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2007-06-28 1:02 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Jeff- As to Occupation I used to use this line to describe it: "Retail for a living, Writer for Life."

I'm a Senior Mgr in retail....

Had a great run today, finishing my first 3 miler in 29m48s. Hoping the weather holds out for my 32 mile bike ride this evening...

I'll be full of questions very soon...

Eric J

2007-06-28 1:29 PM
in reply to: #818033

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Here's the group to date:

Moniker/Actual / Next event(s)
Michlmead/Michelle/Tri's - various lengths
leapdog/Jeff/IM Madison and TC marathon
drhodes/Denise/unknown tri
courage/Eric/sprint tri/duathlon
_tarheel/ Jessica/Oly tri's

Weather turn terrific here in MN as of late. You folks to the east get ready for some low humidity, moderate temps.

Edited by leapdog 2007-06-28 1:31 PM
2007-06-28 2:44 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Michelle and others, not sure if you're full up yet but I'm only 5'1" so I don't take up much space, LOL. I looked at the "open" groups at the top and they aren't really active.

Maybe if I give my story, you'll be so enthralled with me you'll just love to have me join

I am 36, a SAHM of 2 boys(7 & 3). Once I knew I had enough kids (2 is definately enough for me), I decided to get back into shape. I joined the gym, took classes, did South Beach, hired a trainer and got myself into decent shape. Or so I thought until my friend talked me into running an 8k with her. Well I nearly died but I did it and then just started doing other local races. This past year I did the same 8k and shaved 18 min off my time. I've continued with my running but suffered a nasty bout of ITBS which set me back quite a bit. Still I completed 2 half marathons. Finally it seemed time to take on the whole enchilada

That's where I am now, about a month into my marathon training. I'm running Richmond M in Nov. It's the 30th anniversary so I'm expecting a good deal of hoopla. What I started to notice is that the training is really long and uneventful so and somehow tri's keep popping up in my world. My wonderful ART chiropractor is a triathelete and has said if I do the Trigirl training here (a local tri club) he will sponsor me in the fall. One of my neighbors is a triathelete and then a girl in my running club is trying to hook me.

So I've decided to try a sprint and if I don't drown, I have a feeling it's something I could really enjoy. The sprint I wanted to do is the day after a half M training run I have so I don't think that would be ideal. Sadly the next one has a swim portion twice as long but I think it's what I have to do. Oh and my bike is a mt bike but hubby just learned that races weren't free LMAO so I think I'll have to hold out on any more gear for a bit.

Btw, Michelle you've got some amazing times!! Wow!!
2007-06-28 2:53 PM
in reply to: #864855

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Welcome batmomm. The more the merrier.

It's possible to work your HM training run into your tri traing. Can you shift the run up or back a day so it doesn't impact your tri? You can do both!

2007-06-28 5:18 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Michelle & leapdog - thanks for having me in the group! I am looking forward to having someone to keep me accountable and provide some suggestions. You all seem like a great group. I will need to work on providing some more details to my log going forward! I also need to re-work my planned training schedule after reading up some more.

Any suggestions for determining heart rate training zones? I think there is a method in the Triathlete's Training Bible; maybe I will read up tonight.
2007-06-28 5:44 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Okay, first question: Being a Bike Racer I spend an awful lot of time in the saddle, last season over 4500 miles. Besides training you need the miles and I just enjoy the heck outta riding. But as I look around at logs and training diaries of Triathletes I see far fewer miles in the saddle than I think I could deal with and keep my sanity.

Do you think its possible to maintain high bike mileage while training for Tri's and Bi's? And.... Can I work in my Road Racing training such as intervals etc...?

Eric J

2007-06-28 6:25 PM
in reply to: #864875

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
leapdog - 2007-06-28 3:53 PM

Welcome batmomm. The more the merrier.

It's possible to work your HM training run into your tri traing. Can you shift the run up or back a day so it doesn't impact your tri? You can do both!

hi and thanks!! I don't think I wrote my dilemma correctly. I'm training for a Nov marathon and as part of that training I'm running a HM one Saturday as a training run. The sprint that I had hoped to run was the Sunday after it. I think I'd be better off waiting an extra month for a different tri.

Gotta admit, I'm nervous about cutting back on the runs for the tri but I "believe" it's fine, still nervous, lol. Currently I run 5 days a week, XT one and rest one. My M plan has us peaking at 55mpw

Whooo hooo excited to be part of the group!! I need to poke around BT a bit more. I have a running log on CoolRunning and a paper copy but it will be nice to have keep a log here of everything.

2007-06-28 10:25 PM
in reply to: #865208

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

I hear you loud and clear about doing a HM on Sat and tri on Sunday. As long as you don't try to do them both as an A race I think you could do them back to back. Waiting an extra month would be the safe way to go, however.

I started out in a situation similar to yours - strictly running. I started training for tris and my coach replaced a couple days of running with biking and mixed swimming in for active recovery. Strange this is, that I was able to have virtually the same marathon results with about 1/3 less mileage than a strictly running program. The bonus was that I could also do tris.

Fun stuff!
2007-06-28 10:30 PM
in reply to: #865175

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

I think your biking background will give you a big legup with respect to tris as the bulk of a race is spent on the bike. I'm no expert, but I'd bet you could maintain your high mileage as long as you mix in some running in the form of bricks and just plain runs. Toss in some swimming and you'll be golden.

One thing my coach taught me was to put the most work in on my worst facet as we always tend to want to do what we do best the most.

4500 miles would be nearly impossible to log here in MN. I'm jealous.

I'd definitely work in your road race intervals. My coach has me doing them - but I'm sure they're not nearly as intense as yours.

Have yourself a great evening!

2007-06-29 8:32 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi Eric:

Wow- huge mileage - that will be a leg up - i do most of my biking w/ cadence normal training 90-95 - some interval spinning over 100 -

The high cadence on the bike (in small chain ring) has made me run faster w/ no speed work. The cross benefits of SBR training have been crazy good!! Add a day or two of weight and core - I'm still going WOW!!

Eric, you will also find time is an issue - i do tons of bricks too
Swimming takes some time - you may find you're riding less
They are getting up to around 4 hours -
Agree with Leap - need to work on all sports

MY Coach does not like to use terms like weak... he's big on positive though process

then ever before and getting faster - it will happen!!
Build solid foundations and train smarter not harder!! Stay injury free.

#1 Listen to your BODY - if you need a rest day, Take it!!


Not big on racing for training - then doing back to back - lot of stress, if your bent on 1/2 then i would not do the tri - you sound like me, lol get into a race - game face goes on - all that just training stuff - goes right out the window!! With your history I would hold back!

I'm always very focused on my "A" events - Eye on the Prize, Always!!

Happy Training!!

2007-06-29 12:46 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
ahhhhh went out for a 5 mile run today and got severely lost. By the time we got back we had logged in 9.1

2007-06-29 2:26 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Need to get u a GPS too - ran long in two races prior to Maumee - got lost off course!!

2007-06-29 6:18 PM
in reply to: #866368

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
michlmead - 2007-06-29 3:26 PM

Need to get u a GPS too - ran long in two races prior to Maumee - got lost off course!!

that was with my Garmin, LOL
2007-06-29 7:18 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
LOL - you can stay in the group!!! Gotta laugh -crazy stuff in races!!

2007-06-30 3:45 PM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
78 mile ride today with some mountainous climbs. My group wants me to run at 7am tomorrow morning but I may have to bag it for rest...

Shagged out....

Eric J
2007-06-30 6:00 PM
in reply to: #818033

Marble Falls, TX
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Just got back in from vacation in Cabo yesterday AM only to find that Marble Falls had 18+ inches of rain in less than 6 hours late Tuesday - early Wednesday, leaving all our bridges washed out and water and sewer lines out. We live on the lake and are very fortunate our home was not flooded, but many others had homes that were swept away or destroyed beyond repair. It is a mess here. Needless to say biking is gonna be a bit rough for awhile.

See we got some new members while I was out tanning on the beach :-). Welcome Eric, Kim and Jessica (hope I got everyone's name right). Thought I was gonna have Michelle and Jeff all to myself for awhile there.

Didn't work too hard on vacation, only ran 4 days out of the 7, so it's time to get back to it.

Been shopping bikes like crazy on eBay and Craigs List and hoping to find one soon.

2007-07-01 9:24 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Okay, so I did go out for a run this morning. 3 miles avg'ing 8m50s per. My fastest time to date. What was really great though was that I met several people to run with, (I'm the Director of a new Multi Sport club sponsored by my sponsor bike shop) through our club. One woman is a friend of my bike race team mate. Gail races half marathons and just bought a bike to start a tentative journey into multi sport activities.

Well, the group started off and she and I soon went off the front and just started talking about bikes, running, family... all sorts of things. The three miles passed by smooth and relatively easy and when we hit the three mile mark and I checked out our time I saw 26m27sec. My PB to date and Gail's as well!

Nothing like having a training partner to push you. I'll be helping her with her cycling and she'll be helping with running.

My biggest problem was dealing with the tan line left by my regular cycling shorts as Tri shorts are significantly shorter... I looked like one of those three color ice pops...

Eric J
2007-07-01 9:34 AM
in reply to: #867647

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
LOL on the tan lines Eric!! Sounds like a great match up. I've got plenty of running partners but could certainly benefit from a cycling buddy.

I've got a swimming question-how do I swim without dying?? I swear I just go for a lap or so and I'm huffing like there's no tomorrow. Is there some kind of easy training program for this?
2007-07-01 11:26 PM
in reply to: #867651

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group

Need swim help? Two words: "Masters Swim". I'll find you a couple threads on the subject and post them tomorrow.

Nighty night.

2007-07-02 7:28 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Richmond, VA
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
you rock Jeff!! Thanks
2007-07-02 7:38 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Training Partners

They are worth their weight in Gold - I can say I would not have improved without the support and push of my training partner Roger - Find one and keep em!!

Also - try and find one a little faster!! Roger is a ffaster runner - I push him on the bike - perfect match. Sooo on those long days if he's feeling evil he'll hammer me on the run - payback is rough on the bike!!

Tan lines - still working on that issue - I was told i have a day glow white skin!! now it's looking like zebra stripes LOL - we need some nude beaches in Ohio

Behind on my logs - did 2 hours yesterday 1:30 bike - 3 min run after the epic 4 hours on Sat
Still feel pretty good... day off today, it's sooo nice might just swim a bit!!

Who's racing on the 4th???

Eric: Nice running!! ?? what kind of cadence do you maintain on the bike for you longer rides curious -


Edited by michlmead 2007-07-02 7:56 AM

2007-07-02 7:58 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Hi all! The synthetic thyroid hormones I started last week are now starting to kick in, so I am feeling my normal energy levels reappearing. I am going for two solid weeks of training before tapering for NYC - work better not get in the way . . . I really, really need to get in more pool time, as that is where I have the most room for improvement. I also don't like it as much, so it is a mental struggle at the end of the day to hit the water. I actually enjoy open water swimming more than the pool, but we really only have access to open water on the weekends, so I need to make friends with the pool.

Wish I could find a good training partner - my husband sometimes is my training partner, but he is out of town a lot. So, it is not consistent. I am thinking of joining a triathlon club in time for next season, so maybe I can meet a training partner there.

No race planned for the 4th, but my husband and I have planned a 50 mi. bike ride (our longest to date). I am really looking forward to it, especially since my aero bars are now back on my bike - I need to practice aero position before NYC.

Michelle - I thought I saw somewhere that you were scheduled to race last Friday. Did I misread something?

Edited by jgz_tarheel 2007-07-02 8:27 AM
2007-07-02 8:20 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Did the Maumee Tri -
Not sure about the 4th - can ride/run and race at several locations - having blonde moments not sure what i want to do yet.

A word on swimming... I started in Dec - actually joined a Tri-Club swim group for 16 weeks (everyother Sunday) Huge help for me - they did Tri specific workouts - Master Swims are great but i got no feedback from them - and in this area they did not multi sport. Soooo it was tough me to do their workouts - ended up dropping out of the Master program.
See if you local Tri -clubs have any programs!!

A few lessons can also help - @ the tri club we got video taped - sooo you could see your form or lack of...

I try to focus on glide in the water - I use a pool bouy and fins to help refine technique (don't rely on them but a little goes a long way) Helps to get the feel of the water and position.
Practice, practice, practice

I also - try to put in some hard efforts during the swim IE 200 - last 50 hard effort - like running interval - you don't want to teach yourself to swim slow - you want to swim with ease and speed.

Don't forget to breath!!! When i go faster - it does not always happen LOL - it's a good idea to breath a lot going faster!!


2007-07-02 8:41 AM
in reply to: #868451

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
Couple thoughts on the swim.

Like Michelle, I recently (~1.5 years ago) learned to swim efficiently. My instructor (Amy) I worked with happened to run a one hour class called Masters Swim. Amy is a trained swim instructor so she worked me alot on mechanics, "balance" and gliding like Michelle said. If there was one drawback of working with a strickly swim coach vs a multisport coach is that she wanted us to be perfect swimmers. In reality a triathlete would like to be good in the water, but taking the time to be perfect takes us away from our other two facets. Our instructor did above/under water analysis as well. I'm with Amy with respect to pull buoy and fins - they're good for technique tuning and getting you used to how it should feel when you aren't using those aids.

The conditioning that the Masters Swim program put me through was priceless. Regardless on how you get that - either on your own, through masters or a tri club it's very important to do workouts that'll push yourself really hard occasionally. It's alot more fun to do 100's, 50's etc when you're gasping for air with a swim buddy than doing these by yourself.

Open water swimming as well as race day swimming are whole different ball games and I'd be glad to discuss those as well.

Have a great week folks!

2007-07-02 11:58 AM
in reply to: #818033

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Subject: RE: Runnertridu Girl Group
M- I generally stay above 90 as a rule but often cruise at 110. I have sprinted as high up as 145. My cadence and explosive strength are my strong points. Recovery is where I need work...

Eric J
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