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2008-03-27 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Brit - have a great time this weekend and the best of luck!  I will be thinking of ya. 

Jeni - have fun on your trip, can't wait to hear all about it! 

2008-03-27 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

conference is going well.  sitting in the lobby killing time and trying to figure out if i want to do intervals on the treadmill or run outside  today

memphis is interesting... NOBODY walks anywhere.  Coming from vancouver it looks like the downtown is deserted, well it practically looks like the entire town is deserted because everyone is inside or in their cars. I actually had a lot more fun at Graceland than I thought I would and a new appreciation for Elvis.  Beale street (the home of the blues) is pretty neat.  3 blocks of bars with a different live band in each one every night and they are all AMAZING musicians.  looking forward to seeing what its like on a friday night. And the conference is making me realize how much I need to get my s**t together and get my degree done. I need to start treating my work like I treat training-- goal setting, to do lists, have a plan, set deadlines ect. My presentation went well (but nobody came to listen at 8 in the morning) and I watched another presentation from someone who does something similar and I realized just how good I am at what I do.

For my thesis I use cameras to engage youth to talk about issues that affect them and empower them to create their own representations. Basically they take pictures and we talk about why they took the photo they did and based on what they say we are making a film about their life experiences. Working with First Nation teenagers who are in foster care, hang out on the streets, experience enormous racism and abuse is intense but when I see how great the results are it rewarding.  Especially after seeing someone else attempt the same thing with a different community and their results are completely lackluster. Here's a pic the youth I work with took as part of their "group self portrait" (YES, I AM VERY BORED RIGHT NOW!)


Titles: 1) Just Chillin' 2) In the End 3) The Way I see You 4) Boredom

ok... time to stop being bored and go for a run! 

2008-03-27 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

"I was walking in Memphis, I was walking with my feet 10 feet off of Beale, I was walking in Memphis, Do I really feel the way I feel..."

Sounds like you did really AWESOME at the conference - CONGRATULATIONS! isnt it great to realise you are GOOD!!! sounds like an interesting project you are working on for your thesis... Go you!

2008-03-27 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1297065

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
excited2tri - 2008-03-28 2:21 AM

Man - I would love to be able to take 6 months off to train.  I would be good as far as my husband, but I think my work would be "uh, no".  LOL

Ok, my tri on Saturday is a pool swim.  There are 616 people.  I am 422.  The race starts at 8:00 and I get into the pool at 9:24:30 (thanks to my lovely slow swim time of 2:30/100 yards).  The people who start the race will be way done by the time I start.    But, the last person gets in the pool at 10:04.  How long does it take to get 616 racers in the pool?  2 hours and 4 minutes.

Oh well, it is about fun for me anyway.   

Have a great race this weekend - Im sure you will surprise yourself in the swim... a little adrenaline helps but make sure you dont go TOO hard in the beginning as you may be tempted to absolutely SPRINT the first 50m and find its a little faster than you can gain oxygen for...

Remember its better if negative split than start out too fast!

2008-03-27 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1297597

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
TexasMPGal - 2008-03-28 5:19 AM

Cat- you asked what races I'm looking at, I think I want to do Ironman Florida in Nov '09.  That gives me plenty of time to be fully settled (a year +) in a new job and new place, allows me to train for and race hard at Boston in April '09, and gives me time this year (since you gotta committ to these things a year in advance!) to move to a new place, get a feel for the job, etc.  I know some folks racing IMFL this year, and absolutely want to go see them race.  If I could go watch IMAZ next month, I would.

That sounds like a perfect plan, recover from Boston, maybe throw in a HIM as a training day for the full distance (because you do seem to LOVE racing!) and you will not have to concentrate too much on the run beyond maintaining the fitness and doing a standard build into the race which gives you time to focus on the swim and ride (which you LOVE right?)

Go Brit! That sounds perfectly achievable!

2008-03-27 11:59 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Hi team - for anyone who hasnt spotted it there is an April challenge up in the challenge forum now here:

I havent decided whether I am going to do it yet... but I think at least one of the group is already signed up...

Alternatively one of the other mentor group leaders (Bajapat) mentioned to me awhile back about doing an inter group challenge of some sort - however he has just suffered a severe knee injury and needs surgery so not sure if he is still up for it (but Im sure any encouraging inspires on his log will be much appreciated!)

2008-03-28 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Jeni- thanks for the pictures, that really seems like an incredibly interesting endeavor!! Wow! What are you looking at doing upon completion of grad school?

And to Dia--happy pre-race day!!! Have fun getting all your stuff together and prepping to race! You're going to have a blast!

2008-03-28 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Thanks Britt!  I just went and picked up my race packet, always fun.    Ok, race shirts.  It is usually a really cool design and crappy material.  Our shirts are really great material but a weird off charcoal gray color and horrible design.  Oh well, it will be a great running shirt.   

Going to be a fun race weekend!

Oh, btw, the hubby will be there with the camera, so I will post pics!

Edited by excited2tri 2008-03-28 1:52 PM
2008-03-28 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Question - I know, a little late to be asking this, but the weather is supposed to be sprinkles and in the low 50's for the race.  Would you recommend long sleeves for the ride/run?  I am not worried about transition times, but I don't want to freeze.  Both my previous tri's have been in the summer.  We did a ride a couple of weeks ago and it was 50 degrees and I had 3 layers on.......

Thoughts please??

2008-03-28 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1300271

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
excited2tri - 2008-03-29 7:15 AM

Question - I know, a little late to be asking this, but the weather is supposed to be sprinkles and in the low 50's for the race. Would you recommend long sleeves for the ride/run? I am not worried about transition times, but I don't want to freeze. Both my previous tri's have been in the summer. We did a ride a couple of weeks ago and it was 50 degrees and I had 3 layers on.......

Thoughts please??

Its never too late - my thoughts would be layers.... have your normal race gear on and through something else on top thats easy to remove (preferably something you dont mind throwing at a volunteer and not getting back or putting around your waist)  


If its raining you might npt dry off and warm up so easily after the swim and being cold throughout the race would not be fun so, depending on what you have i would use it!
2008-03-29 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Wind, rain, hail, mud, cold, 45 degrees, yes, we had all of that and more!    What a day for a tri.......LOL  I only have a few minutes, but wanted to let you know how I did.  I was drenched from head to toe the whole time, but for some reason, just had the best time ever!

Well, I finished in 1:55:15, so better than the 2:00 that I aimed for.    I probably could have done better than that if the weather cooperated, but that's ok.  Also, according to my HR monitor, I did it in 1:54:20, so I am wondering if I was penalized for some reason.  Oh well, I will just have to wait for the results to get posted. 

Race Report will be up tomorrow.

2008-03-29 4:59 PM
in reply to: #1301541

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
excited2tri - 2008-03-30 7:10 AM

Wind, rain, hail, mud, cold, 45 degrees, yes, we had all of that and more! What a day for a tri.......LOL I only have a few minutes, but wanted to let you know how I did. I was drenched from head to toe the whole time, but for some reason, just had the best time ever!

Well, I finished in 1:55:15, so better than the 2:00 that I aimed for. I probably could have done better than that if the weather cooperated, but that's ok. Also, according to my HR monitor, I did it in 1:54:20, so I am wondering if I was penalized for some reason. Oh well, I will just have to wait for the results to get posted.

Race Report will be up tomorrow.


2008-03-29 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Dia- WAY TO GO! You beat your goal through all the elements! That's awesome! Can't wait to read your race report.  I had fun volunteering this morning and just finished a dinner with some great BT'ers--now I guess I should get some sleep for tomorrow.  Looks like the weather will be real nice for us! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
2008-03-30 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

AWESOME DIA!!!! and to smile through that weather is great!!! can't wait for the race report.  How did you friend do? 

Good luck Britt!!! can't wait to hear all about it.

I made it home.. Gave up my seat on my flight home and earned a free ticket (yay!) but it meant I didn't get home til 1am....

I saw we should do an intergroup challenge... I propose each we each pick a goal for our weakest event to train on. Possibly do a Time trial at the beginning and end of the month to see if we have any improvement??

off to a coached ride.. I will post some memphis pics in log once I upload them so I can justify dancing as a workout  

2008-03-30 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

The splits are going to be posted tonight, so when those are posted, I will do my race report.    My friend finished before me, she is a much better runner, so I told her to go an ahead. 

I agree on the challenge, if the group does.  After looking at some of my race pics, I need to work on some body fat.  LOL 

Britt - I hope your race is going great for you!  Can't wait to hear about it.

Cool on the free flight!  Do you know where you want to go?

And to give you a glimpse of the day yesterday, here is a pic of the rain.  Nope, the pic isn't fuzzy, that is just how hard the rain is coming down!

2008-03-30 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Dia!!! You are a studette!! So many people would have DNSed with those conditions. Way to go!!!

2008-03-30 5:41 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

DIA !!! WOW!!!!!! You are a stud!

I saw that pic and actually said "Holy S**T" out loud.   i think I would have been a DNS!!!  AWESOME!!! Now that is street cred!!!!

not sure about where I want to go with the ticket.. I have a year to decide so either a trip home OR.... bike trip to Hawaii anyone??? that may have to be my christmas present to myself  Cool

oh!  can we do a weight loss mentor group challenge?? that's a great idea!!!  

2008-03-30 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Dia- holy cow--you beat your goals in THAT gosh...I think that combination and horrible ran is WAY worse than the freezing cold of that one I did the beginning of the month.

SO--in a quick down and dirty, with more to follow--the race went great. It was tough for sure, but an awesome race production (I'd highly recommend going to any of the EndorFun Races!).  Swim wasn't as strong as I wanted--more OWS needed FOR SURE, and ya'll will be glad to know I LOVED THE BIKE TODAY! LOVED IT LOVED IT! And the run was HARD, but good.  It was a 1/4 Iron distance (not specific Oly) I raced a 2:39:03 for a 965m swim/28mi bike/6.5mi and placed 4th in my AG.  I actually beat last years winning time, but that lady came back and improved by 14 minutes this year to win again, and two others showed up by a good 9/10 min, so it wasn't even close there! Haha!  Great fun, and boy did it make me realize HOW MUCH TRAINING I have to do for my HIM this fall. I see LOTS of Bricks in my future! What a great sport this is!

I think a weight loss challenge sounds great!

2008-03-30 11:25 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Wow! WTG for still heading out in those conditions, Dia! It reminds me of the Surf City marathon here in February. We had vertical rain there for a bit during it. Major kudos to you!!

I'm back from my weekend down in Oceanside volunteering for the Ironman California 70.3. I had an amazing time!! I worked registration on Friday and got to meet a lot of the athletes, including BT's own Yanti (TriAya). I also worked the course yesterday. I was stationed on the "hot corner" so, I worked the both the bike and run courses. I was literally something like 2 feet from the likes of Andy Potts, Craig Alexander, Michellie Jones, etc. It was AWESOME!! Given the distance of the race, it practically came down to a photo finish with Andy Potts beating out Craig Alexander by a mere 3 seconds!

Last night, I met up with a bunch of other BT folks for dinner after the race. If memory serves, there were 13 of us off and on throughout the course of the meal with 10 of us being there from start to finish. It was really cool putting faces to board names.

After being there all weekend, I'm all the more motivated to participate in a tri myself. My friend Terri (MrsUSMC) and I were talking about it over breakfast this morning. We're thinking of doing the super sprint distance of the Subaru series here in October. Of course, that means I definitely have to make faster progress on my bike riding skills. I don't think I could even make the 10k bike ride at my current wobble skill level. LOL At least I have 6.5 months to prepare for it.

The only real downside to the weekend for me was that I twisted my ankle when I was out on the course volunteering. I've been icing it all day and keeping it elevated. I have a 5k race coming up next Sunday, so I'm hoping it heal QUICKLY!!

2008-03-31 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
I am all about a weight loss challenge (she says as she sits on her couch eating doritos).  LOL    Let's set it up!
2008-03-31 11:38 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

melissa- sorry to hear about the ankle but so cool you got to volunteer and see all the BTers in person.

My friend who is training for an Ironman came into town last night for a visit.  Swapped stories over a few beers... those of you with a Cervelo with very little clearance on the back wheel beware of wet roads and sand.  He did a time trial and the wheel turned into sandpaper against his frame... ouch!! I tried to make him feel better by mentioning that his bike was even lighter now, after a few layers of paint had been rubbed off. Definitely gave me a jolt in the motivation so today's plan is to figure out my training plan for the next few months.

Does anyone know people in another mentor group?  I want to loose 7lbs this month.  Time to get aggressive.  I keep thinking 1:29:11 - 20lbs = ?????? 

I saw we each pick a weight to loose, add them up and as a group try to hit that number! 

2008-03-31 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
I'm definitely up for a weight loss challenge. I have a LOT of weight to lose still, so that would be right up my alley. I managed to get myself back on track in March after I got back from spending time with my sister after her husband passed away. I actually managed to drop 9.6 pounds in March.

I would love to lose that much again in April, but I know I won't since I had a massive drop the first week after getting back on track. Ultimately, I would be thrilled to lose about 5 pounds per month.
2008-03-31 3:49 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
OMG! I did it! I have officially registered for my first tri!!!! I signed up for the super sprint distance at the Subaru US Women's Triathlon Series in San Diego on October 19, 2008.

2008-03-31 3:56 PM
in reply to: #1305773

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

BunnyB - 2008-03-31 3:49 PM OMG! I did it! I have officially registered for my first tri!!!! I signed up for the super sprint distance at the Subaru US Women's Triathlon Series in San Diego on October 19, 2008.

WAY TO GO!!!  You are going to have so much fun, just watch.    Congrats on getting that goal out there.  I am so excited for you.

btw, my race report is up. 

Edited by excited2tri 2008-03-31 4:11 PM
2008-03-31 5:09 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED



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