BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME Rss Feed  
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2008-04-14 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1337894

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Believe me, Mimi- if the house were just a little bigger- I'd ask you to send references!!! Of course, when we took off training together, and left my husband with FOUR kids instead of TWO.....

2008-04-14 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
OH I read that I leave my laundry folded on my couch all week and I just blew my chances for a job!  My son is 11.  He could babysit just fine while we did 5 hour bricks Sealed
2008-04-14 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Yeah, if the kids didn't get buried alive while we were gone between YOUR laundry pile and the laundry piles already exisiting around here...if only that damn laundry could put itself away!
2008-04-14 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

How's this for balance this month

Bike:6h 03m 21s  -
Run:6h 03m 55s  -

 Wasn't trying to do this or have it as a goal, just looked at my logs and it struck me kind of funny.   Although my run and bike goal are similar at the end of the monthFoot in mouth

2008-04-15 1:06 AM
in reply to: #1337894

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Mimir98 - 2008-04-14 5:38 PM

I have learned my kids and husband don't really care if the laundry sits on the couch all week, folded but not put away, everyone dressing from the piles, so why should I?  One day, when I am old and gray, I will have a clean house.  We are not dirty, but we are a bit messy Embarassed.   So once I got over my hang up about having the perfect house, it was easier to balance things. 

Did I just totally ramble on?

Wish that my family were so mellow.  Not that that stops the clean pile in the laundry basket, the one in the dryer and the one that's in the washer still.  Taxes got everything backed up
2008-04-15 7:15 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Scott- how crazy is THAT! You are only off by a couple of seconds.......

 Since we have been talking food issues of late around here, I wanted to share this link. Lots of stuff we already know, and no real shockers here, but certainly frames it all nicely when we need a gentle reminder!

 Also, I served cantalope with dinner last night, Mimi! Thanks for the great idea!

2008-04-15 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
If you haven't been by to see Kelly yet...go do so now!!  She took SECOND in her know, the one she was using as a training day!!!!  Way to go Kelly
2008-04-15 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Lots to reply to!

First, congrats Kelly on the HIM finish, training day my butt!!

Second, IM goals can be sneaky, I swore I never wanted to do one, that I didn't have the time or the desire. In fact, when I finished a HIM last summer the first thing I said was "how can anyone do twice that?". With in 2 months I was thinking about. My mother said "what makes you think you can do that?" I was surprised and a little hurt that her support wasn't unwaivering. However, my parents have made their reservations for IMFL and are behind it all now.

Third, even when you are balanced there is sometimes attitude. Its part of the reason I'm not married anymore. I thought we were balanced, what with the getting up extra early and the budget discussions and what appeared to be pride from my spouse. As it turned out, triathlon was more than he could take, he thought I would "done" with all of this nonsense at some point, despite the fact that I was a marathoner when he met me, that I would become a regular housewife (to quote him!!). When we were signing our separation papers he said "I just want you to stay home and stop training".

Of course, he also had a drug/alcohol thing, so maybe it wasn't my balance!

2008-04-15 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1338906

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

k_hase - 2008-04-15 11:21 AM Of course, he also had a drug/alcohol thing, so maybe it wasn't my balance!


Um, yeah, sometimes it's easier to pass the blame...I just always remember that I am into tris to enhance my life and if I feel like it's not doing that, I back off a bit.  It's supposed to be fun.  At our age and our level, we aren't doing this to make money, go to the olympics, etc.


EDIT:  totally wanted to clarify this so it is not misconstrued!  by that, I meant for was easier for him to not take responsibility and tell you it was b/c you weren't suzy homemaker!!  

Edited by Mimir98 2008-04-15 12:04 PM
2008-04-15 12:36 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
I didn't misunderstand you, thanks for your comment though.

Of course, my IM registration might have something to do with thumbing my nose at him, you know, he wanted me to quit so instead I do more!

And while my mother may not have been thrilled about the IM, she could barely contain herself when I told her I was getting divorced.
2008-04-16 2:47 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
WHY HAVE WE FALLEN SO LOW???  I am so ready for summer when all of our teachers have all the time in the world to post   Anyway, hope training is finding a place in your life this week and that it adds to an already wonderful week

2008-04-16 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Well done Amy and Kelly, I put's the pressure on us all, when you girls hits 1st and 2nd places. I don't think I ever get near the podium. But I'm having fun trying. 

I'm just f...... busy at work for the moment. Working all the time, from early morning till late nigth. I'm glad this is my rest week.

On top off the workload, I'm pretty stressed with my new bike. The front wheel and aerobar has not arrived yet. It has gone missing in the mail system. And without the aerobar I can't even try it out with my old wheels. But mid next week it should hit the road. Watch out for pictures in my album.

Happy training


2008-04-16 8:30 PM
in reply to: #1342708

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Hey all,

My server is down at work and child #1 had major issues at school today  (not her fault!).  I'll play more, later.

2008-04-16 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Mimi and Suzanne -

 I am adjusting my Around the World- still 5 days a week- but I'm doing Saturday and Sunday and taking off two week days. I just have too much going on to fit it in every week day. But I'm still in.

2008-04-17 1:53 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Okay, it is 4-17, taxes should be done, other distractions, well they will probably always be there.

What do people have on tap for this weekend (and I don't mean Sam Adams or Fat Tire)

I still have a 10 mile run left, an hour trainer ride, a 2.5 hour ride/30minute run combo. 

Now just to puzzle it into the schedule that has me with an unknown period of OT at work at an unknown time - basically when my part is ready for review - to go along with helping out while we watch a friends little girl for the weekend. 


2008-04-17 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1345220

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
peto_primo - 2008-04-17 11:53 AM

Okay, it is 4-17, taxes should be done, other distractions, well they will probably always be there.

What do people have on tap for this weekend (and I don't mean Sam Adams or Fat Tire)

Aww, too bad. 

I WAS going to try to get to the club swim on Sun. morning - however, it's been cancelled and we're making a Passover Seder that evening. 

So: it's looking like run tomorrow AM, hopefully swim in the PM.  Sat. would be bike and swim (if the pool is open -- may not be due to the aforementioned Passover).  Sun. will have to be run and massive cleaning.

I'll tell ya'all about the fireworks at child #1's school later -- probably in my blog.

2008-04-17 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
I have to double check...but I think I have a swim tomorrow, a 2.5 hour brick or or ride on sat. and a swim and run on day at a time is my motto!....But, I guess I"ll have to make up the ATW core workout I MISSED today .  Where oh where does the time go???
2008-04-17 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I have not been focused enough to go for an hour on the trainer, so I did 40 minutes, but it had some semi quality.  Warmed up 5 minutes, then 5 min zone 1, 5 min zone 3-4. 

I still plan on hitting the others. 

2008-04-18 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with piles of laundry on my couch and coffee table.  Seriously, I don't know why I bought a loveseat because we never see it..ok maybe once every other week for about an hour when the next load comes out of the dryer.

My sister is baby-sitting one more time before she leaves for her new job for me this weekend so I'm looking forward to everything being folded when I get home.  After that I have a number of a lady to call who I am hoping can do some light housework but mainly fold laundry AND put it away.  How freaking lazy is that.  If I have piles I'm the only one that puts mine up...that goes for the DH too.  I have to make the kids do it but then I'd have to be in the house at the same time as them not doing more important things like homework.  We're doing good to sitdown at the table and eat together before we scatter like the wind to baseball, training etc...

Blah...Blah..Blah...  I'm not alone, your not alone.  Let's party.

2008-04-19 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Hey, I went for my first "real" mtn bike ride in a long time!  Actually I don't know how real, it starts and ends with 6.3 miles of dirt road, so there is only about 3-5 miles of single track.  But still it was fun to get some dirt in the diet.
2008-04-20 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1349097

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

peto_primo - 2008-04-19 6:59 PM Hey, I went for my first "real" mtn bike ride in a long time!  Actually I don't know how real, it starts and ends with 6.3 miles of dirt road, so there is only about 3-5 miles of single track.  But still it was fun to get some dirt in the diet.

Variety is always good!!  I miss my mountain bike.  I sold it when we moved down here, but wish I had it...we apparently have some really good tracks around...obviously no downhills, but lots of technical stuff.  Oh well, when on earth would I do that anyway??? 

2008-04-21 5:40 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Hey week - what's everyone up to? 
2008-04-21 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Kind of a standard week, with "normal" training times being rearranged as my wife is going on a women's retreat Thurs night - Sat night.


Plan Actual difference

Swimming 0 0 0
Cycling 270 270 0
Running 231 231 0
Strength 60 60 0

561 561 0


2008-04-21 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Since several have asked, my wife's time at Boston was 3:43:21   Tough course, so she'll be happy with that.  I wish I could remember her full mari PR.....

 I haven't talked to her yet. She flies back on Wednseday.

2008-04-22 6:52 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
WOW Bob.  That's awesome for her!!!  That is a smokin' fast time on that course!!!  Congrats to her - hope you survive until wednesday Sealed
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