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2009-02-18 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

difficult day today.  expectedly so.

a 25 min run was on the schedule.  i opted to do 25 mins of cycling on the indoor trainer.

what i REALLY wanted to do was to go to the trail and ride, but mother nature was NOT cooperative - rain, sleet, snow.  totally sucky day.

the trainer sufficed.

i may hop on later on today for another 25 mins, if i get a chance before the boys come home from school.

taking it down, dialing it back, unloading, staying active.

today was toughie.

conserving for tomorrows brick.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-18 1:13 PM

2009-02-18 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

MATT.  i think DAVEs advice was most excellent.

though id rather be riding outside, ive gotten A LOT out of SPINNING at the Y and have improved overall in my fitness AND endurance level as a result.  a great alternative if mother nature isnt cooperative.

BTW, i think we should use your FIERCE TORTOISE as the G-TEAM MASCOT.

whadya think?

keep plugging away!

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-18 1:13 PM
2009-02-18 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1967406

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
junthank - 2009-02-17 7:19 PM


I attached the following Excel spreadsheet with the training plan I came up with.  Actually it's a plagiarized version of a spreadsheet off Endurance Corner (I hope that's OK?).  I tried to take your recommendations and incorporate a recovery week as well.  It's based upon a 4:1 training/recovery week (4:1 might be a big no, no right there).

I used a 4:1 ratio so I could implement your build suggestions without having consecutive weeks of dropping volume.  For example, for the long run day you suggested:


I thru in a recovery week so it looks like:

40/45/40/50/recovery week (25)/55/40/60

Hopefully it make sense and I'm not way off target.


Well it's appears that I cannot attached a document to a message in the forum if the document is over 100KB.  I'll email it directly to you if that's OK?

 Sent you a note -- key tip is don't worry about symmetry in training plans -- if you back off M-F every 3rd week then you will be able to keep your weekends pretty "normal".

 As well, when building endurance, at your current level, you can probably shed fatigue without backing off (much) for your key sessions.  Ideas:

 Say you have a 45 min run -- you want to shed fatigue -- then run 20 out of 45 mins and walk the rest.

 Alternatively, shorten the non-key workouts (day before, day after) -- you can still build endurance on your key session.


2009-02-18 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1967843

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Pashda - 2009-02-18 2:47 AM "You might get better overall development from incorporating a bit of tempo inside your steady training.  Let's say steady pace is ~6 min per K and mod-hard (or even threshold) is ~5 min per K... for you.  A pattern like this...

 4x... 3 min steady/3 min mod-hard/3 min steady/1 min power walk"

Hi G, as the cold has gone I had a go at your suggestion above. It was quite hard but enjoyed it as it breaks up the boredom. HR was a bit high as I was pushing speed up to 4:30 pace for threshold section but it came back down nicely once the pace was back at 6min per k so happy. I was surprised how far I covered (7.4km) in the time as well. I will certainly incorporate this into my schedule along with long and short slow stuff to keep building the endurance.

Thanks.    Dave

 Things to watch and ideas.  

We will all tend to go a bit "harder" than we need for these sessions -- take your speed up to fast/smooth, then hold for a bit, then clear lactate while going steady.  Remember your goal is quickness, not hardness.  If memory serves then we were going to target 5 min per K pace - so watch the natural tendency to max it out.

 When our HR goes up our capacity to make smart decisions declines.  Watch for this -- learning to execute your plan (without change) when your HR increases is a valuable form of race simulation.  Also watch how you act after your first few reps -- learning to control ourselves when the heart is racing is also valuable.

 If you don't see the points above in yourself then (at first) watch for them in others -- then consider how you might be following a similar path.  We all do!


2009-02-18 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1968318

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
FierceTortoise - 2009-02-18 9:08 AM



I'm swimming every morning Mon-Fri and progress is agonizingly slow, but as the Tortoise says, slow progress is still progress. I still can't do more than 50 yds without resting. Is resting allowed during a race? (It's in a pool.) Or should I plan to backstroke to rest?

My goal is to bike in the evening, but the weather won't cooperate (too cold, windy, rain, snow)! I suppose I could ride in bad weather, but frankly I'm going to have a hard enough time biking without adding layers of clothing, fighting the wind and worrying about slipping and falling. I can't buy a trainer or any new equipment, but my gym has spin classes and stationary bikes.

What can I do to train my bike skills until the weather gets better?

 Resting on the wall (or in open water) is allowed.  Key thing is that you must make your own forward progress.

 Cycling in poor weather -- tips: (a) train in the morning, any sport; (b) go for a run if you can't face riding; and (c) use the stationary bike at your gym.  Generally, train (something) in the morning is a good habit.  Running won't help your cycling (much) but it will help you!  Something is better than nothing.  

Hope this helps,


2009-02-18 1:50 PM
in reply to: #1968940

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

 Things to watch and ideas.  

We will all tend to go a bit "harder" than we need for these sessions -- take your speed up to fast/smooth, then hold for a bit, then clear lactate while going steady.  Remember your goal is quickness, not hardness.  If memory serves then we were going to target 5 min per K pace - so watch the natural tendency to max it out.

 When our HR goes up our capacity to make smart decisions declines.  Watch for this -- learning to execute your plan (without change) when your HR increases is a valuable form of race simulation.  Also watch how you act after your first few reps -- learning to control ourselves when the heart is racing is also valuable.

 If you don't see the points above in yourself then (at first) watch for them in others -- then consider how you might be following a similar path.  We all do!


Thanks G you are spot on as usual. Went too fast on the first "quick" 3 minutes and had to tell myself to cool it so that I could finish the session. As you have told others better to finish with a faster set than to start with one and blow out. Made myself ease it back to around 5min per km for some of the quick bits but felt good running at speed so it was hard. I guess it is still better to look to increase distance rather than speed at the moment so will stick to our plan and see how it goes. Can always do 5 sets instead of 4 if I am feeling strong.

As others have said. In Gordo we trust.

2009-02-18 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Active Rest Day:  Run- 2.75 miles in 30 min. 

1000 yrd swim....easy.



Edited by Writebrained 2009-02-18 6:12 PM
2009-02-18 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

was able to slip in that 2nd 25 min session on the trainer. 

wise to break down the session in two segments rather than try and bust out a whole 50 min session.

mindful of my limits.

staying active has been a good outlet, and release.


but im getting through WELL, not just making it or getting by.

though id rather not go through this 'season', the lessons im learning through all this, invaluable.  things that ill undoubtedly take forward w me in my trng in the weeks and months ahead.

taking it down, dialing it back, unloading, staying active.

steady as I go.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-18 3:25 PM
2009-02-18 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Missed my lunchtime strength session today. Last minute 'gotta be there' meetings came up. Finally got home and on the bike trainer about 7:30. 1 hour steady spin.

Avg Heart Rate = 129 (my target, first time I've actually hit it over the entire session).

I'm pretty much back on my regular program, but am watching the intensity closely.


2009-02-19 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
30m 7.50 miles 15.00 Mi/hr
10:00 AM  

Easy ride. 3x10 minutes intervals each with 2 minutes standup hill climb, 2 minutes 85 rpm cadence, 6 minute 65 rpm cadence. HR looked pretty good. Still working on lowering the standup hill climb to 140.

20m 1.93 miles 10m 22s/Mi
10:30 AM  

Actually felt a little harder than I thought. Had treadmill on normal setting but my HR was higher than normal. After first measurement I slowed it down just a tad.

2009-02-19 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Lunchtime swim. 44:52 - 1700 yds continuous swim at a very easy pace. Still working my way back into higher intensity levels.

As usual after swimming I am starving. Goal for the afternoon is to not eat everything in my path.  Wonder why I am more hungry after swimming than running\biking.

Tonight I'm 'running' with my son and some kids from his cross country team. I'll see them at the start and end anyway! (They won't leave without me because I am the only one that can drive AND I have the pizza money!).  BTW - the triathlon thing is the only way I've found to be cool to high schoolers. Or they're just flattering me so I continue to feed them. Doesn't really matter, we'll have fun! Cool



2009-02-19 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1970735

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
gtkelly - 2009-02-19 11:17 AM

Lunchtime swim. 44:52 - 1700 yds continuous swim at a very easy pace. Still working my way back into higher intensity levels.

As usual after swimming I am starving. Goal for the afternoon is to not eat everything in my path.  Wonder why I am more hungry after swimming than running\biking.

Tonight I'm 'running' with my son and some kids from his cross country team. I'll see them at the start and end anyway! (They won't leave without me because I am the only one that can drive AND I have the pizza money!).  BTW - the triathlon thing is the only way I've found to be cool to high schoolers. Or they're just flattering me so I continue to feed them. Doesn't really matter, we'll have fun! Cool


 Appetite and core temperature -- when you core temp drops hunger is triggered.  By staying warm and snacking (healthy) before/after your swim you can manage the increase in appetite.

 I was looking for a reference but can't find it -- you might be able to google something if you want more info.  Basically, stay well hydrated, and warm, to help manage appetite.


2009-02-20 6:28 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

brick #2 went reasonably well.

transition wasnt as smooth and relaxed as brick #1.

seemed scattered and rushed.  will do a better job simplifying next time.

but, independent of the transition itself (drying off, changing et al) both workouts went extremely well, and i had an easy time of it physically transitioning from the swim into the bike.

i was a little too cool coming on to the bike, so depending on the weather, next time i will throw on a jacket or something.  [i wore my zoot suit and it sleeveless]  maybe ill get arm warmers.

cold and wet, not my favorite.

AND my socks gathered quite a bit of water.  theyre pretty thick running socks.  my spin instructor says that in a TRI (except for 1/2 IMs and IMs) she doesnt wear socks, but has gotten blisters that she doesnt seem to mind getting.

im not sure ill go sockless, but maybe a thinner pair of socks will help, something less absorbent.

the sloshing was a bit annoying at first, but was completely ignored once i got into the wrkout.

and as for the swim, WEE HEEE FOR ME! 

longest continuous swim to date. 

the swim was 31 minutes total.

i did 800 in 14:56. 

then, after the first 800 i got lost in the swim and didnt keep track of my laps (since it was time and not distance it didnt matter much) -  though, im fairly confident i did at least A MILE total if not a little more.  [JOHN.  almost that 2000 milestone!]

overall.  Brick #2 was a DECENT brick.  id give it a 7 1/2 out of 10  

the transition was not as smooth and relaxed as Brick #1, but all in all it was GREAT experience. 

im glad that i took the time to dial back my other workouts so that i had energy at my disposal to do the bricks.  they were an important milestone to me, and did a lot to boost my confidence and i got some really valuable information on what to focus on going forward. 

its one thing to think about tri transitions, its another thing to actually do them.

feel even MORE RACE READY now than ever before.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-20 6:37 AM
2009-02-20 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Had fitness assessment at the gym today.

stats were height 186cm weight 88.3kg BMI 25.2 and BP 128/83

then did 4 mins on a stepper to a beep and had recovery HR taken after 30 seconds which was 75

Apparently I have excellent fitness. Which is nice.

The long slow runs are obviously working!!!

2009-02-20 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
20m 800.00 meters 02m 30s /100 meters
10:30 AM  

Last day of recovery week. In the water I focused on: slowing down, biliteral breathing (2 stroke breathing only allowed after big gulp of water), reach out on pre-stroke entry, breathing with hips, and touch toes when taking a breathe. Did the following intervals on 15-20 seconds rest: 2x50, 1x100, 2x200, 1x100, 2x50. Real good swim for me.

20m 1.95 miles 10m 16s/Mi
11:00 AM  

Run felt much better today. Run/walk ratio 10:0.75. HR at 139 both times. Feel good about coming out of the recovery week and getting into the new plan.

Edited by junthank 2009-02-20 11:20 AM
2009-02-20 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

4.5 hrs downhill skiing (yesterday)

24 min X 1000 yrds - swim today



2009-02-20 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1972375

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Pashda - 2009-02-20 7:58 AM

Had fitness assessment at the gym today.

stats were height 186cm weight 88.3kg BMI 25.2 and BP 128/83

then did 4 mins on a stepper to a beep and had recovery HR taken after 30 seconds which was 75

Apparently I have excellent fitness. Which is nice.

The long slow runs are obviously working!!!

DAVE.  those are some STATS.  WAY TO GO YOU.

OBVIOUSLY youre doing something right, FOR SURE!


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-20 4:36 PM
2009-02-21 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

a-typical schedule

no 2 hr endurance spin, what w the bricks this week, just how the schedule worked out.

25 min swim, 31 min run

1050 yd total:  150s in the pool; 100 freestyle, 50 backstroke 1:30 min rest at the 750 yd mark (continuous swim up to that point) then 300 yd (continuous) to finish.

ran w the running club this morning.

did 7:1 run/walk intervals.  steady heartrate.

steady as i go.

[sorry for the confusion/editing, i re-read this post, and i thought, that isnt right....must have water in my head ]

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-21 5:32 PM
2009-02-21 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
2h 00m 30.00 miles 15.00 Mi/hr
7:30 AM  

Little chilly outside this morning so I did the workout on the spinner. Good ride, got a little tired at the end but it was a good tired. Did 6x3 minutes intervals of standup hill climb, 6x3 minutes intervals 85 rpm cadence. Thru in a couple extra 2 minute standup hill climbs at the end because my rear was getting a little sore. Overall, great way to start off the new plan. HR stayed in the 120-132 range on all 65 & 85 rpm intervals. For the first time I was able to hit the 140 HR cap after a 3 minute standup climb. That only occured the first time - the others where all in the 144-146 range.

2009-02-21 12:05 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Hill wprkout again but I used my BRAIN this time. Kept it in Z3 just touching Z4 as I completed a few of the bigger hills. When in Z4 I just barely went into it this time. Can't believe the difference in how I feel. And I checked time - killing myself the last time around bought me about half a mile farther in the same time. I seriously doubt that lower effort will be what keeps me off the podium.

Heading out to swim in a few minutes.

Anyway, 46 min bike, all hills. 12.24 miles

HR Data:

Avg 147

High 164

Z1   0:19

Z2  4:06

Z3 35:23

Z4 8:26

2009-02-21 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

1:15 min on the trainer....


2009-02-21 3:58 PM
in reply to: #1974731

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
gtkelly - 2009-02-21 11:05 AM

Hill wprkout again but I used my BRAIN this time. Kept it in Z3 just touching Z4 as I completed a few of the bigger hills. When in Z4 I just barely went into it this time. Can't believe the difference in how I feel. And I checked time - killing myself the last time around bought me about half a mile farther in the same time. I seriously doubt that lower effort will be what keeps me off the podium.

Heading out to swim in a few minutes.

Anyway, 46 min bike, all hills. 12.24 miles

HR Data:

Avg 147

High 164

Z1   0:19

Z2  4:06

Z3 35:23

Z4 8:26

 Glad it went well for you.  If you are going to drill-it in a race then save those efforts for the second half of the run leg -- specifically about 55-75% of the way through the run.  Handfuls of time to be taken there.


2009-02-22 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

standard fare run today.

25 mins on the indoor track.

7:1 run/walk intervals again.  i was 'ready' to bump it up.

kept HR in chk, though there were moments when it shot up higher than i intended

seems to happen so easily, usually when i wasnt 'paying attention' and started speeding up/working hard unnecessarily.

learning to be mindful where im at in the run AND to employ subtle adjustments necessary to bring my HR in 'the zone' when i slip out.

getting the hang of it, more and more. 

working towards being more consistent [less and less 'swings']  and imprinting what 129/139/149+ FEELS like

steady as i go.

as for the week itself, went so much better than i had anticipated.

G. your advice was GOLDEN.  honestly, made all the difference when i gave myself permission to do what you suggested:  to take it down, dial it back, stay active but unload.  to not make the bricks into something more important than they were.

as i posted earlier, i learned VALUABLE lessons this week that i most certainly take forward w me into the rest of my trng and life even.

and though the coming days i know more grief awaits, its doesnt seem as daunting as before.

on to BRICK WK. #2

a life, well lived.  that's my HONORARIUM.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-22 12:29 PM
2009-02-22 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
18m 54s 2.00 miles 09m 27s/Mi
2:30 PM  2 Mile Run
Climb: 7 feet

Let's see - My son decided that it was more important to play football with his buddies than work on his tennis game. So I had to figure out some type of exercise for "family" day. Since none of my family was around I decided to run my original 2 mile course (the place where I started all this madness). During the run a couple thoughts came across my mind:

1) How easy the run was. I struggled with this 3 months ago. I could of gone tons further today but I know I have 2 weeks of harder training ahead.

2) How my body is no longer sore. I constantly struggled with sore knees and pulled calf muscles. No more. This was after going 30 miles on the bike yesterday.

3) The urge to exercise. I don't know what's causing this. Is it my mind telling me that I'm going to feel lethargic the rest of the day if I don't? Is it my body/mind needing a fix (i.e. the chemicals my body is releasing when I exercise)? I don't know - but I do know that going forward with my plan I have got to resist the need to push too hard.

O - G - one more thing to report. My wife refuses to get in the pool and train - so I don't think I'll ever be able to convince her to do a TRI. However, I'm happy to report she is now a Run/Walk convert!!! She did a 10K yesterday utilizing Run/Walk.

Edited by junthank 2009-02-22 2:56 PM
2009-02-22 6:08 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

33 minutes...3.3 miles....nothing special but Got R dun.....



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