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2008-01-04 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Also, if I want to receive an email each time the forum is updated, is that a feature I need to enable or something you, Scott can activate?

2008-01-04 3:48 PM
in reply to: #1134381

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
at the bottom of the string there is a feature to toggle e-mail notification on or off
2008-01-05 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1134313

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

....Sodium question . . . How much is too much? I realize sodium affects weight loss, which I desire, but we also need to replace some of our salty sweat. A couple of my favorite recovery snacks have soaring sodium numbers. V8 = 480 mg sodium, 430 mg potassium Turkey Pepperoni = 640 mg sodium, 9 g protein Gatorade (for comparison) = 160 mg sodium, 50 mg potassium per 12 oz. If I drink water during workouts are these numbers still too high? Sarah

Sarah - this is a great question, and unfortunately not a black and white answer is available.  I have done some research on it b/c I have super low blood pressure.  I have even fainted a couple of times after lying down and getting up too quickly (Vaso Vagal syndrome or something like that).  Doctors told me to get more sodium.  So, I drink V8, etc. and that keeps my blood pressure in check and no instances of fainting.  Now, too much sodium can cause high blood pressue.  Therefore people with high blood pressure have to be careful.   So, for every day diet, its very individual.  I think my doctor told me to get around 2000-3000mg per day after I fainted.  Some people say you are able to tell if you feel bloaded that you probably have too much sodium, but I can't tell.  And the more water you drink, the more sodium you body can handle.  Its tough.

On the other hand, during a race or training, the general rule of thumb is that you lose about 220mg of sodium per 8 oz you drink.  I have attached a calculator that will help all of you decide on how to hydrate and get the nutrition you need during training and racing.  Again, rules of thumbs, but they have validity to them.


SweatRate.xls (30KB - 38 downloads)
2008-01-06 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Wow, impressive nutrition spreadsheet! This is a big help. Thank you. I will spend some time on the articles.

Thinking of articles, I read a study in Runner's World on strength training and the effects of stretching. They determined the group that stretched after each workout gained 19% more strength than their non-stretching counterparts. Huge! Their theory is the same benefits would apply to all other exercise as well. Maybe an easy way for me to become 19% faster this year!

Yesterday I accomplished one of my January goals - I took my first spin class. I have been intimidated by spin classes for years. The fears were totally unfounded. I did not pass out or have to be wheeled out of the gym.

Angelo - thanks for the e-mail clue. Nearly all of my tech questions have VERY simple answers. Imagine, 9 years ago I considered going into IT.

2008-01-06 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1136960

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

I take a spin class every Friday and really enjoy the change of pace. I like the idea of allowing the class to control what would otherwise be a very boring hour on a stationary bike.

2008-01-07 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

So, now it really is go time.  Many of us have a good base to the season and we need to continue working on that base, setting goals and working to meet those goals.

I am working on my run and will continue to concentrate on it until my 1/2 marathon in March.  Then, it will be mostly biking.  Of course, I will be getting in 1 to 2 bikes and 1 to 2 swims in per week for maintenence.  Will be working on form in all three aspects, as well as doing my strength workouts twice a week.  Mainly about 6-8 hours per week for this month.

Does anyone else have some goals they would like to share for this month.  And/or questions on how to better meet them?  Ideas for improving, etc?

Fire away.  I am coming off a recovery week and have tons of energy.

2008-01-08 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1138812

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
my goal for this month is all about the swim.

1. need to have a couple 1 on 1 swim lessons with the masters coach....hopefully completed by the 27th

2. join the masters team and actualy be able to do the workouts they put together (even very slowly) by end of month.

the masters team meets 3 times per week, if I can attend 2 of them starting Feb 1st I will get in 8 weeks of solid coached training before Wildman Triathlon festival on 3/ that time if I can't swim 400 meters in OW maybe I should take up bowling instead =)

One question for you Scott....would you recommend some multi sport training? for example 800 meters in the pool then a quick transition to a 12 mile bike or 12 mile bike then quick transition to a 3 mile run. seems like it would be great training but may require too much recovery to be usefull. What do you think?

2008-01-08 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Great question.  The Brick is a valuable tool for us triathletes.  Some say to just do it as you get closer to a race, however, there are enough of us that believe in the value of doing them more often.  

As far as the bike/run brick, a "transition run" off the bike is good to do, to get your legs used to the transition.  Maybe only 1/2 mile or so.  This won't fatique you either, but will get your muscles used to the transition.   Maybe one ride per week on this.  As you get closer to your race (about 4-6 weeks out), I would also do some all out transitions.  Something like a 15 mile ride and a 3 mile run for a sprint.

The Swim/Bike brick is harder to do b/c of logistics, and to be honest, I never got much out of them.  Its nice to practice a couple of times b/c your body has been horizontal for so long, when you stand up, you will probably be dizzy.  Some things that help is to kick more during the last 100-200m to get the blood into the legs.  I will sometimes go for an OWS and then hop on the bike and do a short ride just for feel.

2008-01-08 4:06 PM
in reply to: #1143087

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
OK thanks, I've heard talk about people doing bricks but didn't know what it meant. I'm not ready for it just yet but will probably give it a try starting next month.
2008-01-10 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Not sure what happened to lawlordc, but we may have lost him.

Here are some more tips on getting the most from this site and mentor program.

1 - Keep logging your workouts, as its a good motivator when people leave you Inspires.  Leave other people inspires (good job with this Mikkel and Angelo) - It works.

2 - When replying to an inspire use the "blog" option. That way the response gets put on the inspirees blog. (And you can check out what they've been up to at the same time. )

3 - Try to stay in contact with questions and concerns about plans, injuries, equipment, etc by posting on the forum. That way everyone can read your post and offer suggestions. 

4 - If you haven't already, try to find a plan on BT that suits your needs.

5 - We have a wide spectrum of people in our group. Lets feed off each other and get the most from this forum.

Today's word of advice is to not get too stressed about fitting workouts in. If you're following a plan, keep in mind that it is not written in stone. If you are supposed to do a 1 hr swim and the pool isn't open, switch a day and run instead. If there is absolutely no way to get a workout in, look at doing some core exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, jump roping, etc) for 15 or 20 minutes. Being consistent will be the key to getting the most out of triathlons.

Have a good day everyone!

As I said earlier, I will usually have a question for the week.  Some silly, some serious, some just to get the conversations going.  This week's question:

What is your favorite food to eat/drink that has benefits you while you are training? (if you don't have one, list one that you think you would like)

I will go first.  I like the e-gels b/c of the flavors and nutrients.  And also eat cliff bars on my long rides, but my favorite has to be: Orange flavored Endurox after a long workout.  I shake it up good with ice and its like heaven.

2008-01-10 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I am currently using a BT training plan for the HIM I am doing in May, and I think it's perfect. I am training more than it promotes, but I am also coming from behind given my lack of exercise that past 4 years.

I love my Morning Shake, which has protein powder from Apex, bananas, peanut butter, low fat milk and ice cubes in it. It's perfect a few hours before a long ride, or after my insane Bootcamp.

I also recommend you guys read my personal blog about this insane quest. At least you can get a laugh out of the insanity of it:

By the way, I went running in my new Newton Running shoes today - WOW!!! They kick some serious butt.

2008-01-10 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I'm a big fan of the Cliff Bar, Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip. I am still struggling with my my protein intake. I could really use some suggestions on some good tasting mixes. Nutrition is a weakness of mine. I really want to dial it in for this season. I want to lose the tire, but I know I have to change my diet.

I am working on getting my plan dialed in for my HIM. It is from BT, but with some modifications. Scott I would like to get a copy to you to review it. You are doing SOR too, so I would rally value your feedback.
2008-01-11 7:15 AM
in reply to: #1149290

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
my favorite post workout meal is a smoothie as well. I use whey protein, creatine, ground flax seed, peanut butter, several different kinds of fresh fruit and skim milk...great nutrition and very tasty. I actualy don't like to eat anything during a work out but I also haven't done any really long rides yet either.


for protein I recommend the simpler the better, gnc's brand of 100% whey protein in vanilla is pretty good. I sometimes just put a scoop in a glass of milk at night and it tastes good or blended with bluberries and a banana is really good. I avoid all other flavors and products like muscle milk because they taste awfull.

I also buy large bags of frozen chicken breasts at the grocery store. then I grill them all and put them in the fridge for a really easy lunch or dinner....just nuke it and it's great protein and almost no fat.

2008-01-11 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
My best recovery meal is . . . SKIM MILK!!! I want to count the calories as gone and I have a hard time preparing something within 45 min. of my workout. That will change when my workouts lengthen and I start packing a lunch.

Now I workout early in the morning then 1.5 to 2 hours later I like to have a black bean omelet with egg substitute, salsa, FF sour cream, and if I'm feeling froggy, a piece of toast.

I'm considering adding a Jan. 19th YMCA indoor tri to my plans just for a great workout. It is in Tulsa. Kansas Scott -- you could join me there.

2008-01-14 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Great tips from Angelo.  The vanilla whey protien is good.  I know many people that mix it up just like he does (w/ bannana/blueberrie/strawberry and milk/ice) for a great recovery drink.  Also, like the idea of preparing the week's meals ahead of time.

Which brings me to another question.  What kind of supplements do you guys/gals take?

I don't take many b/c they are so expensive, but I do take the following:

- Multivitamin
- 1000mg of vitamin C in the morning and in the evening.  I do this for immune system.  
- Glocousimin/Chondritin (not prescribed amt, but one a day)
- Try to put flax seed/oil in some food during the day

I get most of my stuf at Sam's b/c its very inexpensive there.

Have a good week of training.....I will be checking in!

2008-01-14 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1154229

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
-I use a whey protein powder everyday and try to consume at least 160 grams of protein per day.
-creatine, which is admitedly mostly for my strength training but probably helps in recovery for any training I do.
-a multivitamin as well as ground flax seed.
-I've been taking a green tea supplement for the last year and a half because it's really good at getting the metabolism burning but since I don't need to lose weight anymore I'll probably stop using it when I run out.
-glucosamine/chondroitin, only on occasions when I have knee pain because I find it makes my joints stiff if I take it all the time.


2008-01-20 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Hey guys - how is everyone doing?

I officially start my training plan this week and kicked it off with my own personal sprint tri at the gym yesterday. Even in a 25 yd. pool, on a clunky LifeCycle, and a treadmill it reminded me why I love this sport. Now I've set my first-of-season times and I'm ready to shorten them.

2008-01-21 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
The flip turn video on BT's home page is really helpful if you need any pointers in that area.

I once thought I didn't need to flip for an open water swim. I wasn't actually in the open water long before I discovered how much I missed the 2 huge breaths I took at each standing turn. That required a quick last minute adjustment before race day. This season I started out flipping, but felt I was doing 3 pirouettes underwater before surfacing. The video was a great way to correct my form.

I'm hoping to get in a short run before the end of the day.

2008-01-21 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1168144

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I watched the video as well and thought it was some good info...I'm not flipping yet, still trying to breath, but I can see the importance of training without stopping after each lap
2008-01-22 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
So, have we lost lawlordc and orangeburst? Scott - I'm going to be expecting more individualized attention

I am so glad to have started my official training plan. It brings much more structure and accountability to my workouts. The last 2 days have been very frustrating from a weight stand point. Along with the structure of my workouts I've added a much more structured eating plan. I am exercising more, eating less and the pounds should be melting away. They are not. This leads to my question . . .

How much affect does the whole muscle/fat ratio thing have on actual weight? After my kid's car accident I turned up the calories and turned off the workouts, but was surprised NOT to gain weight for 2.5 weeks. Now that I'm reversing the program I am not losing weight, but can tell I'm gaining fitness and strength, but still not losing inches either.

Aren't you glad there's a girl in the group?!?!

2008-01-22 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1169792

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
I'd like to offer a bit of advice if I may. first off 2 days is not long enough to have a noticable amount of weight loss unless you are doing something dramatic with your diet like south beach or give it some time before being worried.

also you shouldn't be on the scale all the time. weighing yourself everyday doesn't give the real figures because your weight will vary depending on time of day as well as within the week depending on workout schedule. pick one day per week and do it at the same time per day to get a more accurate measurement.

2008-01-22 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL
Oops, I worded that wrong. I've made some significant changes in the past week + and have not seen results on the scale resulting in a couple of days of frustration. On the show The Biggest Loser they lose 10-20 pounds the first week! I know I am not them, but come on, shouldn't I see 2-3 after a major week?
2008-01-22 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Hey Peeps!  Been pretty busy with work, but will be posting and inspiring soon. 

Sarah - my wife was wondering the same thing, as she just started w/ a trainer last week.  Its crazy how much the biggest loser people lose per week.  Much of it has to do with the fact that they are very over weight.  As they get closer to their goal weight, its a tougher ball game.

Keep up with the logs.

I met Ajotto at a function this weekend.  Great to put a name to the face.

2008-01-25 2:51 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Hey all, hope your training is going well.  Since its still the off season, we should all be building our base and getting ready for the upcoming season.  One thing that I have been concentrating on is form (better form) in all aspects.  Everyone knows how important form is in swimming and should be always working on being more efficient in the pool.  Running form is often over looked.  I have been in the process of making my gait much more efficient over this off season.  I am going to attach a Powerpoint presentation that represents some of the things I am doing.   You will find many different theories on running form, but pretty much ALL of them incorporate:

1) midfoot/forefoot striking (as opposed to heel striking - which is a breaking/slowing effect)
2) high turnover, 90+, whether going slow or fast.  Which also will put the foot more underneath the hip.
3) relaxed form
4) slight lean forward, utilizing gravity to propel forward (instead of upward).

There are many drills to help with the above by using google, etc.  I am sure if you look at your gait there is some free speed there to gain by modifying your form.  Of course, speed workouts will do the same, but all the things that make you more efficient in running also decrease your chance of injuries...


2008-01-25 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1102173

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NW Suburbs, Illinois
Subject: RE: Schmize's Group - FULL

Hey all, hope your training is going well.  Since its still the off season, we should all be building our base and getting ready for the upcoming season.  One thing that I have been concentrating on is form (better form) in all aspects.  Everyone knows how important form is in swimming and should be always working on being more efficient in the pool.  Running form is often over looked.  I have been in the process of making my gait much more efficient over this off season.  You will find many different theories on running form, but pretty much ALL of them incorporate:

1) midfoot/forefoot striking (as opposed to heel striking - which is a breaking/slowing effect)
2) high turnover, 90+, whether going slow or fast.  Which also will put the foot more underneath the hip.
3) relaxed form
4) slight lean forward, utilizing gravity to propel forward (instead of upward).

There are many drills to help with the above by using google, etc.  I am sure if you look at your gait there is some free speed there to gain by modifying your form.  Of course, speed workouts will do the same, but all the things that make you more efficient in running also decrease your chance of injuries...

Since the powerpoint slides I wanted to attach were too large, pm me with your email and i will forward it to you.  Its pretty good.

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