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2009-02-19 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1971184

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

chichitao - 2009-02-19 2:57 PM Did they see your blog and contact you?

Yeah, I'm just not that cool.  Ha ha.    Someone was talking about it in a forum on BT and I checked it out and went online and filled out their application.  I was completely floored when I got the e-mail.  Since I'm doing HIM training this season, I'll definitely be using their products a lot so it'll work out great!

How are you feelig now, Tim, since Sunday?

2009-02-20 4:01 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Lora, you ARE that cool...don't kid yourself!  

I just started using GU this year.  I've only tried the orange, but I really like it.  Used it on my bike ride this week.  

I feel great actually.  No major pains, just some sore quads, but that has pretty much gone away.  It actually has me very motivated and ready to use that run as a springboard into my tri training.  

2009-02-23 10:11 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

That's great to hear you're feeling great after the big race, Tim.  Congrats on your first half-- you put in an awesome run... I'm very impressed by your reverse splits at such a long distance!  Fantastic!  Did you decide whether or not to do another 1/2 this spring?

Lora - I love your blog and your race photos/videos... GU made a wise choice!  I tried gu a long time ago mid-race for the first time-- not such a good idea when I was very dehydrated to begin with and had never used a gel before.  But, now that I'm actually doing longer runs and rides (and eventually swims... planning on a 3-mile OW this summer), I think it could be helpful.  Which ones do people like?  I don't dig the super-sweet stuff.

I just did a 10k that my PT gave me a wishy-washy "no" for.  I took his inability to be firm this time as I just need to figure out what's right for my body, so I went for it, and I'm glad I did.  One of my worst runs time-wise and now I've managed to hurt my foot (although I think it's only minor), but really overall it felt good and I now feel ready to start incorporating shorter runs back into my training instead of zip.  I think I was scared that it would be an all out disaster and I would have to avoid any running in training for my 1st sprint tri in 10wks.  Not the case!

Still trying to work through what's causing my pains with PT, and going to try rolfing for the first time today!  Intrigued, excited and a little scared of the potential pain.  Has anyone ever had it done before?

How's training going and what's next up for everyone on the race-front?

Edited by running4beer 2009-02-23 10:15 AM
2009-02-23 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Mina, I haven't fully decided yet, but I am leaning towards not doing the one in April.  It takes a lot of training (especially if I wanna shave off 17min!) and I have several bike rides scheduled in March and my first tri in the beginning of May.  I think I am just going to do the same race next year and use the winter to train more this year. 

March is my big bike month and hoping to get over 200mi in.  I've got 2 rides of 65mi already scheduled and looking at adding one more.  Then I'll use April to really hit the tri training hard. 

Oh and congrats on the 10k!  Hope you get all the pain "kinks" worked out!

Edited by chichitao 2009-02-23 5:04 PM
2009-02-23 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Hi all,

Sorry I have been a bit quiet in getting back to all of your wonderful inspires (THANK-YOU!!) below is part of my log which will explain just why!!

Last night we evacuated as the fires were just too close for comfort - a very scary car trip with everyone panicked given the way fires have impacted on human life over the past weeks.

We went to my mums near the beach an hour an a 1/4 away - definitely felt much safer there.

Overnight they were able to contain the fire and only 2 sheds were lost but they did also lose one fire truck along and another was damaged. A number of firefighters have minor burns and I think 2 are in hospital and another crashed his motor bike on the way to the fire - they are not sure about his health right now.

The roads were absolute bedlam and I can see why many accidents were had - someone narrowly missed running into the back of me and people were running red lights - stupid - the fire was not all that close at this stage and I was leaving as a precaution not because we were under direct threat.

The fire clouds were looming very close though and the park I run at was impacted - I am not sure how bad yet.

Thurs/Fri are set to be more bad days but hopefully the days in between will give the firefighters a chance to get some solid work done.

On top of all that the petrol station at the end of our street caught on fire last night (after we left) and apparently there were choppers and fire trucks and police everywhere and a lady had to be airlifted to the hospital and another is also badly burned.  The panic surely had something to do with this happening. On a practical level we now don't have access to fuel for 20plus kilometres till they can get the place operational again - not a problem for me as I am always driving in and out of town but many don't go far from here and will have to take the "big trip" into the nearest town for fuel.

Well..didn't think I would ever say this but BRING ON WINTER!!

2009-02-24 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
We will definately send out some prayers your way!  Stay safe!

2009-02-24 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Omaha, Nebraska
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

 Sending prayers for you and your family your way !

2009-02-24 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Thanks guys.

Looking buff James

My 13 year old son has been doing the 100 day challenge for a few weeks now and his body is definitely changing already.

2009-02-24 5:20 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

My heavens, Michelle!  What a total nightmare!  You guys continue to be in my prayers.

Mina, so glad you like the blog.  It's fun to keep.  Glad that 10K could help get you back in the swing of things.

Tim, it sounds like your next month is going to be full!

Have a great night, everyone!

2009-02-25 4:01 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Hey, ya'll.  If you've bought any tri-related products, you should submit them for a review here on BT.  If you submit a review in the month of February, you're automatically entered in a raffle to win some Valdora aerobars.

I just reviewed my brand new bike.

2009-02-25 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Just to warn you all up front...this is a venting session!

Ok, maybe it's just me.  Just the way I was raised or the person I have become.  I am really not sure where it comes from or where it doesn't come from in other people.  I have noticed it a lot in my job and seem to notice it more and more frequently in my training and races.

The "it" I am referring to is common courtesy.  It really hit me during my marathon when people would be walking side by side by side by side blocking the road.  Or some runners who just didn't seem to care where they were running or who they had to run into or bowl over to get where they were going.  I kinda blew it off but today it resurfaced during my swim.

I arrived at my pool.  During winter it is strictly a lap swimming facility (no free swimming or kids playing allowed).  There are 6-7 lanes and they leave 2-3 open for us lap swimmers.  The other lanes are used for classes.  Anyway, I arrive and hop in a lane with another lady and we begin sharing the lane.  I notice when I first arrive there are 2 kids playing in this lane (with mom sitting on the side of the pool about 10ft away from them.  When I get in, they move out of the lane.  Less than one lap in, the 2 kids are back in the lane playing (when I say kids I am talking about 10-12yo).  I had to swim around them as they are just in the middle of the lane.  Every lap they would run into me or make me change my course.  I finally got fed up (thinking they would get the hint after a few laps) and told them that the lanes are for lap swimming and they need to move out of the way.  They moved, but that lasted for about...oh, I don't know...1 lap, then they were back in the lane.  One of them was standing against the end wall just jumping up and down in the water.  I could hardly get to the wall to turn around.  I ran into one and literally pushed him out of my lane (this was right in front of mom).  I think they finally got the hint, b/c the lady I was swimming with got out, and I moved over to her side of the lane.  They didn't come back in after that (this was about 700y into my 1000y swim). 

I don't think it is too much to ask for people to be aware of their surroundings and to be courteous to each other.  Is it?   I don't completely blame the kids...I think mom is more responsible for not teaching her kids to be respectful of other people. 

Rant over!   I feel better...thanks for listening!

ps - I am only 1mi short on my run goal for the month and 11mi short on the bike.  Hit my swim goal today!  Wahoo!

Edited by chichitao 2009-02-25 7:42 PM

2009-02-25 8:11 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Hi Tim,

Well done on your targets this month - awesome effort!

I hear ya when it comes to common courtesy - do not even get me started!! The lifeguards at our pool are pretty good with that sort of thing but over school holidays they struggle to stay on top of it and sure enough - there is mum with her face planted in a magazine totally obvlivious to ANYTHING!!

I am super diligent when it comes to supervising my kids and I just don't get it when others don't do the same.

Some of Chloes friends are amazingly rude and have no clue about manners.  I want a drink or helping themselves to the fridge etc - I would die if Chloe ever did that!! Some parents have a lot to answer for!!   (see what you started!!).

2009-02-26 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Congrats on making your swim goal and on coming so close to your others.

I don't get it either.  You're right to blame the mom more than the kids.  Frustrating!

Our Y's indoor track says no kids permitted under the age of 13 unless w/a parent.  One of my first few times up there, there were two little girls (NOT over 13) running around and bouncing a basketball!!! They soon left, but I was incredulous.

Our track switches directions everyday and the walkers are supposed to stay on the inside.  There are a couple old people who walk on the outside and I have to veer around them.


2009-03-01 10:51 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

Every Feb, the gym puts on a mini triathlon or indoor triathlon. It is a 500 yd swim, 8 mile bike (stationary) and 2 mile run (treadmill). It is a fun race to do and always gets the race blood going. I did the race last year and had decent times, but this year I had a full year of training under my belt and I can say that all those winter training rides on the trainor actually paid off. I am posting my times form last year and this year:


500 yd swim   2008- 10:10     2009-8:46

8 mile bike       2008-30:46     2009-20:34  

2 mile run         2008-16:42    2009-15:35

Total Time        2008-57:41     2009-44:55

Almost a 13 minute improvement! I am really excited to race this season and see what other improvements I can make!


I will find out this week what place I made!

2009-03-01 11:00 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

That is a massive improvement James - you have every right to be excited!!!

I have some bragging of my own Last night I did 28k under an hour and it felt great - the last 3k were hard but to be expected when adding k's. Paris -here I come!!

2009-03-01 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Under an hour - I WISH!! Meant to say under 3 hours!!

2009-03-02 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1990681

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
James, that is TOTally awesome!  Congratulations to you!  Those are some significant improvements and you should be completely proud.
2009-03-02 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1990698

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

mmh - 2009-03-02 12:05 AM Under an hour - I WISH!! Meant to say under 3 hours!!

Congratulations, Michelle!  That is just amazing.  You're even more ready for Paris next month.

2009-03-02 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
yes, great job james and michelle!  it's gonna be a fun year this year!
2009-03-02 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
I uploaded some video of me swimming form the race the other day. I noticed it appears I am still lifting my head alittle, but I would have never known this if I had not seen it for myself. Videos are under the 2009 Indoor Triathlon folder. Any constructive feedback is welcomed.
2009-03-03 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1991901

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

jford2309 - 2009-03-02 1:45 PM I uploaded some video of me swimming form the race the other day. I noticed it appears I am still lifting my head alittle, but I would have never known this if I had not seen it for myself. Videos are under the 2009 Indoor Triathlon folder. Any constructive feedback is welcomed.

First off, you look really relaxed, which is the biggest thing to conquer.  You've also got a nice high elbow which is great, too, and you've got breathing conquered.  I might agree that your head seems just a tad high, but my head is way too under, so anything might just look too high to me.

I did notice that when your arm comes down toward the water, you seem to straighten it out immediately, almost (not that you are) like laying your arm on top of the water.  With that great high elbow already setting your hand up correctly, try bringing your hand in the water at an angle at about your ear.  Then slice it forward, using that momentum to rotate and reach.  In other words, your hand is entering the water out in front of you instead of entering closer to your head.  I feel like you could reach and stretch just a tad more to lengthen yourself, too.

Now, in case you want revenge, I'll try to have my friend video me in the water tomorrow so you can take your shots.

2009-03-06 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group




Except Michelle, do they have daylight savings in Australia??

2009-03-07 6:13 PM
in reply to: #1385359

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group
Just a teaser, but I finished the longest ride of my "career" this morning!  63.4mi.  Whew!  My wife scheduled a get together with some friends, so I have to go get ready for that.  Will do the race report later. 
2009-03-08 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2004045

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

chichitao - 2009-03-07 7:13 PM Just a teaser, but I finished the longest ride of my "career" this morning!  63.4mi.  Whew!  My wife scheduled a get together with some friends, so I have to go get ready for that.  Will do the race report later. 

So, you went for the 63 afterall?  You must feel great!  Looking forward to the RR!

2009-03-09 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1385359

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Hudson Valley, NY
Subject: RE: lkagop's Training Group

congrats on hitting 63 miles.

 Its been a while for me, my wife gave birth to our second son Jan. 7 and since then I've had a lot less sleep and no time for training.  This weekend I started training again, a 23 mile road ride with 1600ft of climbing after doing nothing for over two months is a fun way to get back into the swing of things. 

Hope everybody else has been keeping up with their training.  

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