General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-08-24 5:33 PM
in reply to: #4379274

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Yes, I would say do the exact opposite.  Going easy on the flats, which there are few, and downhills is losing "free" time.  This is the time when you can actually ride at a good pace and regain speed you lose in the hills.  And hammering the hills will just crush your run so if you are good with the run let people pass you on the uphills then catch them on the run.  I rode the course last week and during the hills I got into my 34x25 gear, stood up and tried to keep my HR and power as low as possible.  But the key is make sure you crest the hill before starting to rest.  But when I rode it I crested the hill, shifted to my big ring then hammered down the hill to until I spun out to give momentum for the next hill.  I rode it trying to keep my power from going to much above my FTP which was hard on a few of the hills. 

As far as HR, I really don't know because I don't go by HR because I think it is has too many variables to be a good measure, but I would assume zone 2.  For the strap, try washing it, that usually helps me.  I have gone through like 4 Garmin straps in the last year but when it starts to read like 250 I toss it in the washing machine and that helps bring it back for whatever reason.  Hope that helps!

2012-08-24 6:16 PM
in reply to: #4378926

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

I pick up a second bottle in Special Needs.  I semi freeze it before leaving home and then stick it in a small insulated bag with one of those ice packs.  It is always cold, not frozen when I get it.  I bought the insulated bag at Walmart for a couple of bucks and one of those disposable ice packs.  Works like a charm.

Tony--I mix a concentrated 3.5 hour bottle for my front mount and pick up a second 3.5 hour version in SN.  I take in a sip of H20 before I drink it and one after.  Like Daffodil, I have an alert set for every 10'.

tmoran80 - 2012-08-24 1:35 PM

I am doing a similar plan with the Perpetuem but am thinking of doing 1 of 2 things:

  1. Freezing the 3 hour bottle 
  2. Keeping 3 hours of powder in my Bento and mixing at an aid station.   

I am just worried that the frozen bottle will be well thawed by the time I need it (have tried it during my long rides) and that Perpetuem tastes terrible once it starts to go rancid.  I figure the frozen bottle has to last 6 hours which is unlikely.  I think I would rather take the 3 minutes to stop and mix knowing I have a fresh bottle.  I guess it all depends on the weather forecast.

Other than that for the bike I am going with my aero bottle for water, 1.25 scoops of Perpetuem every hour (3 hour bottle & 4 hour bottle), Hammer Raspberry gel (in hammer flask - no packets) every 30 minutes and 1 endurolyte capsule every 30 minutes as well.  I have trained with Lemon-Lime Perform all year so I will most likely take a few handups later in the ride to just change it up a bit.

For the run I plan to mix one 2 hour bottle of Perpetuem in my Nathan Quickdraw and keep following the 30 minutes of Hammer gel and endurolytes.  After two hours I plan to see how the Perpetuem is doing but will most likely live off the course.

rubeone - 2012-08-24 11:44 AM

My nutrition plan is not too elaborate.  I plan on being on the bike for a long time so I will make two 4 hour bottles of Hammer Perpeteum.  I will start with one on the down tube and the other will be frozen and in special needs.  I am going to take people up on their advice and, instead of bringing a personal bottle of water/sports drink on the bike, will have a gatorade in one of my saddle cages.  I might bring a third water bottle in between the aero bars.

I'll have a flask full of GU for emergencies, but I've found that I can eat most things with no problems.  Especially because I am riding at a slower pace and exertion level.

2012-08-24 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Questions for the madisonites (?) - I am hoping to do some shopping when I am there - from Canada and prices are much better in the US.  Plans are for work clothes, running shoes (new balance) and work shoes (hopefully clarkes).  Are there any outlet malls in the madison area where I should be able to get some good deals?  (FWIW, my running shoes in Canada are $140 a pair with 13% tax, in the US they are usually $90).
2012-08-24 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

There's an outlet mall in Johnson Creek which is approx 35 miles form Madison.

there's a New Balance store in the Hilldale Mall in Madison.

2012-08-25 6:55 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
is hwy 92 open yet?
2012-08-25 7:56 AM
in reply to: #4379274

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
bigpaps - 2012-08-24 5:43 PM

Had a question for some of the vets that have had relative sucess in the course in the past. I have been reading a lot about how really going after the hills on hilly IM courses can seriously mess up your run and this is a big concern for me. I would consider the run as the best of my three and really don't want to resort to walking during the run and not being able to put up a decent run split.

With that said, I have trained a fair amount on the course and have really "gone after" the hills during training and have taken it a bit easier on the flats. To my understanding, during the race one would want to do the opposite. 1. Am i correct on these assumptions. 2. I do not have a power meter, only HRM, so what zone do I want to shoot for  while climbing?

Hopefully I will be able to use HRM, on my second premium garmin strap and it is already going haywire...

In an Endurance Nation video on long course strategies they suggest if you're not going by power to go by feel of how hard you're pedaling since HR changes lag. So keep it light/consistent.

2012-08-25 8:02 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Discussing nutrition has reminded me... around mi 80 of my long rides I have serious cravings for non-sugary food, particularly a turkey sandwich.  I haven't really figured any on course solution to satisfy my craving.  Anyone else have a similar craving and how do you deal with it?  In my last 100+ miler I had my husband meet me and I had a small snack of leftover grilled chicken and cucumber.  It was heaven.

2012-08-25 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4379810

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
mighty mom - 2012-08-25 8:02 AM

Discussing nutrition has reminded me... around mi 80 of my long rides I have serious cravings for non-sugary food, particularly a turkey sandwich.  I haven't really figured any on course solution to satisfy my craving.  Anyone else have a similar craving and how do you deal with it?  In my last 100+ miler I had my husband meet me and I had a small snack of leftover grilled chicken and cucumber.  It was heaven.

I have...and it is peanut butter and jelly i cut them into bite size pieces the jelly gets messy so someone had suggested choc chips with the PB it works pretty good, you might be able to do that with a turkey sandwich.
2012-08-25 10:33 AM
in reply to: #4379810

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
mighty mom - 2012-08-25 8:02 AM

Discussing nutrition has reminded me... around mi 80 of my long rides I have serious cravings for non-sugary food, particularly a turkey sandwich.  I haven't really figured any on course solution to satisfy my craving.  Anyone else have a similar craving and how do you deal with it?  In my last 100+ miler I had my husband meet me and I had a small snack of leftover grilled chicken and cucumber.  It was heaven.

I always seem to crave a chocolate chip cookie towards the second part of the ride ... will make sure to have a couple in my bento box.

2012-08-25 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4379810

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
mighty mom - 2012-08-25 8:02 AM

Discussing nutrition has reminded me... around mi 80 of my long rides I have serious cravings for non-sugary food, particularly a turkey sandwich.  I haven't really figured any on course solution to satisfy my craving.  Anyone else have a similar craving and how do you deal with it?  In my last 100+ miler I had my husband meet me and I had a small snack of leftover grilled chicken and cucumber.  It was heaven.

I have the exact same problem.  This probably isn't recommended for a race, but I usually throw a small slim jim in my bento bag.  Those things can survive a nuclear blast so no worries about it getting hot.  I've used them in training, but don't plan on using one in the race.

2012-08-25 11:39 AM
in reply to: #3693947


Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Hey everyone!

Can you believe in just a few days we will get the first look at
what the weather is going to be for IMWI!

I completed IMWI in 2010 in just over 12hrs and it was my first
ever triathlon of any kind. I trained my but off and was happy with my
time.  This year due to injury I had to
take 3 months totally off in the winter and started my IM training in June.


I cut my swim training down by over 50% and last week swam the Lake
swim within 30 seconds of my 2010 time.


One thing I have done differently was increase my bike miles and
decreased my running. I logged a marathon a few weeks ago about 20 min faster
than what I am going to shoot for at IMWI.


My overall training is considerably less than in 2010 and I
honestly feel like I am better prepared.  I have biked the course at least 8 times (two
loops) and am going to shoot for a 16.5 ave on the first loop hitting it semi hard
between Horeb and Cross Plains on the first loop and again the second loop. I don’t
plan on riding negative splits as well as running negative splits.

My advice is that as long as you don’t get spent much time in Z4
on the bike until mile 70 you will be fine.  Run negative ½ on the run and you will be
fine. You can easly gain +1mph ave between Mt. Horeb and Cross Plains with 2 miles after to spin it out before big hill #1

2012-08-25 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4379810

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
mighty mom - 2012-08-25 9:02 AM

Discussing nutrition has reminded me... around mi 80 of my long rides I have serious cravings for non-sugary food, particularly a turkey sandwich.  I haven't really figured any on course solution to satisfy my craving.  Anyone else have a similar craving and how do you deal with it?  In my last 100+ miler I had my husband meet me and I had a small snack of leftover grilled chicken and cucumber.  It was heaven.

This is why I will have the baked cheetos in my special needs bag.  When I did my first half IM, I was so sick of sweet by the time the run came around, I have been really cognisant of having a salty snack in longer races since then.

2012-08-25 1:53 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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A little slice of paradise
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Hyw 92 is not open as of today.

Nutrition Plan - This is my standard plan, racing or training.  I carry about 5 1/2 hours of liquid calories on the bike. I drink about 233 calories an hour of Infinite. I have 2 disposable bottles on my bike that are concentrated with 2 hours each and my Aero bottle with about 300 calories.  I take in nutrition every 15 minutes.

Water - grab at the aid station refill aero bottle,stash on bike, if I have an empty cage, drink, or pour over my head/body.  Gum - new piece every 20 miles, 1 cliff bar that lasts the entire bike and often I do not eat that, a handful of Gummi Bears, and occasionaly I may grab a half of banana.

T1 - I do not eat or drink anything until I am on the bike for about 15 minutes.

Before coming into T2  I stop drinking about 20 minutes out, so my stomach is not sloshy on the run.

I do stash one bottle with powdered Infinite in my special needs bag, just in case I launch a bottle.  My body does not tolerate solids or anything they have on the course.  

Run - water & coke at aid stations, handful of Gummi bears, salt tabs and gum.

2012-08-25 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4379274

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
bigpaps - 2012-08-24 4:43 PM

Had a question for some of the vets that have had relative sucess in the course in the past. I have been reading a lot about how really going after the hills on hilly IM courses can seriously mess up your run and this is a big concern for me. I would consider the run as the best of my three and really don't want to resort to walking during the run and not being able to put up a decent run split.

With that said, I have trained a fair amount on the course and have really "gone after" the hills during training and have taken it a bit easier on the flats. To my understanding, during the race one would want to do the opposite. 1. Am i correct on these assumptions. 2. I do not have a power meter, only HRM, so what zone do I want to shoot for  while climbing?

Hopefully I will be able to use HRM, on my second premium garmin strap and it is already going haywire...

I don't use power either, only HR.  Here's my plan:  I know there are a handful of hills that I'll be over my Z2 and getting into Z4 even in my smallest ring.  So I try to take it 'easier' up the 'smaller' hills because I know i'm going to have to go harder on those big ones (namely, the four on each loop and one on Whalen heading back into Madison).  Then I'll stay consistent on the downhills and flats - not hard, but not coasting either - to prevent any more time loss.  For me, the less I get my HR up, the better my run is for me and because it'll be up on the BIG hills I have to keep it down on the 'little' hills.  It's hard because I think alot of people think "oh, this is just a little hill, I'll zip up it and get it over with' so alot of people pass me on those smaller hills.  But I have to remember that I'm saving it for the run...

Good luck to you!  And remember (I'm mostly talking to myself here!), if you're full of energy after the bike, you can leave it all out on the run course, but if you're cashed at the end of the bike, the run's a bummer. 

My nutrition plan: Start the race with 1 gatorade and 1 water in cages - exchange for IMperform and water as needed.  I eat 1/4-1/3 of a stinger waffle at 15, 30 and 45 min, then at 60 min I eat a gu.  It's been working well for me on rides.  I'm going to put a pb&j sandwich and a gatorade in my SN bag just in case I'm craving and I'm sick of IMperform, but I prob wont need it.  Also, extra waffles and extra gues go in my SN bag just in case I drop anything.  Ends up being around 220-260 calories plus the perform calories per hour.  I bring my own gu's because I like the caffeine.

I'm up for a swim, quick change to a 2 hr run tomorrow then it's HELLO TAPER!!  yay!!

Keep up the good work everyone!

Edited by TriRx 2012-08-25 8:34 PM
2012-08-25 9:38 PM
in reply to: #4379810

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Middle of Nowhere, Manitoba, Canada
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

With all the nutrition talk, I'd thought I'd share some advice a friend gave me and I loved it... like many people, my mouth feels gross from all the sugary goo I'm putting in it all day....  My friend recommended putting a travel sized toothbrush and toothpaste in both the bike and run special needs bag.  Of course, I'm certainly not competitive, so losing 30-60 seconds for a quick brush doesn't matter to me much - but it sure makes me feel good and perks me up to keep going!

As for bike food... I'll be the lady starting off with the Peanut butter/jam sandwich in one hand... and a coffee in the other hand.

2012-08-27 7:50 AM
in reply to: #3693947

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

If anyone is interested, the reservation below is available.  Reservation will be cancelled no later than COB Tuesday, August 28.


Check In: Friday, Sep 7, 2012Check Out: Monday, Sep 10, 2012
Confirmation Number: 
Reservation Status:Reserved
Choice Privileges #: 
Length of Stay:3 Nights
Number of Rooms:1
Rate Program:Best Available Rate - This rate is eligible for Choice Privileges®points.
Restrictions:2 nights minimum stay required
Cancellation Deadline:If you need to change or cancel this reservation, you may do so up until Tuesday, September 4, 2012, before 4pm local hotel time. The reservation cannot be cancelled through email.
Estimated Total:$530.06 (US Dollarincluding taxes of: 13.5%
Check In Time:3:00 PM
Check Out Time:12:00 PM
Please note:Paying Guests must be 21 years of age and occupy room. Pet Fee: 25.00USD per pet/per night. Pet Limit: Max 2 pets per room. Cash paying guest: Credit Card required for 150.00 deposit


2012-08-27 11:09 AM
in reply to: #4380434

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
JR1981 - 2012-08-25 9:38 PM

With all the nutrition talk, I'd thought I'd share some advice a friend gave me and I loved it... like many people, my mouth feels gross from all the sugary goo I'm putting in it all day....  My friend recommended putting a travel sized toothbrush and toothpaste in both the bike and run special needs bag.  Of course, I'm certainly not competitive, so losing 30-60 seconds for a quick brush doesn't matter to me much - but it sure makes me feel good and perks me up to keep going!

A "Wisp" type of product (or gum) might be easier to handle than a toothbrush and toothpaste, with the same effect - just an idea!

Edited by lisac957 2012-08-27 11:10 AM
2012-08-27 12:10 PM
in reply to: #4381752

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
melle - 2012-08-27 8:50 AM

If anyone is interested, the reservation below is available.  Reservation will be cancelled no later than COB Tuesday, August 28.


Check In: Friday, Sep 7, 2012Check Out: Monday, Sep 10, 2012
Confirmation Number: 
Reservation Status:Reserved
Choice Privileges #: 
Length of Stay:3 Nights
Number of Rooms:1
Rate Program:Best Available Rate - This rate is eligible for Choice Privileges®points.
Restrictions:2 nights minimum stay required
Cancellation Deadline:If you need to change or cancel this reservation, you may do so up until Tuesday, September 4, 2012, before 4pm local hotel time. The reservation cannot be cancelled through email.
Estimated Total:$530.06 (US Dollarincluding taxes of: 13.5%
Check In Time:3:00 PM
Check Out Time:12:00 PM
Please note:Paying Guests must be 21 years of age and occupy room. Pet Fee: 25.00USD per pet/per night. Pet Limit: Max 2 pets per room. Cash paying guest: Credit Card required for 150.00 deposit



Which hotel?

2012-08-27 1:08 PM
in reply to: #4382251

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Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
Daffodil - 2012-08-27 12:10 PM
melle - 2012-08-27 8:50 AM

If anyone is interested, the reservation below is available.  Reservation will be cancelled no later than COB Tuesday, August 28.


Check In: Friday, Sep 7, 2012Check Out: Monday, Sep 10, 2012
Confirmation Number: 
Reservation Status:Reserved
Choice Privileges #: 
Length of Stay:3 Nights
Number of Rooms:1
Rate Program:Best Available Rate - This rate is eligible for Choice Privileges®points.
Restrictions:2 nights minimum stay required
Cancellation Deadline:If you need to change or cancel this reservation, you may do so up until Tuesday, September 4, 2012, before 4pm local hotel time. The reservation cannot be cancelled through email.
Estimated Total:$530.06 (US Dollarincluding taxes of: 13.5%
Check In Time:3:00 PM
Check Out Time:12:00 PM
Please note:Paying Guests must be 21 years of age and occupy room. Pet Fee: 25.00USD per pet/per night. Pet Limit: Max 2 pets per room. Cash paying guest: Credit Card required for 150.00 deposit



Which hotel?



Oops.  Clarion Suites at the Alliant Energy Center.  Approx 2 miles from Monona Terrace.

2012-08-27 2:36 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
#2193, here.  I also just noticed that we are supposed to wear them on the bike.  Yuck.  I hate wearing a race belt on the bike.
2012-08-27 2:42 PM
in reply to: #4382671

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread

Experior - 2012-08-27 2:36 PM #2193, here.  I also just noticed that we are supposed to wear them on the bike.  Yuck.  I hate wearing a race belt on the bike.

I never understood that rule.  I guess it's just one more way to catch your number to give you a penalty.  :-/

2012-08-27 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4382687

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
tuwood - 2012-08-27 2:42 PM

Experior - 2012-08-27 2:36 PM #2193, here.  I also just noticed that we are supposed to wear them on the bike.  Yuck.  I hate wearing a race belt on the bike.

I never understood that rule.  I guess it's just one more way to catch your number to give you a penalty.  :-/

In case they can't see the number on the sticker on your helmet, or the sticker on your bike, or the other sticker on your bike, or the sticker on the other side of your bike, or the permanent ink on your arm, or on your other arm, or on your leg.

2012-08-27 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Sun Prairie-ish, WI
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
anybody know where the shuttle from downtown to the verona loop drops off at in Verona?
2012-08-27 3:57 PM
in reply to: #4382812

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
kevin_trapp - 2012-08-27 3:27 PM

tuwood - 2012-08-27 2:42 PM

Experior - 2012-08-27 2:36 PM #2193, here.  I also just noticed that we are supposed to wear them on the bike.  Yuck.  I hate wearing a race belt on the bike.

I never understood that rule.  I guess it's just one more way to catch your number to give you a penalty.  :-/

In case they can't see the number on the sticker on your helmet, or the sticker on your bike, or the other sticker on your bike, or the sticker on the other side of your bike, or the permanent ink on your arm, or on your other arm, or on your leg.

Now that's funny.
2012-08-27 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3693947

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Wisconsin : Official Thread
I finally got up to Madison to ride the loop, it will definetly be an interesting ride
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