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2008-03-31 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1304797

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
excited2tri - 2008-03-31 12:17 PM

I am all about a weight loss challenge (she says as she sits on her couch eating doritos).  LOL    Let's set it up!

Me too (jumping up and down)!! I NEED to get under 140 before Mooseman. Would make me a faster, lighter Moose!

2008-03-31 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Looks like a weight loss challenge it is! I definitely want to get to 130 or less by my friends wedding in May, and to at least 125 if not less by Longhorn in Oct. (that's way off...

Pam, Mooseman!! Yay! EndorFun did a phenomenal job at Lonestar this weekend--such great race productions!

Race report is up:

2008-03-31 11:00 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

GREAT RACE BRITT!!!! way to rock the bike sounds like a great learning experience too. Be happy, be please, don't be to hard on yourself about the transitions


Ok, I say even if we don't find another team, we do the challenge among ourselves!!
So April 1st declare to the rest of us:

1)amount you would like to loose by April 30th, 2008

2)your current weight as of April 1.

3)one thing that you can do/change that will help you reach your goal

4)your REWARD for reaching it! 

2008-03-31 11:25 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
There is a weight loss challenge going on in April in the Tri'ing for Weightloss forum. It's an individual challenge though, not a team one. It's The Biggest Loser Challenge (named after the TV show) and is based on the total percentage of weight lost rather than just the number of pounds. I signed up for it before I saw there was discussion in our group of a weight loss challenge. I didn't set any specific goal there though, so it'll be good doing this with you guys as well to help me keep myself focused.

So, here are my stats/goals for our own challenge:

1. I would like to lose at least 5 pounds in April.
2. I weighed in this morning at 263.8. (Yikes!)
3. I need to be more consistent with my training and drink more water.
4. My reward will be treating myself to a professional pedicure.

I just have to say, I LOVE challenges! They have definitely helped me stay on track since I joined BT a few months ago. I signed up for the multisport challenge for April, but I guess I need to revisit my goals since I'm now going to be training in earnest for my first tri. The goals I currently have set for the challenge definitely exceed the recommended goals for the training plan I selected here.

Actually, I guess this is a good time to ask for some mentoring assistance. I selected the Michael Pates Total Sprint - 22 Week plan since it seemed to be a somewhat beginner tri training plan. It's for a sprint distance tri, but I picked it anyway since there aren't any super sprint training plans.

I have 29 weeks until the event, but I imported the plan to go on and start on this Thursday since that would give me Sunday as my rest day each week. After I imported it, I started thinking about it and I'm considering changing my start date until Thursday, April 17 because I have a 5k race on each of the next 2 Sundays (April 6 and April 13). I thought it would make more sense to get those out of the way and then start the training plan since I have plenty of time until the event. Does that make sense?

The other option would be, since I do have plenty of time, waiting until after the April challenge is completed since I've already committed to it and then start my training plan on Thursday, May 1. This will have me finishing the 22 week plan a couple of weeks prior to my event instead of several weeks like it will if I start now.

I know I'm going to have tons of questions now that I've actually registered for an event. If i start bugging you guys too much with all of my total newbie questions, just let me know. LOL
2008-04-01 12:35 AM
in reply to: #1306901

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Out4atime - 2008-04-01 4:00 PM

GREAT RACE BRITT!!!! way to rock the bike sounds like a great learning experience too. Be happy, be please, don't be to hard on yourself about the transitions


Ok, I say even if we don't find another team, we do the challenge among ourselves!!
So April 1st declare to the rest of us:

1)amount you would like to loose by April 30th, 2008

2)your current weight as of April 1.

3)one thing that you can do/change that will help you reach your goal

4)your REWARD for reaching it!

Im at home sick today but if no one minds me being a bit slow setting it all up I can get some sort of team spreadsheet set up in google spreadsheet for tracking etc just like the other challenges..

I will see if any of the other mentor groups I know of want to join us for a nice supportive time if you guys are keen?  

2008-04-01 12:35 AM
in reply to: #1305773

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

BunnyB - 2008-04-01 8:49 AM OMG! I did it! I have officially registered for my first tri!!!! I signed up for the super sprint distance at the Subaru US Women's Triathlon Series in San Diego on October 19, 2008.

Go!!! THats fantastic news Congratulations!!!!!  

2008-04-01 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1306901

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Out4atime - 2008-03-31 11:00 PM

GREAT RACE BRITT!!!! way to rock the bike sounds like a great learning experience too. Be happy, be please, don't be to hard on yourself about the transitions

Thanks Jeni!  Don't worry...if I had missed 3rd by just a minute or two, I'd beat myself up, but since 1-3rd were 9-14 mins ahead of me, I'm just gonna learn from my slow T1 mistakes this time!

Mel! Way to sign up for the race and great goals--I think you're fine to start the actual plan in a couple weeks with the 5ks, but if you have a chance on a non-5K training day to maybe get in a little bike or swim, go for it--it'll help with the 5ks too!

My challenge goals 
1) 6lbs by 30 April
2) 138
3) Must control snacking--need portioned servings
4) S/B/R faster and look better?? Seriously though--I think I'll probably get a massage before my 1/2 Mary that first weekend in May.

2008-04-01 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Just read your race report, Britt. WTG on your race and rocking on the bike!
2008-04-01 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Ok, here's mine. 

1)-7 lbs.
2)185 (scale has gone the wrong way the last few months) I actually thought this would be higher after so much memphis BBQ
3)water, portion control, and walk past the desert and baked goods!
4)a facial 

lets get to it!

oh, and to motivate myself further I have an idea to try: I am going to put $1 in a "fun fund" every time I walk past the desert or baked goods!! Thus this morning, fun has already earned a dollar Cool

2008-04-01 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Mel (Bunny),

Been reading your training dilema... why not do the training plan to run up to your race (so 22 weeks before)

Until that time why dont you look at hte first couple of weeks of that plan and work on making sure you are regularly completing those requirements each week for base fitness... (making any considerations you need to for the upcoming races of course!)

The plan is there to get you read to race... it makes sense to use it for your race... I see no problem using the sprint plan for a super sprint race... worst case scenario... you come out FASTER and FITTER!

2008-04-01 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1306901

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Out4atime - 2008-04-01 12:00 AM

GREAT RACE BRITT!!!! way to rock the bike sounds like a great learning experience too. Be happy, be please, don't be to hard on yourself about the transitions


Ok, I say even if we don't find another team, we do the challenge among ourselves!!
So April 1st declare to the rest of us:

1)amount you would like to loose by April 30th, 2008

2)your current weight as of April 1.

3)one thing that you can do/change that will help you reach your goal

4)your REWARD for reaching it! 

1. 5 pounds lost in April
2. 145
3. Not snack while cooking dinner
4. Massage

That's the down and dirty for my weightloss challenge this month. Five little pounds that will not seem to go away. My goal is to be at 138 for Mooseman. Ultimate dream of a lifetime goal would be 132 pounds. Not even sure if that is possible with my build.

2008-04-01 7:30 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Well, duh! That makes complete sense, Cat, which is probably why I didn't think of it. LOL I was just so excited about actually signing up for a race (since I had been planning to wait until 2009 season) that I wanted to start ASAP.

I'll pull out my trusty calendar and reset my training to end at race time rather than early. Thanks!
2008-04-01 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

I know for me i have to have that plan and be challenged by it to be motivated to work out. 

So I started the sprint back in october and when that ran out started the olympic bridge plan to take me into the sprint, but it was a few weeks to long so I chopped off the last two build weeks and moved up the taper week. Now on to the olympic altough I am replacing the bike workouts with the ones from my cycling coach (and I am noticing I lost run and swim fitness over the last few weeks of taking it easy.. grr!) Depending on which race I do it may not end at just the right time but I will tweek it by either cutting a week here or there or repeating the last build weeks or something.

so I like Cat's suggestion and if you need the motivation you can always copy and paste the first few build weeks and a rest week to fill the gap between now and the 22 weeks.


2008-04-01 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1309486

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Out4atime - 2008-04-02 1:31 PM

I know for me i have to have that plan and be challenged by it to be motivated to work out. 

So I started the sprint back in october and when that ran out started the olympic bridge plan to take me into the sprint, but it was a few weeks to long so I chopped off the last two build weeks and moved up the taper week. Now on to the olympic altough I am replacing the bike workouts with the ones from my cycling coach (and I am noticing I lost run and swim fitness over the last few weeks of taking it easy.. grr!) Depending on which race I do it may not end at just the right time but I will tweek it by either cutting a week here or there or repeating the last build weeks or something.

so I like Cat's suggestion and if you need the motivation you can always copy and paste the first few build weeks and a rest week to fill the gap between now and the 22 weeks.


thanks! And there is a really good point in here I completely forgot... the week before you start the 22 week plan should be a recovery/easy week

One of the tricks for picking a training plan is looking at the first couple of weeks of it and checking that distances are ones that you can realistically handle (ie if the first weekend has a 2 hour run in it and your longest run to date 30 minutes then this may not be the plan for you!)

So... getting yourself in a position where the first couple of weeks of the plan are going to comfortable for you is a really valuable way to spend your time between now and then... its all about the base right now!

2008-04-01 10:41 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Thanks again for the advice ladies! I have back-tracked in the calendar and it looks like I would need to start the training plan on May 18.

I did look at the first month of the plan and it seems reasonable based on my current fitness level. So, I'm going to take the next 6 weeks until I start the training plan to work more on learning to ride my bike. I started earlier this year and literally a complete beginner, so I'm still pretty shaky at best. The training plan calls for a 2 mile ride the first week, so I'll be working on building up to that until then.

So, it seems I have a plan.
2008-04-01 10:43 PM
in reply to: #1309786

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

BunnyB - 2008-04-02 3:41 PM Thanks again for the advice ladies! I have back-tracked in the calendar and it looks like I would need to start the training plan on May 18. I did look at the first month of the plan and it seems reasonable based on my current fitness level. So, I'm going to take the next 6 weeks until I start the training plan to work more on learning to ride my bike. I started earlier this year and literally a complete beginner, so I'm still pretty shaky at best. The training plan calls for a 2 mile ride the first week, so I'll be working on building up to that until then. So, it seems I have a plan.

Hooray for a plan!

2008-04-02 12:25 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
2008-04-02 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Weight Loss Challenge

1. 7 pounds in April
2. 149.4 as of April 1st
3. Easy eating, just reaching for whatever, chips, etc, instead of making the responsible choice.  I need to make a plan and stick with that plan.
4. Massage (for now, can't think of anything else, why is it so hard to reward ourselves?)

I have only gained back 2-3 pounds from the 11 I lost before, not too shabby for no exerocise and crappy diet.  As they say, try, try again.   

One of my biggest challenges is that my family loves to eat crappy and it is hard for me to eat right when they don't.  Anyone else share my pain????? 


2008-04-02 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1310601

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
excited2tri - 2008-04-02 11:43 AM

Weight Loss Challenge

1. 7 pounds in April
2. 149.4 as of April 1st
3. Easy eating, just reaching for whatever, chips, etc, instead of making the responsible choice.  I need to make a plan and stick with that plan.
4. Massage (for now, can't think of anything else, why is it so hard to reward ourselves?)

I have only gained back 2-3 pounds from the 11 I lost before, not too shabby for no exerocise and crappy diet.  As they say, try, try again.   

One of my biggest challenges is that my family loves to eat crappy and it is hard for me to eat right when they don't.  Anyone else share my pain????? 


If I'm cookin' it, they're eatin' it! This has really helped me. I do NOT make special meals for myself. We all try to eat "healthy" dinners. My kids balk at all the veggies. I only insist that they try them, I do not make them clean their plate. I grew up in a plate cleaning household. I think that is part of the reason I overeat. I was made to feel guilty and wasteful if I left something on it. I buy the kids only "crappy" snacks that I don't like. That way I am not tempted by their junk food and I don't feel like I'm depriving them of every sweet. I feel for ya. My kiddos love pizza buffet. We indulge them once a quarter. I cannot control myself at a pizza buffet. But I figure if I eat it only four times a year, I should survive.

This is kind of gross, but I'm excited about it. I lost a toenail today. First time for me. Makes me feel like a runner

2008-04-02 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Pam! Welcome to the club! I think I have three or four gone right now, and it ebbs and flows.  Not much I can do about it, I get blisters under my nails--weird, I know.  I saw your forum questions, but yes, you can run with it gone.  You might want to use a band aid, or at least let it air the first day it's gone...but I hate band aids cause the inevitably fall off.  It will start growing back fairly quickly.  If it is raw and tender, use some neosporin to protect it before you run again, but really, it won't be a problem.  Mine don't grow back nicely (well, big toe did--lost it in '06 after a 15.5 mile ruck march in combat boots), so I've just made myself comfortable with the idea that I have ugly toes! I may paint the beds or something as summer gets closer!! But, it really shouldn't hinder you much.  If you have socks with a top seam that irriates you, you may need new socks, but if you had you probably need new socks anyhow!  I may have mentioned it before, but I saw a shirt at the Houston Marathon Expo that was "Got ToeNails?"  Haha, welcome to runner's club!
2008-04-02 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Long Ride question!

So I am going to meet a few BTers this weekend for a long ride out in the country.  We're driving 150miles to go ride!! They are all training for Iron Man Canada and they propose 130km(80mile) ride up and over a mountain pass. They assure me I can keep up and that they are going to go slow.

However this is 30km longer than my longest ride and the first time I will ride with guys! (and one other girl).  I'm excited, scared, nervous, and looking forward to it.  But I am totally nervous about bonking!!!  On my 4 hour ride with the Chicks I usually bring a banana and a cliff bar or 2 cliff bars and by the end I am pretty hungry. This ride is going to be an hour and half longer than that! what to bring, what to eat? advice, suggestions?

2008-04-02 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1311959

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Out4atime - 2008-04-03 10:53 AM

Long Ride question!

So I am going to meet a few BTers this weekend for a long ride out in the country.  We're driving 150miles to go ride!! They are all training for Iron Man Canada and they propose 130km(80mile) ride up and over a mountain pass. They assure me I can keep up and that they are going to go slow.

However this is 30km longer than my longest ride and the first time I will ride with guys! (and one other girl).  I'm excited, scared, nervous, and looking forward to it.  But I am totally nervous about bonking!!!  On my 4 hour ride with the Chicks I usually bring a banana and a cliff bar or 2 cliff bars and by the end I am pretty hungry. This ride is going to be an hour and half longer than that! what to bring, what to eat? advice, suggestions?

I get sick of bars and bananas pretty quick... I like sandwiches... jam on white bread (because white bread is high GI and will get broken down quicky) or peanut butter on white bread are among my favourties... Im sure not everyone could eat them riding but I can!

And make sure you have a good pre ride meal to set you up properly...

For other food options, think about what YOU like to eat and go from there... if its a LONG ride its a good time to have a few treats because your body will burn the fuel before it gets converted to fat! (I know a coach who likes jelly lollies in the last quarter of a LONG workout and recommends it because if you like sweet treats he beleives it that best time to have them, if you can stomach them while trianing)

2008-04-02 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1311989

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2008-04-02 7:05 PM

Out4atime - 2008-04-03 10:53 AM

Long Ride question!

So I am going to meet a few BTers this weekend for a long ride out in the country.  We're driving 150miles to go ride!! They are all training for Iron Man Canada and they propose 130km(80mile) ride up and over a mountain pass. They assure me I can keep up and that they are going to go slow.

However this is 30km longer than my longest ride and the first time I will ride with guys! (and one other girl).  I'm excited, scared, nervous, and looking forward to it.  But I am totally nervous about bonking!!!  On my 4 hour ride with the Chicks I usually bring a banana and a cliff bar or 2 cliff bars and by the end I am pretty hungry. This ride is going to be an hour and half longer than that! what to bring, what to eat? advice, suggestions?

I get sick of bars and bananas pretty quick... I like sandwiches... jam on white bread (because white bread is high GI and will get broken down quicky) or peanut butter on white bread are among my favourties... Im sure not everyone could eat them riding but I can!

And make sure you have a good pre ride meal to set you up properly...

For other food options, think about what YOU like to eat and go from there... if its a LONG ride its a good time to have a few treats because your body will burn the fuel before it gets converted to fat! (I know a coach who likes jelly lollies in the last quarter of a LONG workout and recommends it because if you like sweet treats he beleives it that best time to have them, if you can stomach them while trianing)

My GI tract doesn't like solids if I'm putting out the energy. So I do a lot of Clif Blocs, gels and sports beans. I usually carry three bottles of sports drink on board (cytomax is my drink of choice) and a ziploc baggy of powder so I can make up a new bottle at a water or store stop. I eat every half hour for training rides over 2 hours long. My friends carry trail mix, Little Debbie cakes (oatmeal pies & honey buns, blech) one even brought a half loaf of banana bread stuffed in her jersey pocket. Riding with boys is fun! I was the lone female on most of my group rides up until this year and my favorite training partner is a guy. Beware, however, the testosterone laden urges to sprint like crazy for signs and other bizarre markers. I was like WTH in a group ride when everyone suddenly stood up and sprinted for county line sign. Have fun!
2008-04-03 2:50 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Happy Thursday!

I think I am more excited about Saturday's ride than I was about my sprint!  We are actually riding 130km of the Iron Man Canada bike route. There will be at least 5 of us so it shall be epic!

The idea to put a dollar in the fun jar every time I pass on a sweet treat has been amazing incentive! I have a stash of mini peppermint patties (30 cal each) and might munch on one or two a day to get rid of a craving but I haven't had a sweet treat in 4 days.. that's a record for me!  Must keep it up because I feel great.

2008-04-03 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Jeni- sounds like it'll be an awesome time! Can't wait to hear all about it.  I'm thinking you're not going to have a problem hanging with the guys and everyone else! That's great with the dollar too.  I've been doing pretty well this week too, so I'm happy.  I may be going on a bike club ride on Sunday afternoon.  Found another local BT'er and she mentioned it, so I think I'm gonna give it a shot.  Plus, I'm riding with a friend on Saturday, so should be a good bike weekend after a fairly easy week--I've needed it though, will go to the pool tomorrow and that should be nice.
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