Other Resources Challenge Me! » Hard Core Tri Corps (Team 8) Thread Rss Feed  
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2007-11-01 9:19 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
Hey Beth!

2007-11-01 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1034296

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
BunnyB - 2007-11-01 7:19 PM

Hey Beth!

2007-11-01 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

Abolutely LOVE the team name, it's a hoot!

 Laura, Quantico is just about 2 hrs from Chester so welvome to VA in advance (though I REALLY miss PA--lived near Philadelphia for 18 years)

Did Pilates after work tonight. Plan on a run and Yoga tomorrow so that's 2 flexibility/core workouts in a row. Have to work this weekend and am going to a wedding Sat evening.  Might get a run Sun AM prechurch, we'll see.  I'm off Mon and fate intervened to give me a vacation day Tuesday so there's extra days to work out next wee!.

Yanti, do I get to be a schizophreic border collie/doberman again or can I do some other fun thing.?..Cheerleading (never was one as I can't master a cartwheel, something about getting my azz over my head had NEVER worked for me)

2007-11-01 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1034244

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
BunnyB - 2007-11-01 6:56 PM

Hmmm...since I'm the team leader, does that make me the DI? Everybody march!

Oh gosh. We've created a monster! LOL
2007-11-01 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1034302

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
MrsUSMC - 2007-11-01 7:22 PM

Oh gosh. We've created a monster! LOL

You ain't seen nothin' yet. I have a whole bevy of emoticons lined up to use this month.
2007-11-01 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
Bummer! I was going to change the subject in my initial post to "Hard Core Tri Corp (Team 8)", but it won't let me. I got an error that one can only edit within the first 30 minutes after making the post.

2007-11-01 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1034302

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

MrsUSMC - 2007-11-01 9:22 PM
BunnyB - 2007-11-01 6:56 PM Hmmm...since I'm the team leader, does that make me the DI? Everybody march!
Oh gosh. We've created a monster! LOL


I had to do the DI thing last time as the schizo. dog, not planning on doig DI again cause it just makes me look too psycho (and if you knew me in RL you're suspicians would be confirmed that I am something of a MANIAC)

Edited by zipp1 2007-11-01 9:41 PM
2007-11-01 9:45 PM
in reply to: #1034300

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

MrsUSMC - 2007-11-01 9:22 PM
BunnyB - 2007-11-01 7:19 PM Hey Beth!

Hey everyone! thanks for the warm welcome to the lurker!  LOL

2007-11-01 9:47 PM
in reply to: #1034098

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
kaqphin - 2007-11-01 6:58 PM [

except he didnt even have the self control to leave the leg avvy for 24 hours... and I was asleep for most of it!!!

ummmm, I think you totally need to call him on that!

2007-11-01 9:51 PM
in reply to: #1034288

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-01 10:16 PM

Hey there Bumpers - looks like you have an awesome team!

If it's ok, I will be dropping in to say hello from time to time


She's trying to up her post count. It's not high enough yet.

You guys do have an awesome team, though.


2007-11-01 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1034320

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
BunnyB - 2007-11-01 7:34 PM

Bummer! I was going to change the subject in my initial post to "Hard Core Tri Corp (Team 8)", but it won't let me. I got an error that one can only edit within the first 30 minutes after making the post.

Send a PM to Ron (?) and ask him to change it for us.

2007-11-01 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread


I must be REALLY tired since it's 11PM out on the east coast and I got up at 5 AM to swim-I thought YOU were the one up late to post then I remembered (I am such a flake when I'm tired) the TIME ZONE DIFFERENCES--DUH.  Like I said, I'm a flake when tired so it's off to bed for this bonzo after I feed the cats

2007-11-01 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1034373

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

MrsUSMC - 2007-11-01 10:02 PM
BunnyB - 2007-11-01 7:34 PM Bummer! I was going to change the subject in my initial post to "Hard Core Tri Corp (Team 8)", but it won't let me. I got an error that one can only edit within the first 30 minutes after making the post.
Send a PM to Ron (?) and ask him to change it for us.

I tried to figure out how to change our team thread as well, ended up starting a new one.

Let me know if it works (for future reference)


2007-11-01 10:15 PM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
I sent a PM to the forum moderator to see if he can change it for us.
2007-11-02 1:50 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread


I threatened team jobs, so here they are, and of course I assigned myself the job to make sure YOU are doing YOUR job.

In the spirit of Corps, everyone also gets a Marine rank (carefully chosen to sound cool with your title). In the spirit of BT Challenge, feel free to re-title/re-rank/re-frame your job however you like.

And this is a team, so feel free to assume other assistive responsibilities as you see fit. Jokes, pics, and totally random thoughts are always welcome, too.

BunnyB (Melissa) General Bunny

'Nuff said. 

zipp1 (Judi) Major Negativity Raider

Your job is a lot like Gail's was ... everyone here is a winner for starting on the Challenge. Nobody gets to say they suck, they don't like working out, they don't look good enough, blah, blah, blah. Infractions will be punished with affirmations or some other positive challenge.


MrsUSMC (Terri) Colonel Cheerleader

Your turn to throw, grow, and show the same kind of encouragement you gave and received in October.

Twins_momma (Erin) Lieutenant Life Balance

If you can work, tri, and mother small twins ... we need your continuing observations and wise words about life balance, weight loss, and pretty much anything else!

crabsrule (Brenda) Corporal Cycle Scion

You said you liked cycling--tell us how it's going for you, what you're learning about it, and cycling pics/news/facts/anything.

DeputyDawg (Dee) Captain No Excuses

Here's a dogged dog who lives with the dizzies in a frozen land. If anyone has excuses, it's you ... but you're gonna show (and tell) us all how to get out there and exercise anyway!

mbmoran2 (Brian) Staff Sergeant Swim

With a major swim pledge, you will be the resident swim reporter--we want pool stories, swimming news, etc.

TriAya (Yanti) Sergeant Doberman

I will be patrolling your blogs and making sure you DO sweat it.

szbilicki (Sandi) Major Running Ruler

As Queen of the Marys, you will be our information source regarding long-distance running.

runnerg1rl7 (Laura) First Sergeant Fitness

Having done every sport imaginable and STILL kicking butt, we need your outlook and experience on fitness!

KLynne – Gunnery Sergeant Runner

Being speedy Susan's running mate, you're the expert here on short-course running. Let's hear whatever you got!

2007-11-02 3:42 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
Woot! Great job, Yanti! I've updated my siggie to reflect my rank.

Yes, I'm still up studying. I'm guessing that's bad, right?

2007-11-02 4:00 AM
in reply to: #1034576

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

BunnyB - 2007-11-02 1:42 AM Woot! Great job, Yanti! I've updated my siggie to reflect my rank. Yes, I'm still up studying. I'm guessing that's bad, right?

Nah. You're HARD CORE, remember? I'd expect nothing less. Kill 'em, Bunny!

2007-11-02 4:20 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
Well, at least I'm not the only one up at this ridiculous hour. LOL
2007-11-02 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

Titles with a flair--how awesome. 

Let's see, Gail gave penalty points for negativity--but they were like the points on "Whose Line" and didn't really matter...If we're to get our heads out of the negativity butt-hole we need real penalies..SO, if you say you suck at swiming you get another swim workout Likewise for whatever else we say we suck at.  Any comments about being too fat or whatever will require a posted photo of said part so watch the stuff ya say about your azzes ladies!

If you can post pics of scenery from your run or ride, comments about the pool piglets (as Yanti calls them), have favorite running music let us know.  We all need to be inspired  in different ways.  (will spokes be sharing those delicious legs around here?)

2007-11-02 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

Whoa - lots to catch up on from over night!!!  Love the team name and the assignments are great!!!  It is pretty funny that I got the bike assignment when I don't have biking on my goals - but it's still cool.  I would have put spinning as one of my goals, but I'm having a hard time finding a class that fits my schedule right now.  If work just weren't soooo darn picky about me having to actually show up and do something it order to collect that pay check - I'd have it madeKiss

There was mention in an earlier post about starting a new thread with the team name.  I didn't see one, if I over looked someone let me know. 

2007-11-02 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread

Looks like I'll need seperate barricks from all you ladies. 

Damn, its hard keeping up with you fervent posters!!!  I will do my best as Staff Sergeant Shark.

I couldn't swim more than 25 meters  when I first got the Tri bug in March of '06.  So if any of you need encouragement or advice on the swim, I can share stories of how I was able to go from thrashing about in an out-of-breath mess to completing the half-iron swim in under 40 minutes.

2007-11-02 9:55 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
2007-11-02 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1031468

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Extreme Veteran
Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
First Sergeant Fitness of the Hard Core Tri Corps! hahaha I love it and all the other rank names - my DH would be so proud (though I now "outrank" him, since he's a Sgt) I'll have to update my sig to reflect my new paygrade. Too bad it doesn't come with a first sergeant's paycheck, too!

2007-11-02 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1034641

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
zipp1 - 2007-11-02 5:28 AM

Titles with a flair--how awesome.

Let's see, Gail gave penalty points for negativity--but they were like the points on "Whose Line" and didn't really matter...If we're to get our heads out of the negativity butt-hole we need real penalies..SO, if you say you suck at swiming you get another swim workout Likewise for whatever else we say we suck at. Any comments about being too fat or whatever will require a posted photo of said part so watch the stuff ya say about your azzes ladies!

If you can post pics of scenery from your run or ride, comments about the pool piglets (as Yanti calls them), have favorite running music let us know. We all need to be inspired in different ways. (will spokes be sharing those delicious legs around here?)


Good for you, girlfriend, keeping up my traditions of positivity, scenery, music, etc.  Just make sure your penalties don't make this newbie team overtrain! 


2007-11-02 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1034735

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Team 8 Thread
mbmoran2 - 2007-11-02 7:03 AM

Looks like I'll need seperate barricks from all you ladies.

Damn, its hard keeping up with you fervent posters!!! I will do my best as Staff Sergeant Shark.

I couldn't swim more than 25 meters when I first got the Tri bug in March of '06. So if any of you need encouragement or advice on the swim, I can share stories of how I was able to go from thrashing about in an out-of-breath mess to completing the half-iron swim in under 40 minutes.

I will definately love to take advantage of your encouragement and advice. I cannot believe how hard it seemed after all this time away from it. The great thing about it being hard is that I'm one of those people that gets bored with something once it becomes too easy.
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