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2013-06-16 9:15 AM
in reply to: Clempson

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by Clempson

Did a local tri this morning. Ended up finishing 13/~300 and second in my AG. Not sure what the split times were since the live results were just displaying overall time, 49:49, was a short swim/bike. Not sure if I liked the way the bike course was handled by the organizer since there was a half mile section going out and coming into transition where you weren't allowed to pass anyone, really cost some time since it was a TT swim start and i'm not the fastest swimmer....

interesting, you couldn't pass coming in/out of transition? That seems like a pretty unfair advantage to the first guys out of the water.

2013-06-16 4:09 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
3 hour ride on the trainer today. Feel a bit drained
2013-06-16 6:20 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by Leegoocrap

Originally posted by Clempson

Did a local tri this morning. Ended up finishing 13/~300 and second in my AG. Not sure what the split times were since the live results were just displaying overall time, 49:49, was a short swim/bike. Not sure if I liked the way the bike course was handled by the organizer since there was a half mile section going out and coming into transition where you weren't allowed to pass anyone, really cost some time since it was a TT swim start and i'm not the fastest swimmer....

interesting, you couldn't pass coming in/out of transition? That seems like a pretty unfair advantage to the first guys out of the water.

it was. i missed having the fastest bike split by 10 seconds to the guy who was second into the water.
2013-06-17 8:35 PM
in reply to: Clempson

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Thats crazy talk

so If you came out of the water first, the guy who came out second couldnt leave T1 before you?

Im sure I have it wrong but I get the idea

2013-06-18 11:57 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by smithat05

Thats crazy talk

so If you came out of the water first, the guy who came out second couldnt leave T1 before you?

Im sure I have it wrong but I get the idea

you could, but if you were behind him for the first stretch of the bike portion you couldn't go around
2013-06-19 8:02 AM
in reply to: Clempson

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
I'm not sure I understand the intent of that rule? Did you know about it long before the race or was it something they mentioned in the pre-race meeting?

I have my first tri this year on Sunday. I haven't ran in a while because of my hip, but I've been keeping up on the bike and some swim, although I haven't downloaded my workouts to my log in a week or so. I'm pretty psyched to see how much I've improved. This will actually only be my 2nd triathlon. The one I did before the swim destoryed me and I did the bike on my MTB because my old road bike was out of commision. This course has a longer bike route (1.5 miles longer) and a lake swim compared to an ocean swim at my first but I'm thinking I should be able to beat that time by a few minutes. I think that's my goal for this one, which is a not-so-speedy 1:30. I have another one 3 weeks later (7/13) which I'll be able to more accurately predict my time.

2013-06-19 8:19 AM
in reply to: jonD81

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Excited to see how it goes!

I might race this Sunday myself (trying to raise my 50% finish rate :D ) but I may skip it since racing every weekend is cutting into my long runs/rides. I am doing my final Time Trial tonight... supposed to be sunny and 85, so it should be a nice afternoon for one.
2013-06-20 7:03 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
How did the TT go last night? Do you do some at the end of the season too so you can gauge your imrovements?
2013-06-20 8:43 AM
in reply to: jonD81

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
We reversed the course last night and I really paid for it... knew I'd overdid it about the time I hit the turnaround and ended up really falling apart the last 1/4 mile. 19:57, my slowest ride :/ Fastest guy out tonight (CAT1 though...) was 17:42, light years away!

These are primarily just training rides for a TT at the end of July. I'll probably enter it as a CAT4 and (hopefully) be a little better prepared.

2013-06-21 11:21 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
ah the ol course reversal. hills look different going the other way. i was really looking forward to doing the TT series here, but so far i haven't been able to make a single one.
2013-06-21 11:27 AM
in reply to: Clempson

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
started doing intervals all around this week. 100 yard intervals in the pool, 1min intervals on the trainer, and 4X200 2X400 2X800 pyramid on the track. hopefully i can keep this up and build some speed.

also changed jobs where i work which comes with mandatory minimum 10 hours of OT a week to be put in... which is really going to eat into my training schedule. on the plus side i will be training with power pretty soon from all that OT. just need to figure out which meter to go with. would love to have the vector(garmin), but since it is never going to see production im leaning towards the stages meter since i ride on 3 different bikes.

2013-06-21 12:21 PM
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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by jonD81

I'm not sure I understand the intent of that rule? Did you know about it long before the race or was it something they mentioned in the pre-race meeting?

I have my first tri this year on Sunday. I haven't ran in a while because of my hip, but I've been keeping up on the bike and some swim, although I haven't downloaded my workouts to my log in a week or so. I'm pretty psyched to see how much I've improved. This will actually only be my 2nd triathlon. The one I did before the swim destoryed me and I did the bike on my MTB because my old road bike was out of commision. This course has a longer bike route (1.5 miles longer) and a lake swim compared to an ocean swim at my first but I'm thinking I should be able to beat that time by a few minutes. I think that's my goal for this one, which is a not-so-speedy 1:30. I have another one 3 weeks later (7/13) which I'll be able to more accurately predict my time.

they split a single lane in half, one side for going out, one side for coming back. they didn't allow passing in the area since it was so narrow, i could have slipped onto the other side, but by the time i was headed out there was steady traffic coming in. didn't know about it before the morning of.

good luck on your race! im sure you could beat your old time by a few minutes at least since you won't be in the ocean or on a mountain bike

Edited by Clempson 2013-06-21 12:23 PM
2013-06-22 7:43 PM
in reply to: Clempson

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
You know what a great day before the race taper is? Your kid waking up at 4:15, your wife being gone for the day (although it's a noble cause, a walk for breast cancer), mowing the lawn in 85* and watching your son and two nephews at night. Attention single, non-home-owning guys (and gals if they still check out the thread), get your racing in while you're free and clear because the sh*t starts to pile up fast and furious once you're no longer the #1 thing to concern yourself with. Not that I'd want to change a thing, but sometimes I do yearn for the more simple times.
2013-06-22 9:04 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
the days before when stuff doesn't come together are always the races I crush

You'll do great
2013-06-23 8:12 PM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Yup, I raced today. They haven't posted the official results, but I saw my time posted there and it was 1:32:XX. Not as good as I wanted, but lots of positive stuff to take away and I know what I need to work on. The swim was supposed to be a rectangle, but they changed it to a triangle-ish shape and the announcer even said something pre-race but I totally screwed it. I was in wave 6, it was a floating start, so there were 30 of us and they shot the gun and off we went. I started at the back just because I still consider myself a crappy swimmer but all of a sudden I started passing every person in our wave and catching up to the previous wave of all females once we got to the triangle tip. I took the turn really right right at the buoy, sighted great, but instead of doing a more 140* turn, I went 90 and WAY off course. I thought I kept looking up and seeing buoy so I was going the right way, but whatever it was, it wasn't the mark. I think I was twisting my head too much sighting, so I thought it was in front of me when it really wasn't. So, I'm floating WAY off in space when a kayak finally catches up with me and I had to more or less double back. I was right around 2:00/100 WITH my huge mistake which had to be 50-75 yards off course haha, so for me I know I was moving really well in the water and the whole time I felt great so right there that's the biggest thing I'm taking out of the race because I was pretty intimidated by the swim up until now. Bike was good. 47:20 (16 miles), so I kept my 20 MPH the whole way. As far as I could tell only 4 people passed me on the bike and I could tell the distinct "whomp whomp whomp" noise of the disc wheels as they came up on me. I battled it out about 12 miles with one guy. I beat him at every climb and every downhill but he had me in the flats and he was down in aero the whole time while I was just on my road bike. I place zero blame or excuses on equipment ever in any sport I compete in, but if I was down low I think I would have had him pretty clean. Overall I was satisfied with the bike though. I passed many a people and I never felt like I was killing myself. Didn't feel too spent, just kept a nice even keel. Something was stuck in my bottle though so I couldn't get a good stream of water when I was trying to drink. That sucked. The run was ugly but I knew it would be with my hip killing me for the last couple weeks. Completed it pretty much pain free, but at 9 min miles which really killed my overall time. Got passed by probably a dozen people, 3-4 in my AG. I'm ok with it though because I know I haven't been able to run for a while. Overall results had me at 75th place and I think there were 450 racers, well it sold out and I know that was the cap. All in all, psyched with the swim, in all honestly I can live with the bike and I know I need to step up my run game which hopefully I can now because besides being exhausted I'm pain free. I'll write up a race report, but pretty sure you guys don't need to bother with that now haha.
2013-06-24 7:39 AM
in reply to: jonD81

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Congratulations! Sounds like a good day out there!

Sighting can take some serious time to get right, I don't think there's a ton of way to practice it other than just OWS'ing more.

2013-06-24 2:05 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Sounds like you had a decent race Jon. Practice makes perfect and you havn't had much time to practice here lately.

Congrats on the finish.
2013-06-24 2:12 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Had my Relay around Columbus this weekend. All 6 of us had 6 legs to run, I started it off Saturday night at 6:30, ran 5 miles in 37:00
Then I ran leg 7 of 4.6 miles around 11:30 PM through bike trails in the woods, ran it in 34:00 mins flat.
My last leg came around 4:30 AM 8.3 miles ran it in 1:08:00 little slower than I wanted at a 8:13 min mile but it wasnt really a race so it didn't really matter. We all ran our sections, no one got hurt and finished the 105 miles around 11am sunday.

Was very different waiting 3-4 hours between runs. didnt really know what or how much to eat or drink.
2013-06-24 2:18 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Thanks guys. Now I'm really psyched to get out on the 13th and get after the next race. I used to live about 5 mins from the race site so I'm really familiar with the bike leg and now I want some revenge on the swim. I have family visiting the next two weeks but I'm determined to get some quality training in, I know what I need to do.
2013-06-24 2:20 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Todd, that's a crazy run schedule for the race. Was everyone running back to back 1-6? So someone was always running? Must have been some kind of experience to be running every couple hours for 12 hours straight.
2013-06-24 5:05 PM
in reply to: jonD81

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Yes, someone always running. We had a big van, kept going from place to place. Was fun but yes crazy schedule. Total of 105 miles, I only ran 18

2013-06-25 8:33 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
sounds like a fun time! The downtime is probably worse than the running

I was on a group ride last night and caught a bee in my jersey (had it pretty far unzipped while we were climbing) that stung the sh*t out of my ribs before I could get it out

Guy behind me said at first he thought I was having a seizure but then he heard me cussing haha. Fun times
2013-06-26 7:23 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Chris, that doesn't sound fun. I had that happen to me one time while dirt biking. Somehow it got down my back and I was pretty young so I had no clue what was going on but I totally ditched out on the bike and just jumped off. My old man wanted to beat the snot out of me for ditching the bike like that over a bee sting haha.

So I ordered a tri top and a cycling jersey a week ago and they finally came in. Holy hell. I am not built for triathlon, or for whomever these shirts are made for. 6'6" 235# these shirts are not. I got XL and in retrospect I should have got XXL at least. I could barely get the tri top over my shoulders. I know it's supposed to be tight, and I have plenty of under armor and those type shirts which are tight, but this is a different world. I'm just not a skinny dude. I lifted weights for a long time so I just have that shape to me now. I'm going to hit up REI and see what they have in stock for XXL and go from there. Either that or I stop eating and never do another push up.
2013-06-26 9:05 AM
in reply to: jonD81

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
congrats on the race! its always good to take away positives
2013-06-26 9:10 AM
in reply to: Leegoocrap

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Leegoocrap & Newbz rowdy Mentor Group - Closed
Originally posted by Leegoocrap

I was on a group ride last night and caught a bee in my jersey (had it pretty far unzipped while we were climbing) that stung the sh*t out of my ribs before I could get it out

Guy behind me said at first he thought I was having a seizure but then he heard me cussing haha. Fun times

i had one get stuck in my helmet vents last friday on my long ride. fun times.
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