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2011-02-21 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3364330

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
good work nicruns and peter! Where ya all at?

I took the day off so I could brick it out (80/4) then my training partner backed out so its all gonna be done inside. Ouchy! Hope to get a recovery swim in later.

Peter, I am really intrigued by the barryP program from slowtwitch. Have you checked into it? Its the exact opposite of FIRST. Run often and high volume but never hard. They are talking it up on the IMCDA board lately (most recent pages), its got alot of good results, reduces injury potential, and I asked Shanks to incorporate more of it into my weeks. Trying to run more to run faster. You think that might help your run?

2011-02-21 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Skipped my ride this morning due to electronic malfunction with the video. Tried to fix it and wasted some time. My legs really weren't up for a quality spin anyway. Will still plan to swim at lunch.

I'm not familiar with that running plan but it sound like what I am trying to do. I mostly run slow but when my volume is up I throw in some intervals. I still think I need to build a stronger base. If I was strictly running it would be a lot easier to have high weekly mileage  but with the cycling mixed in it is a little trickier. I am trying to follow the intermediate HIM plan.

Wondering how LisaB did this weekend. I doubt there was much Tundra down there with the heat wave. There was a local TT sponsored by Hincapie Sports up here. My wife wanted me to enter but I just didn't feel ready. They had some decent cash prizes which tend to attract some insanely fast cyclist.
2011-02-21 2:40 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
So a while back Pete sent me the spinervals threshold test and sufferfest.   Bike is a weakness, but I finally got a hr monitor so I could do it. 

My thoughts:
Hey Coach Troy seems like a good guy....
this isn't so bad...
My bike has a big ring?...
My bike definitely does not go to 15 in the back....huh...
max pace for 3 minutes?...
he's trying to kill me....
ok, he says he's not really trying to kill me...
Is that really my heart rate?  Maybe he is trying to kill me...
I really don't think I like this Troy guy....

Then the actual 20 minute test
I think I hate Pete a little for sending me this..
How can that only be 3 minutes?...
Ok, I know I hate Pete...
5 minutes...
And Troy, I definitely hate Troy...
10 minutes...
I know I'm not going to die, but I kinda want to...
(I think I blacked out here for a while)
3 minutes left?   I can do that...
Oh sweet slow music, how I love you!
I can't believe I did that!  I love Coach Troy.  Pete rocks!  Heck, I rock.  (That big guy Luther, he really rocks.)

So thanks Pete.  You have turned me into a Spinervals fan.  I must get something that doesn't make me want to throw up for more regular use.  There is a joy that comes from doing something that, not only weren't you sure you could do, but you were even pretty sure you couldn't do.  To be able to keep going hard when your body says "we could slow down a little and no one would know."  I was totally psyched -  and then I got off the bike and nearly hurled.  But I feel better now and am committed to putting a little more effort into the bike in the future.

2011-02-21 3:19 PM
in reply to: #3365559

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
great narrative slokat! glad you and peter connected on that. the dvds all aren't that bad. thats the worse when you are testing.

bummer about the malfunction peter. perhaps it worked out if you needed a rest. not sure the time trial is all that worth it if you know what you can do on the bike.

LisaB put her blog in about it. sounds like she learned alot about where she is at.

I made it through the brick today but havent swam yet. it hurt but i got it done! some good hay going in the barn.

some of you are ducking me and I want to hear from you.
2011-02-21 4:35 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Here is that run more run slow program. Parts 1-3 are what are the most important;search_string=runtraining;#1612485
2011-02-21 6:33 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Rode 34.1 miles today and conquered a hill that has been my nemesis...super steep.  Wanted to ride longer, but the weather was not cooperating.    I had a strange encounter with a guy on a road bike who wanted to give me quite a bit of advice, including the following: descend without fear, don't ride a tri bike, ride a roadie, take his clinic and then race for his club's team.  It was all very weird and, unfortunately, he was fast so I couldn't ride away from him.  He also implied that I am a fatty.  Since when is 125 pounds fat?  I am proud of myself for not kicking him in the chops.  The whole triathlete/cyclist dynamic is pretty weird sometimes.

2011-02-21 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3365922

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
You ain't no phatty! can I get another amen?
Next time drop him.
2011-02-22 7:38 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Calling a girl fat leads to violence around here, calling a hot girl fat leads to a neutering.

Work is rough but I did  a brick this morning and a swim yesterday. Sticking to the plan the best I can.
2011-02-22 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Thanks, guys!  I get a lot of unsolicited advice.  I think it's because I look really young.  Not a bad problem to have, I guess...and it's pretty funny at work.  People have a hard time believing I'm a smartypants. Tongue out

Swam around 3000 yards today.  Felt good, but I'm tired now.  Managed to cut 10s/100 off my times since my lesson on Saturday.  Pretty awesome!  Really focused on form today and that worked my muscles a bit differently.  I expect to see more improvement in the next couple of weeks, as the form becomes "normal" and I don't have to think about it much.

One thing I have to keep reminding myself: I'm not supposed to be able to do the IM today...I'm working up to it so I can do it on June 26.  I freak myself out sometimes when I get tired after 2000 yards of hard swimming or a hard 10 mile run.  That's all right.  I'll be ready when the time comes. 
2011-02-22 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3366836

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Sticking to the plan and remembering where you are and should be at a certain point are really important things. I tend to get a perspective in my head about where I should be and if not there I get nervous. It usually has to do with how far I have gone on my long days. So, for an IM build, if I can swim 2.4 miles, bike 100 or so, and run 18-20 a few times, I feel like I can handle it. Then I work backwards from the taper (3 weeks or so) and try and see where I am at relative to there and hope that its close enough to add up to the aforementioned in the remaining time. Hope that makes sense.
2011-02-23 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Long day and night at work, My daughter(7) came into my bedroom at 6 am this morning and tried to wake me up. I was only scheduled to swim this morning but she said she wanted to spend time with me while I rode the trainer. She likes to watch me and yell "Go Daddy Go" I did a recovery spin to make her happy. Off to the pool at lunch if I can break free.

2011-02-24 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3368315

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Its great to have a cheering crew! I always try a bit harder when someone is pulling for you. Weird how you find those extra gears.

So far i am surviving that tough week that Shanks planned out.

I am going to the SEE_ME triathlon expo in Atlanta on Saturday and will check out the new tri stuff. Anybody have anything they want me to check out for them or email pics/prices of?
2011-02-24 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I went to the SEE-ME last year. I tried out a swimskin in the out door pool. The Rep kept following me around dropping the price. He said he didn't want to pack a wet suit and fly back to Germany with it. Price never got low enough. The skin also made no noticeable difference in my 100 or 500 time as far as I could tell. I swam about 2000 meters with and without the skin.

My biggest interest is the pedal based powermeters. I use a wired PT. I actually just  bought another receiver for my road bike so I can get power numbers from my long, outdoor rides. I have been fascinated by the data  I get from Golden Cheetah. I will get a wireless at some point unless I go crank-based.

This year I plan to Rok my disc at at all of the races without a PT. I will use HR on the HIMs

My ride was shorter today then planned. My brother flew in from Hawaii on his way to Iraq
2011-02-24 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
ya-- i spoke too soon
(winter is back)

tuesday i went for a nice 7k recovery run
& yesterday was an 8k tempo followed by a painful hour with my master's group
(the coach warned us she'll be working us hard to get us out of our comfort zones)

and i've been slacking with the cycling!
but that'll change...
20km tt coming up on sunday...
(immediately following my 12k morning jog)

i'm hoping i don't regret this...
any advice??
or are you supposed to just go as hard as you can for 45min or so??
2011-02-24 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
or are you supposed to just go as hard as you can for 45min or so??

Yep, I would warm up well, go out strong but not all out. I would think you can finish a little closer to 35-40 minutes.

I was invited to a small duathlon on Sat. 5k/30/5k. I may skip my run tomorrow and take a rest day followed by the duathlon Sat.
2011-02-25 6:07 AM
in reply to: #3371351

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Peter: Its great you got to see your brother. Scary about the Iraq thing.

Dus are really tough if you go out too hard on the front 5k. Well they are really tough period in my book. I definitely burnt too many matches by sprinting the front 5k of the philly oly 2010 which turned into a du after someone died on the sprint the day before. Shanks raced that day too and told me nothing faster than 7mins miles on the front which for me is about a minute off my usual 5k race pace.

Nicruns: Likewise the 20km TT should be one where you try to measure out the max of your effort across that distance. Warm up well if possible and be ready when you get in the starter's chute. Depending on how important the TT is, I would not jog beforehand. If anything, it would be more appropriate to jog afterward if possible to cool down. Email me at gayer 53 at msn dot com and I will send you what Coach Dan sent to his athletes doing the Tundra Time Trial last weekend. It will give you lots of helpful pointers.

Today i am going for the fourple friday again. Hope to get all3 plus strength done.  What are you up to this weekend?

Haven't heard from some of you in ages. Lets get a check in even if to just say you need to get back to work.

2011-02-25 6:32 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Thanks for the advice on the duathlon. I had planned to go all out for the first 5k than recover on the bike then go all out on the second run. I obviously need to rethink that strategy. I'm also not sure what to wear. I guess a cycling jersey would be the most appropriate since we don't have to swim.

Today is a rest day so I will be ready for tomorrow.

My brother is fine . This is his 4th deployment to Iraq and he has been to Afghanistan several times.
2011-02-25 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3371862

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I know when you are being sarcastic 8)  Mr. race and train intelligently doesn't go "all out for the first 5k" haha
2011-02-25 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
No sarcasm. I use the red font when I'm sarcastic. I was really planning to use the bike as recovery time. This will be my first real ride at my new power level. I really thought I would be able to recover on the ride. I know the second 5k is going to be rough so I was hoping to open up a gap early. I will see a few of the guys that I will be seeing all year at the sprint races. I need to look good.
2011-02-25 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3371905

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Let's talk strategy then. I thunk your smarter bet is to hold back and dust em later...
2011-02-25 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Agreed. I was considering just going through the motions and making it a solid training session. I even considered a run this morning but I am overdue for a rest day.

2011-02-25 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
thanks for the advice!
(i haven't been on a bike since Feb 6th... so THIS should be "interesting")
& i'm still wavering with the darned trainer purchase!!
might be able to pick up the KK trainer for $300 even...
but if it really does last a lifetime... seems like it could be worth it!
i just wonder.
checking into the road machine a little more, there are a few options or accessories available to add: spare wheel.... mat.... etc.
is just the trainer itself enough??
2011-02-25 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3372226

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I would just get the trainer. You can get a cheap mat from Walmart. I use a towel. I built front wheel holders out of 2x4s that work great. You may be able to do better than 300 with a little surfing.
2011-02-25 11:03 AM
in reply to: #3372246

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
in Canada, seems like $300 is on the lower end of the pricing scale...
(this was from craigslist)
i just wonder...
(& this may be strange...?)
but how necessary is it to test out a trainer before buying it??
(do they really vary THAT much from brand/option to brand??)
2011-02-25 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
From my research and personal experience I would go with the KK or CycleOPs fluid 2. I have both. I prefer the Cycleops just because I like the way it holds the bike but the KK is fine. I paid $226 for the KK right before Christmas this year from Sports Authority online.
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