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2013-07-03 3:52 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

Speaking of riding on the trainer... I read last week that 1 hr on the trainer is the equivalent of about 1.5 hours outdoors b/c of all the coasting, stopping at red lights, etc. that you have to do when outside vs. the constant pedaling on the trainer.

Ya I love the trainer for interval workouts. I feel like I can't get the same type of structured repetive workout outside. The tour looks like its going to be great this year. Looks like its wide open, can't wait till they get to the mountains.

Here's Junes totals

Swim: 5h 06m 37s - 15785.2 M
Bike: 14h 32m 17s - 462.94 KM
Run: 8h 10m 24s - 89.22 KM

I would have liked to put in a little more time in on the swim and bike. Hopefully the weather warms up soon and I can get a few OWS in.

2013-07-03 4:43 AM
in reply to: jpbis26

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by jpbis26 Hi all. Been a while. I'm doing good. It is hot here, 118 degrees mid day around 108 early mornings & evenings. We have pretty much been living in the pool and our air conditioned house. Just got back from a nice vacation in Jacksonville Florida where my parents have a condo so that gave us a break from the heat. Looking to get back on schedule with running and spin classes today. Dina - you have always been a kind, positive, and supportive motivator to me. Thank you. The group would not be the same with out you. I hope you find happiness in whatever you decide to do with racing

We had some pretty warm weather here last week but it was nothing close to these temps.  You can have them!!  "m not so sure Jacksonville Fl. would have provided a lot of relief from the heat either would it.  The humidity was probably outrageous wasn't it?

Keep up with the group here and let us know how things are going for you.  You're a part of this group and this group goes beyond triathlon training despite that being our focus. 

Enjoy your spin classes and running but I guess you're probably running on the treadmill rather than the heat.

2013-07-03 5:28 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Not much training lately due to the rain and thunderstorms. I'm to much of a weinee to ride my bike early in the morning before day light in the rain, especially w/ all the limbs down, so it is just gym time lately. It has also been raining every afternoon and the Weatehr Channel is predicting 3 - 8 inches of rain from today thru the weekend. If it is not lightning, I'll maybe get some swim time in but they close the pool when they hear thunder.

1 quick question, how often should we be doing running intervals?

Hope everyone is having GREAT training workouts.

2013-07-03 7:06 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Jackie welcome back! Wow that is pretty warm, even for me
Karl: you are no weenie for not going out in those conditions, it's better to be safe! And that is a rediculous amount of rain, it seems everywhere is getting a lot of rain this summer. Sorry cant help you on the interval question apparently I have been doing this whole tri training thing wrong and am now in my first year of learning how to do it right ....Thank You Warren
2013-07-03 8:08 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Jackie welcome back and glad to hear that you had a great vacation. I had to laugh when you said you went to Florida to catch a break from the heat lol. I'm not sure what is worse the 118 degree dry heat or that 90 plus degree heat with 90% humidity. Glad to hear your getting back to the spin classes and running.

Will I heard sort of the same thing, 45 minutes on the trainer is like an hour ride outdoors. I do agree with you guys it's much easier to do interval work on the trainer. For me there are way too many distractions to try and do that outdoors. I usually just ride, easy, moderate or hard efforts depending on what my focus is for the day.

Karl I can't say I blame you for not training outdoors. I don't ride or run in the rain. I'll take those workouts indoors on the trainer or the treadmill. I can deal with the cold and hot weather I just not tough enough lol. I can't deal with the rain. Some mist maybe but no rain.
2013-07-03 10:25 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by Jo63 Jackie welcome back! Wow that is pretty warm, even for me Karl: you are no weenie for not going out in those conditions, it's better to be safe! And that is a rediculous amount of rain, it seems everywhere is getting a lot of rain this summer. Sorry cant help you on the interval question apparently I have been doing this whole tri training thing wrong and am now in my first year of learning how to do it right ....Thank You Warren

Jo - If you are doing this thing wrong... than what the h*ll am I doing? lol! No, seriously?!

2013-07-03 10:30 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun Not much training lately due to the rain and thunderstorms. I'm to much of a weinee to ride my bike early in the morning before day light in the rain, especially w/ all the limbs down, so it is just gym time lately. It has also been raining every afternoon and the Weatehr Channel is predicting 3 - 8 inches of rain from today thru the weekend. If it is not lightning, I'll maybe get some swim time in but they close the pool when they hear thunder. 1 quick question, how often should we be doing running intervals? Hope everyone is having GREAT training workouts.

Karl -

I know what you mean Karl!!! I haven't been able to ride, swim, or run much the past two weeks and the last swim I attempted we were kicked out due to lightning. I'm signed up to race in the Freedom Springs Sprint tomorrow morning and am not looking forward to a rainy night, rainy swim, rainy bike, or rainy run. With all this rain, that yucky water is going to be even more gross. Also found out that you have to be careful when swimming that you don't put your hand too far down in the water, unless you want to be covered in slimy plant vegetation. Why did I sign up to do this? I don't know.


2013-07-03 10:32 AM
in reply to: jpbis26

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by jpbis26 Hi all. Been a while. I'm doing good. It is hot here, 118 degrees mid day around 108 early mornings & evenings. We have pretty much been living in the pool and our air conditioned house. Just got back from a nice vacation in Jacksonville Florida where my parents have a condo so that gave us a break from the heat. Looking to get back on schedule with running and spin classes today. Dina - you have always been a kind, positive, and supportive motivator to me. Thank you. The group would not be the same with out you. I hope you find happiness in whatever you decide to do with racing


Jackie - Glad to see you posting! You should've swung through Tallahassee and visited KArl and myself when you were in Jacksonville.

2013-07-03 11:40 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by jenbmosley

Originally posted by Jo63 Jackie welcome back! Wow that is pretty warm, even for me Karl: you are no weenie for not going out in those conditions, it's better to be safe! And that is a rediculous amount of rain, it seems everywhere is getting a lot of rain this summer. Sorry cant help you on the interval question apparently I have been doing this whole tri training thing wrong and am now in my first year of learning how to do it right ....Thank You Warren

Jo - If you are doing this thing wrong... than what the h*ll am I doing? lol! No, seriously?!

First, good luck tomorrow hopefully it will stop raining and the water will settle a little for you.

Let me explain want I meant, for all this time I read about LT training and HR etc, but I didn't really get it, so I would go out and look at my watch and think oh look Iam at a pretty good HR or wow I am working really hard don't want to blow up so I would back off both on my bike and the run. I never did intervals unless you count oh today I am gonna run 1 light pole jog a light pole for no given amount of time or reps. Every bike was just get thru it time wise.
So.... After this last race (although I had fun) again my time was horrible and I was totally expecting to do it in 7 hrs hahahahhaaaa
I decided I have to figure this out, and Warren has graciously dumbed it down for me so I am starting to get it and what I need to do and yes it's only been 2 days but it is starting to click YEAH! I had to do a TT test ( I hope that's what it's called ) and now I know what I have to shoot for on the bike During actual interval training
On my run this morning I also did some intervals and used what was my typical HR average for a long run ( this is probably not correct but it was slightly above the bike and I figure for today it would work) it wasnt a random oh i think i will run hard when i felt like it, it was actually going for 20 minutes run hard 1 min jog 2 and honestly for that 30 min run I don't think I ever worked that hard or sweated that much .....progress
2013-07-03 11:53 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by wbayek

Math report for triathletes. I was doing some triangle stuff with one of my kids, and realized the right triangle math applies to the triathlon swim. Long story short - here's my takeaway. We always hear "I didn't want to line up too far outside the shortest path because I'd have to swim more to the first buoy", but trig can tell us exactly how much more we'd have to swim, and it's WAY less than you think I bet.

For instance, if you are at a race where it's 250 yards to the first buoy, and you line up 22 yards to the outside, how much further do you think you have to swim to first buoy than the people who sit on the exact line and battle it out? Wait for it, wait for it.... 1 YARD! A whole 36 inches more. And that's if you line up 66 feet outside! Go to a crazy amount - say 40 yards outside. You'd have to swim 3.2 yards more. 3.2 yards! Is that worth it to you to miss out on the battle? You decide. I understand you can't draft much out there either, but it's an option to consider if all that contact is freaking you out, and the extra yards argument is really an urban legend.

Warren, great post! Thanks for quantifying that. And when it comes to drafting, even if you are skilled enough in open water swimming to draft (which I'm only beginning to be) then it's not ruled out by this approach. Imagine you swim from the outside position toward that buoy 250 yards out...As you get closer to that buoy your line comes closer to everyone else's line. I'm guessing with the 'expansion' of the swim pack that by 100 yards out some other swimmers will be within 5 feet of you to the side and it's pretty easy then to slot over and catch a draft.
And if you catch a draft earlier than that anyway, it would have been some rabbit who is slowing down and will cause you problems if you had been drafting them from the beginning.

Another little known fact. Unless otherwise stated, if a swim has a triangle with it's base along the shore (meaning 2 consecutive buoys are close to shore (rather than just 1 buoy near shore and 2 way out), you can LEGALLY go out around the first buoy, then head to the 2nd buoy which is close to shore but let's say it's 200 yards away and 50 feet offshore, go to the correct side of that buoy, then head straight to shore and run on land to the closest entry to the next buoy.
That will work with a rectangular swim too, or any shape really. Yes, it's happened and it's legal. There is no rule in USAT that you cannot use the ground (either the lake bottom or the shore) to make forward progress during the swim. But most race directors figure this out and won't set up a swim like that after the first time an athlete does it.

2013-07-03 12:01 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

Speaking of riding on the trainer... I read last week that 1 hr on the trainer is the equivalent of about 1.5 hours outdoors b/c of all the coasting, stopping at red lights, etc. that you have to do when outside vs. the constant pedaling on the trainer.

In terms of distance covered, perhaps. On the other hand, when outside you have hills (where I will go to 120%+ FTP ) and accelerations from a stop over and over again. So the overall quality of the workout over the time duration can sometimes be equivalent. (saying this about my non-specific trainer workouts...where I just do a tempo ride the whole time).

2013-07-03 12:02 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79

Hey everyone, haven't checked in over the past week too often as works been busy and Ive been just doing a light recovery week, (in the plan and felt like my body needed it.) Looks like evertyone has been busy. Weather has been just brutal here lately, I dont think Ive seen the sun in weeks. Since the weathers been so bad and the TdF is on, I decided to jump on the trainer for an hour. Its been a few months since I did a workout with so I figured I would do a FTP test to reaccess my fitness. Well I felt great, felt like I could put out about 20% more watts then before,.......until about 13 minutes into the test when I just blew up! Big Time. I started about 30 watts above my target from my last FTP and held it for about 5 minutes, then I started fading pretty hard and decided the data from the test wouldn't be that good as Id faded below my target from my last FTP test. So I just bagged it and limped in the last few minutes. Ive never puked on the trainer, but that was close. But it was a great workout and since yesterday was Canada Day, (our July 4th) and I was off, and it was raining, I jumped on the trainer again. I didn't do another FTP test but I did do a 90 minute interval with 5 ten minute sets of over under FTP. I really need to make sure I do at least one trainer workout a week as I really love their plans.

Right now though its fingers crossed for sun. I hear it may be making a return soon. Also anyone else watching the tour? ALso Ill post my June totals tonight after I upload 2 last week workouts from my watch.

Cheers, and I hope everyone has some great July 4th plans.

Derek, Yes I'm watching the tour. I caught the 1st stage and saw some of the 2nd stage. Still haven't seen the TTT from yesterday, but will soon! That's my favorite stage of the tour!

2013-07-03 12:16 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by JeffY

Originally posted by wbayek

Math report for triathletes. I was doing some triangle stuff with one of my kids, and realized the right triangle math applies to the triathlon swim. Long story short - here's my takeaway. We always hear "I didn't want to line up too far outside the shortest path because I'd have to swim more to the first buoy", but trig can tell us exactly how much more we'd have to swim, and it's WAY less than you think I bet.

For instance, if you are at a race where it's 250 yards to the first buoy, and you line up 22 yards to the outside, how much further do you think you have to swim to first buoy than the people who sit on the exact line and battle it out? Wait for it, wait for it.... 1 YARD! A whole 36 inches more. And that's if you line up 66 feet outside! Go to a crazy amount - say 40 yards outside. You'd have to swim 3.2 yards more. 3.2 yards! Is that worth it to you to miss out on the battle? You decide. I understand you can't draft much out there either, but it's an option to consider if all that contact is freaking you out, and the extra yards argument is really an urban legend.

Warren, great post! Thanks for quantifying that. And when it comes to drafting, even if you are skilled enough in open water swimming to draft (which I'm only beginning to be) then it's not ruled out by this approach. Imagine you swim from the outside position toward that buoy 250 yards out...As you get closer to that buoy your line comes closer to everyone else's line. I'm guessing with the 'expansion' of the swim pack that by 100 yards out some other swimmers will be within 5 feet of you to the side and it's pretty easy then to slot over and catch a draft.
And if you catch a draft earlier than that anyway, it would have been some rabbit who is slowing down and will cause you problems if you had been drafting them from the beginning.

Another little known fact. Unless otherwise stated, if a swim has a triangle with it's base along the shore (meaning 2 consecutive buoys are close to shore (rather than just 1 buoy near shore and 2 way out), you can LEGALLY go out around the first buoy, then head to the 2nd buoy which is close to shore but let's say it's 200 yards away and 50 feet offshore, go to the correct side of that buoy, then head straight to shore and run on land to the closest entry to the next buoy.
That will work with a rectangular swim too, or any shape really. Yes, it's happened and it's legal. There is no rule in USAT that you cannot use the ground (either the lake bottom or the shore) to make forward progress during the swim. But most race directors figure this out and won't set up a swim like that after the first time an athlete does it.

Jeff I've never would have imagined that scenario could be legal. I know it's not the same thing but I believe in Lake Placid you do two loops and you have to run across the beach when you finish your first loop to start your second loop. I could see where some folks might try and take adavantage of that for various reasons. But to me it sort of defeats the spirit and the purpose of the swim. I'm not a good swimmer by any means but I think I'd still opt to swim over running across the beach.
2013-07-03 12:17 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

  • ..

  • 1 quick question, how often should we be doing running intervals?

    Hope everyone is having GREAT training workouts.

    Great question about intervals. The answer is that it depends.
    First off, my opinion is that intervals are only valuable for runners that have already reached a given level of fitness. If you are a sprinter (I mean 100, 200, 400) then your first workout will include fast stuff, but NOT race pace or you get hurt! And for most of us, doing 5ks and up, you not only benefit most from improving basic aerobic endurance but you need that 'base' to set the stage to run fast without getting injured.

    If you are a marathoner, you never need 'intervals' least not the type that most of us think of in regard to that word.

    One question I always ask in this regard: For you, will you race better with interval work or if you do the same amount of TIME running slower. For many of us, more miles makes us faster, quicker. And this is true if your race pace is slower, or at least near, your training pace. Take the average triathlete training to do an Ironman. Their training pace over their week (of 40 miles total!) might be 9:00/miles and their goal pace for the marathon might be 4hrs 30minutes. That's SLOWER than their training pace, so this is clearly a case of someone that NEVER needs intervals...they need more miles!

    But if you are doing sprint triathlons and your goal is a 20 minute 5k, the question changes somewhat. What can you run a 5k in standalone? 19 minutes? Then your 20 minute goal in a triathlon is probably still best served with more training miles and no intervals (or no more intervals than have gotten you to 19 minutes).

    If your race pace is faster than your 'tempo' pace and you are talking about 1/2 to full marathon, then you can use some 'intervals'. If your race pace is faster than your threshold pace....(which might just possibly be true for certain individuals doing sprint triathlons) then intervals would be called for.

    So the question will probably best be answered using the answers to the following questions:
    - what is the target race distance?
    - what is your current race pace for that distance IN A TRIATHLON?
    - what is your current race pace for that distance in a standalone race?
    - what is your current run training and how is it structured? (mileage, paces, intervals and times)
    2013-07-03 12:21 PM
    in reply to: jenbmosley

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by jenbmosley

    Originally posted by KWDreamun Not much training lately due to the rain and thunderstorms. I'm to much of a weinee to ride my bike early in the morning before day light in the rain, especially w/ all the limbs down, so it is just gym time lately. It has also been raining every afternoon and the Weatehr Channel is predicting 3 - 8 inches of rain from today thru the weekend. If it is not lightning, I'll maybe get some swim time in but they close the pool when they hear thunder. 1 quick question, how often should we be doing running intervals? Hope everyone is having GREAT training workouts.

    Karl -

    I know what you mean Karl!!! I haven't been able to ride, swim, or run much the past two weeks and the last swim I attempted we were kicked out due to lightning. I'm signed up to race in the Freedom Springs Sprint tomorrow morning and am not looking forward to a rainy night, rainy swim, rainy bike, or rainy run. With all this rain, that yucky water is going to be even more gross. Also found out that you have to be careful when swimming that you don't put your hand too far down in the water, unless you want to be covered in slimy plant vegetation. Why did I sign up to do this? I don't know.


    Jen you signed up becuase you are a triathlete and that is what we do I hear you though I'm not a big fan of doing races in the rain, I raced one sprint in the pouring rain last year and it turned out not so good for me as I actually crashed on the bike leg because I was careless. Good luck tomorrow be careful and be safe and hopefully you get a break in the weather for your race.
    2013-07-03 1:10 PM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Jeff to answer your questions about intervals.

    My target distance is 1/2 Tri, maybe in April (IF I CAN LEARN TO SWIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
    Race pace for tri is to be as fast as possible, as everyone know here i only run w/ a watch, no other electronics.
    Current race pace, well I'm getting faster but wold like to be a lot faster, for a 10K I run about 50 minutes if that helps
    As far a run training, I'm running 20 - 25 miles per week all at the same pace, slow easy runs.

    I was just thinking if I did 1/2 mile intevals that would greatly increase my cardio since even after my long runs, i'm not breathing very hard.

    Jen, the good news is the Mill Pond is spring fed and is clear and has a water temp of 72 almost year round, Just becareful on the bike as it can be slippery. It is gonna be a GREAT race for you! Good Luck!

    2013-07-03 3:01 PM
    in reply to: KWDreamun

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    Columbia, TN
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Here I am being a barefoot racer in that triathlon 2 weekends ago...

    2013-07-03 3:16 PM
    in reply to: KWDreamun

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    Columbia, TN
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by KWDreamun

    Jeff to answer your questions about intervals.

    My target distance is 1/2 Tri, maybe in April (IF I CAN LEARN TO SWIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
    Race pace for tri is to be as fast as possible, as everyone know here i only run w/ a watch, no other electronics.
    Current race pace, well I'm getting faster but wold like to be a lot faster, for a 10K I run about 50 minutes if that helps
    As far a run training, I'm running 20 - 25 miles per week all at the same pace, slow easy runs.

    I was just thinking if I did 1/2 mile intevals that would greatly increase my cardio since even after my long runs, i'm not breathing very hard.

    Jen, the good news is the Mill Pond is spring fed and is clear and has a water temp of 72 almost year round, Just becareful on the bike as it can be slippery. It is gonna be a GREAT race for you! Good Luck!

    Ok, so you should be able to run a 1/2 marathon in 1:50:59 (given you have enough miles under your belt).
    So how about a goal of 2:04:00 in a HIM?

    One school of thought is to train to accomplish a 4:08 marathon. Then you run that pace for half a marathon and the cycling will have taken the other 13 miles out of you.
    Or you could train for a 1:50 HM and the bike takes 14 minutes out of you.

    But that's just a goal that your current run fitness suggests you can do. You can train in such a way as to ensure you have enough endurance to execute that kind of run in difficult conditions (build endurance!) or you can train as if you were trying to run a 1:45 HM.

    So you might be looking for a goal of 8:06 per mile. This IS NOT your goal in your HIM race, just what you WANT to be able to run a HM in were you to do a standalone half marathon. For this goal you don't need any training faster than 8:00 miles. I don't know what pace your current training runs are at, but I'm assuming they are slower than this.
    About all I would recommend to you is 1 tempo run per week that is at 8:00 pace. And that you work on extending the LENGTH of this run without going faster. The first week it can be 1 mile in the middle of any other training run. Over time, you can build the distance that you do in your 1 tempo workout. It can be the middle 2 or 3 miles of a 5 mile run. Eventually you will do it most or all of a long run (10 miles of this).

    But you want a slow and gradual build of distance with this run. It's just 1 key workout per week and all other runs are easy like they are now.

    Now I open it up for opinions and comments from all the other junkies....
    2013-07-03 7:49 PM
    in reply to: JeffY

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by JeffY

    Originally posted by KWDreamun

    Jeff to answer your questions about intervals.

    My target distance is 1/2 Tri, maybe in April (IF I CAN LEARN TO SWIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
    Race pace for tri is to be as fast as possible, as everyone know here i only run w/ a watch, no other electronics.
    Current race pace, well I'm getting faster but wold like to be a lot faster, for a 10K I run about 50 minutes if that helps
    As far a run training, I'm running 20 - 25 miles per week all at the same pace, slow easy runs.

    I was just thinking if I did 1/2 mile intevals that would greatly increase my cardio since even after my long runs, i'm not breathing very hard.

    Jen, the good news is the Mill Pond is spring fed and is clear and has a water temp of 72 almost year round, Just becareful on the bike as it can be slippery. It is gonna be a GREAT race for you! Good Luck!

    Ok, so you should be able to run a 1/2 marathon in 1:50:59 (given you have enough miles under your belt).
    So how about a goal of 2:04:00 in a HIM?

    One school of thought is to train to accomplish a 4:08 marathon. Then you run that pace for half a marathon and the cycling will have taken the other 13 miles out of you.
    Or you could train for a 1:50 HM and the bike takes 14 minutes out of you.

    But that's just a goal that your current run fitness suggests you can do. You can train in such a way as to ensure you have enough endurance to execute that kind of run in difficult conditions (build endurance!) or you can train as if you were trying to run a 1:45 HM.

    So you might be looking for a goal of 8:06 per mile. This IS NOT your goal in your HIM race, just what you WANT to be able to run a HM in were you to do a standalone half marathon. For this goal you don't need any training faster than 8:00 miles. I don't know what pace your current training runs are at, but I'm assuming they are slower than this.
    About all I would recommend to you is 1 tempo run per week that is at 8:00 pace. And that you work on extending the LENGTH of this run without going faster. The first week it can be 1 mile in the middle of any other training run. Over time, you can build the distance that you do in your 1 tempo workout. It can be the middle 2 or 3 miles of a 5 mile run. Eventually you will do it most or all of a long run (10 miles of this).

    But you want a slow and gradual build of distance with this run. It's just 1 key workout per week and all other runs are easy like they are now.

    Now I open it up for opinions and comments from all the other junkies....

    Jeff I think this is good advice. I totally agree you will not run the HIM or even an IM run the same way or pace you'd run a HM or Marathon. Also there are some variables here like the bike. Poor nutrition and poor pacing during the bike leg could ruin you run and your target pace will go right out the window. For me when I did my first HIM I did include some tempo runs in my training however for the current IM training I've just done everything slow and easy.
    2013-07-03 8:07 PM
    in reply to: JeffY

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

    Originally posted by JeffY
    Originally posted by BigDaddyD79 Hey everyone, haven't checked in over the past week too often as works been busy and Ive been just doing a light recovery week, (in the plan and felt like my body needed it.) Looks like evertyone has been busy. Weather has been just brutal here lately, I dont think Ive seen the sun in weeks. Since the weathers been so bad and the TdF is on, I decided to jump on the trainer for an hour. Its been a few months since I did a workout with so I figured I would do a FTP test to reaccess my fitness. Well I felt great, felt like I could put out about 20% more watts then before,.......until about 13 minutes into the test when I just blew up! Big Time. I started about 30 watts above my target from my last FTP and held it for about 5 minutes, then I started fading pretty hard and decided the data from the test wouldn't be that good as Id faded below my target from my last FTP test. So I just bagged it and limped in the last few minutes. Ive never puked on the trainer, but that was close. But it was a great workout and since yesterday was Canada Day, (our July 4th) and I was off, and it was raining, I jumped on the trainer again. I didn't do another FTP test but I did do a 90 minute interval with 5 ten minute sets of over under FTP. I really need to make sure I do at least one trainer workout a week as I really love their plans. Right now though its fingers crossed for sun. I hear it may be making a return soon. Also anyone else watching the tour? ALso Ill post my June totals tonight after I upload 2 last week workouts from my watch. Cheers, and I hope everyone has some great July 4th plans.
    Derek, Yes I'm watching the tour. I caught the 1st stage and saw some of the 2nd stage. Still haven't seen the TTT from yesterday, but will soon! That's my favorite stage of the tour!

    I totally want to watch the TTT!!!!  That too is my favorite stage!  To be honest I haven't even looked to see if I can wwatch any of it.  Last year it was on NBC Sports and we don't get that network with our dish package.

    2013-07-03 8:29 PM
    in reply to: DirkP

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

    Well, since Rev3 Cedar Point is off, my race list for this season my "A" race just became Ironman Muncie 70.3 in 10 days.  I don't feel anywhere near prepared for this race since it was just going to be a warm up to attempt to crush the 70.3 at Cedar Point this year.  I have not been able to really focus on training and tapering or, more importantly, nutrition for the race.  Since I am so late in the planning stages I will follow last years plan unless the heat takes over and then I'll have to adapt.

    I could be playing a serious game of chance if I am looking to have a good race.  Not trying to dial things in could have some bad consequences if I am not in the ballpark.

    On another note,  Brenda invited me to do an "pick up" sort of IM in September (I think).  It isn't an official race or anything.  It's a triathlete that is putting together a course and letting people do the "race" in a completely self sufficient way.  I am considering trying to complete it but only train a little bit.  I have to make sure it fits into my schedule with other things going on.

    BTW, at my race last weekend I was able to pick up a free race entry to a sprint the week after my 70.3.  This particular race has a payout of $500 to the overall winner and pays down to 5th place at $50.  I would love to place anywhere in that top 5 just to say I got paid to race once.  I have heard a pro may show up just to get the prize purse but we'll see.  My other take away's from last weekend were the "Best in the US"  acceptance for placing highly enough, 6th place overall, 1st place AG and ANOTHER can of Heed (lemon lime).  I have so much Heed from winning AG's that I could almost start a store.

    2013-07-04 6:17 AM
    in reply to: DirkP

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    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by DirkP

    Originally posted by JeffY
    Originally posted by BigDaddyD79 Hey everyone, haven't checked in over the past week too often as works been busy and Ive been just doing a light recovery week, (in the plan and felt like my body needed it.) Looks like evertyone has been busy. Weather has been just brutal here lately, I dont think Ive seen the sun in weeks. Since the weathers been so bad and the TdF is on, I decided to jump on the trainer for an hour. Its been a few months since I did a workout with so I figured I would do a FTP test to reaccess my fitness. Well I felt great, felt like I could put out about 20% more watts then before,.......until about 13 minutes into the test when I just blew up! Big Time. I started about 30 watts above my target from my last FTP and held it for about 5 minutes, then I started fading pretty hard and decided the data from the test wouldn't be that good as Id faded below my target from my last FTP test. So I just bagged it and limped in the last few minutes. Ive never puked on the trainer, but that was close. But it was a great workout and since yesterday was Canada Day, (our July 4th) and I was off, and it was raining, I jumped on the trainer again. I didn't do another FTP test but I did do a 90 minute interval with 5 ten minute sets of over under FTP. I really need to make sure I do at least one trainer workout a week as I really love their plans. Right now though its fingers crossed for sun. I hear it may be making a return soon. Also anyone else watching the tour? ALso Ill post my June totals tonight after I upload 2 last week workouts from my watch. Cheers, and I hope everyone has some great July 4th plans.
    Derek, Yes I'm watching the tour. I caught the 1st stage and saw some of the 2nd stage. Still haven't seen the TTT from yesterday, but will soon! That's my favorite stage of the tour!

    I totally want to watch the TTT!!!!  That too is my favorite stage!  To be honest I haven't even looked to see if I can wwatch any of it.  Last year it was on NBC Sports and we don't get that network with our dish package.

    Ya were pretty lucky up here, TSN (our ESPN) has daily wall to wall coverage every worning. I get to record and watch at night fast forwardig through the boring parts and the commercials.

    The TTT was crazy fast. Totally flat and those guys were moving. I have no idea how they put down 25km in just over 25min, thats gotta hurt.

    On another note, anyone following the guy on Strava that is riding all stages of the three grand tours on the morning of the stage. I wish I had the money, and the fitness for that matter, to be able to do something like that.
    2013-07-04 7:15 AM
    in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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    Extreme Veteran
    Racine, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July, we are off to the parade!
    Iam going to try to get a ride in later but it may have to wait until tomorrow.
    2013-07-04 8:17 AM
    in reply to: BigDaddyD79

    User image

    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    Originally posted by BigDaddyD79

    Originally posted by DirkP

    Originally posted by JeffY
    Originally posted by BigDaddyD79 Hey everyone, haven't checked in over the past week too often as works been busy and Ive been just doing a light recovery week, (in the plan and felt like my body needed it.) Looks like evertyone has been busy. Weather has been just brutal here lately, I dont think Ive seen the sun in weeks. Since the weathers been so bad and the TdF is on, I decided to jump on the trainer for an hour. Its been a few months since I did a workout with so I figured I would do a FTP test to reaccess my fitness. Well I felt great, felt like I could put out about 20% more watts then before,.......until about 13 minutes into the test when I just blew up! Big Time. I started about 30 watts above my target from my last FTP and held it for about 5 minutes, then I started fading pretty hard and decided the data from the test wouldn't be that good as Id faded below my target from my last FTP test. So I just bagged it and limped in the last few minutes. Ive never puked on the trainer, but that was close. But it was a great workout and since yesterday was Canada Day, (our July 4th) and I was off, and it was raining, I jumped on the trainer again. I didn't do another FTP test but I did do a 90 minute interval with 5 ten minute sets of over under FTP. I really need to make sure I do at least one trainer workout a week as I really love their plans. Right now though its fingers crossed for sun. I hear it may be making a return soon. Also anyone else watching the tour? ALso Ill post my June totals tonight after I upload 2 last week workouts from my watch. Cheers, and I hope everyone has some great July 4th plans.
    Derek, Yes I'm watching the tour. I caught the 1st stage and saw some of the 2nd stage. Still haven't seen the TTT from yesterday, but will soon! That's my favorite stage of the tour!

    I totally want to watch the TTT!!!!  That too is my favorite stage!  To be honest I haven't even looked to see if I can wwatch any of it.  Last year it was on NBC Sports and we don't get that network with our dish package.

    Ya were pretty lucky up here, TSN (our ESPN) has daily wall to wall coverage every worning. I get to record and watch at night fast forwardig through the boring parts and the commercials.

    The TTT was crazy fast. Totally flat and those guys were moving. I have no idea how they put down 25km in just over 25min, thats gotta hurt.

    On another note, anyone following the guy on Strava that is riding all stages of the three grand tours on the morning of the stage. I wish I had the money, and the fitness for that matter, to be able to do something like that.

    Derek I've watched all the stages so far and we get here on NBC sports network and they replay it several times a day so you can't miss it. I'm watching stage 6 as we speak and I agree the TTT was crazy. Those guys were flying out there. Like you said it is pretty wide open this year and no Bradley Wiggins so it's anybody's race to win. I've gotta root for my boy Peter Sagan to keep that green jersey, otherwise I'll pull for the Americans. I also really like Chris Froome I thought he could have won last year but he had the misfortune of being on Bradley's team lol. I also like that Canadian guy Ryder Hesjesdal. I felt bad for him last year after he won the Giro he had to pull out of TdF early on. I hope he has a better tour this year. It's been entertaining so far let's hope it's like this for the rest of the race.
    2013-07-04 8:26 AM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
    I hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July and gets to spend the day with family and friends. I'm planning on a 3 to 4 hour bike ride this afternoon in the heat. Should be close to 90 today and humid. I haven't decided on my route yet but I'm gonna do something in the 60 to 70 mile range today.

    I would have gone earlier today and had a chance to do a 5 hour ride with my friends but I had to pass and let my wife sleep in. She is letting me do a long ride on Saturday and a long OWS on Sunday so I had to give her a break today since she is off. We take turns on the weekends getting up early with our dog Luna. She gave me the go ahead for this morning but I didn't want her not to have at least one day to sleep in. Besides I have 4 days off she has to work tomorrow. I'll have plenty of time to get some decent training in the next 4 days plus I need to make some headway in the TdF challenge. I'm so behind!
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