your poor son!  and I'm sure your wallet is being affected too!  Going to the dentist to have anything besides a cleaning is one of my greatest fears!  Your son sounds like he did awesome!

Is that information overload?  Feel free to ask for clarification on any of that too! 

2007-01-11 10:49 PM
in reply to: #651573

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL

countregirl - 2007-01-11 7:17 PM This morning I sucked it up bad I am REALLY sore from strength training had trouble even sitting on the toilet today TMI sorry, from doing lunges with weights. UGH I still managed to do 3000 yards (120 laps) but it was not great! I think I need a day off I am sore all over.

LOL!  That has me cracking up!    Too funny. 

You all are seriously kickin' butt!  I am so happy

2007-01-12 10:40 AM
in reply to: #651707

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
OK - Website question....
How do you get the picture next to your messages? I tried to figure it out last night and couldn't. I know it's something easy.

2007-01-12 11:18 AM
in reply to: #652129

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Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
kaciphiz - 2007-01-12 10:40 AM OK - Website question.... How do you get the picture next to your messages? I tried to figure it out last night and couldn't. I know it's something easy. Thanks!
On the top left of this page there is a thingy that says Control it...then scroll to the bottom, there are options there to load two different pictures....load the one for "profile image"  you should be set.
2007-01-12 11:38 AM
in reply to: #652212

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Subject: RE: COgirl's Group - FULL
Thanks for the fish!
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