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2013-07-28 11:31 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Thanks Samantha, unfortunately 2 more build cycles so 4 more rides 100 miles +.... next long run is 15 then 16 17 and 18 miles hopefully I can hit those around 9:30 ish.

So looking at the Aero helmets they range in weight from around 510 grams, 480, 410, 340 and the Evade is 289 grams. So ya it is probably gona sell well with all the aerodynamics of a full aero helmet but the lightest best vented aero helmet on the market.... it will be the new aero helmet for the next 5 years I am betting.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-07-29 12:12 AM

2013-07-28 11:44 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Oh man Steve! Hang in there. Glad you get to go home to AC now. Can't believe you didn't already have it. Praying!
2013-07-29 12:15 AM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
The house only gets up to about 85 F ish when it is 100F out, and that is only for about 3 hours before the outdoor temps drop again so it was marginal. But 75F in the farthest room from the AC is much better and right under the ac it is 60F. We got a swamp cooler so 25% energy use of what a regular ac would cost to run. We end up running it from around 3 to 6 pm each day when it is warm ish out.
2013-07-29 11:52 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
My desire to keep hit the "Register!" button on races can't be stopped.

Today I did it for Ironman Lake Placid, 2014.....but I was too late.

(D*#n meeting at work ran over 10 minutes, and thats all it took to sell out).

2013-07-29 1:41 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike, sorry re: IM Lake Placid . We need to work on a list of get out of the meeting early excuses for you.

Samantha, congrats on the new job! And so glad you are getting involved more socially as well. So very good to hear from you, but no way should you EVER feel guilty about how often (or not) you check in here. Real life trumps virtual life .

Steve, the "distance" between 75 and 85 degrees is huge as far as how it feels. Bet you and your family are going to really enjoy that AC. And just in time for your last two builds. As the church lady from Saturday Night Live would say "How conveeeeeeniiient!" .

1st PT session this morning. An hour and a half that included estim, stretching, foam rolling and deep tissue massage. Hopeful about getting things headed in the right direction. Went to the pool at lunch, and was talking to the pool director about the masters program about to start up there, and she introduced me to another gal who has done masters swimming and such. She invited me to swim with her, so we did one of the workouts she had in her bag (well I did most of it...she was a bit faster so I skipped a couple laps so as not to hold her up). Turns out she is one of the local HS swim coaches. Had a good time and enjoyed the experience of swimming with someone else.
2013-07-29 2:32 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good afternoon everyone.

I think Samantha hit how I feel with her first post on the last page. Life has taken me on a heck of a journey workwise but I think I'm finally out of the weeds. I spent the last week up in North Conway NH where we have a timeshare. Most of the doubles etc I was working was to be able to get that time off for that vacation. I loved being up in the mountains!! Its so beautiful and the terrain just invites activity! We got home last night after visiting my wife's uncle up in Maine for most of the has been a get reacclimated to homelife day.

I've been reading about everyones exploits and I'm very happy and envious of everyones work and accomplishments! I've got a long way to go in a short amount of time to be able to race decently in August/September. I should be able to do the group bike ride tomorrow (as long as they have it!) and I'll be sporting a new Pearl Izumi cycling shirt. There is a PI outlet store in N. Conway so I stopped by and picked up a jersey. I was hoping to get something native to NH but as I shopped I realized that wasn't going to happen. I ended up with a bright lime sleeveless jersey...and now I won't be made fun of for being non aerodynamic in my T-shirt!

That's about it for now. Mike, I'll see you in September! I'll be registering for the OLY race in Mashpee in a few days...I just got my refund check back for the HIM I missed out on. Everyone just keep doing what you're doing....God willing I'll meet your activity level sooner rather than later!

2013-07-29 3:43 PM
in reply to: medeiros13

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Very quick checkin from the beach. I was a moron yesterday and this milk-toast skin got burned so I have to stay out of the sun completely until we go home tomorrow. Went from shady spot to shady spot this morn and early afternoon and now there is no shade so I'm online.

Vaca great for the running tho. And I have gotten back in the pool. It's weird but hubby who could NOT swim a year ago is actually helping me a lot with the swimming. I've got 40+ bad years of bad swim form to undo and I've got discouraged (Carol you asked a while back whether we had done swim lessons. Hubby had to because he couldn't swim but the few clinics I have gone to have hurt my feelings so much that I don't want to go to swim lessons, clinics, master classes, etc. I know, I know, I need to put my big girl pants on and just get over it.) So now I've just decided that I'm going to work in short sessions on my breathing and my flutter kick. Once I correct that, I may be willing to start lessons or something.

Samantha, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on the new job.

Go, Steve, Go on the builds. Looks like your run speed is coming back and I'm so happy for you.

Ok, off to get ready for an early dinner. Then maybe the sun will go behind clouds or buildings and I can hit the shady pool (and hot tub, Yea!). Have a good week everyone.
2013-07-29 7:19 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Mike - So sorry about Lake Placid! IMCDA is calling your name

Jay - Yay for mountains! I couldn't imagine not living where I live and looking out and seeing them reaching to the sky. I'm glad you got the time off you wanted and were able to be out in creation! Your new jersey sounds awesome. I remember when I got a new swimming suit that actually fit me and didn't create drag in the water. It made a significant difference in my swimming speed. Not sure if it'd be the same on the bike, but you'll find out.

Carol - Sounds like your PT is getting in there and making things happen. Good for you!

Pam - HOpe your burned skin heals fast. I hate being sunburned so much. Glad you are running and getting in the pool. And I am so sorry you have been pushed to feel so bad in a swimming class. Without knowing all the details I have to say "that is wrong in every way and never ever should have happened! I'm so sorry!" I do hope you get to a place where you will step back in with confidence - not because you are a great swimmer but because you know how valuable you are and no matter what the instructor or anyone else says or does will not rock your boat.

So my next big adventure is looking for my own place. I've lived with other people for 15 years and I'm ready to gain some autonomy. Well I thought I found a place last week and it fell through at the last minute. I was very disappointed even though I know how God shuts doors because there is something better. So today as I was leaving work I stopped to chat with a co-worker and it turns out she is moving. It just so happens that the place she is living has all the things I want in a place, and it is exactly the price I can afford. So, I don't know what will happen, but as we were talking we both acknowledged how perfect the timing seems for both of us. I drove past it after work and it is very nice. Praying!

2013-07-30 9:03 AM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay, great to hear that you had a nice and well deserved vacation in the mountains! I agree, there is something about mountains that really draws me in. Congrats on the new cycling jersey. Good to have a nice visible color too. I went about a year on my road bike wearing running shirts and my amphipod belt, and then finally got a bike jersey. What I like about them is the storage in the back pockets. Glad the work is going to become a smaller part of life so you can fit some other things in.

Pam, so sorry you had a bad experience (or a few) with swimming instruction. Encouraging words mean so much when we are learning something new, and a good instructor knows that. As you pointed out, it is much harder to unlearn than to just learn. Floating, flutter kicking, finding your balance in the water, and practicing rotating a bit from side to side to breath sounds like a good plan.

Samantha, ha, you want my vacations, and I want to live where you do so I don't have to take them . I love reading about how your life is moving forward in such positive ways. New job, possibly new place to live away from any roommate stress. If you don't mind sharing, I'm curious about something. Do you feel like your Ironman journey helped encourage you in those things?

Not sure yet on the masters class. Was presented with another appealing option yesterday. Adult swim lessons for a very reasonable price ($60 total for 8 lessons over the course of a month). I could learn the other strokes (freestyle is all I know at this point), and she said they could also teach me to flip turn. Thinking that might be the next logical step and then join the masters swim.
2013-07-30 11:38 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Jay -- cool news about the race. For me it will be a complete 'show up and see what happens" event as I'll be 3 weeks out from my HIM and only a week out from a long, post HIM vacation. I do not anticipate any real training during that time Your vacation sounds great. Love hiking the AMC trails in NH

Samantha -- big positive vibes all around you right now. Congrats on the new job & hopefully pending new place. Hope it all works out.

Pam -- is there a local Y where you could take lessons? Sorry about the bad experience. Not exactly the best way to learn something new. And I'm highly empathetic about the sun burn. I have 'glass of milk" like skin and suffered lots of sunburns as a kid. I largely stay out of the sun when I can these days.

Steve -- the AC has to be a real blessing. How long until Tahoe?

Elena -- you on your trip now? Need a full report when you get back!

Mitch -- is your show on this week or next? What is your fav drink to make?

As for me, I had nother PT session last night, and it was more like a fitness boot camp. 1:45 minutes of stretching, strenght work, heat/ice appliation, treadmill craziness (1 min full out/1 min recovery for 16 minutes), some other things which left me a sweaty tired mess. It was enough that I logged it for training purposes . Go back Thursday. I think its helping, and making me feel like I'm on the right track. I did 5.5 miles on the run/eliptical thing this AM. Went an hour straight. Was told no road running until next week, so my runs will continue on the ellipical.
2013-07-30 2:36 PM
in reply to: Mike_D

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Whats Up Everybody!!!!!!!!!!
Been a week since last post. Good to read some great stuff.

pam- i cant stand sun burns at all!!! OUCH!!!

Steve- I echo Mike how long till Tahoe! Still posting great numbers!

Jay- Just thinking and reading about you in the mountains makes me want to go on a vacation. Sounds like a sweet Jersey! Everybody will know who you are thats for sure!

Mike- Glad PT session is going well! Keep it up!

Mitch- I am confused about the show to. When is it? Great paces on the run!

Samantha- Congrats on the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good to hear that your getting a bike in.

Well i have been getting some moderate training in. Had a 18 mile bike ride around 20 mph did some good hills work. I am working on intervals on the run this afternoon like Steve suggested. I am pumped about it. My next Tri is coming up on August 17 so getting ready!

On a personal note. We are less than 10 weeks out from having our baby!!!!! I am so Pumped!!!
have a great Tuesday!!!

2013-07-30 2:39 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Get your sleep now. You'll have very little starting soon enough
2013-07-30 3:03 PM
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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Hi, I just got the schedule this morn for my show.. Pacific time... On Ovation TV...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Thursday, August 1, 2013



Friday, August 2, 2013


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

Edited by Mitchparadise 2013-07-30 3:07 PM
2013-07-30 4:27 PM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Going to see if I can catch it tonight!!!!!

Mike- Yes the sleep thing I have heard about haha!!!
2013-07-30 8:02 PM
in reply to: jhight

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
I'll echo Mike's sentiment on getting your sleep. I'll also add some quick advice which will help later...don't pull the baby into your bed if he/she is crying. It sucks to hear your little one cry but they will go back to sleep and pulling them into bed will cause them to expect it when things go wrong. We didnt do that with our problems...did it with our daughter (God knows why) and I have a 6 year old who sleeps in my bed half the week.

I did my first bike ride in awhile tonight and it ended up being alone. I missed the ride because I thought my Magellan Switch Up died (just powered up a few minutes ago) so I ended up 10 minutes late. I texted my friend to ask them to wait....but she left her phone in the car. I did enjoy getting to know some of the Dartmouth terrain...I usually ride to my hometown to bike serious miles. The jersey made a big difference...I was surprised. I was picking up so much wind with my running shirts...who knew lol. Overall, it was probably best that I rode alone. I woke my legs up from their slumber and just enjoyed being active.

Pam: I know some others have given you swim advice...but let me add to the list of options. I swear by Total Immersion....its pricy but a workshop or an instructor who specializes in TI would be my suggestion.
2013-07-30 10:02 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
16 mile bike ride last night with a friend going on trails I didn't know where in my backyard. It was lovely! Tonight I went to a triathlete focused yoga class andgot some good stretching. It actually wasn't the greatest class I've ever been too; however, it was an opportunity to hang out with the gal I biked with and I'm excited to keep getting to know her. Went to see the duplex I told y'all about and I love it. So perfect. The gal who want to move out called her landlord and told him that she wants to move and that she found someone to move in. He said yes! So now I'll be moving into my very own place..WOOHOO! It is so very nice.

Carol - That sounds like a great swimming lesson deal. That's more than I got for $50/month; I say go for it And to answer your question, I do think training for IM is impacting me, but I can't necessarily see how it has affected me. I do know I have learned how to identify my needs and see them as something positive instead of thinking I'm asking too much or not being tough enough or whatever. Does that make sense? I'm learning how to set myself up for success in areas that really matter to me. I need my own place so I can feel freedom to have guests over whenever I want in the way that I want; therefore, the best way for me to do that is getting my own place. It's been quite liberating. And I think I've grown up and learned to push myself to do things even when I don't want to and now I know the benefits of doing that. There's really so much I could talk about. The answer is - YES!

Mike - fitness boot camp is up your alley I have never liked the elliptical, so kudos to you!

Jared - remind me, is this your first child? And it's a girl, right? I'm so excited for you. YOur new avatar is awesome! What is the distance of your tri? Lots of cool things happening with you!

Mitch - I don't have t.v. so i'll have to find out if I can catch it online. Super excited to watch. Definitely interested in knowing what your favorite drink is.

Sure good to be caught up with you all again!

2013-07-31 9:33 AM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Good morning..

Jay - Good to see you enjoying the ride...

Mike - Glad the pt is going well. Sounded like quite a workout!

So exciting Samantha! It's going to be an exciting new chapter in you life! I love the idea of a tri - based yoga class though. Flexibility is the key to injury prevention...

Jared - We're about 9 weeks from our new baby as well. Although my 3 year old isn't letting us sleep much now, its just going to get harder. Sleep while you can! that is so exciting. My daughter is absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me!

I started seeing my trainer again. The rib injury has kind of left me off balance. I haven't been able to stretch for the last four weeks and I can feel my back and body tightening up. We're working on flexibility right now and next week we will hit it hard. He's going to help me train injury free and hard for the next four weeks so I can have a good race in Sept...

I don't think my show aired last night...I think this Thursday. I did find the trailer though...

right now my favorite drink is one of my classics. My Ginger-Basil Mojito. Fresh Limes, ginger and Basil muddled up. Add simple syrup and rum. Top with Soda water. All fresh ingredients make a huge difference. It's a low calorie healthy version. (yes, I love using basil and fresh herbs in my drinks) Farm to Bar...
2013-07-31 12:50 PM
in reply to: anthalynn

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by anthalynn
I do think training for IM is impacting me, but I can't necessarily see how it has affected me. I do know I have learned how to identify my needs and see them as something positive instead of thinking I'm asking too much or not being tough enough or whatever. Does that make sense? I'm learning how to set myself up for success in areas that really matter to me.

Samantha, that makes perfect sense on so many levels. Taking care of you is a gift to you AND to friends, family, clients, in your life. Win, win! You go girlfriend! So happy that you found a great place to live .

Mike, glad the PT is going well. Mine is pretty boring right now...stretching, easy ROM/strength stuff, estim, deep tissue massage + a round of anti-inflammatories. Feeling much better right now, but I'm not running at all or cycling with any intensity, and that is what fires it up. Going to be patient and work the program though because what I have done on my own has not worked. And I must say, part of the massage is pretty nice.

Jared, very cool that the due date is approaching, both for the baby and the tri!

Mitch, tried finding your show last night, and will try again. Farm to bar, I like it! Wow, 9 weeks to go for your new baby....we need to have some sort of virtual baby shower for you and Jared!

Jay, I totally agree with you re: Total Immersion. That is what got me going in swimming (the free you-tube videos that is). Helped me to approach swimming much differently from the thrash and push and fail method I tried at first. Funny you mention missing the ride due to a device not powering up. Saw this pic this morning, and thought you might be able to relate:

Steve, how is the next to last build going?
2013-07-31 1:35 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Dartmouth, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by squirt

Jay, I totally agree with you re: Total Immersion. That is what got me going in swimming (the free you-tube videos that is). Helped me to approach swimming much differently from the thrash and push and fail method I tried at first. Funny you mention missing the ride due to a device not powering up. Saw this pic this morning, and thought you might be able to relate:

LOL Carol! I wish you'd have sent that yesterday...everything was breaking around me and annoyed was my mood of the day. Today is a new day though and all has been repaired
2013-07-31 3:02 PM
in reply to: squirt

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Carol, I'm somewhat jealous of your PT program. I get no massage, no anti-inflammatories. I just get an a## kicking when I go.
2013-07-31 5:45 PM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
So 800 repeats today at paces: 6:31, 6:36, 6:40, 6:43, 6:52, 6:37, 6:44, 6:42. Took a lot of mental toughness, but am very happy with those paces. Not sure about adding another one next week. Then of to a 25 mile bike ride and 3500 yard swim after this post. Tahoe is 9/22 so 7-8 weeks.

Grats Samantha on the Job. Get a place with some grass for my tent 8).

Hope all the PTness goes well. My PT is usually 30 seconds with the doc saying do stuff like this...

The swim.... is just hard. I would be happy to have a coach beating on my form if it could make me faster. I muddle through on my own, so I know that after 1,000,000 yards of swimming that ya it is just hard. Just remember that we are land animals in the water. Breathing is priority 1, getting flat priority 2 and moving forward with more or less speed is priority 3 with catch being important eventually.

Put your 800 repeat times up so I/we can see how you are doing with those.. they are soooo much fun.

Oh and we got the cement for the part of the driveway where we park, walk poured today, so my wife wont have to walk over mud or boards/rocks during the wet/snow months. More $$ but it will be nice. The kids will have a decent halfish court for basketball now.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-07-31 5:49 PM

2013-07-31 7:51 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Originally posted by Baowolf

Grats Samantha on the Job. Get a place with some grass for my tent 8).

Steve - I'm not gonna lie, but a spot for tents was part of my 'must have' list. The place I moving to is going to be perfect for you to stay for CDAIM. B) I can't believe those repeat times at this point in your build cycle. That just tells me you are gonna be more ready to kill it on race day than any of us can anticipate at this point in the game. Wow!

Carol - Yes, I am learning the value of me being good and not just selfish. Your PT appointments sound like something I want to go to every day. I look forward to the day you are telling us 'I just had an awesome run!" I love the virtual baby shower idea!

2013-07-31 8:03 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Oh my, I just had a long, long post and I lost it. I don't have the heart to re-create. I'm so sorry that I'm such a dud.

Home from the beach and back to work.

Swim: 2h 05m
Run: 24h 41m - 120.6 Mi
Strength: 6h 50m
Planks: 36 min
Crunches: 2900

My post on the swim clinic was misleading and I'm so sorry. Everyone was wonderful and no one said anything discouraging. They videoed us and all I can say is that pix don't lie. That's where I got discouraged.

Steve, ridiculously fast intervals!

Samantha, Yay on the job and the new place for Steve's tent next year.

Carol and Mike, hope that the PT has you both hitting the streets and trails soon.

Love the virtual shower idea for Jared and Mitch.

Jay, glad you are back from vaca. Thanks for the Total Immersion suggestion. Hubby loves too.

Carol, LOL on the Garmin link. At the beach, I finally just learned to wear my watch and my Garmin so I could record my time before the Garmin found that blasted satellite.

Edited by Pink Socks 2013-07-31 8:29 PM
2013-07-31 11:36 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Pam - I have lost long posts before getting them posted and it makes me very upset and I rarely have the umph to retype them...bummer! Glad your swimming class wasn't as bad as I thought!

So I've been thinking about what a virtual baby shower could look like. Here is an idea. We could each gift the daddies with a quote, piece of advice, book to read, etc. Then on a specific date we can each 'send' them our gifts. What do y'all think? Shhhh...don't tell the daddies ;D
2013-08-01 1:15 AM
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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Mentor Group- Closed
Long day finished if off with a 3500 yard continuous swim (1450 breaths/strokes ,780 breaths/strokes breststroke just to be different 1:59/100 pace yups that is about where I swim sigh. With the goggles fogged the entire swim it was definitely a mental toughness day. Anyway the month is in the books lets see those numbers good bad or just plane ugly. Here are mine.

Swim: 14h 43m 28s - 33500 Yd
Bike: 43h 03m 50s - 703.52 Mi
Run: 22h 35m 28s - 140.68 Mi

Pretty happy with those numbers, had to take a couple rest days because I was just that smoked, hoping to improve on those for this last month of builds.

Edited by Baowolf 2013-08-01 1:18 AM
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