BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Older&Wiser Group - FULL Rss Feed  
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2007-01-21 10:20 AM
in reply to: #660783

Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
patricia7 - 2007-01-19 11:53 AM

Wolf, Jennifer and Malinda,

Can you set the group up as “friends” on your Log.  There are 2 ways to do this:
1.      go to you training log, click on the control panel under Quick Links -  , and add everybody as your friends, or
2.      go to my training log (Logs button under any of my post), copy the table under my goals, picture optional, (highlight by dragging cursor, then right click and choose copy), then go to your own log, click on the same control panel under Quick Links, and paste the table under your goals (right click and chose paste).

Let me know if you need help.  If you choose 1, you can jump to others’ logs at the bottom left hand corner of your log.  If you choose 2, you can jump to the others’ logs by clicking on the links in the table, which will now be appearing under your goals.  I prefer 2 because there are links back to forum and previous posts. 

Thanx for all the information that you sent my way. I am currently very busy and did not have time to read everything that was suggested. Bought myself a polar watch to measure my heart-frequency - and to commit myself - because it was not cheap.
I used it for my bike workout which I planned to do easy (I set the watch accordingly) First problem was that I somehow missed to turn the instrument on which I realized about two thirds through my way. Then I realized that I am pretty much all the time over a 90% effort for the remaining hour. Average was 89% and maximum was 100. I guess I am doing something wrong besides misscalculating how long it took me to get back home again. I felt like a fool.
Patricia I have no plan yet - I am so to speak clueless, but I ordered myself a book and I hope it will arrive soon. I plan to work out using the book.
Have a greate time all of you and ...yes let me join in to welcome Rose.

2007-01-21 3:19 PM
in reply to: #662213

San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Give yourself some time to get used to using a heart rate monitor. I find mine to be very helpful, but I can't tell you how many times I forgot to turn it on (or off) when I first got it. In fact, I stopped mine this morning during a water break and forgot to turn it back until we'd ridden another 2 miles!
2007-01-21 8:06 PM
in reply to: #662213

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

I think we should hand out awards to recognize special achievements on a more or less regular basis. Suggestions and nominations are most welcome. For the first week, I’ll take the liberty to hand out 2 awards. For the most inspiring training session - the winner goes to Wolf, for his Jan 17 session. Check out his log to see how his training session went. For toughing it out under very trying circumstances, the winner goes to Malinda, who still got in 120+ min this week with the horrific ice storm. Great job, Wolf and Malinda, keep it up. I’ll keep updating the table at the end of the post to keep track of who the overall winner is at the end.

When you exercise and eat right, weight loss is twice as effective. For those that have weight loss goals, challenge yourself to make 2 modifications to your eating habits and put it on your goals. I believe Jeff has already done so. How’s that going, Jeff?

Wolf – I agree with Lynne, takes time to get used to HR monitor training but I found it very helpful, especially in forcing myself to take it easy. And the important thing is you got a workout in and that’s GREAT. 

Rose – Don’t know if you’ve already seen it, but we had an earlier post about Jeff Galloway’s progressive steps to injury free running that you might be interested in.

Even though the group only came together middle of the week, we’re doing really great. Everybody has or is on his way to having a plan that will achieve the goals. And all of you that join from the beginning got in at least 3 workouts this week! WAY TO GO!!








1. most inspiring training session – Jan 17



2. toughing it out


Overall winner – TBA





Edited by patricia7 2007-01-21 8:08 PM
2007-01-22 1:01 AM
in reply to: #662690

Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi All
Patricia, it's funny that you just mentioned the heart rate monitor. This morning I was ready to throw this thing away but in the end I realized it's just me who is screwed up. The thing kept on beeping on me constantly. I had to fumble with it all the time and I could not concentrate on my jogging - more like crawling anyway - until I realized -damn I'm so out of shape that this thing goes overrange even with my snail pace.
I think I got the message to go slow - even slower than I already am.
All my messing with technology made me even miss the sunrise.
But I burnt 881calories out of which 35% is supposed to be fat! Boy, does that make me happy even though my stingy mirror does not want show it to me - neither does the scale.
happy training to you all
P.S. thanks for the check-mark under my name - that also inspires me. I should post some photos to show you all how great it is here - pure nature - almost paradise for what we are all planning to do.
2007-01-22 9:48 AM
in reply to: #652388

Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
I'm definitey not going to get the toughing it out award. I've decided to take a break until I see a doctor to figure out what's going on with the stupid knee. I'm starting to get compensation pain on the outside lower leg. I expect to be back at it in a week.

First I have to find a doctor.
2007-01-22 10:06 AM
in reply to: #663127

Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
hope you'll feel better real soon. good luck with your knee.

2007-01-22 6:33 PM
in reply to: #652388

San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Patricia -

You traveled quite a distance to race at Worlds. How tough was the travel on your performance? Did travelling with your bike present any problems?

I've been reluctant to travel to any triathlon that required changing time zones and/or shipping my bike.

I used to travel out-of-state to attend swim meets, but I found that getting to the event a day ahead of time and checking out the facilities and doing a leisurely swim was all that I needed to have a good meet. Swim meets are much different/easier than tris since they don't require so much equipment and set up. How was it for you when you went to Worlds? Did you take all of your normal "stuff"?

2007-01-23 10:20 AM
in reply to: #663127

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

Hi Jeff, hope you knee gets better real soon.  Very wise of you not to tough it out and exercise through pain.  Is swimming out too?  Guess you’ll just focus on the “eat smart” part of your plan in the meantime.

I’m with you Lynne.  As a general rule, I only race where I can drive to in <2 hrs on race morning.  Good reliable carbo dinner and comfy bed the night before are crucial for me.  2006 was a special year – it’s the 10 year anniversary from when I first started exercising, the qualifier for the Worlds was within 1 hr drive, and the Worlds was hosted by Switzerland, one of my favourite countries.  Even though I didn’t think I would qualify, I knew I would regret if I didn’t at least give it a try.  I made the qualifier the ‘A’ race, my first Oly tri, and peaked for it.  When I qualified, I really looked at the Worlds more as a holiday, a celebration, and spent another week in Paris with my hubby after the Worlds.  My performance at the Worlds was hampered not so much by the traveling, but rather I’d given all to qualify, and really had no more left to give at the Worlds.  By that time, my shoulders really needed rest, as do my knees.  In Lausanne, I didn’t get one good night’s sleep probably because of butterflies, not change in time zone, as my hubby was sleeping like a log.  All the time, I was thinking - what the heck am I doing here!  I don’t belong here!

I rented a bike bag from the local tri store and threw in all the “normal stuff”, including Gatorade and gels because I didn’t know whether they had the same brands in Switzerland.  Except for a minor last minute packing glitch (can’t take seat post out), the disassembly, assembly, packing and traveling were quite uneventful.  I had previously taken a clinic to learn about assembling and disassembling a bike for travel.  Canadian team also had a bike mechanic on site.  The hardest part was getting the bike from the Paris train station to the hotel.  No elevator at the train station.  Taxis were very small.  But by that time, competition is over, no big deal.

Looking back, the Worlds & Paris was the trip of a lifetime.  Proud and honoured to represent my country, but very humbling among the best triathletes in the world.  Regardless, ecstatic that I’m healthy and fit to participate and finish.  The Parade of Nations, where everyone marches behind their country’s flag at the opening ceremony, is alone worth the price of admission.  Would highly recommend to anybody:  2007 Worlds – Germany, 2008 – Vancouver, Canada, 2009 – Australia, 2010 – Hungary.  Made a short video to capture my Worlds, if anybody is interested -

Edited by patricia7 2007-01-23 4:18 PM
2007-01-23 2:05 PM
in reply to: #658359

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi Patricia and all,
I've been having a really hard time this week fitting in full work-outs, and have been trying to squeeze in whatever I can a a little higher intensity than usual--especially since I missed the weekend because of family stuff. I'm hoping to get back into it sometime this week. I guess the question is, do I need to rethink my workout times for this/next week because I didn't get the minutes in for last/this week? Also, sometimes the swim calls for 50 minutes, but only 1000 yards, and I do that in about 25-30 minutes, give or take. Should I always be striving for minutes, or should I be working towards distance in the swim (or some combo)?

Keep up the good work in the training, Wolf. It seems to me that I always feel mentally better when I focus on how I feel after I have been working out, rather than how I look or what the scale says.

2007-01-23 7:11 PM
in reply to: #665130

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

Great question, Jennifer.  I'm wondering the same thing because next week, I'll be off skiing and will be unlikely to do any of my usual workouts.   I'm thinking the answer probably depends on your conditioning and the plan.  If conditioning is good and plan is conservative, I'd think you can just continue the plan as if you've done the workouts that have been missed, esp if the workouts missed are not the long endurance ones.   I'm, however, thinking of sth a little more conservative.  Next week is Base 3 - week 2 for me, and I anticipate I won't be doing any scheduled workouts.  The week after, instead of Base 3 - week 3, I'll do Base 3 - week 2.  Then the following week, Base 3 - week 4 is recovery, and I think it's ok to recover as planned and get back on schedule thereafter.   I'm not a coach here, so would really like to hear what everyone else thinks.  On the swim issue, you're obviously a very fast swimmer.  For me, I'd go with the lesser of the two because I've a fragile shoulder and cannot tolerate 50min of swimming or my arms will fall off.  I'm sure Lynne will pick the greater of the two and then add more because well, she's our ironman. 

BTW, I noticed on some of your logs, there's a notation about soreness and fatigue.  Does that mean you have soreness and fatigue?  I always thought soreness and fatigue mean I've overdone it.

Edited by patricia7 2007-01-23 7:16 PM
2007-01-23 7:37 PM
in reply to: #652388

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Thanks for the quick response. The fatigue is usually about lack of sleep! Usually after I work out I feel less tired (unless I'm doing a long haul of biking followed by a run, after which I'm pretty tired). The soreness--not so much generally, at least not for a while. I have been very lucky so far with that part. I would be interested to hear opinions about the swim thing as well. I don't think that I'm yet up to 50 minutes of swimming--and I usually swim faster when I have less time (the pool has a schedule that I need to fit into because I go to a college gym and the swim team comes in at some point). I'm still trying to figure out how to improve my swim times. And of course, there is the allusive open water swim skill yet to learn...


2007-01-23 10:07 PM
in reply to: #665639

San Luis Obispo, CA
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

If you are finishing your workout in under the time allotted, that is OK. The most important things are keeping good form and completing the workout as determined by your plan. It looks like from your goals that you are currently planning to do sprint races. As you know, most of the sprint swims are 400-800 yards, so you've got the distance down. Now you can concentrate on your form and swimming efficiently.

I see in some of your upcoming workouts there are drills. When you do any drill set I want you to remember that DRILLS DO NOT HAVE TO BE DONE FAST! They should be done as slowly as you need to do them correctly.

If you find your self with a little extra time during the swim workout just add a bit to the main set. For example, if the set calls for 6x100 make it 7x100. As with the bike and run, you never want to increase too much at one time (don't want any shoulder overuse).

You mentioned there is a swim team at your pool. Why don't you ask the swim team coach or one of the swimmers to look at your stroke sometime and give you some pointers. Some of the college swimmers on my old team used earn a little extra spending money giving 30-45 minute swim lessons to triathletes.

Sorry, I can ramble on about swimming forever.

2007-01-24 6:32 AM
in reply to: #665797

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

iswimslo - 2007-01-23 11:07 PM  Sorry, I can ramble on about swimming forever. Lynne

Please DO ramble on Lynne, we'd love to hear your tips on swimming as much as possible.  How many strokes / lap do you think we should aim for?  I always find I swim slower with less strokes, which supposedly is more efficient.

Edited by patricia7 2007-01-24 6:40 AM
2007-01-24 7:20 AM
in reply to: #652388


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi...I just started "Couch to OLYMPIC " training program. I'm 50 and over the years have gained 5 lbs. per year. I consider myself an out of shape athelete. Thankfully, no injuries other than body doesn't recover as fast. My question is "how do I join your group?" Do I just read this forum ? Are their other ways for me to keep my motivation up and learn. I want to do my first OLYMPIC TRI come June of this year. I'm in my 4th week of training, so far my body has held up along with my motivation. But the next 4 weeks the training program jumps up in total work out volumn and continues like that until week 18. I'm excited about seeing if I can do it but also scared. Any tips or guidance would be appreciated.
2007-01-24 8:38 AM
in reply to: #652388


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi everyone. Patricia, I watched your video on the Worlds and I was truly moved. From your choice of music to scenes with your husband to your experience at the worlds - did you put this video together yourself? What a great inspiration to a beginner like me. Actually you are all, it sounds to me, like accomplished atheletes not just people out to exercise. I'm so excited about all the great stuff I'm going to learn from all of you. I'm so excited each morning to come to work to read all the new postings. My first mission as a beginner is to buy a good pair of running shoes. Do I just go with what feels good on my feet or is there more to it than that.

Back to work for me. (I think that's what I get paid to do).
2007-01-24 12:44 PM
in reply to: #652388

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

Hi acfutures, even though our group is technically full, if the rest of the group doesn’t mind, we’d love to have you.  Please browse this forum, and in particular these two posts - group intro and summary and how to set group up as friends.  The training log (Logs button under your post  or this button  at the top of screen) is where we set up our goals, log our workouts, encourage each other and keep ourselves accountable.  This forum is where we ask questions, exchange info and share ideas.  Welcome to the exciting adventure of becoming a triathlete.  Can you tell us a little bit about your tri background, and which of the “Couch to Olympic” plan did you pick?

Rest of the group – please add acfutures to your log.

Rose, pay more attention to type and fit when picking running shoes, and less to style and colour.  Go to your local running shoe store (eg running room in Canada) in the evening when your feet are somewhat swollen, that will give you a more accurate fit.  They’ll have people examine your gait and whether you pronate, suggest a few models which you’ll try on and run in the store.
1.      Type – generally 3 types: motion control (low arches, moderate to severe pronators), cushioned (high or normal arches, efficient runners with minimum pronation) or stability (low to normal arches, mild to moderate pronators). 
2.      Fit - Because everybody’s feet are shaped differently, fit is very personal.  Try on a few pairs and run in the store to see which feels the best.  If after a few runs on your treadmill and you don’t like them, Running Room will actually take them back for a full refund.
3.      People generally end up with ½ to 1 size bigger than their normal shoe size
4.      Runner’s World has a shoe finder here
5.      Change shoes every 300-500 miles
6.      I’m cheap, I stock up with the previous year’s model when they go on sale.  I’ve been wearing the same models (Saucony Grid Jazz & Adidas response) for 8 years now, and both of them are being discontinued – help!

Can anybody think of anything else?

Edited by patricia7 2007-02-06 9:54 AM

2007-01-24 1:07 PM
in reply to: #652388


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Wow, great - thanks for the infomation Patricia. I have done some research and found the technical stuff but I didn't know that stores actually take running shoes back after being worn??? That's great to know because its only after wearing them for a bit that you realize they are not as comfortable as you first thought. Also I have had the same running shoes for the past 10 years. They actually have an expiry date???? Wow I may end up with lots of gardening shoes.

Thanks for your help.

2007-01-24 1:30 PM
in reply to: #666449


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Thank you. I guess I'll wait to hear from the others.

Tonight I will try to set everything up as you stated in your post.

I just got back from my local Y and did my SWIM/RUN requirement today. I'm just focusing on doing the minutes and not worrying about speed. I do try to set some type of time goal on the running part. Basically , I try to avg. 10 min./mile for any amount of time I run. So far I've been able to do it but starting next week the amount of program training time jumps up to a level I haven't done since I was in college. 32 YEARS AGO.

Thank you again for responding so quickly. I hope I'm able to join in .

2007-01-24 1:38 PM
in reply to: #652388


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi Angelo, I just newly joined as well but I am very much a novice at this whole exercising thing. I see you have plenty of experience or plenty of ambition, and so I'm looking forward to what I can learn from you and the rest of the group. Welcome.
2007-01-24 1:45 PM
in reply to: #666531


Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Patricia.....I'm following the 20 week / swim focus " couch to olympic" I'm in week 4 , which happens to be the reduction week. Next week I bump back up to last weeks level. I was surprised and happy I made it thru last week not feeling at all bad. Right now I just have 5k's as experience and never did a tri. I'm not the best swimmer and I'm 30 lbs. over weight. I just did my swim workout and I have a base of 1:15 per 50 yards x 20. Or 1000 yds. in 25 minutes. My goals which I'll note on my profile is to lose weight, and an OLYMPIC TRI. close to 3 hours.

2007-01-24 5:21 PM
in reply to: #652388

User image

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

See our "collective wisdom" post on the first post of the last page.

Links: group summaryswolfbuying running shoes,

Edited by patricia7 2007-03-16 11:43 AM

2007-01-24 5:56 PM
in reply to: #652388

Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
I go to the doctor tomorrow to see what the problem is. I figure he'll either tell me nothing is wrong or I need to see someone else. I hope he can at least tell me what I can do as far as workouts.
2007-01-24 6:09 PM
in reply to: #666889

User image

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL

Good luck, Jeff!

2007-01-24 7:41 PM
in reply to: #666531

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi Angelo,
I can't imagine any of us have a problem with having more of us. I think it's a great thing to have a network. Thanks to Patricia for spending so much time on us! I admire you for going for the Olympic length--I can barely fit the training time in for the Sprint, and I don't even know if I could do the lengths even if I did have the time. I hope next week goes well. I always keep in mind when I can't get the minutes in (and that certainly seems to be the best way for us novices) that something is definitely better than nothing!

2007-01-24 7:52 PM
in reply to: #665797

NW Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Older&Wiser Group - FULL
Hi Lynne,
I feel like I am always swimming slowly except when I'm doing a short "sprint"--and even then I don't feel particularly fast. I have been trying to keep up form drills--especially with arms--and those seem to go particularly slowly by nature (the catch-up drill and the zipper/drag drill I often feel like I might sink before I get the stroke in!). I did add 100yds to my 200yd set to make the 1200 yard total today. I felt surprisingly good, especially since I had just done a run on the very hot track gym just before.

Thank you for your input, and I look forward to whatever advice you would like to pass on.

By the way, I lived Santa Barbara for 9 years--and I totally envy your weather and all of those good things that come with it--oceans, hiking, all those triathlons. I hope to one day come out for one of them (since I have many good friends there in SB).

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