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2012-05-07 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3945983

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Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

2paz that was a great result for your first half, this will set you up well for your tri finishes.

2012-05-09 11:06 AM
in reply to: #4193020

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2012-05-10 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

I'm now running with a neutral shoe and my orthotics which are made out of composite so they're pretty rigid. My achilies pain is coming from a tight lower calf which is due to a weakness from the strain I had, nothing to worry about.

I done two runs this week:

Mon - I ran 3 miles at 6.55 pace, had to dig deep to keep going but felt great afterwards.

Wed - I ran a new pb 7.56 half marathon race, really strong run started off slow when EVERYONE seemed to over take me at the start but come 6 miles I maintained pace and past a lot of runners, felt great at mile 11 alot of people were walking I was still maintaining my pace with very few people passing me AND I didn't have to stop once along the route which was a first in race.

My official time was 1:44:52 as I crossed the finish line, I had a better time earlier in the year but the watch showed 8.00min pace as the course was 0.25 mile short so my goal for sub 1:45 finally achieved

My spits 1st half 52:04 2nd half 52:48

I slowed up on the 13th mile due to my achilies becoming a bit tender nothing to worry about as I had the time to sacrifice so I used it.

A busy week or two a head:

Wed 16th May - Aquathlon 750m swim 3 mile run

Sat 20th May - Try a TRi 250m swim 5 mile cycle 3 mile run

Sat 27th May - Full Marathon

Looking forward to them all

Times for the half marathon:

Edited by Marshpike 2012-05-10 5:23 PM
2012-05-13 3:18 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

First sprint distance open water swim yesterday evening, plenty of starting/stopping but got round the 750m course in 20 minutes. Plenty of work to do on this discipline...

Taper time!! my  last 10 mile run this morning, ran sub 8 min for 6 mles into a 15mph head win but eased off on the last 4 miles as my lower calf was feeling tight finished with an 8.10min pace.

Not much planned for the next week or so, hopefully weather is good for my first try a tri next sunday.

Edited by Marshpike 2012-05-13 6:04 AM
2012-05-15 10:44 AM
in reply to: #4206903

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2012-05-16 1:30 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

Marshpike & Foggy, you guys are machines! Busy busy busy! Keep at it!

The week after my race got a bit sloppy w/ extra rest, turning 35, one of my best buds graduating from vet school & of course mother's day, but I'm more or less back on a regular training schedule now with just over 12 weeks until my first Olympic tri!

Attempted a speed interval workout on the bike this morning, in an attempt to train smarter & more effectively on the bike. Took about 35 min. including warmup & cooldown. Basically was 2 sets of 6 intervals, using telephone poles. 4 poles biking as fast as possible, 4 poles spinning easy recovery, repeat, ad nauseum. Now I need to find some hills!

My cadence sensor snapped off my bike the other day, so I had to ride w/o that this morning. Hopefully I can get it reattached tonight. That's the 2nd time the ziptie has broken and I STILL haven't lost the sensor *luckily* but I need to find a better solution.

2012-05-17 7:21 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

Cheers was well happy with the HM.

Didn't make the aquathon due to work commitments but hopefully the try a tri will come off on Sunday.

Haven't been doing that much at the minute just a few lengths here and there in the pool as I taper of the marathon, intend on doing an easy pace 10 miler this evening but looking forward to the big run.

Some great training going on with everyone....

2012-05-17 4:08 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed
Calf really tightened up on me this evening almost to a cramp on the 9th mile, other than that I ran an 8.29 pace with a 146 av heart rate.

Nine days left to the marathon so no panic, just pure recovery from here on in.
2012-05-20 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

Well finally I can now call myself a triathlete, ok it was less  than half a sprint distance but I came 7th out of a field of 53.

Sprint 1st July....


2012-05-22 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Toronto, Canada
Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey all!

Looks like Robbie is a MACHINE!!!!  Great job.

Foggy, wedding plans...just say "Yes Dear, you can have that" and just watch the budget.  Sit back and let her enjoy all the fun. Tongue out

QD, keep up the training!  We all fall off the training path but get back on and kill that race!

Got back on Thursday from a vacation in Mexico so training was minimal at best.  But Monday (long weekend in Canada) had a relay duathlon with my wife and had fun. 

Race report is here:

2012-05-22 8:19 AM
in reply to: #4222242

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2012-05-23 6:25 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

Happy days with team QD, i've tried to get the better half out running with me but it takes her an hour to drive home from work which wrecks her after a long day, plus she enjoys her speed walking with her sister.

Foggy sounds like a great time on a difficult course, you ripped up your placing which is a good measure on your fitness to course ratio.

Summer has finally arrived here over the last couple of days temp has risen from 9C to 22c , going to make for a difficult run on Sunday as its a 100% increase in temp. I must be the only one over here praying for the cold snap to continue, lol....

The good thing is that because the water temp has come up last night I swam 800m in open water in 16min, it felt comfortable for the first time due to the temp change.

Funny though, I'd like it cold to run and warm to swim, now where is that thermostat...

Edited by Marshpike 2012-05-23 6:27 AM
2012-05-25 10:52 AM
in reply to: #4224415

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(LB flying copy.jpg)

LB flying copy.jpg (95KB - 20 downloads)
2012-05-25 12:06 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Toronto, Canada
Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

That is an awesome pic!!!!  Future pro triathlete in the making!


I have to get my son into some races as well.

2012-05-25 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4229226

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2012-05-26 4:45 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

That is a cracking photo, its great to know our training not only makes us better people but it also transfers down to our kids.

Its not all about times and finish lines....

2012-05-27 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

Well I'm still sitting in Edinburgh airport but finished the full marathon earlier, my target time was 3.59.59 but it was hot hot hot 24 degress Centigrade which was an incredible rise from the 10 C that we've been having.

Haven't got my chip times yet but I dug deep and the time on the clock showed 3hrs 59 min 52 sec, I'm over the moon as I had a sub 4hr marathon as one of my goals and it also knocked 25min of my previous marathon time.

Will post up a few pics when I get them....

Edited by Marshpike 2012-05-27 1:52 PM
2012-05-27 8:26 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Toronto, Canada
Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

Had my first official duathlon of the season and it went BAD.

Race report here:

I'll learn from it and try to train even harder.

2012-05-28 2:27 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

Welldone 2paz, nothing beats the experience you gain from a race.

A typical example is my marathon splits yest, I knew I needed the 9.08 pace for sub 4hrs however I didn't take into consideration I would run more than 26.2 miles due the way you take corners etc, I therefore missed the 4hrs by 47 seconds.

Still don't mind as I pushed hard at the end when my legs were cramped beyopnd belief

Race Number: 5305
10k split: 00:53:42 (8.39 pace)
Half marathon: 01:52:44 (8.36 pace)
30k split: 02:41:46 (8.41 pace)
Full Time: 04:00:47 (9.08 Pace)
Overall finish position: 2811
Distance:26.3 miles

Looks like I got caught out by the extra 0.1 of a mile, roll on Dublin!!

Edited by Marshpike 2012-05-29 1:10 AM
2012-05-29 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3945983

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2012-05-29 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

I'm in Tri mode now

- July 1st Sprint

- Aug 4th Olympic

- Sept 2nd HIM

Edited by Marshpike 2012-05-29 1:05 PM

2012-05-30 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Toronto, Canada
Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed

Nice Foggy...way to stick with the plan.

Marsh, i'm caught up in Du mode....races scheduled June 17th, July 22nd (A race!), August 12th, August 26th, Sept 1st, Sept 16th, and another half marathon Oct 14th.

It's going to be an expensive year. Money mouth

2012-06-04 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4235969

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2012-06-04 5:32 PM
in reply to: #3945983

Subject: RE: FoggyGoggle's Mentor Group - Closed
Congrats Foggy thats a busy schedule you've got, special times....

I got my open water swim 750m down to 15min 10sec, although just back from a choppy 750m swim which dropped back to 18min.

Calf still sore from the marathon so one more week of recovery, also got the bike fitted so looking forward to trying out a few miles next week.

Edited by Marshpike 2012-06-04 5:32 PM
2012-06-07 8:32 AM
in reply to: #4244306

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