BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010! Rss Feed  
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2010-03-02 7:25 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Got in a little recovery brick tonight after yesterdays long run. Im a little off schedule but my days have been running together. Did a 30 min spin bike ride and a 30 min treadmill run... Its snowing here today so no outside till Thursday.. HR was 120-140 and everything felt good. The run was surprisingly smooth...Good night all

2010-03-02 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

Did some cross training tonight

5- (3) minute boxing rounds with 1 pound gloves 1 minute rest between rounds. 
total 20 minutes. Then did 30 minutes rowing on the C-2. 

2010-03-02 10:50 PM
in reply to: #2701485

Dolores, CO
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
I think if you look at the main factors for slowing down, not taking in any nutrition on the bike so I had no energy/easy burn calories, the second run had a big hill right before the 2 mile mark that didn't help, and mostly I think my legs were fried from the bike and not getting any road time during training.  World of difference between spinning on a trainer and halling 208 lbs. up and down hills.  Also I caught the same guy 3 times with no place to pace until the third time and I couldn't settle into his pace so walking was easier getting a bit of distance between us.  But the main factors I believe were nutrition and training time, only started running in January although I tried last Oct and all I could do then was run a block and walk a block.

On the training thing anyone have a list of cold weather gear you use for running and cycling as it is starting to warm up( I hope anyway) the local shops(45min-1Hr away) should be pushing the winter stuff out the door real soon to make room for summer stuff.
2010-03-03 6:18 AM
in reply to: #2703817

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Jonkj - 2010-03-02 11:50 PM I think if you look at the main factors for slowing down, not taking in any nutrition on the bike so I had no energy/easy burn calories, the second run had a big hill right before the 2 mile mark that didn't help, and mostly I think my legs were fried from the bike and not getting any road time during training.  World of difference between spinning on a trainer and halling 208 lbs. up and down hills.  Also I caught the same guy 3 times with no place to pace until the third time and I couldn't settle into his pace so walking was easier getting a bit of distance between us.  But the main factors I believe were nutrition and training time, only started running in January although I tried last Oct and all I could do then was run a block and walk a block.

On the training thing anyone have a list of cold weather gear you use for running and cycling as it is starting to warm up( I hope anyway) the local shops(45min-1Hr away) should be pushing the winter stuff out the door real soon to make room for summer stuff.

RE:  cold weather gear - do a search, there were a few big threads about what to wear at what temps.

I only run in the cold, but under between 20 and 35f, its usually pants/tights, short sleeve tech shirt, long sleeve tech shirt, jacket, hat and gloves.  Colder and I'll add thin long john pants, maybe swap out a shirt for a sweat shirt and maybe something to cover my mouth.  As it warms a bit, I'll might not wear the short sleeve shirt and will make sure that the long sleeve shirt has a zipper (and then I'll play with zippers most of the run trying to adjust.)  I get most of my stuff at Nike and Reebok outlets - good savings.

It takes a little experimentation to figure out what works for you.  My head and hands get cold fast, but the cold never really bothered my legs (watch out for your little friend though).  And then wind can just make everything miserable.

It got cold here real fast the first time and I went out overdressed.  I overheated right away and had to cut the run short.  Now I try to dress a little on the cold side and it seems to be working.
2010-03-03 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

Easy 5K run tonight did 4:1 run walk ratio plan to keep this up for most of my miles up til the 25K. 

I hate this Damn cold weather... Yea yea yea I know its colder where you guys live but with the Asthma anything below about 58 to 60 degrees makes breathing much tougher.  I feel fantastic on a nice sunny 65 degree day.  So its not the being cold as much as it is I cant breath in it :-

I had followed Galloways ideas about Run walk alot and used it when building mileage from ground zero.. I bought his marathon book this past weekend and it is a really good book.  His theroies and training meathods make sense.  For more advanced runners he perscribes harder workouts hills speed work and such but for your first long distance races (Me)  he pretty much perscribes 3 to 4 days a week with one day being your long run.  He recomends all your training runs be done at a pace at least 2 minuits slower than your capable of running that distance at. You always use Run walk for long runs and it is optional on shorter week day runs but he said it will make no differance in your final race time if you run the shorter stuff all the way or run walk them too, as long as you do all your runs and cover the distances.  I also like the way all his training plans have you run a couple of runs of up to 29 miles before the race,pretty much guarentees you'll be able to cover the distance on race day. 

Best thing I see about this training method is you recover rather easy between runs and thus your risk of injury is highly reduced. 

You guys stay safe ..

2010-03-04 5:00 AM
in reply to: #2706147

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
SAWFISH50 - 2010-03-03 9:54 PM

  I also like the way all his training plans have you run a couple of runs of up to 29 miles before the race

I have never seen this before.  A run of greater than marathon distance? Or a week with 29 miles?

2010-03-04 6:27 AM
in reply to: #2706498

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
GoGoGo - 2010-03-04 6:00 AM
SAWFISH50 - 2010-03-03 9:54 PM

  I also like the way all his training plans have you run a couple of runs of up to 29 miles before the race

I have never seen this before.  A run of greater than marathon distance? Or a week with 29 miles?

Neither have I but I suspect with the reduced pace he's building endurance...Much of what I've learned lately about training for 70.3 and Ironman distance races is that so much is done in Z2..almost to the point where it's hard to go that want to let the dogs run, so to speak.Have skipped two days of working out...hit a fatigue wall on Tuesday and resting heart rate was elevated 10% yesterday when I woke up. So, I"m gonna do the smart thing for once and listen to my body and get more rest. It's hard when you go so much but my race season training is going to ramp up and I don't want to burn out.
2010-03-04 7:58 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Yes 29 mile Long run not just 29 miles in the week.  I dont remember if the base plan goes up to 29 miles or not. I'll look tonight.   but I know several of the plans in the book do and he lays out his plans according to your time goals and current abilities. 

He only has one posted online and it is a littel different from the one in the book but it still has you doing a 23 and a 26 before your race.

I suspect that Phil is correct in that this is done because all your training is done at much slower paces his standard mantra repeated many times is run AT LEAST 2 Minuites slower than your capable of running the given distance on that day.  As Phil said some times it is hard to make yourself slow down that much even with the walk breaks in the mix.   

I'm sure it will work I only ran a couple of runs in 4 months leading up to the 5K I did a couple weeks ago faster than a 12:15 to 12:30 pace. On race day I did a 9:20 pace. 

I would agree that an argument could be made that if some of the traing miles are ran at faster paces I could have ran faster but as you guys have sugested,  In your first year it  is better to build a base before you add speed work so you avoid injury.  
2010-03-04 10:47 PM
in reply to: #2557655

Dolores, CO
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Just checking in did 12 miles on the trainer last night and 30 miles on the trainer tonight.  Ankle is feeling better so hope to start running again soon.
2010-03-05 6:04 AM
in reply to: #2708911

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Jon - how is your brother doing?

I haven't worked out the past couple of days because of a chest cold that's knocking me on my butt.  I have a 17 miler scheduled for Sunday, so hopefully I'll feel good enough for that.

And, its snowing again here.  Its not going to stick around, but jeez!
2010-03-05 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thank god no snow here in PA!!

Back at it today. Did one hour 'body pump' class..(yes, it sounds a bit obscene but hey, I go for the

- 60 minute body pump (low weight, high rep, lots of pushups and pilaties stuff too) followed by 40 minute; 2000m in the pool, sans the 'coach'...she's fighting off a cold and not in the mood....

I'm pretty happy because I felt so crappy on Tues/Weds/Thurs I thought my career was over.....(kidding)

have a great weekend everyone and train safe!


2010-03-05 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Thank god no snow here in PA!!

Back at it today. Did one hour 'body pump' class..(yes, it sounds a bit obscene but hey, I go for the

- 60 minute body pump (low weight, high rep, lots of pushups and pilaties stuff too) followed by 40 minute; 2000m in the pool, sans the 'coach'...she's fighting off a cold and not in the mood....

I'm pretty happy because I felt so crappy on Tues/Weds/Thurs I thought my career was over.....(kidding)

have a great weekend everyone and train safe!

2010-03-05 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

Can you post some pics of that Pump class View? LOL!!  

I usually get off at noon on Fridays so I came home and did my long run today 10 miles at an easy pace.  When I turned around at the 5 mile mark I could see the 6 mile turnaround and was thinking I can do that but the smart side of my brain won out and I did 10 like I was supose to. I finished 10 miles feeling pretty good but I could tell 12 would have been a push.  Funny how each week the previous weeks long run is much easier last week at 8 miles I finished feeling pretty good but could tell it was a new long distance I hadn't covered before.  Today I looked at my garmin at 9 miles and though man 8 was lots easier this week than last week.  Just keep pushing that wall back every week or so.
You guys have a good weekend. 
2010-03-05 4:55 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Bwingate, hope you get rid of the chest cold. I had it last week and it kicked my butt... I think it took a lot of energy out of me...

Nice run William... I know 10 miles is hard. Dont try and make it seem easy. hahaha

Yesterday, I got in a good brick.. 1.5 hours on the bike and 30 min run. Today, I let the legs rest and got in a hour and 15 min upper body workout... I know I will feel that tomorrow...

Tomorrow is my long ride... I am looking at 35-40 miles. Going to be a AUsome day here in Georgia.

Sunday will be swim then Monday my long run...

You guys have a great one.


2010-03-05 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Yea it aint easy,  but if it was all the old guys would be doing it not just us LOL!!

It has been since 2006 that I have ran this far. The longest run back then was 13.1 so in a few weeks I'll hit a new Lifetime distance achevement record and should have that record look pretty small by the fall when I plan to do a 50K. 

It is pretty cool to see everyone in our groop making good progress. 

I found a few small low key Sprints for the summer to get into I'll get my swim down when the Country Club pool opens up in late spring by then I'll have the run looking good and can concentrate on my bike and swim so my first sprint should go well. 

You guys keep them reports coming.   
2010-03-06 8:43 AM
in reply to: #2710882

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
So far, the cold is winning.  Did a short swim of 5x200 intervals and just didn't feel right.  Got home to go run in weather that is finally nice, and I just am too pooped to do it.  I'm going to spend a relaxing day mostly napping.

Good job on the 10 miler William - its funny how the distances that used to be intimidating become just another run.  Keep it up.

2010-03-06 10:38 AM
in reply to: #2711497

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
bwingate - 2010-03-06 8:43 AMSo far, the cold is winning.  Did a short swim of 5x200 intervals and just didn't feel right.  Got home to go run in weather that is finally nice, and I just am too pooped to do it.  I'm going to spend a relaxing day mostly napping.

Good job on the 10 miler William - its funny how the distances that used to be intimidating become just another run.  Keep it up.
It was soooooo hard for me to miss a few days last week when I had that crap but I did the same. I rested, eat as much good food as I could stand and slept. It really helped. That and the fact that my wife is a legal drug dealer and hook me up with some drugs. HahaGood luck with it. I also tried to swim when I had it and just didnt have the breath... I finished up what I could, hit the steam room (which felt great), and went home..Waiting for my wife to get home from here Tennis match then I am out on the road bike for 40 miles or so. Almost 60 degrees here in Ga today. Plenty of sunshine and no wind. Just loaded up the Ipod with some new tunes and I am ready to ride....I hope you guys have a AUsome weekend Ryan
2010-03-06 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2711497

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
bwingate - 2010-03-06 8:43 AMSo far, the cold is winning.  Did a short swim of 5x200 intervals and just didn't feel right.  Got home to go run in weather that is finally nice, and I just am too pooped to do it.  I'm going to spend a relaxing day mostly napping.

Good job on the 10 miler William - its funny how the distances that used to be intimidating become just another run.  Keep it up.

It was soooooo hard for me to miss a few days last week when I had that crap but I did the same. I rested, eat as much good food as I could stand and slept. It really helped. That and the fact that my wife is a legal drug dealer and hook me up with some drugs. Haha

Good luck with it. I also tried to swim when I had it and just didnt have the breath... I finished up what I could, hit the steam room (which felt great), and went home..

Waiting for my wife to get home from here Tennis match then I am out on the road bike for 40 miles or so. Almost 60 degrees here in Ga today. Plenty of sunshine and no wind. Just loaded up the Ipod with some new tunes and I am ready to ride....

I hope you guys have a AUsome weekend


2010-03-06 11:33 AM
in reply to: #2557655

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Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Went to the Gym this morning did an hour of core and upper body strenght training. Always feels good to get a good gym workout in.  Ryan have fun on that bike ride glad your over that crap.  Bruce I hope you get to feeling better soon budy. 
2010-03-06 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2557655

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
OK, I got my bike ride it. It was a AUsome one for me... 36.5 miles... Just a little over two hours.. Thats on lots of hills and with a good many traffic stops.. I pushed it a little today. Average HR was 148. My max speed was 37 mph.

So I have a question. My Garmin says I burned 2700 calories. I dont think that is possible in 2.16 hours. Whats the deal?

I deserve a steak tonight either way.. And that will be it... Steak, potatos and Broccoli....

2010-03-06 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2711785

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Glen Mills, PA
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
LanierSpots - 2010-03-06 3:23 PMOK, I got my bike ride it. It was a AUsome one for me... 36.5 miles... Just a little over two hours.. Thats on lots of hills and with a good many traffic stops.. I pushed it a little today. Average HR was 148. My max speed was 37 mph.

So I have a question. My Garmin says I burned 2700 calories. I dont think that is possible in 2.16 hours. Whats the deal?

I deserve a steak tonight either way.. And that will be it... Steak, potatos and Broccoli....

2700, absolutely....I burn just over 1,000 an hour on the bike and I'm about in 2:16 you could be pushing 2,700 depending on weight, speed and all those hills...Nice job!!!I spent 1:30 on the trainer today...burned just over 1700....

2010-03-06 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2711807

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
pastoops - 2010-03-06 2:53 PM
LanierSpots - 2010-03-06 3:23 PMOK, I got my bike ride it. It was a AUsome one for me... 36.5 miles... Just a little over two hours.. Thats on lots of hills and with a good many traffic stops.. I pushed it a little today. Average HR was 148. My max speed was 37 mph.

So I have a question. My Garmin says I burned 2700 calories. I dont think that is possible in 2.16 hours. Whats the deal?

I deserve a steak tonight either way.. And that will be it... Steak, potatos and Broccoli....

2700, absolutely....I burn just over 1,000 an hour on the bike and I'm about in 2:16 you could be pushing 2,700 depending on weight, speed and all those hills...Nice job!!!I spent 1:30 on the trainer today...burned just over 1700....

Well, in that case. I am going to have some ice cream after my steak. hahaha

Phil. Im 217 and did work hard. It just seems like a lot. Thanks for the reply

2010-03-06 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2711807

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
pastoops - 2010-03-06 2:53 PM
LanierSpots - 2010-03-06 3:23 PMOK, I got my bike ride it. It was a AUsome one for me... 36.5 miles... Just a little over two hours.. Thats on lots of hills and with a good many traffic stops.. I pushed it a little today. Average HR was 148. My max speed was 37 mph.

So I have a question. My Garmin says I burned 2700 calories. I dont think that is possible in 2.16 hours. Whats the deal?

I deserve a steak tonight either way.. And that will be it... Steak, potatos and Broccoli....

2700, absolutely....I burn just over 1,000 an hour on the bike and I'm about in 2:16 you could be pushing 2,700 depending on weight, speed and all those hills...Nice job!!!I spent 1:30 on the trainer today...burned just over 1700....

Well, in that case. I am going to have some ice cream after my steak. hahaha

Phil. Im 217 and did work hard. It just seems like a lot. Thanks for the reply

2010-03-07 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2557655

Dolores, CO
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!

My brothers is doing pretty well his platlet count is back to normal, so he is trying to get his wind and strength back.

Went up to my Mom's to celebrate her 85th birthday and one of my nephews and I went for a ride on Saturday 31.22 in 1hr and 45 min and 35 sec.  So a road ride with company was different for me but it made it easier.  Starting temp was about 38F and we finished it was just over 40F but no wind and just a bit of haze.

2010-03-07 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2712568

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Flowery Branch, Ga
Subject: RE: Stoop Dog's Tri Group - CLOSED for 2010!
Jonkj - 2010-03-07 11:11 AM

My brothers is doing pretty well his platlet count is back to normal, so he is trying to get his wind and strength back.

Went up to my Mom's to celebrate her 85th birthday and one of my nephews and I went for a ride on Saturday 31.22 in 1hr and 45 min and 35 sec.  So a road ride with company was different for me but it made it easier.  Starting temp was about 38F and we finished it was just over 40F but no wind and just a bit of haze.

Nice ride Jonkj.  Sounds like you rode about the same pace as me.  I am doing anywhere from 16-18 mph on my outdoor rides.  It really depends on the traffic and how many stops I have.  I must have stopped 10 times yesterday for lights.   I would like to know how I can do if I dont have the interruptions...   Nice ride and glad to hear your bro is getting better...

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