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2008-01-22 2:56 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Get out of the not working out rut (back to gym on a regular basis.)

Completion of my first Sprint

Become a better swimmer

Get back to the same shape and size when I left the Army (4 years ago) I got happy and Lazy!!!
12% Body Fat
26% Body Fat

2008-01-23 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

I'm full of goals. 

1. Get married, and don't let triathlon become a hindrance to the marriage.
2. Buy a house.  Interest rates sure are looking good! 
3. Finish Ironman in under 14 hours.
4. Ride 300 miles in 24 hours.  I'm now leaning towards the 24 hour time trial this Fall.
5. Learn how to swim...correctly.
6. 165 pounds, less than 10% body fat.

2008-01-24 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

OK, Another qustion for all of you...what is your definition of a good mentor?  I want to make sure that I atleast MEET your expectations.  If that means, sending inpires every day, and checking on your your workouts, or simple encouragement, just being available to bounce questions off of, giving tips and advice on training, and how to try to still have time for family time, etc...let me know (either here, or shoot me a PM if you wish).  I just want to make sure you get as much out of this as you anticipated you would




2008-01-24 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1173379

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Well as far as mentoring, I guess I would like you to drive to Lakeville twice a week and monitor my training.... LOL just kidding...

I guess I do not know what I except other than a group of people including the mentor who can offer advice, tips suggestions etc, if one of us is having an issue or hitting a tough spot...

"Inspire me" is always great if it has comments or constructive criticism.

It would be nice to try to meet up in the spring for cycle rides or a swim session here or there since we live in the same state, but not something I would expect from a mentor. Just a bonus of being in the same area...
2008-01-24 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1173717

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

SnyderJasonD - 2008-01-24 9:22 AM It would be nice to try to meet up in the spring for cycle rides or a swim session here or there since we live in the same state, but not something I would expect from a mentor. Just a bonus of being in the same area...

I am sure this can be are shooting for Buffalo as your first race, right??  Are you doing the sprint or Olympic?

2008-01-24 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1173725

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
benihana - 2008-01-24 8:24 AM

I am sure this can be are shooting for Buffalo as your first race, right??  Are you doing the sprint or Olympic?

I am shooting for Buffalo... and I am going to do the sprint.

2008-01-24 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
do you have anyother races in mind for this year, or is this the one you are currently focused on?
2008-01-24 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1173935

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
I have not thought about additional races. Just focusing on one first! and then the rest will all be down hill... and then uphill i'm sure!
2008-01-24 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1173944

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

SnyderJasonD - 2008-01-24 10:56 AM I have not thought about additional races. Just focusing on one first! and then the rest will all be down hill... and then uphill i'm sure!


Definately depends on which way you look at it!!  


BTW, great job in logging your workouts, it is helpful for me to look at when it comes to making suggestions!

2008-01-24 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Ben, I think you pretty much summed it up with my expectations.  I saw how these mentor groups progressed when I first started on BT, but was too late to get into one.  So I figured I'd try this time.  But I think it'll be good to encourage one another, help each other out with a few tips, monitor each other's progress, and maybe just talk about nothing.

Here's a couple of things on my mind.
1. Has anybody else seen the thread on the stats on Lance Armstrong?  RHR in the mid 30's, yet a max HR of 201!?!  And he averages 20+ on his 4-6 hour training rides while maintaining a HR of 128!?!  The thing that really sticks out to me is how he is so efficient at a HR much lower than his max HR.  Any thoughts on lower HR training (zone 1 - zone 2) vs higher HR training (zone 3 - zone 4)?  My plan calls for nearly every single workout to be in zones 1 and 2, and I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to sneak into zones 3 and 4 occasionally.  However, with my lack of base, it really seems that for an Ironman it is more beneficial to stay in the lower zones.
2. How do you guys balance the tri-lifestyle with everything life brings at you?  I'm lucky to have a job where everything is calm and I'm not stressed out working crazy hours, but I still am finding it pretty difficult to try to do other things other than eat, sleep, work, and train!

2008-01-24 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

To answer your questions on HR's/Lance

1.  Lance is a FREAK!!  I think I remember seeing a Discovery show about him that said his heart is about 20-30% larger than an avg. person, and therefore can push more blood, with less effort.  Also, he clears the lactate in his blood EXTREMELY fast compared to the rest of us morals.

 As far as his training rides at 20+ in Z1-Z2, that is someting that will differ in all people based on their Lactate Threshold (LT) and Max HR in a specific sport.  For example, my LT is about 160 on the bike, and about 166 for running.  Therefore my bike Z1 is from 105 - 127.  On my longer rides last year, I would be at about 119/120 bpm, and I would be pushing 20mph +/-.  Now, in no way am I suggesting that I am as good Lance, but what I am saying that his Max HR & LT are completely different, and that he is a FREAK!!

To address your second question in #1 about what you should be training at, I would say, if you plan on racing at ~120bpm on the bike in your IM,  then that is where you should be training at.  Last year in my HIM I trained at the ~120 mark for 3+hour rides, however, I rode the race @ ~140 (142 bpm was my avg.) and I paid for it BIG TIME on the run.  This year I will be doing my Long rides at a higher HR so that my body gets used to that pace and is not shocked come race day.  With that said, I still think you have time to (slightly) adjust your "pace" for your IM if you work at it, but I would caution you from going to crazy, as you will still have to complete a marathon after the bike.


To address your other question about lifestyle, that is one of the hardest thing to deal with, as you hit it right on the head.  During last summer my regimine was get up, eat, go to work, eat, come home, eat, go work out, eat, go to bed, repeat!  This year will be a lot different as my Wife and I are expecting our first child (a girl) on June 1st.  It will alter my training quite a bit, but for the better.  PLus, it helps to have a significant other that is supportive of your training.  As far as balancing them, I had a hard time, but was known to come home from a long run/ride/hard workout and go for a walk with Chantel on multiple ocassions, just so that were able to spend time together.  Training for these long course races is not only hard on the body, but it is also hard on relationships/family life if you aren't willing to make more sacrifices of your own, if that makes sense.


Hope that answers them all


2008-01-24 3:36 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
JC, have you had any testing done, such as VO2 Max testing... After I got out of the army in 2003 I got happy, fat and lazy... well not right away but over the past few years... End of last year when I started to go back on a more regular basis. I had a VO2 Max test and Resting Metabolic Rate test done... I learned a ton of valuable information specific to me and my body in its current form... such as:

My AT (Anaerobic threshold) is 173 BPM

My personal zones...

Z1 104 - 123 BPM
Z2 121 - 156 BPM
Z3 156 - 173 BPM
Z4 173 - 191 BPM
Z5 191 - PEAK BPM

Fat utilization:
Z1 62% Fat
Z2 42%
Z3 17%
Z4 almost none...

HR Max 208
VO2 Max 37.7

So I am about average... nowhere near what I was when in the army I am sure... I am almost glad I do not know what I was at... I might cry!

I know for me to bring my VO2 Max up and be more efficient at burning fat, I should be working out in all 3 zones 13% in Z1, 67% in Z2 and 20% in Z3

So I am not sure that I really answered any of your questions from my perspective other than as you well know everyone is different and are going to be more or less efficient than others... However with this test, I can go back and have real quantifiable measure of where my body is in regard to efficiency.

This was all done in October... end of summer I will retest...

Edited by SnyderJasonD 2008-01-24 3:37 PM
2008-01-24 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1148309

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - OPEN
Okay...I am such a dork. I am on this site everyday, and I just found your reply to my first post. I didn't know how to look for it! I saw your inspire on my training log...Now I am in 2 mentor groups. OOPS! Anyway, what is the easiest way to talk with you and the group? Do I go back to the mentor sections??

About my past experience, I have none! I have always been active but never focused on one sport. I started boot camp 3 years ago, and because of that I run now more than I ever have. I really dislike running...I don't feel like I am improving significantly. One day this summer we ran about 4 miles and I almost died!! (we were stopping to do intervals of strength training too...absolute torture!) Some days I can run and not get too tired, but most days I really struggle. As for swimming, I don't have any experience with laps or distance. The advantage I have is no fear of the water and I think I have a decent basic freestyle stroke. Biking...I don't even own a bike! Now I am biking indoors and I have been on long (20mi.) rides on vacations, but that's about it. I will be getting a bike as soon as weather permits. We do have awesome bike trails in the area.

That's it. As for the race, I am aiming for a sprint tri in Whitewater WI on 4/27. My friend from bootcamp did it last year and said it was great...perfect for a first time. It's a 500m swim, 18-20mi bike (not sure exactly), and 3mi. run. I am sure I can pull it goal is to time I will try for time. Thanks for your time!

2008-01-24 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Sandy - My first reccomendation would be to subscribe (via email) to the updates of this thread.  That will tell you whenever anyone updates it.  To do that, go click at the bottom of the page "
Toggle E-mail Notification" and subscribe to the thread. Then everytime someone posts something, there will be an e-mail that will contain a link right back to the thread.  Let me know if you need help with any of this, or have questions


As far as being in two mentoring groups, I would reccomend only being in one.  That way if someone else wants to take your place they can.  If you want to stay with us, that is wonderful, if you want to be with the other group, no worries...but you are more than welcome here.


Let us know what questions you have, as they come up.  Also, as you complete workouts, if you are able to, please log them in your training log here on BT, that way we all can help give pointers, and well wishes!





2008-01-24 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1124253

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Just signed up for an Lifetime fitness indoor tri to get a feel for where I am at... It is not a traditional style tri... it is timed tri...

10 Min swim in Lap Pool
10 Min Trans (Swim to Bike)
30 Min Bike in Cycle Fitness Studion
5 Min Trans (Bike to Run)
20 Min Treadmill Run

Scoring based on Total distance...

figured it would be a good becnhmarch before my 1st true sprint at Buffalo

It is open to both members and non members...

Edited by SnyderJasonD 2008-01-24 5:23 PM
2008-01-24 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1174721

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Thanks, I set up my email. I will stay with this group.


2008-01-24 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1174870

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
snady - 2008-01-24 4:06 PM

Thanks, I set up my email. I will stay with this group.


Glad to hear....

Edited by SnyderJasonD 2008-01-24 5:23 PM
2008-01-24 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1169902

Belvidere, IL
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
Here goes...

Goal 1: to keep motivated. I usually work out 2/3 times a week and don't push myself very hard...that's what my bootcamp teacher is for, and he's very good at it! I have done well for the past 2 weeks, increasing to 5x's/wk.

Goal 2: to feel confident that I can finish my first sprint tri in a decent time for my age group. I could lower my expectations to just FINISH, but I can do better.

Goal 3: lose 10 lbs. I have been 150lbs. for the last 10 years no matter what I do. I did lose some on Weight Watchers, but I wasn't eating either. (I could use some advice on eating when working out alot...have no clue how to eat more and still lose)

As for my mentor expectations, I just want some input on what I am doing. I don't expect daily log isn't that exciting!! And when that baby comes Ben, you are off the hook for a while...that's when we will support each other. Hopefully by then, I will actually have something to offer!

This is fun! Looking forward to getting to know you all!

2008-01-24 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1174977

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Lakeville, MN
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

Sandy - Glad to hear you want to stick around, and thanks for the hall pass for June, although I am planning on taking a week or two off...most of which will be spent changing diapers, but the other waking hours will be spent getting solid workouts in!

Sounds like you have a motivator for goal 1

For goal #2, I think you are in the right frame of mind...if you OVER prepare, it will be easy!

For goal #3, that is where things get a little tougher.  The one thing I was told a long time ago by a personal traininer is to always eat breakfast (it starts your metabolism for the day), to eat SMALL meals through out the day as opposed to gorging ourselves at lunch and diner, as our bodies can only process a certain amount of calories at one time, if they can't be coverted into energy, they converted into fat.  And the 3rd thing, which happens top be one of the toughest, is to not eat ANYTHING within 2 hours of going to bed.  This allows your body to digest the food you ate for dinner, and not have anything in your stomach when you go to bed, which is when your metabolism slows down.

As far as what to eat & how often, that is also hard to say...I would say eat when you are hungry, and go from there.  There were times last summer (usually on Mondays and Tuesdays which are the days after my Long runs and Long Bikes) where I eat my lunch I packed at 11am, wait about 60-75 minutes, and go down to the cafeteria and get a 2nd, (yes a 2nd) lunch.  So, eat when you are hungry, but try to eat things that are good for you as well...I love Candy, this one is the hardest for me!

2008-01-25 7:20 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

First off, welcome Sandy!  Glad you are here.

Ben, you're totally making sense.  I definitely need to spend most of my time where I plan on racing, and I plan on racing at low zone 2 simply because that's where I feel most comfortable from an endurance standpoint.

Jason, testing sounds awesome!  It sounds like you have everything you need analyzed, so all you have to do is follow a plan and stick with the numbers.  I like numbers!  I'm an engineer.  The only drawback I see is cost.  It seems like that could get a bit expensive.  Any ideas on pricing?  There is an article by Mike Ricci here on BT that I used to figure out my LT for the bike back last summer, and it calculated to 166.  I used my last 5k time as a run LT, as I've heard this is a good estimate.  Have you guys found this to be true?

2008-01-25 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1124253

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Longview, TX
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED

With nutrition, I think Ben nailed it.  You really have to listen to your body.  It knows when it needs food.  At the new year, I started trying to eat 6 meals a day, all between 300-600 calories, in addition to 300-350 calories per hour for all workouts 2 hours or more.  I'm not really sure where I came up with this, and I'm really not sure if it's right or wrong, but it seems to be working here recently.

And I'm not always hungry.  I could always eat, but I'm not always hungry.  I think there's a difference that alot of people don't see between hungry and just being able to eat.  At least, that's something I used to struggle with.  Another struggle of mine was knowing when to put down the fork.  I used to find it so hard not to eat and eat until I couldn't eat anymore.  Every meal.  This is how I was raised.  Finding the point where I had sufficiently fed myself really has helped me keep the weight off.  And maybe this training has too! 

2008-01-25 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1175424

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
jcbolton - 2008-01-25 6:20 AM

Any ideas on pricing?  There is an article by Mike Ricci here on BT that I used to figure out my LT for the bike back last summer, and it calculated to 166.  I used my last 5k time as a run LT, as I've heard this is a good estimate.  Have you guys found this to be true?

The cost for all of the testing was 180.00 + 40.00 for a mask... the mask I keep and never pay for again... I think I would really only do this test once or twice more over the course of 9 - 12 month intervals... So pending I have not fallen off of the training wagon. I would repeat in October of 08 and maybe in 09 depending on what I saw in Oct 08...

As far as the self test, I have not done it; I have read an article on something similar... However being a network engineer and more scientific. I like seeing an almost dead on scientific approach to produce numbers that are quantifiable.
2008-01-25 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1174977

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
snady - 2008-01-24 5:45 PM

I could use some advice on eating when working out alot...have no clue how to eat more and still lose


I can tell you what to eat, as I am no expert on the subject. What I can tell you is to use the nutrition blog that is built in here. it is very easy and straight fwd... I am behind a few days on mine... I think the first step in any serious plan is to document what you are doing. It is easy to think you know what you are eating.... and then you start to log it and you say to youself..."Oh SH#$" no wonder I am not getting any where...

On a side note, that VO2 max also gives you your daily "RMR + Lifestyle" Calories being burnt... Makeing it easier for me to determine what my caloric intake should be... it should really be as simple as Calories In / Calories Out.

My RMR + Lifestlye was 2811 + Workout (300)= 3111 is what I burn on a day with a 300 calorie burn workout... so for me to drop the lbs, (Safely) my intake should be 2111 - 2861
2008-01-25 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1169892

New user

Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
ok here we go...

Goal 1: to be in the top 3rd of my age group for my May race.
Goal 2: To race in 4 tri's this have a better time in each.
Goal 3: To be the best father i can be ( our first baby..... due Aug 17th)

For everyone.....i am a certified Personal Trainer for the past 7 years. If anyone has a question please feel free to ask. Sandy........As for the eating part that i am reading from everyone, its all good stuff. You want to eat about every 2 to 3 about six meals a day. If you wait until you are hungry you are already in the hole......your body's "survival mechanism" is to lower your metabolic rate when it feels that you are starving it. Plus you will feel tired, weak, and irritable. By eating 6 smaller meals you keep your metablic rate in overdrive......which burns your bodyfat because your body doesnt feel it has to save it to live. Plus you will have a ton of energy to go with will not have that " body alarm" go off where it will tell you to start bingeing on everything in sight to save itself.......I hope this helps

2008-01-25 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1174977

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Subject: RE: Benihana's Group - CLOSED
snady - 2008-01-24 5:45 PM
Goal 2: to feel confident that I can finish my first sprint tri in a decent time for my age group. I could lower my expectations to just FINISH, but I can do better.


Not sure how far these are from you... but they are open to both members and non-members for lifetime fitness... might be a good boost of encouragment for your first openwater sprint...

March 16th Old Orchard, IL
April 13th Burr Ridge, IL
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