BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2009-06-30 4:06 PM
in reply to: #2253455

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED


Great race report.  So inspirational!  It is so helpful to hear what works for people and what doesn't.

Thanks, Sue

2009-06-30 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2253455

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
ranchrunner - 2009-06-30 12:39 PM Here is the link to my race report.  It takes quite some time to write it up!  Or maybe it is just because I am so wordy!!

my race report

16.92 !!!!!!!!!!  You rock!

2009-06-30 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2254240

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Northern VA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
LadyNorth - 2009-06-30 5:54 PM
ranchrunner - 2009-06-30 12:39 PM Here is the link to my race report.  It takes quite some time to write it up!  Or maybe it is just because I am so wordy!!

my race report

16.92 !!!!!!!!!!  You rock!

I was thinking the same thing! geeze, what are you doing to get so quick on that bike???
2009-07-01 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hmmm...guess this shows my ignorance, but I didn't know that 16+ mph was fast.  I have read RRs that are up in the 20+mph.   So...what am I doing for training?   Lots of hills here so maybe that helps.   Pushing myself to get the speed up especially on the downhill, i.e. keep pedaling hard while going downhill.   Working on keeping my cadence between 85 and 90.    I have no idea if these things are good or not but it is what I have been doing.

Lora - read your RR and just wanted to tell you that I have an extra race belt if you want it!     I bought one before my tri and then we were given a pair of Yankz laces and a race belt in our you can have my extra if you want!   Let me know

Sorry I have been MIA, but this has been a crazy week.   We had a solar well project that had to be done by today and it has kept me in the field or on the road getting parts.   I think it is done now so there should be time to slow down a bit.   Yeah....right!  LOL
2009-07-02 5:11 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Puyallup, WA
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

I've been MIA here...been trying to cut down on BT got pretty bad Embarassed

Almost a week away from my first tri.  I'm excited!  This weekend I'll be spending some time watching the transition clips and making sure I have a list of everything I need!

Glad to hear everyone is doing (fairly) well

AND congrats to all of the racers and the finishing - - that is my goal Laughing

2009-07-02 5:37 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Super exciting that you are now counting down to your first Tri.   I watched the videos and made a check list, too.  It really helped me pack things correctly and then once I had gone over and over it packing, I didn't need it on race day!

A couple of things I found helpful - which I read on RRs or heard on the transition video

1) roll up your socks - they go on more quickly.   I practiced putting them on many times - a few times with wet feet - and that made a difference too.
2) take extra 'nutrition' along and have it where you can get quick access to it.  I read one rr that said he stepped on his gel, it all squirted out on the ground and he was left with none!
3)If you can, get elastic laces for your running shoes.  I bought mine on Amazon - a lesser known brand - for not much and they work super!
4)After practicing transition at home, I realized it was easier to clip my race number belt, throw it around my neck and worry about putting it on later.

Guess that's all I can think of right now.


2009-07-02 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Sharie and Debbie, I'm trying to open up your all's race reports, but BT's telling me I have a problem.  It's nothing on your end, BT just must be having some down moments.  I'm a race report junkie so I hope BT gets the problem fixed soon.

Anyway, Debbie I am so glad you pushed yourself past all the stress of late and made it through!  Sharie, that kicks butt that you podiumed!  If you averaged 16.92 mph that is pretty fast, especially as a beginner.  Oh, and I'm definitely interested in your race belt.  Ha ha.  I'll drop you a PM.

Ladies, I owe ya'll the sincerest of apologies for being MIA lately.  I've been so tired from going back to work full time that I pretty much drop dead every night as soon as I get home.  I have barely trained lately either.  I'm slowly adjusting to the new demands life's putting on my body, though, and I hope to be able to better balance my tri life with my new work life.  I really admire those of you who are able to train, work full time and rear the kids.  I just have two of those items on my plate and it is absolutely inconceivable to me how well you all manage it.  My hat's off.

2009-07-05 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Well ladies, I did it.  I bought a new road bike.  And of course, it's been rainy and windy since I bought it so I haven't had a chance to ride it.  Hopefully by tonight it'll clear up enough so I can at least get out for a short ride around the neighborhood.  It's a Giant Defy 3 so nothing fancy, but it'll work for what I want to use it for.  It's a lot different from what I've been riding, but that's a good thing.  It's much lighter and shifts so easily.  I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy my rides a lot more with this bike.  

I ran my 10k yesterday, it rained the whole time.  Not a hard rain, just steady.  After the first mile or so, I didn't even really notice it.  I've done runs in the rain before so nothing new.  I finished better than I expected to given the problems I've had with my leg and back lately.  Definitely happy with the result - RR is up if anyone wants to read it (sorry, don't know how to link it here - I'll do that if I can figure it out).   

Gotta go - we've got ribs on the grill and don't want to burn them!  Be back later!

2009-07-05 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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2009-07-05 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2259253

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2009-07-06 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2263068

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
ChrisFL - 2009-07-05 5:14 PM

Janet- Congrats on your new bike!!!  That is exciting!!  I want a new bike so badly- I have a mountain bike and I love it but I want a real tri bike.  Something I spend time dreaming about! Smile

Wow- I'm mega impressed- a 10 K and in the rain no less!  I am wondering if it gets slippery or slows your speed down in the rain?  Also does it bother your eyes/vision?   Hope your weather improves soon so you can enjoy your new bike!  Christine

Hey Chris!  The rain really wasn't too bad - I've run in a lot worse!  The roads really aren't slippery as long as you avoid the painted lines.  And the course was fairly flat so real problems with hills.  It was just puddles that you had to worry about.  I don't know if my shoes will ever dry out, lol!  I wore a visor to keep the rain out of my eyes - worked well since it wasn't really windy so no horizontal rain blowing in my face.  Looks like the rain is over for a while though so I can get out on my bike - YEAH!!  Of course the rain is supposed to be back by next weekend - just in time for my next race.

Here's a link to my RR from the weekend - (hope this works).

Have a great day!

2009-07-06 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Janet - congrats on the new bike!   How exciting!   I love, love, love my Specialized Ruby Comp!   A nice road bike will make a difference.      I almost bought an actual tri bike when I first started my search, but I am glad I didn't.   I have heard from many that they are a whole different beast than a road/race bike - different body position, aero bars, etc.   I have had my challenges just learning to ride again!

I love running in the rain...well, not a downpour, but a light rain is delightful!!    I made the decision to run once when it was raining lightly and ended up in a downpour.   My shoes took a week to dry out...and that is here, in a dry climate...they may have never dried out if we lived in humidity!

So, who all is racing this weekend?   I know Lisa is....are you getting excited?   Anyone else?

I am contemplating doing another tri on July 18 and will definitely do another on August 15 in Montana when I go visit our 20yo ds who is working up there.   I go back and forth on the July 18 one though.   I wonder if it is too much, too soon.   A friend told me to just look at it as 'training', but I know I will 'compete'.

Gotta go help move some irrigation pipe.
2009-07-06 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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2009-07-07 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2266353

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

ChrisFL - 2009-07-06 10:58 PM So ladies...since this is an all women's group I feel comfortable to ask this here...Smile  If you are around my age (45) give or take a few years- I'm curious to know if you have experienced this....

I have noticed that since I started all of this 'training' months ago that my menstrual cycles are totally different.  In a really awesome way.  I'm just wondering if there is some kind of connection between the working out and the changes?  For example and promise won't get too descript but....I have regular cycles now like freaking clockwork, and this is after YEARS and YEARS of irregular never knowing when, trouble conceiving because of irregular cycles etc.   I mean I now KNOW when it's coming and can have a life.  Awesome.  It's also almost over before it begins. 
I am loving that.  Heck my husband is loving that!!! But why is it? 

Just about all of my friends and even my sister who is just one year older than me at 46 yrs are experiencing just the opposite as we are heading into the pre/menopausal years.  My sister is not physically active at all and is overweight.  She has totally irregular and very uncomfortable/painful even periods.  So is there a connection here- Gosh if I could glide through the next ten years like this and transition to menopause like this I would be in HEAVEN!  So many women I know have had to have hysterectomy's and these years in their life are like a living hell.  Anyone notice a similar connection since training?  Also mentally/emotionally I feel that it's like night and day between me and other women who are not active.  They almost seem a clinical kind of depression not just a blue day here or there. Very curious about this!  Christine

Hey Chris - I'm your age but my situation is a little different.  I had a partial hysterectomy about 5 years ago so I still have my ovaries but obviously no longer have monthly periods.  My doctor did it that way so that I would still make the normal monthly hormones and go through a semi-normal menopause.  I have noticed a difference in my moods from before I became more active.  I used to have several days a month when I just wanted to be left alone - don't touch me, don't talk to me, nothing!  I don't have those days anymore.  I don't know if there's a connection between the two, but I'm not complaining (and neither is my husbandLaughing). 

2009-07-07 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi ladies -
Had to write to jump for joy about my bike ride today.  I did 11.3 miles of my normal very hilly route (3300 ft ascent), and did it at 13.9 mph!  If you look back at my training logs, in April I was going at 9.9 mph on rides, so I am SO excited for this improvement.  YAY!  My tri course is 11.5 miles and very flat, so I may even break the 15 mph mark on race day, which would be awesome!

I am doing my first OWS tomorrow in a local "Splash and Dash" - 1/4 mi lake swim, then a 5K run.  I'll post afterwards.

19 days until the NJ State Sprint Tri - July 26th!

Oh, and to ChrisFL - I don't know if this will help since I am 36 years old but...
You don't mention whether you lost any weight or gained muscle(from your picture, it doesn't look like you need to!), but I've lost about 10% of my body weight during tri training (was and still am significantly overweight), and I have gone from irregular to very regular too.  My doctor says that extra fat/less muscle ups your estrogen numbers and messes with your hormones generally.  Exercise helps bring the levels back into check.  I have 2 daughters, but struggled with infertility for both, and my doctor recommended weight loss might help regulate the hormones.  Seems to be working, and now I might try for #3 after my summer tri season!

By the way, from your picture, you look AWESOME for 45!  I wish I looked like that, and I'm 9 years younger!
Mary Sue

2009-07-07 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2264185

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2009-07-07 7:36 PM
in reply to: #2267956

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2009-07-08 10:49 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Hey ladies - how's the day going so far?  I had a great bike ride last nightSmile.  I stuck to a flat, non-busy area to get used to riding the new bike and had a great time.  Made it about 10 miles and still felt good afterwards.  On my old bike, 9 miles used to beat me up.  I'm definitely liking the new ride!  Here's a picture for you:

new bike

Mary Sue - congrats on your ride too!  I feel your excitement.  After my ride last night, I'm beginning to think I might just do OK on the bike portion of my tri in August.  Good luck with the splash and dash!  Looking forward to hearing how it went.

Anyone else racing this weekend?  I'm doing the All Star Charity 5k.  It's part of the All Star Game festivities that are going on all weekend here in St. Louis.  I'm hoping for about a 30 min finish but we'll have to see how crowded it is - I may have to adjust my goal to just finish and have fun doing it.

Hope everyone has a good day!

2009-07-10 4:57 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Lisa - good luck with your tri - let us know when your race report is up - this is your 1st isn't it?

Janet - good luck with your 5k
            I know how you feel with your new bike.  I got one a couple months ago.  It was both scary and exciting.  I stayed away from traffic for awhile cuz I didn't feel I was really in control at first.  But, boy is it fun to go fast.  I think I'll do ok in the bike portion when my tri comes up too(that translates to NOT LAST). 

I can't believe I'd ever say this - but I now enjoy swimming in the lake more than the pool.  Windy with waves today - but that's ok - good practice in case it's windy on tri day.

2009-07-11 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED
Hi All....

Been another crazy, busy week here, but accomplished a lot of things.   Finally got our 2008 spring wheat sold after hours of phone calls and negotiating price, shipping, etc.   Cut 40 acres of hay one day....then it got rained on!    Found a Dodge pickup for ds last Sunday, did all the paperwork and banking necessary for that and then drove him to Lodgegrass, MT to pick it up on Thursday.   Got the new/used computer and installed my old harddrive and Dvd drives and was thrilled to see all of my old stuff still there!  

My training motivation and energy has been much reduced these past 2 weeks.   I don't know exactly why...heat, busy life, no immediate goal since my tri is over???    I have gotten in some runs and rides, but only one swim and that was in the lake the other night.

Denise, how did you get switched over to liking the ows?   I decided the other night that I might just never do an ows tri!   I get panicky when I know I can't touch bottom!   The other night I was all alone...which I probably shouldn't do...but I stayed where I could stand up any time.   Also, I bought a wetsuit from a fellow BTer and I think it is really too big.   I don't know because I have never worn one before.   Are you wearing a wetsuit when you do your ows?

I need to get back to work here....I got left home from the hay fields today so I could finish setting up the computer and do some financial stuff that has been waiting for a few weeks!    I best get it done!

Prayers going out for all racers!   Looking forward to reading RRs.

2009-07-11 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: my Splash and Dash
Hi ladies-
Sorry I didn't get to post this sooner, but I went to a work retreat right after my Wed night race.  You can read the RR here:

The quick summary:  Yes, the OWS was weird, but I survived.  I feel much better prepared now for the next OWS.  Also, after months of run/walk interval running, I finally RAN the whole distance and had a PB by 4 sec on the run.  It was a very friendly local race and I am glad I did it.

Only 14 days to go until my first tri!
Mary sue

2009-07-11 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2278659

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2009-07-13 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2068936

Subject: RE: Lora's First-Timers Women's Group - CLOSED

Morning ladies!  Had a decent weekend although our internet connection went down for some reason.  We've got someone coming out Wednesday to take a look at it.  I went out Saturday morning for an early bike ride.  I was trying to beat the heat, but didn't quite make that.  It was already hot at 8 am!  I decided I really need to start getting more comfortable riding on roads so part of the route that I did was along a major road.  Fortunately, it has a pretty wide shoulder so I wasn't on the road itself, but still got the "riding near cars" experience that I need.  I ended up with about 10.5 miles.

Yesterday I did a race downtown - the All-Star Charity 5k.  For those into baseball, it was a part of the All-Star festivities that have been going on all weekend in St Louis.  There were 8000 people registered for the 5k and 1 mile fun run.  I don't have an official time yet (didn't wear my watch and forgot to look at the clock at the start line when I finally crossed it) - I'll do a RR when I get it.  I will say that it was hotter than I expected and I had to walk more than I wanted to - partly due to the heat, partly due to my leg bothering me againFrown - but I had a good time and finished pretty well. 

My schedule has me doing a cutback week this week and I think I'm going to stick to it.  Usually I try to add in a little extra here and there during these cutback weeks, but that may be why I'm having some injury troubles so this week I'm going to follow the plan and enjoy some easy daysSmile.

2009-07-15 8:22 PM
in reply to: #2068936

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2009-07-15 8:44 PM
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Edited by ChrisFL 2009-07-15 8:47 PM
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