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2010-01-04 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Thanks guys! Very helpful advice. I did my first Crossfit WOD this morning, a scaled version of the posted workout on the crossfit site today, substituting pull-ups/dips for power-ups.

2010-01-04 4:07 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Sunny San Diego
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
+1 an the site.
Also check out

I'm new to CF/CFE, but if you do at least 4 of the Strength and Conditioning WODs per week and 1-2 HIIT WOD per week (for each sport) you'd be doing ok.

There's also a link on the CF main site for Brand X scaled workouts.

2010-01-04 4:11 PM
in reply to: #2593378

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2010-01-04 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2593392

Extreme Veteran
Sunny San Diego
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lvthgme - 2010-01-04 1:11 PM

What's HIIT?  I'm sure I should know this...

Sorry, HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. ie the Run/Bike/Swim/Row WOD you'd see on the site. Very similar to a track workout or a masters swim workout.

2010-01-04 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Squat Intensity
65% of max back squat. 2 squats every 30 seconds for 10 rounds. #110
Explode up as fast as possible 1 athlete does all 10 rounds before switching

WOD: 14:05
"Rowing Helen"
Three rounds for time:
Row 500 meters
16 kg Kettlebell X 21 swings
12 pull ups used green/blue band

Worked on kipping pull ups on 20" box with Gino after wod

Fun workout!
2010-01-05 10:22 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I did First WOD

For time 5 sets

Run 1/4 mile
25 situps
25 hip extensions

I forgot to start the watch unit after first round it took about 35 minutes, and I guarentee it sounded alot easier than it was. I though it was gonna die LOL!!

I already looked at tommorows WOD and I can't wait for this one.  Medicin ball target toss and pullups.  I plan to follow it up with a Spinervalls 30 minute workout.

I'm glad you guys posted this thread Cross fit is great. 

2010-01-06 7:54 AM
in reply to: #2596745

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2010-01-06 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
I did this one at home.  I set up 3 stations. A situp mat,  Tread mill & palaties ball.  I did a slow 1/4 mile warm up then turned up the speed and ran for 1/4 mile stop the treadmill do the situps and quickly over to the ball for the Hip or back extensions and repeat until you die LOL!!  I don't have the GHD situp stand so I did standard situps and  used the palaties ball to do the hip extensions. I have most of the equipment needed to do workouts at home so I'll be doing them at home for time sake.  I'd love to join a Crossfit gym but not sure my schedule will permit.  Tonight I'll be out in the dark @ 8:00 bouncing a medicin ball of the side of the house I'm sure anyone who sees me will think I have lost my mind LOL!!
2010-01-06 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Warm-Up:Burgener Warm-Up

Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 (slowly increase the weight for each set up to a good heavy triple)
35#, 45#, 55#
Finally getting the hang of these...I did them hanging instead and key is to get a good jump and drop quickly

WOD: 6:50
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand Push-Ups scaled to inverted box push ups 24"
Box Jumps 20"

Tonight is Hero wod Daniel.
2010-01-06 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Question for those of you who have been doing CF for awhile, how has it effected your tri (run, bike and/or swim) performance?

I ask because I've been doing CF about 2 months 3-5x a week and did a 5K Jan 1st and had my slowest time in 3 or 4 years.

I have heard over and over folks do CF, drop their run training and PB big their running races. Just wondering what you guys have experienced.
2010-01-06 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2598209

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
KathyG - 2010-01-06 1:24 PM Question for those of you who have been doing CF for awhile, how has it effected your tri (run, bike and/or swim) performance?

I ask because I've been doing CF about 2 months 3-5x a week and did a 5K Jan 1st and had my slowest time in 3 or 4 years.

I have heard over and over folks do CF, drop their run training and PB big their running races. Just wondering what you guys have experienced.

In thoes 2 months had you stoped most of your running training in favor of mostly all Cross Fit workouts?  I have also read what you said about people setting Pr's with cross fit but I bet futher investigation would reveal that they are also still doing some shorter runs and a long run a week even if the long run is shorter in nature like 5 to 10 miles max. I surly see where combining Cross Fit with a couple of shorter runs and a long run a week could lead to a PR since some  of the Crossfit workouts include speed work like 400M repeats and such.  Great Question hope someone that has been with it a long time answers. 

2010-01-06 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2598387

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
SAWFISH50 - 2010-01-06 3:25 PM
KathyG - 2010-01-06 1:24 PM Question for those of you who have been doing CF for awhile, how has it effected your tri (run, bike and/or swim) performance?

I ask because I've been doing CF about 2 months 3-5x a week and did a 5K Jan 1st and had my slowest time in 3 or 4 years.

I have heard over and over folks do CF, drop their run training and PB big their running races. Just wondering what you guys have experienced.

In thoes 2 months had you stoped most of your running training in favor of mostly all Cross Fit workouts?  I have also read what you said about people setting Pr's with cross fit but I bet futher investigation would reveal that they are also still doing some shorter runs and a long run a week even if the long run is shorter in nature like 5 to 10 miles max. I surly see where combining Cross Fit with a couple of shorter runs and a long run a week could lead to a PR since some  of the Crossfit workouts include speed work like 400M repeats and such.  Great Question hope someone that has been with it a long time answers. 

I didn't stop running during those 2 months. I did an Ironman end of August, took September off from s/b/r, started b/r training back up end of September. Added in swimming again in November. My Oct-Dec running was less than my IM training. But a 5K isn't long just hard and all out much like CF is.

Currently I run 4x a week, bike 2-3x a week, swim 4x a week and do crossfit 3-4x a week.
2010-01-06 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2598562

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Currently I run 4x a week, bike 2-3x a week, swim 4x a week and do crossfit 3-4x a week.

Man Kathy when you gonna stop laying aroung and start working out   Just curious what was you 5K time for this race verses previous 5K.

Great job on training that hard to be ready for your races. 
2010-01-06 7:17 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Best was 26:44 official time; 1/1/10 30:44..see almost 80 seconds a mile slower..that's a lot.

Granted I haven't done a 5K for over 15 months and speed comes and goes but this was slower than I've been in a long while.
2010-01-07 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Kathy only thing that I could think of is Overtraining do you have any complete rest days in your schedule where you do nothing?  Some times a few days off will do wonders for your performance.  It could have just been a bad day it happens. 
2010-01-09 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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2010-01-09 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Impressive...that is a lot of kipping pull ups!!


I love how nailing a wod is so rewarding.

2010-01-10 4:07 PM
in reply to: #2605231

Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
lvthgme - 2010-01-09 6:14 PM

Okay, so I'm so excited I just have to share.  I did a WOD today and in it completed 100 kipping pull-ups!  My previous PR for pull-ups in a WOD was 71 I think so...very fun!  Here was the workout:

5 rounds for time (I scaled to 4 rounds) of:

50 Wall balls (should be 15#, I used 10#)

25 Pull-ups

Time was 27 minutes and change.  I've been using the 15# ball for other WODS, but I wanted to finish this before next year, so I scaled down.  I think that was a good decision.  It sure was fun anyway, to just chuck that ball up there all easy like!  And the other fun news is my left hand only tore on the last round of pull-ups, and my right hand not at all!  Anyway, I'm just stoked!  It took me like a year to get my first kipping pull-up,'s just fun to be able to do 100!

Great job!

We did a WOD a week or so ago that was 100 squats, 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, and 100 pull-ups.  (I think it is one of the names workouts, but I can't remember.  The fast people started on pull-ups and the slow people started on squats.)  It was intense doing the 100 pull-ups, especially since I can't do one pull-up without bands at this point.

I'm excited because I was able to do a double-under yesterday.   I couldn't get two in a row, but once I got the hang of it, I was able to do a double-under, then a couple singles, then another double-under, and so on.

I really enjoy Crossfit!  I am getting so strong!
2010-01-11 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2606221

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2010-01-11 10:41 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Great job on double unders..I can do one sometimes but not string them together.

"Cindy" As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

11 rounds; my first time doing Cindy
pulls ups green & blue band
push ups first 3 sets on bar of pull up stand when I was only doing 1 at a time knew I need to scale it easier so on knees

Hardest for me was push ups; pulls ups are improving
Fastest round was last one in 1:30 finished with 3-5" left

I also spoke with one of the owners about scheduling training with CF. It is tough to do certain s/b/r workouts after tough CF workouts. They had been pushing me to do Crossfit Endurance which I don't think works well for  folks training for IM and HIM distance races.  I've been in touch with an affiliate owner who does IM for some suggestions. My affiliate is going to send me all the workouts for next few months so I can better plan and integrate tri training and CF.
2010-01-11 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2607507

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2010-01-11 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2607507

Papillion, NE
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
KathyG - 2010-01-11 10:41 AM Great job on double unders..I can do one sometimes but not string them together.

"Cindy" As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

11 rounds; my first time doing Cindy
pulls ups green & blue band
push ups first 3 sets on bar of pull up stand when I was only doing 1 at a time knew I need to scale it easier so on knees

Hardest for me was push ups; pulls ups are improving
Fastest round was last one in 1:30 finished with 3-5" left

I also spoke with one of the owners about scheduling training with CF. It is tough to do certain s/b/r workouts after tough CF workouts. They had been pushing me to do Crossfit Endurance which I don't think works well for  folks training for IM and HIM distance races.  I've been in touch with an affiliate owner who does IM for some suggestions. My affiliate is going to send me all the workouts for next few months so I can better plan and integrate tri training and CF.

Great job. 11 rounds is awesome.
I just did this one the other day too. I used an empty 45# oly bar for squats. I made 13 rounds and it was KILLER. These are a great addition to my heavy workouts.
2010-01-22 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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2010-01-23 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
First time with Fight Gone Bad this morning.  My score was 246.  After starting at the bottom of the class two months ago, I'm now moving into the middle area and only scaling for pull-ups (bands).  I'm getting so strong!
2010-01-25 3:14 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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