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2007-05-24 2:54 PM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Nutrition question.

I know next to nothing regarding nutrition during a multi-hour endurance event. I keep reading that people have determined they need X number of calories per Y amount of time. How did they figure that out? Is there some recommended reading on this subject?

2007-05-25 5:39 AM
in reply to: #815522

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
jszat - 2007-05-24 2:28 PM

KenD - 2007-05-24 1:00 PM We're all out swimming, biking and running instead of on the computer. Or maybe not. I've got Friday off this week and of course, Monday. Trying to plan the workouts for the weekend around family events. Friday afternoon - dance recital on-stage rehearsal Saturday morning - dance recital Sunday - nothing so far Monday - High School graduation I should be able to get a decent length ride in on Friday morning and Sunday morning. With a long run on Saturday morning (if I get up early enough).

I am currently trying to re-write the book on early AM workouts.  Check out my blog for the nonsense I will go through to get IM training in and spare some family time.  Oy, its gonna be a long summer! (fun too though)

Joe I still have no clue how you can get up and workout at 3:15 in the morning. I struggle some days to get up at 5:00 to get mine in.

On tap for me this weekend is nuts again. I just can't get a weekend free.

Saturday: Moving my brother (last time it too two loads of a 28' truck, the largest you can rent without having a CDL)
Sunday: Helping my dad paint and replace facia on the house
Monday: ?? my wife will find something for me to do I am sure

I may get a workout in today... It is supposed to be an off day. I really want to stick to my two-a-day on Saturday but who knows. Sunday is an off day and Monday is supposed to be a swim but we will see how it all goes. Enjoy your memorial day everyone.
2007-05-25 9:50 AM
in reply to: #815762

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

KenD - 2007-05-24 2:54 PM Nutrition question. I know next to nothing regarding nutrition during a multi-hour endurance event. I keep reading that people have determined they need X number of calories per Y amount of time. How did they figure that out? Is there some recommended reading on this subject?

Shoot me an email addy and I will see if I can dig up a calculator a coach on here set up.  Generally, there is some trial and error but you will want to be around 2-300 cal an hour.  Too much and your stomach cant process, too little and you bonk.

2007-05-25 9:53 AM
in reply to: #816474

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
JChristoff - 2007-05-25 5:39 AM
jszat - 2007-05-24 2:28 PM

KenD - 2007-05-24 1:00 PM We're all out swimming, biking and running instead of on the computer. Or maybe not. I've got Friday off this week and of course, Monday. Trying to plan the workouts for the weekend around family events. Friday afternoon - dance recital on-stage rehearsal Saturday morning - dance recital Sunday - nothing so far Monday - High School graduation I should be able to get a decent length ride in on Friday morning and Sunday morning. With a long run on Saturday morning (if I get up early enough).

I am currently trying to re-write the book on early AM workouts.  Check out my blog for the nonsense I will go through to get IM training in and spare some family time.  Oy, its gonna be a long summer! (fun too though)

Joe I still have no clue how you can get up and workout at 3:15 in the morning. I struggle some days to get up at 5:00 to get mine in. On tap for me this weekend is nuts again. I just can't get a weekend free. Saturday: Moving my brother (last time it too two loads of a 28' truck, the largest you can rent without having a CDL) Sunday: Helping my dad paint and replace facia on the house Monday: ?? my wife will find something for me to do I am sure I may get a workout in today... It is supposed to be an off day. I really want to stick to my two-a-day on Saturday but who knows. Sunday is an off day and Monday is supposed to be a swim but we will see how it all goes. Enjoy your memorial day everyone.

I have 4 kids and opted to do an ironman distance, so thats what its gonna take if i want to salvage family time.  its really not so bad once you get used to it.  i rarely watch tv anymore and have cut out a lot of just nutzing around time at night.  yesterday was on the extreme end as i am typically in the 4:00-5:00 start range depending on the workout.  some tips are having all your gear ready to go when you stumble outta bed and just keep at it.  becomes second nature after a while.  oh yeah, diet mt dew too!

2007-05-25 10:23 AM
in reply to: #803897

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
That kind of commitment is commendable. I’m especially impressed with IM athletes that have a family. I know that if I didn’t have family commitments, I’d be training several hours every day.

I do most of my weekday work at night (after 9pm), and I sometimes swim over my lunch break. I want to start riding occasionally over my lunch as well now that I'm getting used to being more mobile (carrying around a toiletry bag). Weekends I'm able to do mornings.
2007-05-28 10:19 AM
in reply to: #803897

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Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

Non training related question here-

Is there any possibility that the big wigs here at BT could make sub forums for each mentor group to post in?  That way we wouldn't have so many different questions and topics going on in the same thread and it would be easier to follow.  Just a thought......hope I'm not out of place for asking..... 

2007-05-28 10:48 AM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
How DARE you suggest improvements! You are SO out of place! You're in time out!

I'm kidding.
2007-05-28 7:30 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Wouldn't be the first time I've been sent to the corner
2007-05-29 11:57 AM
in reply to: #819224

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
dylanslovey - 2007-05-28 10:19 AM

Non training related question here-

Is there any possibility that the big wigs here at BT could make sub forums for each mentor group to post in?  That way we wouldn't have so many different questions and topics going on in the same thread and it would be easier to follow.  Just a thought......hope I'm not out of place for asking..... 

You can give Ron a holler via BT mail or there is a forum for technical website questions/suggestions etc.

2007-05-29 1:38 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Training question:

What gels does everyone use? I have only used the Power Bar Gels and had success with them so I haven't experimented with others. Prior I have only done Sprints and haven't needed to think/worry about fueling because a gel and gatorade can carry you through easily. Once I get deeper into Olympic training I am going to need to fuel more heavily in training and while racing. Hense why I wanted to see everyones thoughts/plans.


Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.

Edited by JChristoff 2007-05-29 1:38 PM
2007-05-29 3:24 PM
in reply to: #820760

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Gel isn't something I know much about. I've only tried 3 or 4 different flavors, and none of which were really in hard training scenarios. I think all were GU brand. All I came away with knowing that I didn't know before is that vanilla is something that is just wrong to be put into gel form. The chocolate I could tolerate.

2007-05-29 3:30 PM
in reply to: #820760

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

JChristoff - 2007-05-29 1:38 PM Training question: What gels does everyone use? I have only used the Power Bar Gels and had success with them so I haven't experimented with others. Prior I have only done Sprints and haven't needed to think/worry about fueling because a gel and gatorade can carry you through easily. Once I get deeper into Olympic training I am going to need to fuel more heavily in training and while racing. Hense why I wanted to see everyones thoughts/plans. Sidebar: Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.

I have currently settled in on GU and Power Bar 2x caffeine 4x sodium for extra electrolyte punch.  The hammer stuff has given me GI issues on the few times I have used it.  I will be logging long run/ride nutrition extensively as I gear up for MOO in my blogs too if you want some ideas there.  Its important to note what works on the bike doesnt always work on the run.

2007-05-29 3:35 PM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
I had no issues with any that I've tried so far. I do enjoy the taste of Clif Shots more. I normally use Mocha. I've only tested during running. No tests on bike yet.
2007-05-29 3:55 PM
in reply to: #803897

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Cliff Shot Blocks on the other hand I love!
2007-05-29 7:56 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Thanks guys,

I will look up the cliff shots and gu. I know they sell both at a local bike shop near me. I will keep you posted if I see any differences in the products.

I definately have never tried the vanilla flavors... something just doesn't seem right with that. I am more of a fruit flavored person vs chocolate/coffee but I may have to try it out.

What about cytomax and endorax? Anyone try those?
2007-05-29 9:01 PM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
The other one I just remembered trying - Hammer Gel. I like this one too.

2007-05-30 9:42 AM
in reply to: #821409

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

JChristoff - 2007-05-29 7:56 PM Thanks guys, I will look up the cliff shots and gu. I know they sell both at a local bike shop near me. I will keep you posted if I see any differences in the products. I definately have never tried the vanilla flavors... something just doesn't seem right with that. I am more of a fruit flavored person vs chocolate/coffee but I may have to try it out. What about cytomax and endorax? Anyone try those?

Endurox is a recovery drink and I use the chocolate flavor after longer or more intense workouts.  There has been studies done that say chocolate milk is also a great recovery drink.  Key is generally 4:1 carb to protein ratio or thereabouts.

2007-05-30 10:22 AM
in reply to: #821977

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
jszat - 2007-05-30 10:42 AM
Endurox is a recovery drink and I use the chocolate flavor after longer or more intense workouts.  There has been studies done that say chocolate milk is also a great recovery drink.  Key is generally 4:1 carb to protein ratio or thereabouts.

So you just stick to gels and gatorade on your rides? Nothing with a heavier caloric load?

I have been looking at your logs and just haven't seen anything... Probably just missing it.
2007-05-30 10:44 AM
in reply to: #822109

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
JChristoff - 2007-05-30 10:22 AM
jszat - 2007-05-30 10:42 AM Endurox is a recovery drink and I use the chocolate flavor after longer or more intense workouts.  There has been studies done that say chocolate milk is also a great recovery drink.  Key is generally 4:1 carb to protein ratio or thereabouts.


So you just stick to gels and gatorade on your rides? Nothing with a heavier caloric load? I have been looking at your logs and just haven't seen anything... Probably just missing it.

I generally use infinIT clydesdale formulation ( on the bike but bad mojo with that formulation on the run.  I will mix hydration between water and this on the bike and eat a granola bar (just run of the mill regular one) every 1:15 or so, depending on how I feel.  Used Hammer Perpetuem most of last summer but if you use that, need to take ecaps or something for sodium and other electrolyte replenishment (personally need that due to heavy sweating).  I like Perp and would have stuck with it but when I saw I could get everything in one drink, thought it was worth checking out.

2007-06-01 12:30 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Kinda quiet- have I mentored you all to pro level and I am no longer needed?    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
2007-06-01 2:15 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
I guess the best question would be is are you seeing things that we should be working on/focusing on more than others?

I know that I have been seeing incremental increases in my averages as I have progressed this month but should I be doing more?? Speed/Interval Training?

Maybe it is the general Donkey mojo that you exude that is making all of us better

2007-06-01 3:20 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
I have been a little lazy lately. I have a swim assessment for TNT on Wednesday and I will probably fail. Haven't swam in over two months since I was sick plus I miss most of the practices due to work. I have 3 months until the Chicago Tri so I think I have some time. Or don't I??
2007-06-01 9:23 PM
in reply to: #803897

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed

You should have more than enough time to complete the tri training in 3 mos. You just need to get out there and hit the pavement, water or trail. Training is much more of a mental game than a physical game most of the time for sprint tri's for those that can get close to the singular leg distances. Make sure you take you time and make sure you are training within your levels/limits. Don't go out there and try to kill every single workout but make sure you get out there and do it... period.

I'll send you inspires every day if you need it. Hell, I'll personally call you every day if you need it. That goes for everyone in this mentor group. Isn't it why we signed up for this in the first place?

I really believe in the power of exercise. It makes you less stressed, healthier, smarter and happier. It is a known fact and scientifically proven. You can do it, just believe in yourself and you can do it.

The goal is not split time, miles per hour, average pace, resting heart rates, what bike you ride, how you fuel or who you are. It is about finishing this thing. It is about meeting one of YOUR goals. Staring YOURSELF in the eye when you are out there and beating yourself. It is just you out there doing it for you, no one else.

I know that this is a rant. But hey sometime we all need to hear it. Go after your goal Ted and we will be there watching and waiting to hear about it.

Kindest Regards,
2007-06-02 11:58 AM
in reply to: #825768

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
Nah, I'm sure I have questions I just haven't thought of yet. I learned a ton over the last week just from doing some practical stuff. A long ride on my tri's actual race course taught me some lessons on hills, bonking, cornering at speed, etc. Yesterday I took a much needed day off and then practiced transitioning on and off the bike some, which was quite helpful. I'm going to start doing that a lot more, I think. I'm not comfortable with doing a flying mount, but I was able to do the "shoes on bike" and running transition. I'll start doing all my bike rides that way now, so I can become comfortable with it while on weary legs.

I've been frustrated by my inability to shave any time off my swim, but I think that I'd have to put more pool time in than I'm capable of at this point to make incremental gains. I've got a decent swim time, so I'm just going to maintain in that area. I'll start my OWS as soon as the lake temp warms up (did I tell you we live on a lovely small lake that's about .4 across and back? Perfect for practice swims). I did the swim portion of a tri relay last year, so I'm feeling fairly confident about it... which will certainly come before a fall.

My biggest area of concern is getting ready for the half marathon I've got that's 2 weeks out from today!!! Ack! In that regard, I keep getting a smallish blister on the bottom of my foot. Sock recommendations? Other thoughts? As I had a short ramp up time, I'm just aiming to finish it running at this point. Next year I'll be able to work on bettering my time. I never pictured myself as a distance runner, but I'm really enjoying it.

2007-06-02 1:46 PM
in reply to: #803897

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: jszat's group- closed
I'm taking the weekend off. We're taking my oldest son down to Austin to get into the dorms at University of Texas at Austin.
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