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2007-01-25 8:32 AM
in reply to: #651117

Philadelphia, Pa
Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Steve you are becoming quite popular!!!!

2007-01-25 8:49 AM
in reply to: #666890

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Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi lpc25,
Welcome to the group and sport. Your story is very similar to many of ours and it is great that you have decided to do tri's. I would look at some of the beginner programs in this site as a start. That will suggest the time committmemt you will need for tri training and that's a start. Also, looka the distance of your first tri, if you are looking at Sprint and even OLY distance, the end of April is manageable (more for Sprint). Swim struggle is common, but it can be overcome with some practice and work on form. IF you belong to a gym, see if they ahve a Master's Swim program, don't go to be competitive, but go to learn. Have the coach check out your stroke and make some recommendations on improvement. Each year, I take a stroke improvement class at my local gym, another option. Main point, stick with it and your tri experience will be great.

2007-01-25 8:59 AM
in reply to: #666903

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Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi Tammyrn,
Sorry about the choices being limited with mentors. I think that you'll be fine in here and keep looking if you want other perspectives. There are a few women in here, but one thing binds all of us-- We are intrested in gaining a perspective on tri training and racing.

It looks like for what you wrote, you have a bunch of tools already at your disposa. Having comfort in the water is key. This is where folks like me who are challenged in the water struggle. Youi are also familiar with running from your track days. For some reason, runners have a hard time becoming swimmers and Swimmers have a hard time becoming runners. But you are both! Great start, not the bike, that will be the easy part for you. The cliff you speak about is one that you construct! You have a good understanding from your boyfriend on what it involves to do longer distances. Keep your cliff at the height that you wnat it you will do great!

2007-01-25 9:11 AM
in reply to: #667212

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Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hello Renee,
Check out Coach Troy Jacobson's Iron Focus audio CD ( which helps with some of the mental aspects of long course racing. He breaks things down into segments that can help you define your purpose in training. The bike is the most difficult part to stay focused on! I am in full agreement and that when you get diostracted, it slows you down. SOme tricks include chunking the ride down, setting time goals, in training do sprints, such as sprint to the end of x section, or push it tup x climb. I do this alot during my long Ironman rides and keep mental notes on my times effoorts etc. This is stuff you will also do in a race believe it or not. You know what is involved in the training and that could either be good or not. I recall my experience last season when I was training for my second Ironman and it was a disadvantage to me due to my mental foucs lacking and motivation. BUT, you are MOTIVATED and READY TO ROCK! You have done it before as it is truly like riding a bike....once you know what is involved in training you will remember what to do!

2007-01-25 9:28 AM
in reply to: #651117


Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi! I am Valerie, a 31 y/o married mother of 7 daughters(4 biological) living in Urbana Illinois. I started this year off determined to make a change in my physical and emotional well-being and to motivate my husband to lose his weight without surgery. I started by dropping my calories from OH MY GOSH!!! to no more than 1500 a day, cutting out pop and cappuccinos(which were my main source of empty calories)and upping my water intake from zilch to the reccommended 64 oz a day minimum. Here on day 25, I put on a pair of pants that haven't fit in months without having to lay down, squeeze all the air out of my lungs and not breathe for the rest of the day! I had been considering doing a tri before, but now I am convinced that I can do it, but I need direction! I am really hoping this is the right place for me!!
2007-01-25 10:15 AM
in reply to: #651117

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi All,

I just wanted to take the opportunity to invite you all to look at my logs and provide feedback, recomendations, criticism, etc. and to encourage you all to utilize the logs to document your own training. By allowing the forum members to see your training and provide positive feedback and recomendations, we will all benefit and reach our individual goals.



2007-01-25 10:25 AM
in reply to: #651117

Philadelphia, Pa
Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
The sarge is right, I think we can all learn a lot from each other by checking out one another's logs and giving feedback or even inspiration, just don't make too much fun of my morbidly slow swimming, I just learned last year!!!

Edited by ljk2171` 2007-01-25 10:25 AM
2007-01-25 12:38 PM
in reply to: #667257

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Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Sorry AF SGT it took me so long to reply. I kind of got behind. Wow, 5430 Sprint still isn't easy. before my surgery I was doing the 5430 OLY course on computrainer and it is fun. My wife did the course last weekend and she cursed me because she had to get off and finishe her brick! Anyway, loooking at your proposed race plan it seems like you really have some reasonable and yet challenging goals ahead of you. The only think I would suggest is race some OLY distances as it get your body used to racing over a 2 to 3 hour span that I found helped me whn I jumped to Half Iron in my 3rd year of triathlon. You are also getting connected to TNT which offers coaching for triathlon and can be a great resource I believe that some of their folks are adept in Half Iron and ironman racing. I saw in one of your more recent posts that you are loggin your training and if you want a critique or some feeback I can do that if you are interested. June is a long way away, but it is never too early to begin training. Just be careful to not peak while in March!

FYI- You are already an inspiration to your children. Triathlon will just add to that inspiration you provide to them now. My best triathlon expereinces are watching my kids finish each of their triathlons and also my wife and I running to the finish of her first tri together! My personal greatest thrill was having my kids cross the line with me at IM AZ. I am sure in 2010 we will see that picture of you and the 5 crossing the line as well!

2007-01-25 12:50 PM
in reply to: #667383

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Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi Valerie,
I appologize for the delay in responding. I see that you are happy with the changes you made thus far. It is amazing how doing the little things can create big results, The big thing about this exercise stuff is consistency and maintaining movtivation. One of the best things that has happended to triathlon during its growth is that it does offer a wide range of opportunities for us to compete and take the challenge. DO you have a race in mind? If not check out and click on your state and that will give you some choices. The other thing that is great is the number of women's only tris has risen dramatically. This give you an opportunity to enjoy the race and not have the ultraserious male racers create problems on the race course (us guys have been known to do that). We had an Women's Only race in Columbia MD that was a HUGE sucess and a number of the women were first timers and enjoyed their race expereince. As a start, what are you doing for exercise? How much time to you have to dedicate to training? The answers to these questions will guide you as to what type of program may work well for you! Let me know how else I can Help!

2007-01-25 12:59 PM
in reply to: #667285

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Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hello Michael,
Wow, I wish I could do those times again! You are in a perfect place to move to triathlon and I won't take much to make that move. Transferring your 100k time to doing it on a road bike fitted with clip on areo bars, you would be motoring!

Simply put, here's how my week breaks out:
Monday- off;
Tuesday- Run, Swim (everyother week), Core and weights
Wednesday Swim (the week I don't swim on Tues), Brick (bike then Run)
Thursday- Bike
Friday- Run, core& Weights
Saturday- Long Bike, Swim (1x per 4 week cycle- Brick- long ride, short run)
Sunday- Long Run, Swim, core&weights

Adapting some type of program like this is the most easy way to be transformed into a triathlete. This type of cross training will save your joints!

2007-01-25 1:04 PM
in reply to: #667482


Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi everyone,
Sorry I have not posted anything in the past few days. Life get busy and my swim class just kicked off so that is a lot of work right now. Sarge I agree that accountablity is a great motivator as long as we keep it to incouragement and not discouraging. But everyone please feel free to browse my workout and nutrition logs. Please keep in mind I'm a couch potato to sprint guy with no real sports background. Sarge to a look at your training log and it look like you already swim 2000 meters a few time a week and run 5 to 8 miles, so be encouraged the bike will come quickly (Once the snow melts!).


2007-01-25 1:13 PM
in reply to: #667809

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
IronSteve - 2007-01-25 11:38 AM

I saw in one of your more recent posts that you are loggin your training and if you want a critique or some feeback I can do that if you are interested. June is a long way away, but it is never too early to begin training. Steve

Steve, That would be great. I look forward to feedback from seasoned vets and beginners alike. I have been logging since the middle of Oct when I first started running, but I didn't get serious until Jan 1st so you'll see a big difference in the way I am training now vs. 2006. Take a look an d let me know what you think. Right now my cycling is my weakest link, because I havn't had the weather to do it.



2007-01-25 1:16 PM
in reply to: #667861

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Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Keep your focus run strong, swim strong! Live stronger! The accoutability thing sis great, as long as it stays accountability and not competitive! Keep your fouc on your abilities and your goals, enjoy the fact that others, including yourself, are getting fit and faster.
You will be great come race day!

2007-01-25 7:07 PM
in reply to: #651117

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi all,
I'm new to the sport, signed up for a 10 K run the end of March, my first tri sprint in June and another one in August which will be an open water swim. I'm nearly 47, married with 2 girls (age 11 and 12).
I took up running in late 2005 to deal with some particularly rotten days at work (I'm an ER RN so a bad day could mean many different things) Did my first 10 K last April where my goal was to finish without needing to see my friends in the medical tent. Did an 8K in Nov and placed in the top 100 for the age group.
I've been working with a swim coach for the past few months and he has taken my stroke to a level I never knew was inside of me (though it was really bad to begin with and I do in 2 hours the distance the "advanced" class members do in 1.) Seriously, I'm starting to enjoy swimming as much as a good hard run I've found my asthma is generally in better control with the additional swim time than it was with just running.
I'm working on the bike thing, too much like work. I don't particularly enjoy spinning classes though they beat getting on the bikes in the rest of the gym. Tried to ride outside yesterday after a run and found the wind went right through my layers of clothing and I was frozen to the bone. Love the clipless pedals and BG shoes though--hills that used to challenge me are a whole lot easier with these.
I like Pilates for core training and deep stretching. Strength training seems to be getting back seat to all the cardio, but I try to get one session in each week
2007-01-26 9:12 AM
in reply to: #651117

New user

Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi Everyone,

Just been swimning today for the first time properly in years, i'm rubbish. Any tips on how to breathe, i'm getting knackered after 2 x 25m lengths. Do ya think anyone will notice if a fix a speed boat engine to my back during the swim section of the triathlon.

2007-01-26 10:06 AM
in reply to: #668767


Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hey Mike,
I've got a stealth speed boat engine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone... oh, wait, never mind.

I'm focusing on my swim technique right now. Currently reading the Total Immersion swim book, which aims to build (or rebuild) your technique to make you a more *efficient* swimmer. I'm hoping that I can use those drills in the next 5 weeks to improve my swim stroke, so that by the time I start my proper BT training program in March I'll actually be practicing good technique, as opposed to my learned-it-at-summer-camp form.

Good luck!

2007-01-26 2:44 PM
in reply to: #668767

New user

Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
mp6ugs - 2007-01-26 9:12 AM

Hi Everyone,

Just been swimning today for the first time properly in years, i'm rubbish. Any tips on how to breathe, i'm getting knackered after 2 x 25m lengths. Do ya think anyone will notice if a fix a speed boat engine to my back during the swim section of the triathlon.


Hi Mike,
I know what you mean! Started just like that and am still not that good at it. Swimming is a very technique driven sport which is so hard for those of us coming to it a bit later in life!

Couple of points- forget about speed! Take it easy, take your time and it will get better. The best way I think to learn is to break down each of the skills and spend time on only one thing at a time- this means drills drills drills! Think if it like playing tennis or golf- you take each skill, practice it and then move on- it may be quite some time before you actually play a game.

Total immersion is a great start (see if your library has a copy if you dont want to buy it) but there are other books and websites that can help.

Keep at it- remember you dont have to be fast!
2007-01-26 3:14 PM
in reply to: #657272

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Gland, Switzerland
Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi Matt (aka elmatto),

Wanted to ask you about your ITB strap, you've used this before and it's helped you? I also had/have a serious ITB problem after running a 1/2 marathon. It took me well over 6 months to be able to run again (for more than 2km's). Since then, I've had to be very careful. For my running days I always start with a slow 10 min warm up jog, stretch like mad and ice the darn thing afterwards. I also found that towards the end of the traning week, when I am supposed to go for another run, I have to either take a day off or change the workout to a swim just to make sure my ITB is ok.

Anyway, all this to ask you about the strap...I'd like to get your impression on it (or anybody else's who's used one) before I go out and get one.


2007-01-26 4:43 PM
in reply to: #651117


Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Steve or anyone
I need some advice / encouragement. I just started adding my swim workout to my program this week, and now I'm just wiped out. I have always enjoyed biking and yesterday even that was just rough. I can't afford a gym membership with a pool which around here is between $75 and $150 a month, so I signed up for a conditioning swimming class thru the college. That is 1500 to 2000m every Monday and Wednesday. This is 1500m to 2000m more than I have swam ever at one time. I have read on this site that if you feel like I need a rest I should take it. I guess my question is should I just take it slow but still run or bike as I have scheduled or skip a run or bike when I feel spent? When does it become counter productive to not let your body rest? And when is it good to push though mental barriers?
2007-01-26 4:55 PM
in reply to: #669340

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Have you spoken to the coach about your goals for triathalon? I'd start there and see if there's a "slow lane" available for working on drills/form. From what I've read we shouldn't push ourselves to complete other training if we're spent but isn't pushing the physical limits of our lives what this sport is all about? I'm probably the last person with an answer because I know I cram way too much into my workout time
2007-01-26 5:16 PM
in reply to: #669340

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Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hello Midnight,
I see your issue and not an easy one at that. Look at what you want. What are your goals and that is a good place to start. If you are wanting to follow through with tri then you will. Swimming challenges most of us and you just may nbot be able to go the distance and or may have to be in the slower lane. That is not a big deal. To do 1500 to 2000 may be something you build up to. Let folks teaching the class your limitations and they will help you build up to the distances. WHen I first took stroke mechanic clinics I was only able to do 25m then rest! So, do what feels right. You may need a little push to do more during your class and that is the instructors responsibility. Kepp running and cycling! Swimming will come and be patient. Be patient with yourself.

2007-01-26 6:54 PM
in reply to: #667314

New user

Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open

I have picked a program but am wondering if I should just be doing the straight min or doing different drills for the swim, run, and bike workouts. I have just been doing the min for the past two weeks.

2007-01-26 8:09 PM
in reply to: #651117

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Extreme Veteran
Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
For the "A" race lists......

I am registered for June 13 5430 Boulder Sprint (1/2m Swim, 17 mile Bike, 5k run) and hope to also do the Steamboat Springs Sprint in Aug (3/4 mile swim, 20 mile bike, 4mile run). Both are in CO.

2007-01-26 8:51 PM
in reply to: #651117

Philadelphia, Pa
Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Midnight, I know the school I went to had designated hours for which the pool was open for lap swims. You may want to look into this and slowly build up your stamina then get back into the classes or one class a week, just a suggestion.
2007-01-26 11:34 PM
in reply to: #651117

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Subject: RE: IronSteves Group Now Open
Hi Steve,

I see your group is still open, and I would love it if I could join. Loved your bio, very inspirational.

I'm a 29 y/o M physical therapist from upstate new york. Married, 15 m/o daughter. Have been running/riding off and on for a couple of years, decided that this is the year for tri's and want to be in shape and ready to go by my 30th birthday (4/20).

I recently moved from Cleveland, where I had 4 close friends that are triathletes. One is competing at IM Kona next year. My problem is that I'm always bugging them with questions, and am so not in their league. My biggest problem right now is the swim, as I have never been a swimmer. I've bought Total Immersion, and intend on getting in the pool on Monday. Any advice you have on the swim is appreciated!!

Glad to be part of your group Steve, and a big hello to the rest of my fellow posters.

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