BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open Rss Feed  
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2014-07-21 10:03 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
21/28 this morning with a short run - 2.62 miles in 24:44. Felt like garbage the last 1/2 mile - full sun and 79 degrees on it's way up to high 80's today. I felt sluggish. I know, I know, trust the taper....but seriously, it was a short run. I must still be spent from last week's efforts.
Sleep this week will be my goal- cough has come back but minor. Not sure what is up with that but sub-optimal for next week.

Question, I'm looking at doing another sprint August 10th - the swim will be slightly shorter - 500 or 600 yds versus 1/2 mile. Is it out of the question to do two back to back with only two weeks between?

Another question: There is an Oly on August 30th within 2 hours of my house in Lake George, NY. Would it be out of the question to consider something like this? I have some 2000 yd swims in and usually train minimum of 1600-1800 yds at a time but my bike is more of a concern - I've only gone 25 miles as my farthest ride so far as I've been training for the sprint. I have 6 weeks to prepare..

Just thinking...


2014-07-21 10:50 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Great inspirational story, Thor! Amazing his strong mind, very inspiring for all of us....
2014-07-21 10:54 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Awesome pics, Alan!! Would love to see some from IMMT!!
2014-07-21 11:03 AM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Great job Sandi! Impressed with your swimming time. I think our first tri is always on our minds, this will be a good one to remember! I would even get out my corkscrew for great red, but yesss, this is BDAAS!!
2014-07-21 11:55 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 21/28 this morning with a short run - 2.62 miles in 24:44. Felt like garbage the last 1/2 mile - full sun and 79 degrees on it's way up to high 80's today. I felt sluggish. I know, I know, trust the taper....but seriously, it was a short run. I must still be spent from last week's efforts. Sleep this week will be my goal- cough has come back but minor. Not sure what is up with that but sub-optimal for next week. Question, I'm looking at doing another sprint August 10th - the swim will be slightly shorter - 500 or 600 yds versus 1/2 mile. Is it out of the question to do two back to back with only two weeks between? Another question: There is an Oly on August 30th within 2 hours of my house in Lake George, NY. Would it be out of the question to consider something like this? I have some 2000 yd swims in and usually train minimum of 1600-1800 yds at a time but my bike is more of a concern - I've only gone 25 miles as my farthest ride so far as I've been training for the sprint. I have 6 weeks to prepare.. Just thinking... Thanks, Jenn

Based on what I have seen on your training, you will have no problem doing back to back sprints.

As for the oly, again no problem. If you can bike 25 miles you will have no problem with it. After your first race("A" race?) I would switch it up to an oly type training plan and add a few longer rides/runs on the weekend. You will kick butt!

2014-07-21 11:57 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Juancho Great job Sandi! Impressed with your swimming time. I think our first tri is always on our minds, this will be a good one to remember! I would even get out my corkscrew for great red, but yesss, this is BDAAS!!

Good to see you back on the board! Any races in the future for you?

2014-07-21 2:23 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

19/28 after a great run today. Not sure why but it felt great. Hopefully  the trend continues ... maybe after three years I have learned to enjoy running!

2014-07-22 9:18 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
How is everyone doing? It's a little quiet this week on the BDAAS. I hope that means you are all enjoying your summer, getting closer to your 28 for 28 goal and drinking plenty of good beer!

A couple of things - let's make it our mission to support and cheer each on! Remember you can leave an inspire on people's logs when they complete a killer workout (Just click on the inspire button above their workout for that day)!. Also - make it you mission to post as frequently as you can. We've lost some of our members since we began this spring. While most are just busy, I know there are those who have racked their bikes and grabbed a spot on the couch The more you participate - the more likely you are to keep going when things get tough. Personally, the only reason why I haven't given up yet is because I know Thor would show up on my doorstep and force me to drink a Coors lite - or even worse - a Molson!

Finally - here is the question of the day - What are your three favorite songs that get you pumped up for a workout and why do you like them?

Have a great day everyone!
2014-07-22 9:23 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Juancho

Great job Sandi! Impressed with your swimming time. I think our first tri is always on our minds, this will be a good one to remember! I would even get out my corkscrew for great red, but yesss, this is BDAAS!!

Great to see you again on the BDAAS Doctor! We missed you and are glad you're back. How's your training going?

Don't worry about being a wine lover. I've been getting into whites myself. Hell - it doesn't matter to me what you drink as long as you keep cheering people on!
2014-07-22 9:30 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

21/28 this morning with a short run - 2.62 miles in 24:44. Felt like garbage the last 1/2 mile - full sun and 79 degrees on it's way up to high 80's today. I felt sluggish. I know, I know, trust the taper....but seriously, it was a short run. I must still be spent from last week's efforts.
Sleep this week will be my goal- cough has come back but minor. Not sure what is up with that but sub-optimal for next week.

Question, I'm looking at doing another sprint August 10th - the swim will be slightly shorter - 500 or 600 yds versus 1/2 mile. Is it out of the question to do two back to back with only two weeks between?

Another question: There is an Oly on August 30th within 2 hours of my house in Lake George, NY. Would it be out of the question to consider something like this? I have some 2000 yd swims in and usually train minimum of 1600-1800 yds at a time but my bike is more of a concern - I've only gone 25 miles as my farthest ride so far as I've been training for the sprint. I have 6 weeks to prepare..

Just thinking...


Jenn - The fact that your cough is back and you're feeling tired is your body's clever way of telling you it's tired. It's ok to listen to it. If you continue to feel sluggish and the cold doesn't go away even with the increased rest - take a day or two off. You have earned it. I know it seems counter intuitive - but getting extra rest will give you more energy and help you to put more effort into workouts when you come back from the short break.

Doubling up with sprints or doing an olympic are both realistic goals. Choose the option that you think will challenge you while still letting you have a blast. I did my first OLY during my first year and had a blast. Thor motivated me by telling me that if I didn't break the three hour mark, I would be forced to have a coors light penalty. I went all out for the last three minutes and managed to cross the finish line in 2:59:59.9 seconds. Figure out what you goal is and go for it!]
2014-07-22 9:32 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Qua17  Finally - here is the question of the day - What are your three favorite songs that get you pumped up for a workout and why do you like them? Have a great day everyone!

Daft Punk - CLU - It starts slow and mellow and then builds to a huge frantic finish. Usually by the end of the song I'm in a full out sprint on the bike and I don't even realize it. 

Bullet With Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins - When I was a kid and played hockey (I am Canadian, after all) my dad used to play this on the drive over to the games to get me pumped up. Been a staple for sporting events since then. 

Highway to the Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins - Before marathons my wife and I will sit in the car and listen to this and the next two songs as a bit of joke to get us in the right mindset. People usually laugh at us when they walk by hearing this and/or the next two songs playing while the two of us sing along emphatically. 

Final Countdown - Europe 

Eye of the Tiger - Survivor

2014-07-22 9:37 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17
question of the day - What are your three favorite songs that get you pumped up for a workout and why do you like them?

The Distance - Cake
Who are you - The Who - Each workout is a test. My effort and focus will define me
Gladiator Soundtrack "The Battle" - Gets me pissed and fuels the workout! I'm ready to kill when it's done
Theme from the Right Stuff - Never give up - EVER!
Lose Yourself - Eminem. - If you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you have ever wanted, in one moment, would you capture it or let it slip?

Edited by Qua17 2014-07-22 9:42 AM
2014-07-22 9:56 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Qua17 How is everyone doing? It's a little quiet this week on the BDAAS. I hope that means you are all enjoying your summer, getting closer to your 28 for 28 goal and drinking plenty of good beer! A couple of things - let's make it our mission to support and cheer each on! Remember you can leave an inspire on people's logs when they complete a killer workout (Just click on the inspire button above their workout for that day)!. Also - make it you mission to post as frequently as you can. We've lost some of our members since we began this spring. While most are just busy, I know there are those who have racked their bikes and grabbed a spot on the couch The more you participate - the more likely you are to keep going when things get tough. Personally, the only reason why I haven't given up yet is because I know Thor would show up on my doorstep and force me to drink a Coors lite - or even worse - a Molson! Finally - here is the question of the day - What are your three favorite songs that get you pumped up for a workout and why do you like them? Have a great day everyone!

Seriously? Molsen is like a craft beer compare to coors lite....

2014-07-22 10:10 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open


Well I am looking for another triathlon but it is not looking good as we are off on holidays next week. After that, there is limited amount of tri's that are close.

I have kind of started planning my offseason training.

  1. improve run which will include running often.
  2. I am going to try incorporate a yoga class this fall.
  3. Hit the weights. Been too long.
  4. invest in and focus on improving bike.(perhaps we could do something as a group??)
  5. try get one swim/week in for fall.
  6. This is the biggest....lose the extra damn weight before the heavy training begins. I think this limited the gains I wanted to make this summer. Losing 1-2 pounds/week while trying S/B/R hard is no good. I want to comptete at a sub 200 lbs weight. They say you make gains every 10lbs you lose...220-190=30lbs.
  7. Looking at running a 1/2 marathon this winter. Help focus the run. Me and my wife are looking at redoing Huntington Beach in February.



2014-07-22 10:16 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
First Oly this Saturday, 90 min drive from Madrid - beautiful lake swim, nice bike across small towns and flat run. Should be nice, rural environment. If i do not suffer too much, will aim for a Half in 2015. Will ask you for good ones in the US, would like to take my family along and combine holidays and race (may be Miami?). Training most of the time on my own due to extremely limited free time, so this forum is my inspiration!!
2014-07-22 10:24 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Great to see you again on the BDAAS Doctor! We missed you and are glad you're back. How's your training going?

Don't worry about being a wine lover. I've been getting into whites myself. Hell - it doesn't matter to me what you drink as long as you keep cheering people on!

Glad to hear you are enjoying wine! The day you discover reds, you will never go back to pseudowine.... But even myself, now in summer, as it gets very hot here -around 40C- I really enjoy white wine as much as Coors light.... My training is not as consistent as I would love to, but this is the greatness of BDAAS: all of us with busy jobs, family responsibilities and a bit a laziness now and then, sharing your stories, make me feel less guilty! May be some day I will try a full IM as some of you are planning, still looking at it from a fair distance.

2014-07-22 10:25 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Originally posted by Juancho First Oly this Saturday, 90 min drive from Madrid - beautiful lake swim, nice bike across small towns and flat run. Should be nice, rural environment. If i do not suffer too much, will aim for a Half in 2015. Will ask you for good ones in the US, would like to take my family along and combine holidays and race (may be Miami?). Training most of the time on my own due to extremely limited free time, so this forum is my inspiration!!

Good luck on your race. Look forward to race report!

Skip the USA and come up to Canada! Here is one in wine country! tons of wineries!

This is held in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.



2014-07-22 10:28 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by Qua17
question of the day - What are your three favorite songs that get you pumped up for a workout and why do you like them?

My preferred music for workout is not what I listen the rest of the day, and is usually as extreme as possible, but not always, classical rock is great to:
- anything from AC/DC (Thunderstruck is my preferred one prior to any race!)
- Daft Punk (whole random access memories album)
- if it is a looong run, I prefer to listen to whole album, lately Mumford and sons, relaxing for a slow, long run
2014-07-22 10:30 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by Juancho First Oly this Saturday, 90 min drive from Madrid - beautiful lake swim, nice bike across small towns and flat run. Should be nice, rural environment. If i do not suffer too much, will aim for a Half in 2015. Will ask you for good ones in the US, would like to take my family along and combine holidays and race (may be Miami?). Training most of the time on my own due to extremely limited free time, so this forum is my inspiration!!

Good luck on your race. Look forward to race report!

Skip the USA and come up to Canada! Here is one in wine country! tons of wineries!

This is held in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.



Thanks, the dates are perfect as this is the end of summer holidays, will check it out for 2015!! Would be great if anyone from this group is joining!
2014-07-22 10:33 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Finished my second race of the year on Saturday.  It was wet and rainy but I had a good race and a good time.  Congrats to everyone else who raced this past weekend!

Here is my race report:

Here is my post race celebration beverage:


IMG_0149.JPG (72KB - 3 downloads)
2014-07-22 12:02 PM
in reply to: podemma

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open

Great job on the race report! Gotta love a race with an inflatable waterslide start in a river going downstream!!!

Good lookin' beer too!

Originally posted by podemma

Finished my second race of the year on Saturday.  It was wet and rainy but I had a good race and a good time.  Congrats to everyone else who raced this past weekend!

Here is my race report:

Here is my post race celebration beverage:

2014-07-22 1:40 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

My only concern is that in your picture - the level of beer in your pint glass (awesome) is pretty close to the level in the other. Come on woman! Drink faster. You're now an official triathlete (and a bada$$) - you've got a reputation to uphold!

LMAO, that was my husband's beer next to me, and I think he burned a few calories cheering me on loudly. Plus....he can put them down too. :-) And that beer was followed by another...then a nap, then a bottle of champagne, then another beer, and then dinner. And another beer. Soooo, you just saw the first course. :-) Don't worry, I definitely earned my BDAAS$ badge. Actually....never worry about me getting enough beer. That's just not a concern anyone needs to have with me. LOL.

I am looking at other races to enter too. My concern remains the swim--I know I was very lucky with the location and venue this last time (and that line on the bottom of the lake), and really...two days earlier I was having TONS of trouble just 50 yards in (not swimming...panic attacks, and they were bad enough I would not have finished had it been race day). I only finished that race because I was able to put in a significant amount of practice on the specific swim and completed it enough times that I both knew the course and had a lot of confidence. And remember, it was a Try-a-Tri, so was only 1/4 mile. AND for about a third of it, it was shallow enough you could stand up....I didn't of course, but knowing you CAN takes a lot of the fear away. (As a side story, I was pretty amused by a guy who was running in the water while moving his arms in such a way he looked like he was swimming....I could see it all as he was to my sight was much faster just to swim. LOL.) There is another local race on 8/9 that has a 500 m swim, so I'm considering that one as I can likely do that swim once or twice before the race.

David, how is your hip doing now?
2014-07-23 7:58 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Originally posted by sandishr

Originally posted by Qua17

My only concern is that in your picture - the level of beer in your pint glass (awesome) is pretty close to the level in the other. Come on woman! Drink faster. You're now an official triathlete (and a bada$$) - you've got a reputation to uphold!

LMAO, that was my husband's beer next to me, and I think he burned a few calories cheering me on loudly. Plus....he can put them down too. :-) And that beer was followed by another...then a nap, then a bottle of champagne, then another beer, and then dinner. And another beer. Soooo, you just saw the first course. :-) Don't worry, I definitely earned my BDAAS$ badge. Actually....never worry about me getting enough beer. That's just not a concern anyone needs to have with me. LOL.

I am looking at other races to enter too. My concern remains the swim--I know I was very lucky with the location and venue this last time (and that line on the bottom of the lake), and really...two days earlier I was having TONS of trouble just 50 yards in (not swimming...panic attacks, and they were bad enough I would not have finished had it been race day). I only finished that race because I was able to put in a significant amount of practice on the specific swim and completed it enough times that I both knew the course and had a lot of confidence. And remember, it was a Try-a-Tri, so was only 1/4 mile. AND for about a third of it, it was shallow enough you could stand up....I didn't of course, but knowing you CAN takes a lot of the fear away. (As a side story, I was pretty amused by a guy who was running in the water while moving his arms in such a way he looked like he was swimming....I could see it all as he was to my sight was much faster just to swim. LOL.) There is another local race on 8/9 that has a 500 m swim, so I'm considering that one as I can likely do that swim once or twice before the race.

David, how is your hip doing now?

Sandi - First and foremost - be proud of what you accomplished! Conquering that fear enough to get into the water in the first place is a great victory and starting point. Now try to figure out what your next step will be If practicing in the actual water where the race will take place relieves your anxiety - then sign up for a race thats close. The ultimate goal is for you to get comfortable enough for you to be able to swim in any water but take small steps to build up your confidence. I know there have been others on the BDAAS who have conquered this fear (and you will too) and I hope they will chime in as well. And just for the record - that panic still hits me when I first dive into a lake where I have never swam before. But every OWS I do builds my confidence which I rely on when the nerves hit.

The hip is decent. I've been icing and rolling like it's my job. It's still sore but manageable. All I need to do is to get through this week - but it's gonna be a rough one!

Edited by Qua17 2014-07-23 7:59 AM
2014-07-23 8:13 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Morning! I just got back from a 20 mile ride that was supposed to be 35. My legs are spent and I am exhausted! Yesterday, I ran 5 miles and it took all my willpower to keep going. I know this is part of the journey - but I have no clue how I'm going to swim 2.4, ride 112 and run 17 later in the week.

Today, I'm going to visit one of my favorite breweries and I plan on buying a a few bottles as a reward for finishing those workouts. And there is always Coors light if I really need motivation!

Have a great day!
2014-07-23 8:44 AM
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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Accountability/Appreciation Society - Open
Dave, I am happy to see the hip is holding up, that is great!! You have more than earned your beer.

22/28 today with a very short 7.8 mile bike (but made it last 30 minutes so it would count ). HUMID is an understatement and temp was 80 by 8:15 am. Legs felt like lead and I had zero energy
"Trust the taper" is my new mantra.....because I ain't feeling it right now. I also ate pizza over the weekend so that may be still making me feel blah too.
Rumor has it humidity should break by the weekend...

Okay, I have to edit this by adding these two sentences. I couldn't stand it and went out for just a short run (2.59) so now I stand at 23/28.

Still testing out new "support" for all you ladies out there. The Zoot Performance Tri bra is great - but the chest band is so tight that even with going up a size and having it let out it is still ridiculously tight - and I have a small rib cage. No go there. Wore a different one today on the bike, might jog a mile around the block to see how it feels running.


Edited by aviatrix802 2014-07-23 11:51 AM
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