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2012-12-29 8:16 AM
in reply to: #4458300

New user

Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
I would luv to join the group.. I have complex a couple of half marathons and signed up for swim fit classes.. Job requires me to travel with two kids starting university time rich... Looking forward to new challenge and sharing journey to my first Tri and half iron in 2013

2012-12-29 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Plaquemine, Louisiana
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

I pulled out my co-workers trainer he loaned me months ago (apparently he hates it, he won't even take it back, lol) and did my first Sufferfest workout, Hell Hath No Fury. Got that one cause it's girls Cool.

Damn, those women are hardcore. I had to stop a few times just to catch my breath.  But it was fun and the music was cool. Really reminded me of a spin class. I think I'll get Downward Spiral next.



2012-12-29 11:02 AM
in reply to: #4552765

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Steve, I actually was wondering if perhaps there were alternative things to do so I could at least get myself in the pool, but at this point I'm figuring I shouldn't really rush?  I don't know, just the thought of sculling hurts my elbow!  And I'm not sure if I can convince myself to get in the pool just for kicking. Tongue out I am completely comfortable with bilateral swimming (it's basically all I do), but maybe I'll look into other drills I can do... I am also thinking of using time away from the pool to learn more about fundamentals of stroke form!  (Since I'm positive imperfect form is what caused the elbow issue!) hmm... any websites you (or anyone) recommend?  swimsmooth?
2012-12-29 1:31 PM
in reply to: #4552938

Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL


Have you ever seen the Race Club Videos?  They are pretty cool.  They have a bunch of them and some are petty good.  I learned to do a flip turn again watching one.  Here is one with some drills.  See what you think. 



2012-12-29 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4552876

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
I am in the process of downloading Hell Hath No Fury based on your review here! Usually I watch past year's Kona IM on youtube while I pedal but now I have people to ride with!

I'm excited!

2012-12-29 7:50 PM
in reply to: #4553108

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Plaquemine, Louisiana
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

pugpenny - 2012-12-29 2:20 PM I am in the process of downloading Hell Hath No Fury based on your review here! Usually I watch past year's Kona IM on youtube while I pedal but now I have people to ride with! I'm excited! Patti

I think you will love it, that workout is a beast! And apparently its one of "easier" ones, lol.

2012-12-30 9:49 AM
in reply to: #4553389

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Twitchy Ones!!

I'm off to Toronto for a couple of days, should be back Tuesday evening.  Be safe and smart tomorrow night!!

2012-12-30 10:05 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Hi there, migrating from Mojos, but will probably toggle back and forth. I am trying to remember my pledge to focus on short course tri's this year! Though the HIM itch and even a tiny IM buzz has returned. I have targeted 2 perhaps 3 Olympics and my usual collection of sprints and stand alone runs/cycling events. There are some other things I would like to do, such as putting my garden in again this year, that I neglected last year while consumed in IM and HIM training. My house needs some work as well and I don't have the help with it that I had before but that's another story.

Anyway-this is will be my third full year of triathlon coming off a ten + year hiatus from cycling when I had been a cat 4 cyclist, coach and ultra marathon cyclists-focused on my career, bought a house, got married, got fat etc.......

My recent experience include two HIM (Branson 2011, Kansas 2012) A full-Redman 2012, maybe a dozen sprints, 1 Olympic, countless 5 k's, three half marathons, two marathons, 2 15k's -a hand full of bike rally's.

This year I want to get FAST-I managed to get competitive in stand alone 5k's including one overall win, a few age group wins (45-49) and a 5k PR of 21:58 but my triathlon results in the sprints did not progress as well as my runs best result, from memory, was 5th AG. This year-entering a new age group I intend to change that!

SO I hope I am welcome, Steve has been awesome-I am ready to start. Since beginning this sport I now have the bike, the wetsuit, the equipment and a solid base to build on-I hope.

Edited by Av8rTx 2012-12-30 10:21 AM
2012-12-30 12:52 PM
in reply to: #4458300

Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Hi Jeff,

I also came over from the Mojo group. I have been working a lot and got kind of lost. I am trying to get back on track. Good to hear you are doing well. I looked for Steve and found him here. Looking forward to the discussions about what others do to train and I love to hear about races.


2012-12-30 12:52 PM
in reply to: #4458300

Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Hi Jeff,

I also came over from the Mojo group. I have been working a lot and got kind of lost. I am trying to get back on track. Good to hear you are doing well. I looked for Steve and found him here. Looking forward to the discussions about what others do to train and I love to hear about races.


2012-12-30 11:32 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Hello Fast Twitch,I've spent the past two years with Steve in the Mojo group and am migrating into fast twitch. Thanks for opening the group up for a few migrators. I'm starting my fourth tri season and have done 5-6 a year with some HM thrown in. Last season ended in June with PF, Achilles issues, and bone spurs in the same heel, still working through it. Basically starting over with the run. So my goal for this year is to get a couple of races in without compounding my foot issues. I'm 54 and live in Spokane Washington, Northeast Washington ninety miles from Canada and fifteen miles from Idaho. I'm a superintendent of a local school district, my wife retired last spring after 30 years of teaching. I also teach in the Washington State University Graduate School for Principal preparation. We have three kids 29, 31, and 33, two are docs and one is a stay at home mom. Seven grand kids between the oldest ismin kindergarten and the youngest is five months, six girls and one boy. For anyone else looking for a mentor group you simply can't do better than Steve. He responds to every post and is a prolific poster himself which encourages everyone else to join the posting fray as well.Training: Right now 3 run/walks (taking it slow with the foot, hope to do a sprint in July), 5-6 bikes 8-10 miles each (trainer), three swims 900 -1000. I'll build volume as I get back into the swing. The 6 month layoff was good for about three pounds a month so I aHave 20 pounds to lose, hopefully before mid June.

2012-12-31 7:49 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

General question to throw out (that has probably been hammered - maybe even here… the holidays do addle the mind):

Is HM racing and training a bit too long to carry over to sprint distance tri racing?

I've heard, and completely buy, that a serious marathon bid will derail both the run and (to my surprise, but I think it's true) power on the bike.  

Now, a marathon is a VERY different race than a HM (more than double the damage and, for most mortals, not a race that involves a lot of fast twitch).  Also, a HM training program typically has 2-4 days of some sort of speed work in the training plan.  Not as focused on speed as a 5k or 10k specific training plan, but still has a fair amount of weekly intensity (a day of track, a good tempo run, a HM race pace run - then the long run with or without a race pace effort at the end depending on the week:  yes, this is pretty much the Higdon advanced plan, but similar to many others).

So, is the HM RACE (not HM finish) distance and plan a good carry over for sprint races, or is it too slow-twitchy?

And, yes, I'm training for another one now.  ;-)


2012-12-31 8:00 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

As I think about it, I have a corollary question to the above but on cycling (or perhaps just generally, though one doesn't see as many long distance swim events on the race calendar as r/b ones).

I'm considering the Harpoon B2B with a couple friends this year ("Brewery to Brewery" - 148 miles uphill for a beer…  Two beers, actually.).  It's mid-June - smack in the middle of early season and running into the Summer...

Will the early season loooooooooong miles in the saddle needed to complete this build base or lead to a slower pace on the bike for sprints?

As always opinions, SWAGs and even WAGs are welcome!


2012-12-31 8:06 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Hello Ellen, Gene and Av8rTx (Jeff? Guessing from Ellen's post) - welcome aboard!

Yes, Steve is a great mentor and this is a posty group…  Must be the fast-twitch thing.  ;-)

2012-12-31 9:04 AM
in reply to: #4554691

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-31 7:49 AM

General question to throw out (that has probably been hammered - maybe even here… the holidays do addle the mind):

Is HM racing and training a bit too long to carry over to sprint distance tri racing?

I've heard, and completely buy, that a serious marathon bid will derail both the run and (to my surprise, but I think it's true) power on the bike.  

Now, a marathon is a VERY different race than a HM (more than double the damage and, for most mortals, not a race that involves a lot of fast twitch).  Also, a HM training program typically has 2-4 days of some sort of speed work in the training plan.  Not as focused on speed as a 5k or 10k specific training plan, but still has a fair amount of weekly intensity (a day of track, a good tempo run, a HM race pace run - then the long run with or without a race pace effort at the end depending on the week:  yes, this is pretty much the Higdon advanced plan, but similar to many others).

So, is the HM RACE (not HM finish) distance and plan a good carry over for sprint races, or is it too slow-twitchy?

And, yes, I'm training for another one now.  ;-)


I'm not sure that is true. I suppose it would depend on what you mean by a serious marathon bid. My short distance runs got much faster while training for a marathon including my 5k PR in November. November was a high mileage month for me-200 and only about 160 cycling miles, all fairly intense though. I had a good training block leading to the Dallas Marathon but still haven't figured out what went wrong there other than the 96% humidity. Two weeks after that race my routine little daily runs suddenly got very fast-making me wish I had found a 5k somewhere to do! So, until my weekly runs topped out at 55 mpw my shorter runs were much faster. I didn't race when I was at the 50 mpw range. In April I went under 2 hours for a HM while in the midst of training for Kansas 70.s and I ran a number of 5k's in the <24 minute range.

I think HM training is a good way to prepare for short course triathlons, mix in some bricks and transition runs-have your long run peek at 14 miles. I don't think you will "loose power" cycling this way, I went into marathon prep with a reasonably good bike base and still averaged over 20 mph on our monthly club Time Trials on very low bike mileage, the time required to train for a marathon will erode what you can put on the bike and that will make a difference over time-I have lost some cycling endurance and speed endurance!

I say all this with the awareness that I carried a pretty good training base into my marathon preparation-a Full Iron in September and HIM in June. Without those base miles my experience might be different-including more injuries which I mostly avoided this year

2012-12-31 9:19 AM
in reply to: #4554707

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-31 8:00 AM

As I think about it, I have a corollary question to the above but on cycling (or perhaps just generally, though one doesn't see as many long distance swim events on the race calendar as r/b ones).

I'm considering the Harpoon B2B with a couple friends this year ("Brewery to Brewery" - 148 miles uphill for a beer…  Two beers, actually.).  It's mid-June - smack in the middle of early season and running into the Summer...

Will the early season loooooooooong miles in the saddle needed to complete this build base or lead to a slower pace on the bike for sprints?

As always opinions, SWAGs and even WAGs are welcome!


Sounds like fun-go for it. I suspect it will help your short course speed. Mid June for us is  summer-100 degrees. I would say prepare for it as you would any century with maybe an extra weekend with back to back long rides-say 100 and 75.

Tomorrow-the first, I was talked into a 130 mile club ride! My bike mileage has been very low (under 200m a mo) sense Redman, with just some 25 mile rides here and there and some sufferfest videos so it should be amusing, especially given the temperature at the start is predicted to be about 28 degrees

2012-12-31 9:32 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Hi everyone,

I'm also coming from Steve's Mojo group. I'll post a bio soon. Looking forward to 'meeting' all of you


2012-12-31 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Just my 2 cents worth but last year (my first season of doing triathlons and actually training for them) I also loosely followed a Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon schedule in preparation for an early September HM. I thought that the two blended very well and I plan to do similar training this year for the Olympic distance. I tended to just replace easy runs with bikes and I pop in a swim whenever I can. I am someone who does better on more mileage but not marathon mileage although I was 20 pounds heavier when I last ran a marathon so that may be wrong now too!

2012-12-31 9:54 AM
in reply to: #4458300

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San Jose
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

Oh, here's my bio:

Name-Johanne Roberts

Story-I come from a non-athletic background as far as playing sports growing up. I ran a little bit in college and then picked up running again about 4 years ago. I spent a year running to help lose some weight and then thought it would be fun to try a tri for variety. I first had to learn how to swim and breathe at the same time! I spent my first year doing sprints and finished with an olympic. The second year I did some Olympics and finished with 2 HIM. Last year I did my first Ironman. It was a huge challenge and I'm really glad I it.

Family-I'm 52 now but I'm going to still be 50andgettingfit. Married to Dave for the last 30 years. Mom to Stephen, 26, Kathleen, 24 and Laura, 22. We had an empty nest for a year and then they have started coming back. What is wrong with that picture? Haha! Stephen graduated from college and is working. Kathleen graduated and is working. Laura is a senior in college and just headed back to school for her last semester. Life is pretty good for our kids. I work very part time and spend the rest of my time working out and riding my horses. Life is pretty good for me too.

Current training-I'm in the middle of getting my schedule together after having a pretty light December (after IMAZ). 

2012 Races-Last year my A race was Ironman Arizona. Amazing day  Along the way, I ran a marathon, a couple of HIM, some Oly's and some other runs. Everything was in prep for November.

2013 Races-This year I'm planning on a HIM, a marathon, Ragner Relay and some Oly's and runs.

2012 Goals-I'm still working on specific goals but generally I'd like to take the year to get a bigger base and then to get some speed. I've discovered I can train and get good endurance, now I need to train and get the speed to go with it.

Weight Loss-I've lost 70 lbs in the last 4 years and I'd like to lose about 10 more to make it easier on my body. Training for my IM led me to some really good diet changes and I found it was pretty easy to lose weight. Now I need to maintain it!

2012-12-31 12:09 PM
in reply to: #4554691

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-31 8:49 AM

General question to throw out (that has probably been hammered - maybe even here… the holidays do addle the mind):

Is HM racing and training a bit too long to carry over to sprint distance tri racing?

I've heard, and completely buy, that a serious marathon bid will derail both the run and (to my surprise, but I think it's true) power on the bike.  

Now, a marathon is a VERY different race than a HM (more than double the damage and, for most mortals, not a race that involves a lot of fast twitch).  Also, a HM training program typically has 2-4 days of some sort of speed work in the training plan.  Not as focused on speed as a 5k or 10k specific training plan, but still has a fair amount of weekly intensity (a day of track, a good tempo run, a HM race pace run - then the long run with or without a race pace effort at the end depending on the week:  yes, this is pretty much the Higdon advanced plan, but similar to many others).

So, is the HM RACE (not HM finish) distance and plan a good carry over for sprint races, or is it too slow-twitchy?

And, yes, I'm training for another one now.  ;-)


Matt, when is your half marathon and when is your first sprint?  I'm planning a half marathon for mid-April, then my sprint is end of May.  I am thinking of the half marathon as giving me a good base to work on 5K specific speedwork in the weeks leading up to the sprint after the half is done.  Also, at this point this is COMPLETELY hypothetical, but uh, I can't help but think I want to do a fall marathon.  (Again, hypothetical situation here!)  And, since I may keep my July/August months open now from racing for a variety of reasons, I am thinking I MAY be able to do it.  Anyway, I would still plan for the September sprint, so what I was thinking of doing MAYBE (lol) is adapting some of the mid-week speed/tempo sessions to work more on 5K specific speed.

So, if there aren't a whole lot of weeks between your half marathon and sprint, what I think I would opt to do is modify a couple of your mid-week half marathon speed sessions and go at them a bit faster than what you would if you were just training for a half.

btw, I'm planning on starting the Hal Higdon advanced plan towards the end of January!


2012-12-31 12:10 PM
in reply to: #4555188

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Hi everyone! Laughing

2012-12-31 12:19 PM
in reply to: #4555191

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
Question for the group.  How many hours of cardio are you targeting on a weekly basis for January, and why?  I just feel like I'm on the low end, so I was curious what you guys are doing.  I'm thinking I'll be at 6-7 hours per week.

Edited by michgirlsk 2012-12-31 12:19 PM
2012-12-31 1:44 PM
in reply to: #4554691

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Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
mcmanusclan5 - 2012-12-31 5:49 AM

General question to throw out (that has probably been hammered - maybe even here… the holidays do addle the mind):

Is HM racing and training a bit too long to carry over to sprint distance tri racing?

I've heard, and completely buy, that a serious marathon bid will derail both the run and (to my surprise, but I think it's true) power on the bike.  

Now, a marathon is a VERY different race than a HM (more than double the damage and, for most mortals, not a race that involves a lot of fast twitch).  Also, a HM training program typically has 2-4 days of some sort of speed work in the training plan.  Not as focused on speed as a 5k or 10k specific training plan, but still has a fair amount of weekly intensity (a day of track, a good tempo run, a HM race pace run - then the long run with or without a race pace effort at the end depending on the week:  yes, this is pretty much the Higdon advanced plan, but similar to many others).

So, is the HM RACE (not HM finish) distance and plan a good carry over for sprint races, or is it too slow-twitchy?

And, yes, I'm training for another one now.  ;-)


Matt,I followed the Hal Higdon HM program along with my sprint program. The last month before the HM I cut back on the bike and only did swim and run, and had a good HM, around 2 hours. It was definitely doable, was a nice change of pace, and rewarding. The carry over to my sprint training was very positive.
2012-12-31 1:59 PM
in reply to: #4458300

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Denison Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL
I just got an email from Rev3 about Branson-it looks like they are going to do the HIM and Oly there since WTC pulled out. Now I am interested....
2012-12-31 3:18 PM
in reply to: #4555210

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fast Twitch Tri-FULL

michgirlsk - 2012-12-31 1:19 PM Question for the group.  How many hours of cardio are you targeting on a weekly basis for January, and why?  I just feel like I'm on the low end, so I was curious what you guys are doing.  I'm thinking I'll be at 6-7 hours per week.

probably about 5-7 for me.  the "drainer/dreadmill/basement" combo isn't exactly inspiring...

Plus, when I get going on a run centric plan (HM late Feb), I tend to cut hours as running is way tougher on my body per hour than riding.

So, maybe I'm on the low end, as well!  

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