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2010-07-30 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3014666

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Extreme Veteran
Maple Ridge
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-07-30 11:58 AM
corstan - 2010-07-30 1:55 PM
Mrschach - 2010-07-30 2:22 PM Quiet in here today!

Question for you guys...should I use my garmin on Sunday?  I have the 405 and I don't think it has the multi sport function.  Not sure how I would switch it from the bike to the run.  I was thinking of just using it for the run to keep an eye on my pace.  I can't wear it for the swim. 

I have a 305 and it does multisport, I don't use it on the swim because it's not waterproof, but I have a mounting kit for my bike, that allows me to clip on my garmin and after I hop of the bike, I have a velcro strap that it clips into, so it's an easy transition from the bike to run. 

LockOut - 2010-07-30 11:27 AM Sandra, sorry, I meant to respond to your last message.  That sounds like a hell of a workout.  I have a bridge going over a highway that I use for my run sometimes, so I know what you are talking about.  It is brutal!  How are you liking CF?  I have been considering looking into it, and my gf is thinking about doing it, too.  She wants to use it as help for her tris, which I told her not to do, because she just needs more s/b/r training.  What do you think of it (as both just training, and as tri training)? 

I've only done 2 of these crossfit workout so far, I'm supposed t be doing 3 per week, but I just don't have the time to work that in with every else I'm doing.  I'm also modifying the workouts quite a bit, subsituting skipping for running until the track near my house is finished.  I ended up doing 20 pushups, 10 pullups and 20 prisoner squats with one minute of skipping in between sets for 35 minutes and my arms were pretty much rubber. 

I think keeping a strong core helps in all aspects of tri training and injury prevention.

What do you have to do to switch the sport mode from bike to run?  On the 405, it is not as simple as pushing a button.

I hold down the mode button for a few seconds and a selection screen comes up, that allows you to switch between bike and run quickly.

2010-07-30 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Hey all!  Boards have been busy.  didn't get my workout in as planned today.  Wanted to get up early and run before we hit the road, but didn't happen.  We traveled to Chicago today for the next 5 days.  The weather is soooo much better than in St. Louis.  I am going to get up tomorrow morning and run OUTSIDE!  I am so excited to do that.  I am planning on getting my workouts in while I am here even though it is a semi-vacation.  Hope everyone is enjoying there Friday.  So glad it is finally the weekend!
2010-07-30 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3014649

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Sorry I gotta make this quick.  If you are going to the pool tomorrow I would get in some kind of run tonight.  Then while at the pool do some water jogging to loosen them up.  That should be enough to get them moving but save the pounding. 

I've been in a total funk, but have been doing a lot of needed work around the house.  Been sweating my arse off but just not in the triathlon way.  Gotta run but plan on getting on tomorrow and will catch up with everyone. 

Mrschach - 2010-07-30 1:51 PM Oh and as usual my week did not go as I had planned!  I decided to snooze this morning instead of get up for a run.  Now I am wondering what I should do.  I was going to run this evening and take tomorrow as a rest day.  My only concern about that is my legs are usually tight after a rest day.  So am I better off resting today and hitting the road for a few easy miles in the morning?  Or do I run this evening and take a rest day tomorrow?  I will be active tomorrow either way.  I have to hit up the expo in the morning to get all my stuff.  Not sure about the rest of the day but I am sure I will be in the pool with the boys for a few hours in the afternoon.  Please tell me what to do oh wise ones!!
2010-08-01 4:32 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Well, here I go!!  River cast is green and the temp is 81!  They shortened the swim to 600 yards from a half mile.  THere are three tris in the river here in Philly every year.  A guy went missing at the tri back in June and did not surface until the following day.  The directors of SheRox are concerned about limited visibility at a certain area of the swim course so they modified it!  The course is the same for all three tris and they said the course will be changed for all of the races next year!  I did find out the river drops to 15 feet as soon as we get in so that is making me kinda nervous!
2010-08-02 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan, how did it go? 

Sorry I've been a little non-existent lately.  Got into a no workout funk, but I used it to recharge and got an amazing amount of work done around the house.  Finally got a ride in yesterday as I met up with a buddy.  Plan to go for a run today.  We officially hit 100 yesterday according to the news, but my little home temp gauge has shown a few 100 days already and hit 104 yesterday.  Can't really complain as I can't remember going this long in the year before hitting 100.  But it definitely has an effect on planning and implementing the workouts.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and I'll be checking in on ya soon.
2010-08-02 9:07 AM
in reply to: #3017843

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Everyone needs to recharge the batteries every once in a while!  You don't have to apologize for that!

Meggan, please do update us!  Hopefully it went awesome!

I have a bit of a discouraging, but not all together bad weekend.  I did another OWS yesterday.  It was my gf's lake's regatta weekend, and they have a mile swim (I think it's actually about 0.75mi), and I decided to do it with her and her mom.  I did it in 23:41, which is right around 2'00"/100m, so that's fine (although I have been swimming faster than that in the pool, so not THAT good).  Problem is that, when I got out of the water, I almost blacked out again.  I managed to keep my consciousness this time (I was in front of a crowd, after all), but it was close.  After doing some research, it appears that cold water in the ears can cause dizziness, and that makes sense to me, in my situation.  I got it for my 2 OWS, but not my race.  During my race, I had my swim cap on, covering my ears.  I am going to get some ear plugs and see if that works.  I'm hoping that it does, because it is NOT a pleasant feeling at all.

I hope everyone had a good weekend, and has a killer week this week!  I am tapering for my race on Saturday.  My gf's friends did the race last year, and said that there are only 2 hills to speak of on the bike, and 1 right out of T2 on the run, so I am feeling pretty confident about it.  If I get the same time that I got on my last race (which was 20k of rolling hills with a few pretty big ones for the bike), I will place 30th OA (according to last year's results) and get 3rd in my AG.  Hopefully I have a good race.

My goal for the race is to do well, and have a faster run.  I'm aiming for about 4'40"/km or so.  I have been able to keep my running pace up around 4'30", so for the race, I won't keep THAT pace, but I hope to be moving pretty well.  

What does everyone have going on this week? 

2010-08-02 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Yesterday was great!!  I will do a race report this afternoon when I get a few minutes.  Mondays tend to be a little busy here at the office.  The swim was great!  I can't wait to do another swim in the Schuylkill!  Like I posted on Saturday, they did shorten the swim because of visibility.  After the drowning at the Philly Tri in June, they were trying to be a little more cautious.  I am seriously starting to look at bikes now but we don't have that much extra cash lying around.  Gotta figure something out!  My parents said they will give me cash whenever I am ready to buy one.  Whatever they would have spent for my birthday and Christmas, they will just give me in cash.  We will see!  I am going to call and talk to one of the owners at the local bike shop today. 

I know what I need to do if I want to "race" rather than just participate! 

Funny story, I walked to the swim start with the woman that was racked next to me.  She was in my age group but the wave after me.  We chatted for awhile and she asked who was there watching me.  I said just my husband and one of his buddies was coming over to watch some people he knew.  I said about him being a chiropractor and really helped me out by fitting me for orthotics.  Yeah, the guy is her on again off again boyfried for the past three years and she knew exactly who I was!  Knew my last name and everything from him.  We all got some good laughs out of that.

The bike course was a 2 loop course.  At the end of the loop there was a nice hill and I was up over 25 mph.  I figured I would be able to coast a good 1/2 mile going into the turn around.  Boy was I wrong!  There was about 20 geese crossing the street right at the bottom of the hill.  We were all so pissed!  At least no one crashed because of them.  After that, my husband said they had people stand there to keep them off the road!
2010-08-02 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I just saw that BT has added a custom training plan creator.  It is still in testing stages, but check it out as it seems to be a pretty useful new tool. 

You can provide feedback on this creator in the forum HERE.
2010-08-02 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Meggan, glad you had a good time at your race!  And good luck with the bike search.  It is fun but can be a little overwhelming at times.  If you see some bikes, post them up on here and ask about them and we can try to help out with determining if it is a good deal or not.  One of the biggest things is to get measured/fitted for the size first, then you can buy a bike online if you choose to.  Any thoughts on whether you would like to get a new or used one?
2010-08-02 2:05 PM
in reply to: #3018637

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-08-02 12:35 PM Meggan, glad you had a good time at your race!  And good luck with the bike search.  It is fun but can be a little overwhelming at times.  If you see some bikes, post them up on here and ask about them and we can try to help out with determining if it is a good deal or not.  One of the biggest things is to get measured/fitted for the size first, then you can buy a bike online if you choose to.  Any thoughts on whether you would like to get a new or used one?

I have no idea what I am looking at!  I will definitely consider a used bike.  I went into my LBS last fall and have a ballpark idea for a basic starter road bike.  If I can find a used one that is in good condition I would go for it.  I do have to get measured first.  I need to start doing some research because I don't want to go into this having no clue!
2010-08-02 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Looks like the mentoring season is OVER!!!!!  Finally!  Y'all were all such a pain in the rear and I can now get some me time!  Innocent


So, I am surprised it is ending this early as I don't remember that from past years.  The next session isn't until Dec and I've really enjoyed this group and all the interaction.  You are welcome to go your way but I would love to stay on and see this through for a few more months. 

2010-08-02 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3019115

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
That does seem odd, but I will definitely be sticking around!  I would love everyone here to stay with me!!!  You guys have all been awesome over the last couple months.  I'm actually surprised it's only been 3-4 months!

n another note, I am considering signing up for another tri.  I have one this weekend, and there is another here in Montreal next weekend.  Should I do it?  I'm also considering a bike race in September.  What are your guys' thoughts?  It's still just a standard sprint, so I know I can do it.  Might be nice to do one closer to home... (It's still over an hour away
2010-08-02 5:42 PM
in reply to: #3019115

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-08-02 3:12 PM Looks like the mentoring season is OVER!!!!!  Finally!  Y'all were all such a pain in the rear and I can now get some me time!  Innocent


So, I am surprised it is ending this early as I don't remember that from past years.  The next session isn't until Dec and I've really enjoyed this group and all the interaction.  You are welcome to go your way but I would love to stay on and see this through for a few more months. 
  Considering I made you do this, you are not getting rid of me yet!!
2010-08-02 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Ok, my aunt found this bike today!  It is the right size for me and the guy sent an email with more pics!  Any input??
2010-08-03 7:27 AM
in reply to: #3019531

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Mrschach - 2010-08-02 7:09 PM Ok, my aunt found this bike today!  It is the right size for me and the guy sent an email with more pics!  Any input??

Sorry, I can't go on craigslist at work.  Apparently it's a "personals and dating" site.  Sorry, can't be of much help!  I bought my bike online, and I really didn't know much about bikes at all.  I pretty much went, test rode it, made sure it was comfy, made sure the brakes and shifters worked, that everything seemed to be in good working condition and there were no cracks or anything in the frame (carbon frame).  I still don't know a TON about bikes, but I wouldn't really do anything differently. 

So I have an etiquette question for you all.  There is a lady who swims at my pool who doesn't understand the lane speed system.  She is always in the far left lane, no matter what the board says that lane's speed is (either medium or fast, depending on the day).  On a good day, on the laps that she is doing front crawl, and maybe back crawl, she can MAYBE be in the medium lane.  And she only does FC/BC for about 200-400m.  She is there for a good 1+hrs every time I have gone.  When she's not doing FC/BC, she is doing legs only, legs only dolphin kick, slow breast stroke, SCULLING, different things like that.  When she is doing those laps, she should easily be in the slow lane.  I know I am not the only one who is annoyed by her.  She gets in EVERYONE'S way, doesn't move out of the way when you are trying to pass, doesn't stop at the end of the lane to let you pass, etc.  Last night, I complained about her for the second time.  The life guards talked to her (again), and then SHE complained to the front desk.  As I was leaving, she was there, talking to the desk manager, saying that they changed the lane markings on her 1/2 way through the swim (which, yes, yesterday, it was changed, but today wasn't the only day that there was a problem), and that it's really unfortunate because the lifeguards are making it less fun for her to swim, blah blah blah.  I didn't get involved as I heard her complaining, because she was clearly very french and I am not confident enough to get in an argument in french yet.  It didn't sound like she was going to change her ways, and she was just going to swim in the left lane, no matter what it is marked.  What would you guys do at this point?  I know I'm not the only one who is fed up with her.  Would you just go about with your swim, and if she gets bumped a few times, she gets bumped?  I just don't want to come down doing, say, front crawl as she is sculling feet first and come with a hand down on her face.  I want everyone to swim happily, safely and courteously.  I don't know what the next step is.
2010-08-03 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3020237

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
LockOut - 2010-08-03 7:27 AM
Mrschach - 2010-08-02 7:09 PM Ok, my aunt found this bike today!  It is the right size for me and the guy sent an email with more pics!  Any input??

Sorry, I can't go on craigslist at work.  Apparently it's a "personals and dating" site.  Sorry, can't be of much help!  I bought my bike online, and I really didn't know much about bikes at all.  I pretty much went, test rode it, made sure it was comfy, made sure the brakes and shifters worked, that everything seemed to be in good working condition and there were no cracks or anything in the frame (carbon frame).  I still don't know a TON about bikes, but I wouldn't really do anything differently. 

So I have an etiquette question for you all.  There is a lady who swims at my pool who doesn't understand the lane speed system.  She is always in the far left lane, no matter what the board says that lane's speed is (either medium or fast, depending on the day).  On a good day, on the laps that she is doing front crawl, and maybe back crawl, she can MAYBE be in the medium lane.  And she only does FC/BC for about 200-400m.  She is there for a good 1+hrs every time I have gone.  When she's not doing FC/BC, she is doing legs only, legs only dolphin kick, slow breast stroke, SCULLING, different things like that.  When she is doing those laps, she should easily be in the slow lane.  I know I am not the only one who is annoyed by her.  She gets in EVERYONE'S way, doesn't move out of the way when you are trying to pass, doesn't stop at the end of the lane to let you pass, etc.  Last night, I complained about her for the second time.  The life guards talked to her (again), and then SHE complained to the front desk.  As I was leaving, she was there, talking to the desk manager, saying that they changed the lane markings on her 1/2 way through the swim (which, yes, yesterday, it was changed, but today wasn't the only day that there was a problem), and that it's really unfortunate because the lifeguards are making it less fun for her to swim, blah blah blah.  I didn't get involved as I heard her complaining, because she was clearly very french and I am not confident enough to get in an argument in french yet.  It didn't sound like she was going to change her ways, and she was just going to swim in the left lane, no matter what it is marked.  What would you guys do at this point?  I know I'm not the only one who is fed up with her.  Would you just go about with your swim, and if she gets bumped a few times, she gets bumped?  I just don't want to come down doing, say, front crawl as she is sculling feet first and come with a hand down on her face.  I want everyone to swim happily, safely and courteously.  I don't know what the next step is.

Funny story about Craigslist.  My husband is a restaurant manager in Philly.  He is now on Univ of Penn's campus but prior to that he was in the middle of the gayborhood.  Yes, Philly has actually named a section of the city that.  One day he calls me at work and asks me to get on the "Missed Encounters" section of CL.  Some dude was looking for my husband!  He said he was in Cosi (the restaurant) on whatever date for a few hours with two other people.  He described what my husband looked like, what he was wearing, and that he had a nice butt.  He posted this on a Saturday evening (same day he was in the store) and said he was only in town until Monday but would like to get together to pleasure him.  This was about a week after that one of John's employees found this gem so John was able to laugh it off.  The CL ad was posted in his kitchen at work for a good year.  He wrote on it "At least I still got it!"

About the woman...if nothing else is working, I would swim a nice 200 yards of butterfly while she is in the lane.  That should get her out of there!  I am not nice when nothing else is working though.  I, uh, kinda pushed a few people out of my way Sunday in the swim though.

2010-08-03 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3019531

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
It looks like a good bike.  Rear derailleur is shimano 105 which is very good.  i would ask what year/model it is then you can check around on the internet to see if it is a good price.  I think it would be very hard to beat if it is in good shape and with all the extra goodies they are including.  I would also ask about any damage, if it has ever been crashed, or if there is just anything wrong with it in general.  Lot of people won't tell you those things unless you specifically ask.  If they already sent you more pictures that is usually a good sign.  I would also ask why such low mileage.  Like Pete, I would arrange to meet in a public place and let him know you would like to ride it a bit and test it out. 

Mrschach - 2010-08-02 6:09 PM Ok, my aunt found this bike today!  It is the right size for me and the guy sent an email with more pics!  Any input??
2010-08-03 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3020509

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Extreme Veteran
Montreal, QC
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-08-03 10:09 AM It looks like a good bike.  Rear derailleur is shimano 105 which is very good.  i would ask what year/model it is then you can check around on the internet to see if it is a good price.  I think it would be very hard to beat if it is in good shape and with all the extra goodies they are including.  I would also ask about any damage, if it has ever been crashed, or if there is just anything wrong with it in general.  Lot of people won't tell you those things unless you specifically ask.  If they already sent you more pictures that is usually a good sign.  I would also ask why such low mileage.  Like Pete, I would arrange to meet in a public place and let him know you would like to ride it a bit and test it out. 

Mrschach - 2010-08-02 6:09 PM Ok, my aunt found this bike today!  It is the right size for me and the guy sent an email with more pics!  Any input??

I also always ask why they are selling.  Just out of interest, and it might give you an idea about the condition, or the type of person.  If they don't give a good answer, sometimes it puts up a red flag in my mind (depending on the item compared to the price).  Like, if someone is selling a "good condition Cervelo" for $400, and they claim they just are trying to get rid of it, I might think twice about it...  just would seem shady. 
2010-08-03 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3020237

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Pete, tough call.  First, avoid her lane if at all possible.  Two, complain to management, not just the lifeguards.  Get others to also complain to management (strength in numbers).  I think once management gets enough complaints they will eventually do something about it.  I assume you are circle swimming?  If it is just you and her, see if you can ask her to just split the lane instead.  Do you know anyone else in the pool?  Get some buddies to all go and swim in the same lane.  With that many people in with her she might move or get out sooner.  Just throwing out random thoughts here!  I would just swim my normal workout and if she happens to get bumped then so be it.  Sometimes that is what is needed for people to "get it".  Treat it as practice for dealing with the bumping in the tri swim!
2010-08-03 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
I found this one too.

The first guy said he is selling because he is moving but that really does not explain why he is selling.  The one I just posted said his wife just never got into riding.  Thanks so much for helping me out with this!
2010-08-03 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Rant -

I got home yesterday with every intention of running.  Back story...about 2 weeks ago I bought a new bike jersey online (very funny jerseys).  It arrived last week but it was too snug, so I mailed it back (and paid for shipping).  I got an email from someone at the company saying that they received it, however the size I needed was on back order and wouldn't be shipped for a week or two.  He offered to send me an even bigger size immediately, but I told him no that I only needed one size bigger and don't mind waiting a week.  Well, the very next day I got an email saying my jersey had been shipped.  Seemed kinda weird but didn't think much of it.  Back to yesterday.

Got home and got all my running gear set up and was minutes from leaving when the jersey arrived and I tried it on.  It was massive.  Like hanging off me like a loose t-shirt massive.  I looked at the tag and it is the size I asked for, but there is no way there is that much difference in the two sizes.  I take a closer look at the tag.  The new one was kinda crooked and just barely sewn on.  I lift it up and noticed that there used to be another tag under it and it was ripped/cut off.  There was still that little bit of material that stays stuck in the threading.  So I am pissed.  It appears that they decided they could trick me and send me the two sizes bigger with the smaller size tag haphazardly sewn on.  I refuse to pay for shipping to return it.  I then spent the evening trying to call them only to find out they are in Florida and had closed for the day.  Then spent time finding contact information for them and wrote out a pretty nasty email. 

By this time wife was getting home from the gym and (since I cook dinner) it was time to get dinner started.  Anyway, I hate to bad mouth this company until I get this resolved but I am still pretty furious.  I have yet to hear a response.  I know this is just an excuse for not running, but I really did have the best intentions. 

2010-08-03 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3020595

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Another nice ride.  I can see this one is a Trek 1200, which is a good model, especially with the upgrade to the Ultegra shifters and rear derailleur.  You really can't go wrong with Trek frames if they are kept up and maintained.  Still, ask all the same questions and remember this one doesn't come with as much "stuff" including the pedals.  So, you need to factor in the extra expenses.  You might be able to talk this guy down a little and explain you have a set budget and would still need to buy pedals, bike bag, etc. 

Mrschach - 2010-08-03 9:27 AM I found this one too.

The first guy said he is selling because he is moving but that really does not explain why he is selling.  The one I just posted said his wife just never got into riding.  Thanks so much for helping me out with this!
2010-08-03 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3020696

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
chichitao - 2010-08-03 10:01 AM Another nice ride.  I can see this one is a Trek 1200, which is a good model, especially with the upgrade to the Ultegra shifters and rear derailleur.  You really can't go wrong with Trek frames if they are kept up and maintained.  Still, ask all the same questions and remember this one doesn't come with as much "stuff" including the pedals.  So, you need to factor in the extra expenses.  You might be able to talk this guy down a little and explain you have a set budget and would still need to buy pedals, bike bag, etc. 

Mrschach - 2010-08-03 9:27 AM I found this one too.

The first guy said he is selling because he is moving but that really does not explain why he is selling.  The one I just posted said his wife just never got into riding.  Thanks so much for helping me out with this!

Forgot to mention that...he wrote me this in an email "If you are interested I have a bike computer, frame pump, saddle bag, and I can throw in the pedals shown and a brand new pair of shimano mtn shoes (men's size 8.2) if they work for you."

I asked my mom today how much cash she would give me to spend on a bike.  She told me on Sunday she would give me money for birthday (December) and Christmas if I was ok with that.  I told her if she wanted to think about it and let me know later that was fine.  So I am waiting on that.  My aunt told me the same thing.  This might just work out!!
2010-08-03 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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South Jersey
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
My mouth is still kinda on the floor about that company doing what they did with the jersey.  It is not like you were going to cancel the order!  You were fine waiting on it.  Have you heard anything back yet?
2010-08-03 10:08 AM
in reply to: #2776397

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: chichitao's group - FULL!
Well, that definitely makes it seem more legit.  Are you sure about the 56cm sizing?

And no, nothing from the company yet.

Edited by chichitao 2010-08-03 10:11 AM
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