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2010-07-12 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Pete - Congrats on your race.  You did an awsome job.   I was a bit worried for you after that swimming incident but you seem to have overcome that and did great!

Tim (T2) - I've never eaten Chic filet (spelling ?) but I have heard it is good - BUT you will NEVER catch me ever dressed up as a cow - haha - Gutsy

Meggan - I was jealous of you every time you talked about running on the beach -haha- but I was able to get a barefoot run in on my friends beach on Lake Michigan this weekend.  It was so nice and I might as well have been running along the ocean - It was a great experience. 

Sandra - Sorry to hear about the setback with your calf - Glad you were able to get the long run in though.  I know you probably hear this alot but just don't push it too hardWink

I had a busy weekend with 3 shows in 24 hours but Saturday was a huge fest in Chicago playing 2 bands before 10,000 Maniacs and then a private beach party that night that we were hired to play.  I could think of worse ways to spend my weekend.  Didn't get much training in but I am hitting it hard starting this week. 

Kind of bummed because I had to drop out of my Masters Swim group. We got hit at work with pay cuts 2 weeks ago and I am losing about $350/week.  I already pay $85 for our family gym membership so another $75 for the group was the first to get cut by the boss (wife).  I am going to still show up on the same days but I will have to do my own workouts and swim by myself instead of with the guy I was training with.  Not the end of the world but I really enjoyed and was making progress with the my swimming. I hope I don't lose that.  Cable is next to go but I have also really been enjoying and getting into the Tour de France this year and have been pushing downgrading (losing VERSUS channel) off -haha.

Hope everyone has a good week training.  Seems like everyone is really making progress lately!!

2010-07-12 8:14 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Race Report is up!

Tim, sorry to hear about your Masters program.  That really sucks, but hopefully things turn around for you guys soon!  That does sound like a pretty amazing weekend, though!  Glad you enjoyed yourself! 
2010-07-13 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Ouch, $350 a week is pretty rough.  Sorry your having to cut some things, but wife and I went through something like this last year and we cut a lot more money than I thought was possible.  Ended up calling every company I could.  Just told them I am having a tough time and if there is anything they could do to help me lower some costs.  Got my phone bill reduced $20 and lost no services.  Got my cable/internet reduced (again, no loss of service).  Cell phones were reduced.  The game to play with the cable is to get one of those flyers or check the internet for deals for a competing company and tell them that you are thinking about switching to save some money.  Couldn't hurt.  We got our bills dropped and has been that way since.  Every little bit helps.  It's also an awesome time to refinance if that is an option. 

And yes, wife and I did end up donning the cow outfits just to get our free meals.  It was fun and about half the store was dressed up as well so it wasn't so bad.  Although when we first pulled up we are sitting in the car getting everything on and looking around and didn't see anyone outside or walking into the store that was dressed that way so we got a little nervous.  What if we misread the flyer and it wasn't that day!?   We took some pics but don't think those things are going to see the light of day!

Well, tonight is my regular Tue night ride with the group.  Hopefully some people will show up this week.  Have a great Tuesday!
2010-07-13 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2977226

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I'm sorry I mistyped - it is $350/month - that amount a week would require me to be looking for a new company.  Either way its tough because my wife quit her job 3 years ago when my daughter Sophia was born and works part time for her sister and brother-in-law.  At that time we took about a 35% hit and I also have not received a raise or bonus for the past two years because of my comapny's financial issues so this extra $350/month does not help much.  I am just glad I purchased all my tri stuff (even my races) before this summer otherwise I have the feeling my triathlon days would be numbered.  I am trying to figure out how to explain to my wife that i need to sign up for the Ironman Wisconsin 1 year in advance so I need to pay almost $600 this September.  Might have to postpone the IM one year

chichitao - 2010-07-13 8:17 AM Ouch, $350 a week is pretty rough.  Sorry your having to cut some things, but wife and I went through something like this last year and we cut a lot more money than I thought was possible.  Ended up calling every company I could.  Just told them I am having a tough time and if there is anything they could do to help me lower some costs.  Got my phone bill reduced $20 and lost no services.  Got my cable/internet reduced (again, no loss of service).  Cell phones were reduced.  The game to play with the cable is to get one of those flyers or check the internet for deals for a competing company and tell them that you are thinking about switching to save some money.  Couldn't hurt.  We got our bills dropped and has been that way since.  Every little bit helps.  It's also an awesome time to refinance if that is an option. 

And yes, wife and I did end up donning the cow outfits just to get our free meals.  It was fun and about half the store was dressed up as well so it wasn't so bad.  Although when we first pulled up we are sitting in the car getting everything on and looking around and didn't see anyone outside or walking into the store that was dressed that way so we got a little nervous.  What if we misread the flyer and it wasn't that day!?   We took some pics but don't think those things are going to see the light of day!

Well, tonight is my regular Tue night ride with the group.  Hopefully some people will show up this week.  Have a great Tuesday!
2010-07-13 4:18 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
wow!  Everyone has been so busy.  I am definately in a funk and I really need to pick myself up and get out of it. 

Family came in town starting on Thursday and two of my cousins have been staying with us.  I have a summer class that I am taking and that started last Tuesday and it is from 7-4 and will finally end this Thurs.  I have wanted to run, but dr. said I might want to cut back and do something that isn't so hard on my body.  I am just feeling blah and I am an all or nothing person.  I need to find a balance right now before I go back to work so I can get back in a groove.  Maybe I just need to focus on 5K or 10K's for a while. 

We shall see!  Hope everyone else is good.
2010-07-13 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2978651

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
debbiereid06 - 2010-07-13 2:18 PM wow!  Everyone has been so busy.  I am definately in a funk and I really need to pick myself up and get out of it. 

Family came in town starting on Thursday and two of my cousins have been staying with us.  I have a summer class that I am taking and that started last Tuesday and it is from 7-4 and will finally end this Thurs.  I have wanted to run, but dr. said I might want to cut back and do something that isn't so hard on my body.  I am just feeling blah and I am an all or nothing person.  I need to find a balance right now before I go back to work so I can get back in a groove.  Maybe I just need to focus on 5K or 10K's for a while. 

We shall see!  Hope everyone else is good.

Debbie is your doctor a runner?  I was told years ago by a doctor that I should never run again and I listened to him.  A few years ago I started seeing a doctor who is  runner and she does not have the same view, and suggested some physio and massage therapy and a slow introduction to running again.  She expounds the benefits of running especially for women and building bone density.  My husband has no cruciate ligament in his left knee and was told he should never run again and then saw a sports medicine doctor who told him that if the muscles around his knee were built up enough he could continue running and he's running better than ever now.

I don't know the reason your doctor told you to stop running but if you love it and want to continue, then I wouldn't take one doctors opinion, seek out others, preferably ones that run for 2nd & 3rd opinions.

Edited by corstan 2010-07-13 6:03 PM

2010-07-13 5:52 PM
in reply to: #2978651

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!

T2 it sucks about the pay cutback at work, $350 a month is still a lot, but I suppose the alternative would be that you had no job and that would suck even more.  Yeah! on having purchased all your Tri gear before this happened and signed up and paid for races in advance too.  If you have to wait an extra year for IM then you will have another year to hone your skills more. 

Edited by corstan 2010-07-13 6:08 PM
2010-07-13 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2978797

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks Sandra.  No the doctor is not so much worried about the running as she is about me.  I am an easily stressed person and she is worried that I am so focused on sticking to my schedule and making sure I do it rather than doing it just because.  Therefore I am putting more stress on myself worrying about a silly 1/2.  she knows me so well and that I get stressed about things that are months away that when I got pregnant the first time I was doing nothing and was the most stress free I had ever been.  She by no means wants me to quit running or working out, she just wants me to take it back a notch and see what happens.

I did ask another dr. what she thought and she said to not totally quit running.
2010-07-14 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2978798

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Thanks Sandra - I am a very spontaneous person and not very long term thinking so it is easier for  me to think about attempting my first Ironman next year instead of 2-1/2 years from now - haha  We will see how things go - but yes I am very happy to still have a job as the construction industry is really hurting now.  The band helps to make up some and I can always just book more shows.

If anyone is interested I made this compilation video from the Chicago fest we played last weekend on youtube:
2010-07-14 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2979153

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
debbiereid06 - 2010-07-13 9:37 PM Thanks Sandra.  No the doctor is not so much worried about the running as she is about me.  I am an easily stressed person and she is worried that I am so focused on sticking to my schedule and making sure I do it rather than doing it just because.  Therefore I am putting more stress on myself worrying about a silly 1/2.  she knows me so well and that I get stressed about things that are months away that when I got pregnant the first time I was doing nothing and was the most stress free I had ever been.  She by no means wants me to quit running or working out, she just wants me to take it back a notch and see what happens.

I did ask another dr. what she thought and she said to not totally quit running.

Just keep in mind that you were very lucky the first time!  They say that even if timing is correct, you only have a 30% chance every month of getting pregnant.  It took us a few months both times.  Good luck with it!
2010-07-15 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
How is the week going for everyone?

Going good here!  I have 2 early morning runs in for the week and some strength training yesterday.  I am also in the midst of talking to my old trainer about hooking up with him again.  I am not holding my breath on it actually happening though.  We might even be staying home this weekend.  I will know for sure today.  I feel bad if we do have to stay home because John is supposed to go fishing on Saturday which was his father's day present. 

Edited by Mrschach 2010-07-15 7:55 AM

2010-07-15 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Going well for me so far!  I got back into training last night with a fast-paced run (not logged yet...  it will be).  I haven't been following my training plan very well this week, just doing more what i want to do (which hasn't been much up to last night), so I think I will do one more day of what I want to do (swim, assuming my shoulder feels good).  

I have also contacted a local university tri club, and I will probably end up working out with them this weekend, see what they are all about.  If I join, I would also have to join the university gym, so it's not a cheap option, but it'd be good to have a winter workout group, and to meet people doing tris around here.  I'm pretty excited about that. 
2010-07-15 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2982270

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
That is great you found a local tri club!  I looked into one the beginning of the year and it was not really what I was looking for.  Then a few local women started a women's tri club in the Spring "No nuts, just guts" is the tagline!  I joined about 6 weeks ago and they have a ton of training events and I have yet to make one!  The same week I joined the club was the same week we signed Joe up for karate.  He has karate two evenings a week and one of us takes him and one stays with Logan.  We are still trying to get into a routine with that.  The club has been doing bricks every Saturday morning to get ready for SheRox in 2 weeks and we have been down the shore every weekend for something.  I am kinda bummed I have not been as involved as I wanted to be. 
2010-07-15 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2979985

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
tmoran80 - 2010-07-14 7:53 AM Thanks Sandra - I am a very spontaneous person and not very long term thinking so it is easier for  me to think about attempting my first Ironman next year instead of 2-1/2 years from now - haha  We will see how things go - but yes I am very happy to still have a job as the construction industry is really hurting now.  The band helps to make up some and I can always just book more shows.

If anyone is interested I made this compilation video from the Chicago fest we played last weekend on youtube:

I watched your vid, looks like you guys have it all "covered" but had to laugh when you guys were doing Miley Cyrus.  Overall very enjoyable!
2010-07-15 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Not too bad here.  Gave blood Mon and I think it really effects me cuz I've had way less energy the last 2 days and some not so great workouts.  I've given 4 other times and had the same thing happen but haven't listened to my body and I go too hard on workouts afterwards.  Took yesterday off completely and passed out at 830.  Will take it easy again today but I am feeling better. 

I've got a 50mi bike ride I am doing Sat morning for a grand opening of a local bike store.  There is no entry fee and we are getting free Chipotle burritos and beer after, so I am looking forward to that and want to make sure I am well rested and recovered.  I would like to push hard and see where my bike fitness is.  I haven't done that distance since probably spring 2009.

So a question for those that are in a tri clubs or some kind of group.  How far do you travel to meet up and do the workouts?  I've looked into groups around here but being such a popular tri area the prices are high ($150-$350 a month).  Plus I would have to drive a good 30min or more to get to the training sites.  Feels like such a waste of time.  I am just curious if that is normal for people to drive that far and pay that much or am I just being inflexible/cheap? 
2010-07-15 10:22 AM
in reply to: #2982260

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
The week has been up and down here, and I'm looking forward to the weekend, which starts tomorrow for me as both my husband and I have booked every friday off for the rest of summer.  So tomorrow morning we are heading up to the lake for an early morning swim and I am looking to hook up with one or two of my running friends for a nice easy run.  Saturday we are headed up to the mountain again to do the grind and it looks like we have quite a group of people coming along with us this week, so it should be fun.  Beyond that we have no other plans outside of our usual sunday morning run with our running group.

I do have to go out and find myself a new garmin as my dog decided it would make a nice chew toy and completely destroyed the crystal, there is no saving it.  He has never chewed on anything before, so not sure why he did this time, but I won't be leaving my new garmin on the arm of a chair again.

Pete, I hope it works well with the tri group, it really is great to have a group of like-minded people to help keep you motivated, especially during the winter.

Meggan, you may find that you have more time to get out to some tri club activities in the fall/winter, Summer with kids, makes it hard to make organized activities on a regular basis because of things like going to the shore or taking the kids to a water park, etc... so don't get discouraged and do  your best to get in an activity with the group on occasion

2010-07-15 10:26 AM
in reply to: #2982669

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
corstan - 2010-07-15 10:12 AM
tmoran80 - 2010-07-14 7:53 AM Thanks Sandra - I am a very spontaneous person and not very long term thinking so it is easier for  me to think about attempting my first Ironman next year instead of 2-1/2 years from now - haha  We will see how things go - but yes I am very happy to still have a job as the construction industry is really hurting now.  The band helps to make up some and I can always just book more shows.

If anyone is interested I made this compilation video from the Chicago fest we played last weekend on youtube:

I watched your vid, looks like you guys have it all "covered" but had to laugh when you guys were doing Miley Cyrus.  Overall very enjoyable!

Yeah, you guys are good.  Although I didn't recognize half the songs!    That is not a knock on you b/c my wife refers to me as a foreign exchange student when it comes to my knowledge of music and pop culture.  haha  But she's a total 80s freak and loves music and cover bands.

Any chance you could make a living doing that?
2010-07-15 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2982688

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-07-15 10:16 AM Not too bad here.  Gave blood Mon and I think it really effects me cuz I've had way less energy the last 2 days and some not so great workouts.  I've given 4 other times and had the same thing happen but haven't listened to my body and I go too hard on workouts afterwards.  Took yesterday off completely and passed out at 830.  Will take it easy again today but I am feeling better. 

I've got a 50mi bike ride I am doing Sat morning for a grand opening of a local bike store.  There is no entry fee and we are getting free Chipotle burritos and beer after, so I am looking forward to that and want to make sure I am well rested and recovered.  I would like to push hard and see where my bike fitness is.  I haven't done that distance since probably spring 2009.

So a question for those that are in a tri clubs or some kind of group.  How far do you travel to meet up and do the workouts?  I've looked into groups around here but being such a popular tri area the prices are high ($150-$350 a month).  Plus I would have to drive a good 30min or more to get to the training sites.  Feels like such a waste of time.  I am just curious if that is normal for people to drive that far and pay that much or am I just being inflexible/cheap? 

I paid $35 for the year but it is very informal training.  They have a few lakes that we can do OWS swims at.  One of them the fee is $6 to swim.  The other we have to tip the lifeguard I believe.  The rides and runs don't cost the club anything obviously.  I do think they have some kind of deal with one of the local swim clubs that we can swim there 2 nights a week for a pretty cheap fee.  The swims are nice because you pay for what you can go to.  They have a few sponsors, including a great local coach.  He loves that this club is very training oriented and has done a few training sessions and seminars already.
2010-07-15 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2982688

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-07-15 8:16 AM Not too bad here.  Gave blood Mon and I think it really effects me cuz I've had way less energy the last 2 days and some not so great workouts.  I've given 4 other times and had the same thing happen but haven't listened to my body and I go too hard on workouts afterwards.  Took yesterday off completely and passed out at 830.  Will take it easy again today but I am feeling better. 

I've got a 50mi bike ride I am doing Sat morning for a grand opening of a local bike store.  There is no entry fee and we are getting free Chipotle burritos and beer after, so I am looking forward to that and want to make sure I am well rested and recovered.  I would like to push hard and see where my bike fitness is.  I haven't done that distance since probably spring 2009.

So a question for those that are in a tri clubs or some kind of group.  How far do you travel to meet up and do the workouts?  I've looked into groups around here but being such a popular tri area the prices are high ($150-$350 a month).  Plus I would have to drive a good 30min or more to get to the training sites.  Feels like such a waste of time.  I am just curious if that is normal for people to drive that far and pay that much or am I just being inflexible/cheap? 

hmmm...I'd ride for free burrito's and beer too!

I belong to a tri club and it only costs me my tribc membership, and includes group rides and swims, time trials and various other events.  Currently I have not had the time to do anything with them, because of when they have been doing their activities, but that will most likely change in the fall.  If I so chose they also offer tailored coaching, which is $150/month but I'm not that serious about my finishing times and really can't afford to dole out that kind of cash right now, especially if my husband(Ray) decides he wants the coaching, since he is doing IM Canada next year.  

Ray has joined the a local bike stores riding group and that is $100/year and includes a jersey and socks and they ride 2-3 times a week, though my husband usually only does the saturday morning long rides with them.

Finally both Ray and I run through the Running Room store, they offer clinics for all levels(Ray is currently leading the 1/2 marathon clinic) at really reasonable prices ($70 for 16 weeks including a technical shirt or $40 with no shirt) and then they offer 2 free runs that are open to anyone on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings.  Everyone meets at the store and people can join in on any of the clinic runs and run with the coach or they can organize their own group.  Very friendly and fun enviornment.

Edit:  As for distance, most of my activities are very close(5min/car) aside from the OWS with the tri club which is about a 30min drive, because the lake is warmer than our local lake, which is glacial fed, but I'm not afraid of a  little cold, so I choose to swim locally:-)

Edited by corstan 2010-07-15 10:43 AM
2010-07-15 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I keep meaning to check out that video, T2, but I am not on my computer much at night these days.  I will definitely do it, though!

T1, that seems fairly expensive, if you ask me (depending on what is being offered, of course).  If I'm not reading the email I got from the local club, it is $175 for the session (3 sessions for the year), plus gym fees.  This includes 9 or 10 workout sessions per week, including coaching (I believe.  On the website, they have 2 coaches for each discipline listed, and one workout is listed as "no coach").  This fee also includes a session of pilates every week.   So if you ask me, $150-$350/mo is a bit ludicrous.  And these are in Canadian dollars  :P  Have you looked at the local universities?  Especially if tris are so popular down there, I'm sure there is at least one club you can join at the schools.  Worth a shot!  And then you get to hang out with all the kids a few times a week  :P
2010-07-15 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Pete, I imagined you as some frumpy little old guy.  Tongue out   Like the new pic. 

Ok, so I am feeling better about not signing up for one of those groups.  Seems like everyone around here is part of one.  I thought the prices were crazy high and seeing the responses it seems like they are.  I can think of at least 6 different tri groups in Austin, so it is a very competitive area.  Some of the groups even have tri professionals as coaches.  I am assuming the fees include a tri jersey plus (b/c the races are filled with them) some group coaching, but not personalized stuff.  It seems like the groups are all or nothing.  You can join some rides, etc for free but I've heard they don't like it when you show up for free more than once or twice. 

Didn't think about the college team, so I just looked but you have to be a student/staff to join.

Oh well, I'll keep training by myself and try to join some of these free weekend group s/b/r's.

2 more hours and I am off for the weekend!

T2 - totally off topic (can you tell I am bored and so ready for the weekend), but do a lot of people in Chicago really eat the Chicago dog or is that more of a tourist thing?  We went to Chicago for the first time ever last year and loved it and I fell in love with the dog and the italian beef sandwich.  It came to mind today when I went to lunch at a hot dog place and got one there.  hadn't been able to find the sandwich down here yet, only cheap philly cheesesteaks which aren't the same.

Edited by chichitao 2010-07-15 1:33 PM

2010-07-15 1:38 PM
in reply to: #2983298

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-07-15 2:31 PM Pete, I imagined you as some frumpy little old guy.  Tongue out   Like the new pic. 

Ok, so I am feeling better about not signing up for one of those groups.  Seems like everyone around here is part of one.  I thought the prices were crazy high and seeing the responses it seems like they are.  I can think of at least 6 different tri groups in Austin, so it is a very competitive area.  Some of the groups even have tri professionals as coaches.  I am assuming the fees include a tri jersey plus (b/c the races are filled with them) some group coaching, but not personalized stuff.  It seems like the groups are all or nothing.  You can join some rides, etc for free but I've heard they don't like it when you show up for free more than once or twice. 

Didn't think about the college team, so I just looked but you have to be a student/staff to join.

Oh well, I'll keep training by myself and try to join some of these free weekend group s/b/r's.

2 more hours and I am off for the weekend!

T2 - totally off topic (can you tell I am bored and so ready for the weekend), but do a lot of people in Chicago really eat the Chicago dog or is that more of a tourist thing?  We went to Chicago for the first time ever last year and loved it and I fell in love with the dog and the italian beef sandwich.  It came to mind today when I went to lunch at a hot dog place and got one there.  hadn't been able to find the sandwich down here yet, only cheap philly cheesesteaks which aren't the same.

Whoa!  Do I come across as frumpy and old?  I sure hope I don't!  haha.  These days, I don't mind being called little, though Tongue out  

Also, I figured that, now that I have some action shots, I might as well put one up!  I'll also probably be creating my first ever facebook photo album with these pictures.  It'll be the end of an era of no photos, but I'm happy to put these ones up.

That sucks about the college team.  I find that doing things through colleges is usually cheaper, anyways.  Even for me, who isn't a student anymore, the gyms and such on campus are generally cheaper, and fairly well stocked.  I am currently swimming at a campus right by work for $40 for the whole summer!

Enjoy your weekend, Tim!

2010-07-15 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Wow! Boards have been busy!  I finally got back on the wagon and worked out yesterday and today.  I did 3 miles today and it felt great.  My plan is to do Body Step classes on Friday and Saturday, we shall see how it goes.
I just finished up with summer classes.  They went from 8-4 for 8 days.  I am so glad to be done, it wasn't hard, just time consuming. 
My little girl has been with my in-laws this week in Chicago and I am dying to see her.  I miss her so much.  She has been gone since last Friday!  They kept her since I had class and will be bringing her back on Saturday.  It has been a long week without her here. 
Glad to hear everyone is doing good.
2010-07-15 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2983298

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Yeah Chicago people eat the Chicago dog and beef sandwiches.  There are places on pretty much every corner all over the area.  My favorite is the combo which is italian beef with an italian sausage, a little juice and mozzarella cheese on a French roll.  But I guess the Chicago food is why I weighed 200lbs 3 years ago Surprised(I have lost almost 40 lbs. since marathon and tri training)  I am definitley spoiled with the Chicago style pizza, hot dogs, beef, gyros, etc... and take it for granted.  Don't really get to eat it much any more with the training.

T2 - totally off topic (can you tell I am bored and so ready for the weekend), but do a lot of people in Chicago really eat the Chicago dog or is that more of a tourist thing?  We went to Chicago for the first time ever last year and loved it and I fell in love with the dog and the italian beef sandwich.  It came to mind today when I went to lunch at a hot dog place and got one there.  hadn't been able to find the sandwich down here yet, only cheap philly cheesesteaks which aren't the same.

Edited by tmoran80 2010-07-16 5:40 AM
2010-07-15 9:43 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
That is great that everyone is getting into Tri-clubs.  Its funny because I was thinking about this today becasue I have been doing most of training lately solo but it is because the guys I was training with were WAY ahead of me in their training and I think I was pushing myself too hard.  My only word of caution is to make sure that the people you will be training with are close to your level.  it is good to push yourself everyonce in a while but to push yourself EVERY workout is a recipe for injuries.

I was moving along great as far as staying injury free but then I did 1 week of tough workouts with these guys and a couple real long, hard rides and my achilles flared up.  i backed off, took a week off and am now training at my own pace and it feels great.  I plan to keep training with them but I am going to limit it a bit
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