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2009-09-17 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Bachman Valley Half Marathon is this weekend too, as well as a 20 miler on the Baltimore Marathon course.  Two nice options.  I consider Bachman a given for me to do when in town, but I am headed to Savageman to watch Roger try to make it up the Westernport Wall. :-)

2009-09-17 1:35 PM
in reply to: #2411458

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

SCamp07 - 2009-09-17 10:43 AM Come on Abiie...COLUMBIA!!!

I forgot about the races this weekend. I'll check them out to see if I can fit it in.

Just imagine, if Chrissie Wellington wants to redeem herself, maybe she comes back, and Abbie and Chrissie can hang out and talk triathlon! ;-)

Doh, sold out.  Oh well, that's what happens. 

Edited by kalalau 2009-09-17 1:36 PM
2009-09-18 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1876643

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now the time i got on yesterday they were sold-out! i thought u were not going to do it dave?? wow that must be a very popular race!!!! how many participants? I am sure we can find another race to do together...but FIRST let me get thru my half marathon...

which leads me to another newbie question...what is the best strategy in a half? easy first half then pick up the pace 2nd? its 2 loops..obviously i cant go into it with the same mindset as a 5K...lets just say...when i do an actual matathon if i want to qualify for boston i would have to finish 3hrs 50 does that transfer for a half? where should i look to finish?
2009-09-18 3:27 PM
in reply to: #2413214

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

abbiesue - 2009-09-18 8:06 AM the time i got on yesterday they were sold-out! i thought u were not going to do it dave?? wow that must be a very popular race!!!! how many participants? I am sure we can find another race to do together...but FIRST let me get thru my half marathon...

which leads me to another newbie question...what is the best strategy in a half? easy first half then pick up the pace 2nd? its 2 loops..obviously i cant go into it with the same mindset as a 5K...lets just say...when i do an actual matathon if i want to qualify for boston i would have to finish 3hrs 50 does that transfer for a half? where should i look to finish?

I think Columbia is over 2000 people.  Yeah I get talked into lots of races I don't want to do.  Ask me about Dreaded Druid Hills 10k and the Annapolis Ten Miler next year too and it'll go the same way.

Best strategy for any race is consistent pacing.  Barring that, then you can try negative splits (faster second half than first).  See if you can give me a race that has each mile at the same pace.  If you wear a heart rate monitor, you can sort of do this by judging your heart rate during the whole race.

It's dangerous to start thinking "what do I need to do for a half to make sure I can do a X:XX marathon."  You can't decide to do X:XX for your half marathon based on what you want, you do X:XX because that is where your training is right now.  But, given that, I would say that I would feel good about a 3:50 marathon if you could do a 1:45 half marathon.  That's an 8 min average pace.  McMillan and other calculators would be more lenient on you but thus far I haven't seen those predictors work out for a marathon.

You really aren't that far from a 1:45 half marathon.  You might not do it this time but you are getting faster each week.




2009-09-18 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Based upon your training and your races, I would think you would end up around 1:49-1:50 if you pace yourself well.

Edited by kalalau 2009-09-18 3:31 PM
2009-09-22 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
What happened to Becky? Did she do her triathlon this weekend?

2009-09-24 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2420643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
abbiesue - 2009-09-22 4:46 PM What happened to Becky? Did she do her triathlon this weekend?

Yeah, sorry.  My parents were here and we were in Ocean City with a crappy internet connection, so I'm still working on updating everything.  I did a 16.75 mile run and ~20 mile bike while at the beach on thurs and fri, then the sprint tri on Sunday.  Still working on the race report.  It's hard being without internet for a couple of days!!  This weekend I'm looking to do my last long run before the race.  Hope it goes better than the last few. 
2009-09-26 4:57 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
has anyone ever had a problem with pain in the ball of your foot...i have been having issues with my right foot and thought maybe it was just the sneakers but since i am on my 3rd pair...perhaps not. I am fine when i start out running. By the 6th mile i have a bit of discomfort running up hills and pushing off. Around the 10th mile i am practically seeing stars! Do you think resting it and just maybe 2 short runs this week will help? my schedule suggests - 4 mile, tuesday - 30 min tempo, wed - and 3 mile, thurs....
2009-09-29 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2427752

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
abbiesue - 2009-09-26 5:57 PM has anyone ever had a problem with pain in the ball of your foot...i have been having issues with my right foot and thought maybe it was just the sneakers but since i am on my 3rd pair...perhaps not. I am fine when i start out running. By the 6th mile i have a bit of discomfort running up hills and pushing off. Around the 10th mile i am practically seeing stars! Do you think resting it and just maybe 2 short runs this week will help? my schedule suggests - 4 mile, tuesday - 30 min tempo, wed - and 3 mile, thurs....

It's really hard to tell from your description, but I had a similar problem that came up around mile 15 of one of my marathons.  By 18 it really hurt, and I ended up walking the last 2 miles of the race.  I was having a great race too!  I did go to an orthopedic / sports med specialist a week or so afterwards and they took x-rays to make sure it wasn't fractured or anything.  It wasn't and at their recommendation I now wear a metatarsal pad under the arch of my foot to add support and take less pressure off the ball.  I found that non-supportive shoes and ones with bigger heels (flip-flops and dress shoes) made things worse, so it was as important to wear the pad with my non-running shoes as much as with the running shoes.  I actually wore running shoes to work for a couple of weeks.  That was almost exactly 2 years ago and I haven't had any troubles since. 
2009-09-29 7:35 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
OK Mentor Dave.  Race day is approaching and I need some guidance on goal pace.  Goal #1 is to break 5 hours (11:27 pace), but I think I can do better.  My short distance training (under 8 miles) has been really good, but I've missed out on more than one of my long runs.  I maxed out at 20 miles.  I did 13.1 tonight on very hilly terrain, but it's different than Baltimore.  The hills are steeper, but shorter.  The longest is about 1/2 mile long.  I'll put the total ft climbing when I upload to my log.  I didn't push it tonight, but I tried a little harder than "pretty bird" speed.  My pace was a 10:40 (time of 2:19:38).  Based on tonight's run, MacMillan says a 4:54 marathon.  I'd like to go for a 4:45 (10:52).  You think this is looking for trouble or no?  I want to be realistic, but it's my only marathon on the schedule this year, so I want to see what I can do.  Thoughts? 
2009-09-29 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Do you wear the metatarsal pad in races as well?  Does it move around?

I actually like the "maxing out at 20" idea.  If anything it'll be a nice experiment to see if it's better or worse for you.  I have a hard time getting a grasp of training using this site but it looks ok to me except you had some periods of no running.

I wouldn't get too tied into comparing a training run against a McMillan race predictor, except to know that you can do better than what it predicts.  I like to compare races against races.  We don't have much from you recently for running races, but I seriously doubt you are that much different than the 2:06 runner we saw at Frederick.  I bet you can do 4:30 on a good day/course, but if you want to play it conservative, 4:45 seems like a swell idea to me, especially since we have that pace group, and your training run tonight plays really well into that plan.

On race day, you will be tapered, have eaten well leading into the race, you will be running in the morning and not after a long day at work, and you will be well hydrated.  Add to that, that the weather will be cooler than most of your runs this summer.

Just rechecked the logs.  The consistency for the long runs isn't really there, and you sort of jumped from 12.67 miles, to one 18 miler in August, then one 20 miler in Sept, and now a 13.1 miler.  Is that right?  That bothers me a bit, but it still feels like you can do it.


Edited by kalalau 2009-09-29 10:14 PM

2009-09-29 10:10 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

A Baltimore update for me.  I will be a the expo 2-4 on Thurs of race week, and then again around 4:30 on Friday (I think).  After my half marathon on Sunday, I had to give in and admit to myself and the pacer boss that I should not be the leader of the 4:15 group.  I don't know what is going on with me, but I am pretty much tired 24x7.  I am staying with the 4:15 group, however.  Just not taking the lead.  It's pretty disappointing, but it needed to be done. 


2009-09-29 10:40 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Oh, I should note, I'm not sure you should stay with the pace group foot to foot for the whole marathon, in order to do your 4:45.  You can check with them at the start, but they are likely to be aiming for exact pace the whole way through.  But since Baltimore is hilly, you may be better off with "steady effort" rather than steady pace.  My thinking was I was going to head up the first hilly section at the planned pace, because with adrenaline and crowd support, that will feel easy anyway, and it's going to feel slow enough as it is with us feeling fresh.  At the downhill at mile 4, you can keep up your steady effort, and with the long downhill you should get well ahead of the pace group unless they do the same.  Around mile 9 it will level out and you can fall back into your planned race pace, but that would be ahead of the pace group since you gained some speed on them.  At mile 17-18 you hit the bad hills, you back off on the pace (keeping steady effort) and the pace group will catch back up to you.  Then once you start to crest that hill you can stay with the group for the rest of the race.

They may be doing this plan already, but they have rules and standards to go by so they cannot be speeding down that middle section.  It would look bad for the 4:45 group to have a 9 minute mile. :-)  Just the same, they will cruise up that hill at mile 18, which could lose you if you started with them.

Just a thought, you don't have to use this idea if you like the pace group to be with you the whole way.


2009-09-30 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2433423

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
Yes, I wear the metatarsal pad for races.  The first race I used it for was National Marathon and I was putting it inside my sock because I thought it would stay in place better.  I'd done several long runs this way and it wasn't great, but I thought it was better than pain.  Well, in the race I had to stop about half way, take off my shoe, and readjust because it was rubbing on my foot and causing a blister.  After that, I wore it outside my sock and it stays in place well, since it is meant to pretty much hang out under my arch.  It is (was) sticky on the back so it is supposed to stay where I place it, but I was taking it out and using it in all my shoes, so the sticky doesn't really work anymore, but it stays put regardless.  Since I started putting it outside my sock, I've had zero issues. 

Thanks for all of the feedback, Dave.  You are pretty close on the long runs (depending on what you call long).  Here's pretty much the landscape of anything 10 or over after my recovery from Eagleman.  July and August included some hour plus bike rides, September did not:

7/12 - 12.3 miles (11:51 pace)
8/9 - 18 miles (11:41 pace) --> day after 3/4 century ride, but flat
8/22 - 20 miles (12:14 pace) --> bad first 12 (12:51), good second 8 (11:19)  mental win for me
8/30 - 10 miles (10:56 pace)
9/13 - 13.76 miles (12:59 pace)
9/17 - 16.73 miles (11:04 pace) add-on run since 9/13 sucked
9/29 - 13.1 miles (10:40 pace)
9/30 - planned 8-10
10/1 - planned 8-10

Basically I was doing well through August, and September fell apart.  I got tired of running in the heat and there might have been some burnout since I trained so hard through Eagleman.  I've been much happier since the weather cooled off!  I know you can't make it all up at the end, but in place of a real long run, I am really going to push the tired legs this week (I feel fine after last night), and then use the next 10 days to recover and taper.  I really cut back on the cross training, so I'm not sure if I'm as strong as I was in May or not.  We'll see. 

I have heard that the pace groups at Baltimore are very good, but I've been burned by crappy pacers in the past and my best races have been when I run my own race.  Even in Frederick, I started with the pace group, got behind some, and then made up the time at my leisure.  My strategy for Baltimore was basically as you suggest; keeping an even effort, as opposed to an even pace.  I am very familiar with running hills, so I won't freak out when I slow to the high 11's from 16-22, because I can cruise in the 9's on the way down.  I am pretty contentious about pushing the downhills and not just using them to take a snooze at goal pace.  I just keep an eye on the moving average pace to make sure I haven't fallen too far behind when I hit the final downhill.  I just need to stay mentally strong.  No excuses. 

Sorry you had to give up the lead position of the 4:15 group in B-more.  I can understand it was hard to do, but it's better than missing the mark and having disappointed pace-ees.  I'm sure everyone will still benefit from your expertise and postive attitude.  It doesn't seem like you've taken a lot of real rest time since IMLP.  I've heard it can take like 2 months to fully recover.  Do you think you just haven't fully recovered?  I know you've done it multiple times, but it seems like LP is a more difficult race in some ways, and maybe you just couldn't bounce back as quickly.  Keep your head up, I'm sure you'll get back into your normal rhythm eventually.  :-)

Sorry that was so long!
2009-09-30 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Ok, I still like your 4:45 plan.  Now go do it! :-)

I remember being tired for months after Florida and Arizona, so that may be it.  But even with Arizona, I was able to run 6 days a week and did Disney at a decent pace.  This one is different.  I may be getting sick.  Sort of sniffly today, and sneezy.  So that would be good, because then maybe I will be well soon!

You don't have to wonder about the pace groups at Baltimore though, they will be in on time.  I think there is some crazy stat like 31 of 32 pacer groups have come in within 59 seconds of goal.  There is also a contest between groups, and the loser groups are ONLY off 10-20 seconds.  The winner last year was off by 4 seconds.


2009-10-02 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Have a good race Abbie!  Ok I adjust my guess for you to be in the 1:48s to 1:49s. :-

2009-10-02 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2438672

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
kalalau - 2009-10-01 10:38 PM

Have a good race Abbie!  Ok I adjust my guess for you to be in the 1:48s to 1:49s. :-

oh no...the pressure is on! I am just hopeful i will get a good race picture! LOL

GOOD LUCK for your race also!!! I hope you feel 100%!

ok a quick....ummmm.....newbie (not really) i have to work all day tomorrow at our country fair....on a scale of 1-10 how bad would it be to eat a funnel cake the day before a race? hehehe
2009-10-02 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2439546

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
abbiesue - 2009-10-02 3:49 PM
kalalau - 2009-10-01 10:38 PM

Have a good race Abbie!  Ok I adjust my guess for you to be in the 1:48s to 1:49s. :-

oh no...the pressure is on! I am just hopeful i will get a good race picture! LOL

GOOD LUCK for your race also!!! I hope you feel 100%!

ok a quick....ummmm.....newbie (not really) i have to work all day tomorrow at our country fair....on a scale of 1-10 how bad would it be to eat a funnel cake the day before a race? hehehe

I think that's a form of carb loading.
2009-10-04 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
ok - my time was 1:54:12 - thats all i know till results r posted...hey dave did u hear me yelling at u? well after i chocked thru the 1st 3 water stops ...i learned to walk and drink thru the rest! it even possible to run and drink from a plastic cup? i started great...maybe a little first mile was a little caught up in the excitement - after that i averaged 8 min mile till about mile 8 - my foot was shot after it was such a boring run! marshy tree lined roads both side...every mile looked the same! and from mile 11 till the end seemed like an eternity! all in all it was a great experience and i am really happy i did it! even took a long walk on the beach after...however it was so foggy you really couldnt see much.
2009-10-04 6:53 PM
in reply to: #2442000

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
abbiesue - 2009-10-04 7:19 PM ok - my time was 1:54:12 - thats all i know till results r posted...hey dave did u hear me yelling at u? well after i chocked thru the 1st 3 water stops ...i learned to walk and drink thru the rest! it even possible to run and drink from a plastic cup? i started great...maybe a little first mile was a little caught up in the excitement - after that i averaged 8 min mile till about mile 8 - my foot was shot after it was such a boring run! marshy tree lined roads both side...every mile looked the same! and from mile 11 till the end seemed like an eternity! all in all it was a great experience and i am really happy i did it! even took a long walk on the beach after...however it was so foggy you really couldnt see much.

Congrats on your first half!!  A little practice, a healed foot, and you'll get a PR in no time!! 
2009-10-05 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now


I'm looking for the "I started out too fast" counseling forum.  Is this it?  I heard about this place, and how some of the runners here start out their half marathons at their 5k pace, and I had to join. ;-)

LOL, I crack myself up.

What were you screaming at me for?  Because I told you to drink at the aid stations?  Because you could hear me screaming at you for starting out too fast?  Or because I said you can't hope for a 3:50 marathon and force yourself to go 1:45 in a half by sheer will?  Or because I thought you would do sub 1:50 and it was falling apart?

:-)  Sorry, just throwing all the options out there.  I don't know how your foot was doing, only you know.  I know the boring terrain wasn't an issue, it only became an issue because you were suffering.

It would be interesting to see your mile splits.  It must've really fallen apart in those last few miles.  This race was a good experience for you, it gave a taste of just how bad a marathon can be if things fall apart.  Imagine adding another 13.1 miles onto that race yesterday. :-)

Without knowing your foot issue, it seems like an obvious pacing issue.  You crushed these times in training, and you were taking it easy.  I bet if you did another half marathon soon, and started out at a 8:10-8:20 pace, you would've been pretty solid.

Well you still beat my half marathon time. :-)  Your half marathons are going to get really good once you get the experience, and know what your half marathon pace feels like.  I'm glad you had a fun race.  Any day at the beach running a half marathon has to be a good day.




Edited by kalalau 2009-10-05 4:22 PM

2009-10-05 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Oh, drinking from the cups.  The recommended way of doing it is by pinching the cup, and drinking it out of one of the sides, like this (in the racing section):

How do you drink water during a race?

I myself haven't pinched very much because I don't care if I get some on me.  In fact, in some cases I am drinking 1/2 cup and dumping the rest on my head anyway.  You are soaking your clothes in sweat anyway.  But I don't do too badly just taking a gulp here and there.  I end up gasping sometimes but at least I am not slowing down.

Some people also carry their own bottle.  Then at the aid station you can fill up your bottle while running. 

Slowing down or walking at the aid station is fine as well.  You also get the extra benefit of a lower heart rate, with not that much lost time.


Edited by kalalau 2009-10-05 4:32 PM
2009-10-05 5:03 PM
in reply to: #2443946

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Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
kalalau - 2009-10-05 5:31 PM

Oh, drinking from the cups.  The recommended way of doing it is by pinching the cup, and drinking it out of one of the sides, like this (in the racing section):

How do you drink water during a race?

I myself haven't pinched very much because I don't care if I get some on me.  In fact, in some cases I am drinking 1/2 cup and dumping the rest on my head anyway.  You are soaking your clothes in sweat anyway.  But I don't do too badly just taking a gulp here and there.  I end up gasping sometimes but at least I am not slowing down.

Some people also carry their own bottle.  Then at the aid station you can fill up your bottle while running. 

Slowing down or walking at the aid station is fine as well.  You also get the extra benefit of a lower heart rate, with not that much lost time.


I meant to mention that as well.  I second pinching the cups, but you said they're plastic?  Who uses plastic cups?  I use the pinch method and get a fair bit in my mouth, but am not picky if I miss.  (Hint - get darker colored shirts and the gatorade doesn't show as much when you dribble it down the front :-) )Generally pinching the cup does help keep me from drowning myself by getting it up my nose. 

Just a question from your pictures:  did you get hot by the end of the race?  I know there's a lot of personal preference, but I know a lot of people, myself included, that tend to wear short sleeves and shorts down to at least 50 or so.  It starts out cold, but feels fine once you get going.  Just a thought. 
2009-10-05 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1876643

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now

Hmm, wow the Seaside Half Marathon is a CHEAP RACE.  $25!

There's a link on their website for pacers, but it does not work.  I wonder what that is all about.

I haven't seen her race pictures yet, did she wear too much?

Edited by kalalau 2009-10-05 5:45 PM
2009-10-05 5:49 PM
in reply to: #2443994

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Randolph, NJ
Subject: RE: kalalau's Group - FULL for now
ras26 - 2009-10-05 6:03 AM
kalalau - 2009-10-05 5:31 PM

Oh, drinking from the cups.  The recommended way of doing it is by pinching the cup, and drinking it out of one of the sides, like this (in the racing section):

How do you drink water during a race?

I myself haven't pinched very much because I don't care if I get some on me.  In fact, in some cases I am drinking 1/2 cup and dumping the rest on my head anyway.  You are soaking your clothes in sweat anyway.  But I don't do too badly just taking a gulp here and there.  I end up gasping sometimes but at least I am not slowing down.

Some people also carry their own bottle.  Then at the aid station you can fill up your bottle while running. 

Slowing down or walking at the aid station is fine as well.  You also get the extra benefit of a lower heart rate, with not that much lost time.


I meant to mention that as well.  I second pinching the cups, but you said they're plastic?  Who uses plastic cups?  I use the pinch method and get a fair bit in my mouth, but am not picky if I miss.  (Hint - get darker colored shirts and the gatorade doesn't show as much when you dribble it down the front :-) )Generally pinching the cup does help keep me from drowning myself by getting it up my nose. 

Just a question from your pictures:  did you get hot by the end of the race?  I know there's a lot of personal preference, but I know a lot of people, myself included, that tend to wear short sleeves and shorts down to at least 50 or so.  It starts out cold, but feels fine once you get going.  Just a thought. 

i was cursing u for telling me to drink at every aid station! once i hit mile 1 clock and saw the time i did hear u yelling...and i did slow down...I heard about the pinching of the cup...but they were plastic and cracked! dumb if u ask me! and...yes i did get hot by the end...i brought a different top and forgot to change...just like i brought aleeve for my foot and forgot to take it before the race! LOL thats what nerves will do to me! (i have some pics on facebook)

...and i knew my foot was going to b an issue since it hurt to walk barefoot in my house...but i had to do the race anyway! i will try resting it from running for a week and see how it feels!

Edited by abbiesue 2009-10-05 5:56 PM
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