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2007-08-15 8:29 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I agree with Dan, it sounds like the limit screws on your front derailleur need to be adjusted. Those are what keep it from extending too far above the big chain ring and below the small chain ring.

Edited by erjellum 2007-08-15 8:30 AM

2007-08-15 8:35 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I've thought about getting a new backpack, but currently for my commuting I just use my old backpack from college that I carried my books in.  I can get my work clothes, work shoes, running shoes and lunchbag in there, although it's pretty tight.  I always think of that as my secret weapon.  Since I'm so used to carrying all that stuff every time I ride, I feel that much lighter when I race.
2007-08-15 8:35 AM
in reply to: #926418

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Can you guys come to my house and fix my bike while I take a nap???
2007-08-15 8:38 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I use Diadora shoes and Speedplay frogs as my pedals. I like the Speedplay frogs since it doesn't matter which way the pedal is flipped (there is no top or bottom) to get your shoe into. This is important when you need to cross the street fast (car!).

They look like little lollypops.

They also are very easy to get out case of falls.

Medusa Ann, also, when was the last time you changed out your chain? A new chain will do wonders..and it's cheap to fix.

Edited by grnidone 2007-08-15 8:42 AM
2007-08-15 11:41 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
2007-08-16 4:27 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the bike tips...managed to ride and keep the chain on today....

Is it so quiet on here because all you Texans are being hit by hurricanes?? 

Caution:  whiny post:

The logistics of my triathlon this Sunday are nightmarish....if my dad weren't going to be in town to watch my sister and I compete, I'd probably bag it.  Seriously, at the minimum, it is going to take 7 to 8 hours of work  (Saturday plus Sunday) to get to and from the start area with the bike left in the transition area on Saturday for the race on Sunday.  Plus the main freeway is shut down for construction and there's a Mariner's afternoon game. . . . . blah blah blah.  I am just feeling whiny about it...all that work for an hour and a half of racing (or less, hopefully).  There are nearly 700 people in my age group.  Yikes.  Oh yeah, did I mention the forecast is rain and 61 degrees?  The silver lining of this is that by signing up for this triathlon earlier this year, it started me on this awesome journey, and got me hooked up on BT and with this group. . . . so it's worth it, hassle or no hassle.  Just wondering if any of you have similar complaints about races and have any suggestions on how to shut the hell up and get to racing???    By the way, it's the Danskin triathlon, so it's very popular.....but the race is in a very congested part of Seattle, unfortunately!!!  Maybe I just need a hug, it's been a hard week emotionally!!


2007-08-16 5:16 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
2007-08-18 6:26 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Hey...too quiet on here.  I have a race tomorrow (Danskin tri).  Anybody else???  I could use an inspire or two.  I'll repay, I promise!    Happy Saturday.....
2007-08-18 9:26 PM
in reply to: #930652

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Medusa_Ann - 2007-08-18 6:26 PM Hey...too quiet on here. I have a race tomorrow (Danskin tri). Anybody else??? I could use an inspire or two. I'll repay, I promise! Happy Saturday.....


I very popular series from what I have read.  Sounds like a lot of participants.  I hope you do well and the weather is cooperative.  Get the race report up asap.  Be safe and have fun.

2007-08-18 10:19 PM
in reply to: #930652

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Lubbock, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Medusa_Ann - 2007-08-18 6:26 PM

Hey...too quiet on here.  I have a race tomorrow (Danskin tri).  Anybody else???  I could use an inspire or two.  I'll repay, I promise!    Happy Saturday.....

Leslie, good luck tomorrow! I am definately going to sign up for the Danskin when it comes to Dallas next year!!
I'm officially in the huge town of Longview Texas. It's miserably hot and humid here! I'm going to try to get in a run tomorrow evening, I'm not sure how thats gonna go but I guess its better than nothing!
2007-08-19 10:39 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
The paperwork for my Germany tri did not go through.

My partner I was to do the tri with can't do it due to injury.

My first tri was supposed to be a life changing moment for me: I've never worked so hard for something in my life, AND I'd do it in a foreign country AND the swim woudl be open water, AND my friend and I would get piercings to commemorate the first time we did a tri.

None of that will happen now. And I know I shoudl just suck it up, but I'm really upset.

I signed up for a tri in Rockwall this next weekend. But honestly, it's not real to me. I just see it as a practice session.

I'm bummed, and I can't seem to shake it.

2007-08-19 11:15 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Waco, Texas
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Hey, girlfriend, don't let the obstacles (think Oh Brother, where art thou?) get you down. Your German tri will come up, again. If you want a really good beginner triathlon that's always on my list, Google Austin Triathletes and see if there are still slots open for the Dilloman...the one on Sunday, September 9th. The one on the 8th is an off-road tri. I am signed up for the one on the 9th and I will go as far as I can with you, if you would like.....I am still not cleared to run, but at least I don't have to go to Vail, CO for hip surgery "WHEW" ! It's a great race, the lake will be warm and the crowd is really supportive. There's usually a big BBQ and lots of Shiner to go around post race....weird how I will go out of my way to be all "good nutrition", trying to be conscious of what I eat and then, post race, want a big plate of BBQ or some pizza or a big ole' burger!

Medusa Ann,
I hope your race went well, despite your misgivings. I have had races that prior to the race, the wind was out of my sails. I think I will use the notion of letting some races be "practices" for other races and be okay with that. I hope you can to! It makes for a better overall attitude about racing and better performance when I can get up off my own butt about some of this stuff! You guys have helped with that aspect, a lot. Thanks for that.

This week, I had my first oral exam on the way to my Ph.D. I passed my was sort of like a kidney stone...but, I have gone other places with it!! All comments welcomed, regardless of the motive behind them! I could use the laugh.

Classes start tomorrow. I will be teaching two sections and working on an original research grant proposal. On the one hand, I have so enjoyed the time away from the demands of course work. On the other hand, my advisor will now be so busy that I will now have some time to actually get some thing done without some one hanging over my shoulder, "being supportive" of my work..... Everyone, race well or enjoy your training, where ever you are.

Edited by vmax3000 2007-08-19 11:16 AM
2007-08-19 2:27 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Hey guys!  Yes, I am still alive.  I took the new job with the nutritional supplement company and I am not allowed to browse the internet at work.  Soooo, that means no BT.  That's reason enough to quit right there... luckily they are providing me with other reasons too, but that's a new story.

Glad to see you all doing so well... new shoes, great races, better training!  You guys rock!

Oh yeah... I fell over at a stop light the other day... again.  Laugh at me.  Its ok... the entire city of Tulsa already did.   I met another cute boy though.  He laughed at me too.

2007-08-19 5:32 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Just posted my race report:

and some new pix in my album.

It rained soooooo hard today for the entire race.  I am glad I did it, since now rain won't be a fear factor in a race.  But it did suck!!!!!  I did pretty good, though.  Talk to y'all more later on. . . .

2007-08-19 6:14 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
I took the new job with the nutritional supplement company and I am not allowed to browse the internet at work. Soooo, that means no BT. That's reason enough to quit right there... luckily they are providing me with other reasons too, but that's a new story.

Soo..I'm confused. You just started, and now you are going to quit?
2007-08-20 8:32 AM
in reply to: #930844

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

grnidone - 2007-08-19 10:39 AM The paperwork for my Germany tri did not go through. My partner I was to do the tri with can't do it due to injury. My first tri was supposed to be a life changing moment for me: I've never worked so hard for something in my life, AND I'd do it in a foreign country AND the swim woudl be open water, AND my friend and I would get piercings to commemorate the first time we did a tri. None of that will happen now. And I know I shoudl just suck it up, but I'm really upset. I signed up for a tri in Rockwall this next weekend. But honestly, it's not real to me. I just see it as a practice session. I'm bummed, and I can't seem to shake it.

I'm so sorry our first tri isn't working out the way you hoped. It would have been exciting to do your first tri in Germany, but since you can't, let me just say that even though you may not be psyched right now, once you get to your tri next weekend, I think you'll get in the spirit of it. It will be a life changing event anyway, just not the way you'd pictured it.

Take it easy this week, remember how much you've worked for this, and we'll all be ready to read your race report!!!!!!

2007-08-20 8:36 AM
in reply to: #930983

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
triOK - 2007-08-19 2:27 PM

Hey guys!  Yes, I am still alive.  I took the new job with the nutritional supplement company and I am not allowed to browse the internet at work.  Soooo, that means no BT.  That's reason enough to quit right there... luckily they are providing me with other reasons too, but that's a new story.

Oh no! What's going on? You were so looking forward to this new job.

 Loved the story of the cute bike guy, although I'm very disappointed in you for not getting his number.

2007-08-20 1:43 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Heather--it took all my resolve to get to the tri yesterday--I did not want to do it at all, yet now that it is over, I am really glad I did, as it strengthened my skills in the bad weather, and helped my self esteem increase since I wasn't a quitter when it would have been easy to stay home in bed and try again some other time.  I hope you are able to reframe your attitude and look at your new triathlon as a chance to have a new, fun experience, and prove to yourself that you can do this and do it well!!

I am already debating another one on Saturday, if you can believe that!  How should I train if I am going to do that?  My instinct says just do enough to keep my muscles warmed up all week--any other opinions? It's another sprint distance just down the road from home, and the bike route is my usual bike route, so that's a bonus since I know what to expect.

One more question--how do I get my bike and running shoes to dry?  It is still cold and rainy here, so no sunshine to set them in....and they are still sopping wet this morning even though I have had them in the laundry room by the dryer overnight.

2007-08-21 6:21 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Meduda_Ann:  Put newspaper in them and it will help them dry out.  You can put them in the dryer but not for too long.  Just enough to get the worst of the water out.  If you wrap them in a towel, it helps in the "knocking" around in the dryer.


Check out running form tips from Dave Scott.  It's a great video:

2007-08-21 8:10 AM
in reply to: #933697

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Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

I used to put newspaper in my soccer cleats and put them in front of the refrigerator over night. Something about the vent on the bottom helps them dry out....

Aaron (firstriguy)  and two other guys from our department are doing a law enforcement challenge at a tri in upstate NY on 9/9. I will be there as a CLyde. Lets hope his cramps don't act up because we are heavy favorites!!

Also will Aaron change his user name to Thirdtriguy, 4thtriguy, etc.????

"Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand......." I can't wait for winter spinning classes!!

2007-08-21 8:40 AM
in reply to: #933697

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Allen, TX
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

Dan: Thanks! That was a great video. I need lots of help with my running!

2007-08-21 9:38 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Russell, KS
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
WOW! All those videos are good! Thank you!

I'm learning that I'm actually swimming correctly. What a relief!

ooh. And the tire one is good too:

I hope you are able to reframe your attitude and look at your new triathlon as a chance to have a new, fun experience, and prove to yourself that you can do this and do it well!!

yeah. I mostly have. I'm still upset my tri in Germany won't happen, but hey, I still get to travel in Europe.

Edited by grnidone 2007-08-21 10:06 AM
2007-08-21 4:45 PM
in reply to: #804244

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
Well, I signed up for the local triathlon on Saturday.  This coming Saturday!  Two tris in one week!!  I know it will be more fun than the cold, wet, crowded Danskin tri.  The swim is only 1/4 mile and the bike route is one of my normal routes so I know it well!  Who woulda thunk I could do two tris in one week?  Not me!
2007-08-22 6:14 AM
in reply to: #804244

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED

As you guys know, I'm generally not one to brag.  But I have to brag for a second.  I have the COOLEST "wear around town on the weekend" hat.  Your generic wear around hat has NOTHING on my Rochester Police SCUBA hat!!

Where did I get such a cool and awesome hat?  Let's just say a little gator gave it to me.  So don't go trying to be as cool as me because it might just work.  Let me revel in my coolness for a bit.

Thanks Gator22!!

2007-08-22 8:06 AM
in reply to: #935362

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Waco, Texas
Subject: RE: triOK's Group - CLOSED
hat porn???
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