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2008-01-08 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1097791

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
The Athens tri is March 8th...Do you know anyone who has done this one...It is being put on by "Ironhead." I'm not sure what that means, but from looking at their website, they seem to have their stuff together...they have another sprint scheduled in April in McKinney.


2008-01-08 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1142421

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Hey Mark, That's a great question. I asked my good friend Google...

lots of great info in this article! Hope it helps.

Mike, Ironhead is an awesome organization. Jack Weiss is a great RD, although a bit of a crotchity old man at times! In the North Texas area, it's really them and Dallas Athletes. Cruise around the boards long enough and you will hear of the legendary Jeepfleeb. Actually his name is Aaron and he is not only a very good friend of mine, but he is sponsored by Ironhead. I know he will be at Athens along with my friend Andy.

If you go into the race reports forum and click add a race. Search for the date and state and add Athens to your list of planned races. It will then show up in your training log and you will be able to see anyone else who has registered for it. Closer to race time, check the Texas forum. There will be lots of people posting plus there is almost always a BT carb loading dinner the night before. It is something you have to experience at least once!

Edited by dodgersmom 2008-01-08 4:42 PM
2008-01-08 10:20 PM
in reply to: #1143417

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Thanks for the link Marcy, it's good reading.

I got my first swim session in tonight. All in all it was a possitive experience. I think I am really going to like having a structured set of drills to work with. That really beats trying to swim endlless laps with-out any noticable goal.

My biggest issue was that I kept getting cramps in both my big toes. This has been a recurring problem with me in the past but it never seemed as bad as it did tonight. It started happening within the first few laps I swam. It seemed that no sooner did I rub out the cramp in one toe then the other would start up. Any ideas?

I also, like a complete dope, neglected to bring gym shorts with me so I wasen't able to do my work-out after my swim was done. I'll see about making that up either tomorrow or Thursday.

Goodnight everyone, Keep pushing!!

2008-01-09 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1143417

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
Thanks, Marcy! I downloaded an entry form this a.m. I'm looking forward to it. One more question? There's the $10 dollar one day membership fee, or the $39 for the year...As a first timer should I plan on doing the $10?

Mike A.
2008-01-09 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1097791

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
I would join USAT.  Every race you are going to do is a USAT race.  If you do 4 races a year it pays for itself.  Plus, you get the window sticker for your car!  I think the wes site is
2008-01-11 9:10 AM
in reply to: #1125696

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

I'm looking at some of the footage of tri's and I realize, "Crap, what's the transition going to be like for a first-timer?" How confusing is getting your bike and then parking it, changing shoes and all that sort of stuff?

Mike A.

2008-01-11 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1097791

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Hey Mike,

Transitions can definaely be confusing.  Just like you practice our swim, bike and run, you should definately practice transitions.

I think Athens is assigned racking.  You rack your bike based on your bib number.  Look for a distinctive landmark at your rack.  A lot of times, people put balloons or flags on the rack.  Don't pay attention to the bikes around you.  If you think "I'm racked next to the yellow Trek", and the yellow Trek is out of transition before you, you may have a hard time finding you bike.  If there is no distinctive mark on the rack, look for something that will be there when you come out of the swim. 

Don't forget a towel in your bag.  I would recommend using one that has a distinctive pattern on it.  It will make is so much easier to find coming out of the swim. 

Fold your towel and lay it down.  Remember that your stuff goes on the side that the majority of your bike is. 

Think about things logically.  You will have your swim gear (cap and goggles) with you.  You come out of the water and when do you stuff.  Helmet, gloves, shoes, socks, glasses.

They should be placed first on your towel.  Make sure that your helmet straps are undone and laying out the sides.  If you are wearing gloves, and they have velcro, make sure that they are undone.  Make sure your shoe are unlaced or if they are velcro, opened. 

Since it will probably be cold. you will most likely be putting clothes on.  There is no way around it, putting dry clothes on a wet body can be frustrating.  Just don't panic, stay calm and take your time.  Make sure that your helmet is buckled before you head out of transition.

When you come back from the bike, DO NOT UNBUCKLE YOUR HELMET before you rack your bike.  That is a big no-no.  If you are changing shoes, make sure your running shoes are unlaced or I would recommend speed laces!  Helmet and gloves off.  Hat on (if you run with a hat) and number belt on with your number in the front.  Maybe grab a gel!  (If you don't have a number belt, I would get one. 

Then, it's a little run before crossing the line!!

I also think there are some articles about transitions.  I will post the links for you! 


2008-01-11 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1150266

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

I think your right. I may want to practice this a time or two before the race...Of course finding my bike may be easy if mine is the only one left!! Ha

2008-01-11 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1097791

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Hi All. Got my first long swim session in this morning. it went pretty well. One thing I wanted to tell you all about in case you don't know about it is my Sportcount finger lap counter;

This thing is amazing. It counts laps give split times and track overall times. Its real simple to use. I love not having to think about what lap i'm on and so forth. Well worth the money in my book.

2008-01-12 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1151503

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
I saw a lap counter in a bike shop a couple of weeks ago...I might see about using it, because it would save time and confusion...

Mike A.
2008-01-12 6:09 PM
in reply to: #1097791

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
I totally agree about needed a way to keep track of laps.  I use my watch.  It has a lap times and I hit it at every 100 yards.  A few days ago I forgot to put it on and did not realize it until I got to the pool.  I got all kinds of confused and either ended up either swimming 50 yards to far or not far enough.

2008-01-13 2:58 PM
in reply to: #1097791

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
You know I would love to say "Well I fogot my lap counter this morning so darn it I swam too far!!" I really doubt that would ever happen though.
2008-01-14 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1097791

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Good morning Marcy and everyone.

now that I have a full week of records logged in i wonder if you might have a few minute to look over my nutrition logs. Do you still think my calories are too low? And does anything else pop out at you?



2008-01-14 1:21 PM
in reply to: #1097791

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Hey guys!  Happy Monday!  Mark, I will take a look at your nutrition logs later tonight.  FYI - how tall are you and what do you weigh?

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  I entertained my brother and 11yo nephew for 5 days.  I don't know how you people with kid do it

Workout wise, last week was a killer.  This week is a recovery weeek in prep for the hell that is Ironman training.  Sunday marks 12 weeks before race day and things get insane.

I'll check in with you all later.  Have to get my annual performance evals done by the end of the day.

2008-01-14 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1097791

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Hey Marcy. I know what you mean about how energetic kids can be. I wish i had half there energy, I'd be IM material for sure.

I currently weight 202lbs I hope to be at aboiut 185-190lbs in time for my race 3/29.

And currently I am at 6'1" tall and I hope to be the same height at race time.

2008-01-15 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1097791

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Happy Tuesday all!  What's on the agenda for today?  I have an hour swim that I will get done right after work.  I like this workout because it is just a swim.  No drills or sprints or kicks.  Hoping to get 3000 yards in the hour but we'll see.

Mark,  I think your current calorie count is good.  Perhaps a little on the low side, but if they are smart calories (whole grains, no refined carbs or sugars, lots of fruits and veggies), I think you are OK!!

2008-01-15 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1156783

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Hey all. Just got in from my evening session. had a 30m swim this evening plus I did strength training before work this  morning. I hope to make a conserted attempt to drag my butt out of bed so I can do these 2-days like they are suppoed to, one in the morning and one at night.

It seem like I dont realy eat too many fruits anymore. I always get so consernd with how much sugar is in them. Now my typical dinner usually be either chicken or some fish with a large serving of vegies. Sucks cause I like fruits, but I know if I buy a bag of cherries i'll end up eating that entire bag in a night. It's best to just leave that one at the store.

Thanks for the tip Marcy. I'll peg my calorie goal at 1750 a day +/- 250, that seems to be about right.

I hope everyone has a good evening. Later from katy.

2008-01-16 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1097791

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Morning everyone. Got my early workout session in so far. I did a 50 min bike spin class. Man oh man I can't wait for my new bike to come in. I'm getting SO tired of taking spi n classes 3-4 days a week.

Suppose to do a 40min run tonight but the last few day in houston have been drizzly-wet and cold. hopefully it clears up a bit before i get off work tonight.

have fun all!!!

2008-01-16 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1156783

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

Good morning everyone!

Marcy I am running in the snow and cold on the weekends, but I use the Treadmill during the week because it is so early and dark outside.

More snow is coming and I have to do a long run on Sat.  Oh Boy!

Have a good day.


2008-01-16 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1097791

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
Good morning everyone! Been out of town the last 3 days. I'm glad to be back. I'm looking at the comments about nutrition, and it's giving me some ideas...For now, I drink water during the day, and at every meal. Try to make good choices. Talapia over brown rice with steams vegetables is a favorite. Bananas, apples and oranges...I'm not counting the calories, yet. Just trying to make better choices. Of course, each meal needs tobasco!

Mike A.
2008-01-16 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1097791

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

You guys are awesome. I do the same thing with my workouts.  During the week it's on a treadmill (my gym also has an indoor track) or trainer.  On the weekends, as long as it's not raining or too cold I will run outside.  I am still a big weenie when it come to biking in the cold but with our long workouts over the next 12 weeks I have to step up!

Eating clean has really been hard to do, but once it becomes habit, it's easy.  It's funny how your mindset changes.  The other day, I was sitting in my work's cafeteria eating my lunch (I bring lunch everyday).  I really wanted something crunchy and went to get a bag of multi-grain pita chips.  I thought...pita, multi-grain wow, a healthy choice.  Looked at the back and saw the calories were 180 per serving, and there were 2 servings in the bag.  I put them back and walked away Yeah me!

Hope everyone has a great day!!


2008-01-17 9:42 AM
in reply to: #1097791

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Extreme Veteran
Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!

'morning everyone!! Got an off day today. But I earned it. Went on a scheduled 40m run last nite and ended up going 55m, WOOT!! Looking forward to this nice rest day.

Also I dont know how I did this but after my dinner last night I had only consumed 1261 calories. After that run I knew I needed more so I went out and bought a serving of Boston market mash potatos and then went an Bought some Ghirradalli chocolate.

Mmmmmm potatos and chocolate....That was fantastic! had a littkle trouble sleeping for some reason but other than that it was a good day.

Welp good day to you all.

2008-01-17 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1097791

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
Had a decent day at the gym this morning. High reps, low weight, minimal rest between sets. Started and ended with 5 minutes on stationary bike...Feel pretty good. Good thing, cuz I had prosecutors at my door before I could even get my first cup of coffee. Getting a sex assault of a child case ready for trial. I've got a solution for this case, but I want to keep my job...

Mike A.
2008-01-17 10:04 AM
in reply to: #1161673

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
auggie - 2008-01-17 10:03 AM

Had a decent day at the gym this morning. High reps, low weight, minimal rest between sets. Started and ended with 5 minutes on stationary bike...Feel pretty good. Good thing, cuz I had prosecutors at my door before I could even get my first cup of coffee. Getting a sex assault of a child case ready for trial. I've got a solution for this case, but I want to keep my job...

Mike A.

"You can't take it with you, so give all you got!"
2008-01-17 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1097791

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom's Group - The inn is full!
OK Marcy...I've asked this in another forum but since your my mentor, what about shaving? Just legs? Legs and Arms? This is probably low on the list, but I;m just curious...

Mike A.
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