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2007-05-29 2:39 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
I would like to be part of this group. I decided to do a tri after my friend in Germany invited me to do one with him. I said I was scared because I never learned how to swim. So, in February, I took swimming lessons for the first time in my life. I was tired of being scared of the water.

The tri I am going to participate in is here:

My swim will be in a lake: a far cry from the crystal clear water of a pool. Finishing the swim will be a big triumph for me.

I've been a member of beginner tri since February. I was in LeapDog's program:

I'm an Internet geek, doing Search Engine Marketing for companies and myself. I also have a large fluffy dog and several cats who keep me company.

And I live in the Dallas area.

Edited by grnidone 2007-05-29 2:41 PM

2007-05-29 3:01 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
*after reading thread*

I am so glad to hear other people are hungry all the time too. I've never had an issue with my weight, but I never ate that much anyway. Now, I eat all the time, at all times of the day.

And does anyone else have this potato issue thing?

After I get done with a long swim, I HAVE to have a baked potato with sour cream. I can't even think straight until I have it. It absolutely dominates my mind until I eat it.

And..I may have to the Danskin tri in October in Dallas. It'll be a month after the one in September.

Edited by grnidone 2007-05-29 3:02 PM
2007-05-30 10:13 AM
in reply to: #820919

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

grnidone - 2007-05-29 2:39 PM I would like to be part of this group. ... My swim will be in a lake: a far cry from the crystal clear water of a pool. ... And I live in the Dallas area.

Welcome!  Glad to have you here!

Pools are not as crystal clean as you may think they are... I am sure the guys from my old mentor group remember the story about the "floaties" in the pool at my gym and the reason I don't swim there anymore.  I prefer the lake to the pool any day.

Dallas is a GREAT town for a triathlete!  There are soooooo many races and tons of training partners!  I try to get down to Dallas to race when I can.  I was there for Playtri about a month ago.  Great race and had a blast!

Keep with the swimming!  You'd be amazed at how quickly you improve with more time in the water.  Just swim, swim, swim!

Edited by triOK 2007-05-30 10:14 AM
2007-05-30 10:15 AM
in reply to: #820959

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

grnidone - 2007-05-29 3:01 PM  And does anyone else have this potato issue thing? After I get done with a long swim, I HAVE to have a baked potato with sour cream. I can't even think straight until I have it. 

Mmmmm... baked potato.  Dammit.  I have to wait for 2 hours before lunch. 

2007-05-30 10:29 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
Hi TriOK's group...I'm lurking...hope you don't mind!
2007-05-30 1:57 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

Hi Dan!  Spy on us all you want! 

Does anyone have trouble with their hands falling asleep on the bike?  My right hand has been tingling for over a week now after about 30 mins.  It goes away after a while, but also comes back sometimes.

2007-05-30 2:04 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

If you get a chance to inspire someone who can use some encouragement, drop by yubi's log.  She was in our first group with Robyn.

She's in a tri the weekend after this.

2007-05-30 2:09 PM
in reply to: #822091

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
Speaking of food - Not sure how many in the group are recording nutrition in the logs - but I've found it to be an eye opener. I am particularly amazed to see how bad my macro ratios (carbs/proteins/fats) are... Just when you think fat is low, and protein is high - you're nowhere near the recommended ratio! If anyone else wants to go completely nuts, you should give it a try.

One thing that BT lacks is the ability to track caloric expenditures by activity and compare with the intake. I find this is extremely helpful when trying to figure why I may gaining or losing weight. I've heard that they plan to incorporate this sometime in the future, but it's a big project so will take awhile.

In the mean time, I put together a spreadsheet that does just that... I posted it awhile ago in another thread. You can check it out there and download the worksheet if you want to have some, uh fun.

2007-05-30 2:24 PM
in reply to: #822641

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
willie05 - 2007-05-30 2:57 PM

Hi Dan!  Spy on us all you want! 

Does anyone have trouble with their hands falling asleep on the bike?  My right hand has been tingling for over a week now after about 30 mins.  It goes away after a while, but also comes back sometimes.

If you are wearing gloves, then you are pinching a nerve that runs by your 'boys'.  If you're not wearing gloves, then get some gloves because you're applying tons of pressure to your hands.  I assume this is NOT in the aerobars, but when you ride on the "hoods" of your bike.

2007-05-30 2:50 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
He is right. Good gloves should prevent this.

Read more here:

Why do my hands go numb when I ride my bicycle?

Handlebar Palsy AKA Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

Edited by grnidone 2007-05-30 2:52 PM
2007-05-30 3:58 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
Good ole cubital tunnel!! I learned how to make a splint for that last semester!! I'm a dork. husband wears gloves when he rides and still gets numbness so its not a cureall for everyone, bujt it does help.

2007-05-30 4:07 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

See your PM.
2007-05-30 6:51 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

"At my age, safe s*x is wearing a heart rate monitor..."

How do you add motivitational things for others to read?

Edited by grnidone 2007-05-30 6:59 PM
2007-05-30 7:39 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Waco, Texas
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
May I join the group? What will happen if I am allowed in?
2007-05-31 7:50 AM
in reply to: #823228

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

vmax3000 - 2007-05-30 7:39 PM May I join the group? What will happen if I am allowed in? Thanks, Vanessa

O' course you can join us!  If you have any questions regarding training, racing, nutrition, or just have a fun story to share, post it all here.  I will get you the answers to your questions if I can.  Dan (Marvarnett) is my teammate on Team Wicked Fast and he stops by on occasion.  He is a FANTASTIC source of information and advice.  So ask away!

2007-05-31 7:53 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

How is everyone doing on their training?!?  Anyone have questions??  If some of my January mentor group wanted to post their success stories here that would be WAY cool... I'd love to read them!  You all have come so far in just a few months!

(I hope you guys aren't looking at my log... I have been down and out for a month, but I am hoping to be back to it soon.  There are some things here in La-La land that I need to take care of before I can get my training schedule back together.)

2007-05-31 8:50 AM
in reply to: #823199

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

grnidone - 2007-05-30 7:51 PM Overheard "At my age, safe s*x is wearing a heart rate monitor..." How do you add motivitational things for others to read?

Good one! Smile

Do you mean the notes that people put in the logs?  If so, just hit the "Inspire Me" link on someone's log and type away!

If you mean at the bottom of your posts, that's in your control panel.  Use the link that says "Control Panel" at the top left of your log (not the icon one beside the calendar).  Scroll down to the Signature box and put it in there, also be sure to select yes in the drop down box to use signature.

Edited by willie05 2007-05-31 8:53 AM
2007-05-31 9:34 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
When you're swimming in a lake, how do you know where you are going? Right now, I use the line at the bottom of the pool.

Keep in mind, I never swam before Feb...
2007-05-31 10:08 AM
in reply to: #823886

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN

grnidone - 2007-05-31 10:34 AM When you're swimming in a lake, how do you know where you are going? Right now, I use the line at the bottom of the pool. Keep in mind, I never swam before Feb...

If it's during a race, then you sight (look for and use as a guide) the buoys.  If it's not during a race and just a lake you're swimming in, look for a physical location to guide off of.  Something like a house, huge tree, gap between trees.  Things like that.  It helps you keep a straight line and it one of the harder aspects of Open Water Swimming to Master.

2007-05-31 12:31 PM
in reply to: #823980

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
Marvarnett - 2007-05-31 10:08 AM

grnidone - 2007-05-31 10:34 AM When you're swimming in a lake, how do you know where you are going? Right now, I use the line at the bottom of the pool. Keep in mind, I never swam before Feb...

If it's during a race, then you sight (look for and use as a guide) the buoys.  If it's not during a race and just a lake you're swimming in, look for a physical location to guide off of.  Something like a house, huge tree, gap between trees.  Things like that.  It helps you keep a straight line and it one of the harder aspects of Open Water Swimming to Master.

Yup... and I am still not very good at this.

2007-05-31 2:51 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
If it's not during a race and just a lake you're swimming in, look for a physical location to guide off of.

I guess I wasn't clear. I do know the technique of finding a fixed point in the distance to guide off of -- I had to do that when I worked the fields growing up in Kansas -- but I don't know the actual technique.

At what part of the stroke do I/ can I look forward without losing my swimming form?

2007-05-31 8:26 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
Room for one more?

This is my first post to the forums. I just officially started my tri training last week, though I made the commitment to myself the end of March. I spent April just getting my body used to moving again, mostly using the bike and weight lifting.

I came home from the Army the end of 2003, and had a few chronic pain issues. After over a year of trying to figure out if it was early onset RA or just me being nuts, one smart Rheumatologist figured out I was not sleeping. A couple of sleep studies later, one CPAP, a few months and I started feeling somewhat human again. In that time I managed to put on 40 pounds. Ouch!

The end of March of this year I went on a hike with a local club and a 77 year old lady almost put me to shame. I came home and gave myself a health assessment (work in the medical field and spend all day assessing others but had not bothered to point that finger at myself) and realized if I did not do something I was on my way to a heart attack or diabetes or something evil like that.

I knew I needed to lose 60 pounds and get myself in shape. Being the goal oriented person I am, I knew I needed a reason other than the scary image of my BMI. I searched the net looking for something fun and challenging and crazy enough to suit my personality, and stumbled across this site, so here I am! I am late getting started this season, so I am shooting to enter the Emerald Pointe Triathlon in October, and hoping to merely finish.

As for vitals, I am single 35 year old female, working for a local PM&R doc, going to school in perpetual pursuit of my P.A. degree, living with my old man of a dog, aka Kosmo, and if you want to know anything else, just ask!
2007-05-31 8:55 PM
in reply to: #824544

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Waco, Texas
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
Typically, when you are "sighting", you roll your head for a normal breath, except instead of rolling your head back into the surf, you pop your head up and look in front of you then breathe out slowly and drop your head straight into the water (the breathing bit keeps water from driving straight up the old air breathers!). One of the ways to practice this in the pool is to close your eyes when your head is in the water - make sure it's a low population in the pool kind of day! Swim slowly and "think" through your stroke and where you are headed as you do it, then when you breathe, pop your head up, figure out how far off you are from the end of the pool and drop your head back into the water for another couple of strokes. At least, that has worked for me! Let me know how it works for you, if you try it!
2007-05-31 10:33 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
Hi-I just want to say hi to the new members and give a big thanks to the group as a whole. I've only been on here this past month (actually less) yet I feel like my strength, power and stamina have increased so much since I have become accountable to you all! I have been a lot less likely to flake and procrastinate. It's great fun, too.

My first Tri, the Danskin in Seattle is the third weekend in August, and I know I will be prepared! I will certainly amaze myself when I can actually swim without a kid yelling at me, run without pushing a jogging stroller, and bike on a non-mountain bike without pulling a bike trailer. I should finish near the top ten if my calculations are correct. Unfortunately, math is not my strong suit, so as long as I finish I will be thrilled!

Thanks for the inspires, as well. I wish I had time to post more--once again, kids on my legs whenever I want to use the computer. Toddlers are hard! I will keep on trying to post for you all when I get the chance. Have a super weekend, and good luck to those of you that are participating in races!!!


Edited by Medusa_Ann 2007-05-31 10:34 PM
2007-05-31 11:00 PM
in reply to: #825011

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - OPEN
I had a race tonight - sort of. We have a chapter of the Chase Corporate Challange here. There were 11,000 runners. The start was in a corral with "suggested" pace times. I was with the eight minute milers and it took nearly two minutes to get to the start and I was dodging walkers all race. It was almost 90 here today and I played golf during the day which was a mistake. I was really dehydrated, but it was OK. There is a huge party afterward when all the companies try to outdo each other with the spread. Since I work for the gov't I went around with my girlfriend (she works for the gv't too, but she's a lawyer and they are a little better than us) and mooched from the "corporate types". All in all, better than a day at work, but I have a long way to go still....
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