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2013-07-08 8:02 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by jenbmosley

Junkies -

Hope you had a wonderful and long weekend.

My 7.4.2013 race was awesome! Not b/c I raced super fast like Dirk suggested, but because I did something I had no idea I was capable of.... I helped two ladies get through the swim. FOr one lady it was her first triathlon and she told me in advance that the fear of the swim was crippling her. The second lady is in our tri club and it was her second race. Our tri club member was actually swimming back to shore and telling me that she couldn't do it. I told her to turn around, get on her back, and I would guide her through the swim. I helped both of them get through a cold, icky swim through plant vegetation in the rain!

I actually placed 3rd in my AG and rocked what I think was one of the fastest bike legs I have probably ever done. Maybe it just seemed that way since we were just about the last people out of the water and I got to pass a LOT of people. No splits were recorded, just our gun time and finish time. The whole race was in a torrential downpour and made it memorable and challenging. I can't say I would do much of anything different that day, I essentially "gave up" my race and was more fulfilled by the kind of race I had. I'm not saying every race will be this way, I will still want to get out there and push myself as often as I can.

Short blog post about the race ---

Race recap:


2013-07-08 8:24 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by mambos

Originally posted by jenbmosley

Junkies -

Hope you had a wonderful and long weekend.

My 7.4.2013 race was awesome! Not b/c I raced super fast like Dirk suggested, but because I did something I had no idea I was capable of.... I helped two ladies get through the swim. FOr one lady it was her first triathlon and she told me in advance that the fear of the swim was crippling her. The second lady is in our tri club and it was her second race. Our tri club member was actually swimming back to shore and telling me that she couldn't do it. I told her to turn around, get on her back, and I would guide her through the swim. I helped both of them get through a cold, icky swim through plant vegetation in the rain!

I actually placed 3rd in my AG and rocked what I think was one of the fastest bike legs I have probably ever done. Maybe it just seemed that way since we were just about the last people out of the water and I got to pass a LOT of people. No splits were recorded, just our gun time and finish time. The whole race was in a torrential downpour and made it memorable and challenging. I can't say I would do much of anything different that day, I essentially "gave up" my race and was more fulfilled by the kind of race I had. I'm not saying every race will be this way, I will still want to get out there and push myself as often as I can.

Short blog post about the race ---

Race recap:


X2, Jen congrats on finishing 3rd in your AG. I think you really captured the spirit of triathlon in this race and this is a great example of why triathletes are awesome people. To me life isn't about where you place in a race it's about helping others and you should be proud of yourself as we all are for helping those ladies get through the swim and finish that race.
2013-07-08 8:44 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Jen, congrats on helping the 2 ladies. That is awesome. The older I get, I am finding helping others is what is inportant, not what I do. I am so proud of you and congrats on the rainy bike ride!
2013-07-08 10:46 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Tony, so glay you and your bike was not hurt!!! Be careful. 67 miles is good and the headwind makes a huge difference along w/ the heat. With your conditiioning, you could do IM today and do well!!!!

Dirk, your conditioning is really good. Go out, enjoy the race(s), kick butt and smile!!!

Jen, how was your sprint tri in Marianna?

Well yesterday I hd the best swim I have ever had, until it started raining so hard. I finally quit because of the rain, I mean it was FLOODING so hard that when i went to get air, rain was coming in my nose and mouth.

Dude, swimming in the rain is cool! But that sounds extreme. Despite the fact that you called it a day, the experience is still one for the books huh?

2013-07-08 10:46 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I wasn't very motivated to ride my bike today.  I've determined that I need to move my long bike ride back to Saturday.  Riding long on Sunday just isn't happening.

Anyway, I rode my hill during my short ride today.  The hill kicked my azzzzzz! When I uploaded my Garmin to Strava, I saw why it was so hard today. I hauled my butt up that hill faster than I ever have in the past! I even surpassed my husband's fastest attempt!  (Sure, I only beat him by one second!  It still counts!)   I felt like I was going to barf at the top and I was saying lots of bad words.


That's our girl!
2013-07-08 10:48 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

Sorry everyone, I haven't had any free time to get on this week... anyway, I'm a little depressed about training lately. Since I'm going to be on a mission trip all next week, I was hoping to get a really solid week in but nothing has gone my way... I missed my Tuesday night trainer ride b/c I had flatted last ride and so I went to put my spare tube on and it had a hole in it. Then, I went to see my sick grandma (6 hours one way) Wednesday. She died an hour after we left to come back. They asked me to officiate the funeral, so I adjusted plans and decided to squeeze a ride in on Friday before I headed back up there. Was a great plan until I went down on the bike 1/2 mile from my house. I'm still not sure what caused me to go down. First I thought it was a front flat, but now I think the crash caused that (wheel is scratched up in one spot). Perhaps I leaned too much and my clip caught the pavement as I peddled through the turn. Anyway, it was on a pretty busy road and I went down hard. Going to have to get a new helmet although without it, I would have a gash in my head. Jersey, shorts, and gloves were all torn. Lots of road rash. Bike has some battle scars too, but mostly on brake levers, back skewer, aero bars... but frame is good. My body took most of the impact. Both arms and shoulders are going to take some time to heal... I'm interested to see if I can swim or not.

On the "what really matters" front, my "granny" lived a long, full life and I'm glad I was able to be a part of celebrating that. She's my last grandparent, but I grew up getting to spend tons of time with her. I got to officiate her funeral service and share the gospel as well, which was a blessing. That side of the family is huge and there is lots of brokenness, so I'm very glad I could be there.

5.5 hours spent training
24 hours spent driving

When I get back from my mission trip, I plan to start killing some training!

Definitely a big one on the "what matters" front. You did well by your Grandma. I'm sorry for your loss, but am encouraged by your perspective on her life well lived.

And sorry about your crash! It keeps bringing my mind back to the riders in the Tour who crashed in the first week, but need to finish and then need to keep racing the next day with wounds that most certainly hurt more the next day! That would suck.

2013-07-08 10:50 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79

Glad you weren't hurt in the crash. Remember there is only two types of cyclists, those who have crashed, and those waiting to crash. I laid my bike down last year making a turn when I hit a bit of loose gravel. Unlucky for me that two very attractive young ladies were driving by at the exact time and pulled over to help. Nothing hurt but my ego,....and the giant patch of skin from my left hip that was left on the pavement. But it could of been alot worse. You lucky the bike and kit were OK, in the .01 second it took me to hit the ground all I could think was "I hope the bike is gonna be OK"

Hope everyone enjoyed their July 4th. We finally have some sun up here so I may try and head to a local beach with the famiy to get in a OWS tomorrow. Wetsuit still hasen't arrive so it may be a cold one with all the bad weather and rain that we have had lately.

You know what? "Unlucky" is wrong! "Lucky"! If you have to crash, at least let it be witnessed by attractive ladies! And then play it for all it's worth!

2013-07-08 11:19 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Hey, get a load of this guy's FB post from yesterday. He's a local cyclist and triathlete that I compete against. He was one of my dollar bill bets recently.

Well after not getting to ride Thursday-Saturday due to rain and other commitments. I tried to fit it all into one day??? In honor of my buddy Scott McConnell who just finished the Tour Divide MTB race this weekend a 2800 mile race from Canada to Mexico in 20 days my friend and teammate Kyle Taylor and I rode from Loveless to Alabama and back on the Natchez Trace Parkway today a 210 mile ride. We did it in 11:30 hours with an avg speed of 18.2 on very hilly terrain. We got 200 done in 10:57 a goal we had of going under 11 hours. Kyle really pushed me and I would have never gotten done without him but especially not that fast. That man pulls like a mule and is a complete machine. He would do strong 10 mile or more pulls where we would be doing 25-27 mpg up gradual hills it was all I could do to stay on his wheel even in the draft. I tried to pay him back when I could but he was hurting me so bad I didn't have a lot when I hit the front. I knew at around mile 60 or so I couldn't hold that pace if I was going to make the whole trip so I had to ask him to slow it down a bit. We had a headwind for the first 100 miles down to the state line that slowed us a bit and all the constant rolling hills. Once we made the turn we were starting to get really hungry. Around mile 115 we were both starving and it was having an affect we looked down and we were both only doing 13 mph or so and barely turning pedals over. We went over a bridge and saw a market and got off the Trace and got to 4-mile market were we had some of the best gas station food that we had ever had well at least it sure felt like it to us . Once back at it we had a renewed pace and drive. I got probably my 3rd or 4th wind at this time and was able to pull at least decently again. At mile 160 we hit our hardest climb and with a fully loaded tri bike with 4 bottles, food, and terrible gearing I was struggling but I kept pedaling well kind of it wasn't pretty. The climb was also totally exposed with direct sun and not a drop of shade. I've never seen Kyle even remotely hurting in a race or ride no matter which it was over the years. We'll I finally started to see Kyle having a difficult time pulling as hard and complaining about being tried and wanting to be done it only took 175 miles of pulling a ton and pushing the pace all day??? I tried to get out front and pull as much and hard as I could at this time to help him best I could. At mile 195 we got into all the hills back on this end of the trace that were really difficult for me but of course not as much for Kyle. He pulled away on the Pinewood climb and I was watching him climb climb after climb pulling further and further away. There are 4 good climbs and I figured he would ride his pace up those 4 climbs and wait for me at the top of the 4th. I kept looking for him at the top and nothing I was like well I think I got dropped and left for a Mountain Dew that he wouldn't stop taking about I totally understood and didn't really mind I have ridden that section of the trace 100's of times. I was happy when I hit 200 miles just under 11 hours but since we rode to the trace we still had 10 miles left to the car. Those last 10 were very tough with the last 4-5 being excruciating I was starving again and barely turning pedals over but I dug deep and kept it going to the end. I got to the car and got the bike to a stop and got off and laid in the parking lot for a while beside Kyle. It turns out his Garmin(computer) reported being only 10% left at 15 miles left so he took off wanting to get his ride done and saved before it died he made it. It was the longest and hardest ride for both of us that we had ever done and one to check off the bucket list. I have no desire to ever do it again it made my ironman bike of 112 miles seem like a walk in the park. We picked a great day with great weather not a drop of rain and mild temperatures especially for July it could have been much worse. The Trace was the sight of my very first century several years ago when my buddy Jason and I rode this same route from Loveless to the TN/AL state line and had my Mom pick us up and bring us back. After that day I had this ride in my head as a down and back for someday. Well I mentioned it to Kyle Wednesday night and he was immediately like I'm in let's do it Sunday and was very fired up about it. He turned it from a dream/thought to reality so thanks Kyle for pushing me to do it and all day on the bike I couldn't have done it without you!!! My longest ride this year was 75 miles before today I have been doing faster shorter stuff this year. Now my everything hurts and I'm exhausted and may need a few days off. Funny my legs aren't the worse right now it is actually my hands and wrists. Thanks Scott for the inspiration and hope to see you soon and get to hear all your stories.
2013-07-08 11:23 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by jenbmosleyI can't say I would do much of anything different that day, I essentially "gave up" my race and was more fulfilled by the kind of race I had. I'm not saying every race will be this way, I will still want to get out there and push myself as often as I can.

Short blog post about the race ---

Race recap:

That story was full of so much awesomeness I really don't know what to say. Wow!!!
2013-07-08 11:25 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

Sorry everyone, I haven't had any free time to get on this week... anyway, I'm a little depressed about training lately.

On the "what really matters" front, my "granny" lived a long, full life and I'm glad I was able to be a part of celebrating that. She's my last grandparent, but I grew up getting to spend tons of time with her. I got to officiate her funeral service and share the gospel as well, which was a blessing. That side of the family is huge and there is lots of brokenness, so I'm very glad I could be there.

5.5 hours spent training
24 hours spent driving

When I get back from my mission trip, I plan to start killing some training!

You are so blessed to have spent so much time with her, officiate the tribute her life well lived, and share the gospel during such a time! Now THAT'S training that matters. This tri thing is a fun hobby, that trip is the real McCoy. Thanks for sharing.
2013-07-08 12:19 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Jeff that was a great story. Thanks for posting and that is a pretty amazing ride. I think that one ride puts all of my training to shame this year lol.

2013-07-08 3:06 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by strikyr

Jeff that was a great story. Thanks for posting and that is a pretty amazing ride. I think that one ride puts all of my training to shame this year lol.

Yes, me too!

There's no way I could ride that long on my tri bike. An hour gets to being uncomfortable, 2 hours is about all I want! but I have an aggressive, short-course position.
My friend who did this ride is neck and neck equal with me on the road. So I wonder if I could have done this ride? I think not!

2013-07-08 3:56 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Will - So glad you are okay after the crash. Road rash is no fun but it sure beats being injured worse in a crash. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family since your Grandmother's passing. Officiating her memorial services and having the opportunity to share the Gospel is huge. I hope the Lord used you to help heal some hearts. 

Jen - Helping 2 others through their swims and still getting a podium finish! Amazing! I really enjoyed reading your blog on the race.

Karl - I have a couple swim stories like that while training. One of my best swim memories that I like to tell people about: I was swimming laps in the outdoor pool at our local YMCA one February afternoon. It had been sprinkling all day and when I started my laps it had progressed to a little heavier rain. The poor lifeguard was bundled up under a beat up old deck umbrella and I was the only person in the pool. After about 500 yards I felt a light stinging sensation on my arms. I stopped swimming and looked around. It had just started hailing. I laughed a little at the thought of me swimming laps in the hail and went right back to swimming. I like telling that story to non tri participant folks just to give them another reason to think I'm crazy.

2013-07-08 4:22 PM
in reply to: 0

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by JeffY

Hey, get a load of this guy's FB post from yesterday. He's a local cyclist and triathlete that I compete against. He was one of my dollar bill bets recently.

Well after not getting to ride Thursday-Saturday due to rain and other commitments. I tried to fit it all into one day??? In honor of my buddy Scott McConnell who just finished the Tour Divide MTB race this weekend a 2800 mile race from Canada to Mexico in 20 days my friend and teammate Kyle Taylor and I rode from Loveless to Alabama and back on the Natchez Trace Parkway today a 210 mile ride. We did it in 11:30 hours with an avg speed of 18.2 on very hilly terrain. We got 200 done in 10:57 a goal we had of going under 11 hours. Kyle really pushed me and I would have never gotten done without him but especially not that fast. That man pulls like a mule and is a complete machine. He would do strong 10 mile or more pulls where we would be doing 25-27 mpg up gradual hills it was all I could do to stay on his wheel even in the draft. I tried to pay him back when I could but he was hurting me so bad I didn't have a lot when I hit the front. I knew at around mile 60 or so I couldn't hold that pace if I was going to make the whole trip so I had to ask him to slow it down a bit. We had a headwind for the first 100 miles down to the state line that slowed us a bit and all the constant rolling hills. Once we made the turn we were starting to get really hungry. Around mile 115 we were both starving and it was having an affect we looked down and we were both only doing 13 mph or so and barely turning pedals over. We went over a bridge and saw a market and got off the Trace and got to 4-mile market were we had some of the best gas station food that we had ever had well at least it sure felt like it to us . Once back at it we had a renewed pace and drive. I got probably my 3rd or 4th wind at this time and was able to pull at least decently again. At mile 160 we hit our hardest climb and with a fully loaded tri bike with 4 bottles, food, and terrible gearing I was struggling but I kept pedaling well kind of it wasn't pretty. The climb was also totally exposed with direct sun and not a drop of shade. I've never seen Kyle even remotely hurting in a race or ride no matter which it was over the years. We'll I finally started to see Kyle having a difficult time pulling as hard and complaining about being tried and wanting to be done it only took 175 miles of pulling a ton and pushing the pace all day??? I tried to get out front and pull as much and hard as I could at this time to help him best I could. At mile 195 we got into all the hills back on this end of the trace that were really difficult for me but of course not as much for Kyle. He pulled away on the Pinewood climb and I was watching him climb climb after climb pulling further and further away. There are 4 good climbs and I figured he would ride his pace up those 4 climbs and wait for me at the top of the 4th. I kept looking for him at the top and nothing I was like well I think I got dropped and left for a Mountain Dew that he wouldn't stop taking about I totally understood and didn't really mind I have ridden that section of the trace 100's of times. I was happy when I hit 200 miles just under 11 hours but since we rode to the trace we still had 10 miles left to the car. Those last 10 were very tough with the last 4-5 being excruciating I was starving again and barely turning pedals over but I dug deep and kept it going to the end. I got to the car and got the bike to a stop and got off and laid in the parking lot for a while beside Kyle. It turns out his Garmin(computer) reported being only 10% left at 15 miles left so he took off wanting to get his ride done and saved before it died he made it. It was the longest and hardest ride for both of us that we had ever done and one to check off the bucket list. I have no desire to ever do it again it made my ironman bike of 112 miles seem like a walk in the park. We picked a great day with great weather not a drop of rain and mild temperatures especially for July it could have been much worse. The Trace was the sight of my very first century several years ago when my buddy Jason and I rode this same route from Loveless to the TN/AL state line and had my Mom pick us up and bring us back. After that day I had this ride in my head as a down and back for someday. Well I mentioned it to Kyle Wednesday night and he was immediately like I'm in let's do it Sunday and was very fired up about it. He turned it from a dream/thought to reality so thanks Kyle for pushing me to do it and all day on the bike I couldn't have done it without you!!! My longest ride this year was 75 miles before today I have been doing faster shorter stuff this year. Now my everything hurts and I'm exhausted and may need a few days off. Funny my legs aren't the worse right now it is actually my hands and wrists. Thanks Scott for the inspiration and hope to see you soon and get to hear all your stories.

That's an awesome story. I can't imagine being on the bike that long. I hurt just thinking about it. Watched a you tube story last year of an armature who tagged along with two pros as they rode 200 miles. They rode from the Canadian border to the bottom of Vermont and back. They averaged over 20mph I think. It was a great watch. Ill see if I can find the link.

Ok found it, it was actually Ted King, another pro and an amature. Here is his strava upload. It was 34km/h!!! That's crazy. To get the You tube video search 200 on 100, the fall of Ryan t Kelly. It really was a great watch.

Edited by BigDaddyD79 2013-07-08 4:52 PM
2013-07-08 4:26 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by strikyr

Originally posted by mambos

Originally posted by jenbmosley

Junkies -

Hope you had a wonderful and long weekend.

My 7.4.2013 race was awesome! Not b/c I raced super fast like Dirk suggested, but because I did something I had no idea I was capable of.... I helped two ladies get through the swim. FOr one lady it was her first triathlon and she told me in advance that the fear of the swim was crippling her. The second lady is in our tri club and it was her second race. Our tri club member was actually swimming back to shore and telling me that she couldn't do it. I told her to turn around, get on her back, and I would guide her through the swim. I helped both of them get through a cold, icky swim through plant vegetation in the rain!

I actually placed 3rd in my AG and rocked what I think was one of the fastest bike legs I have probably ever done. Maybe it just seemed that way since we were just about the last people out of the water and I got to pass a LOT of people. No splits were recorded, just our gun time and finish time. The whole race was in a torrential downpour and made it memorable and challenging. I can't say I would do much of anything different that day, I essentially "gave up" my race and was more fulfilled by the kind of race I had. I'm not saying every race will be this way, I will still want to get out there and push myself as often as I can.

Short blog post about the race ---

Race recap:


X2, Jen congrats on finishing 3rd in your AG. I think you really captured the spirit of triathlon in this race and this is a great example of why triathletes are awesome people. To me life isn't about where you place in a race it's about helping others and you should be proud of yourself as we all are for helping those ladies get through the swim and finish that race.

X3 great race and good on you for helping the other swimmers. I know everyone wants to go as fast as possible but sometimes it helping others like this that really makes the event memorable.
2013-07-08 7:27 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Jen x 4 congrats for helping those ladies, An on your podium finish!
Wow 210 miles in a day, I can't imagine.
Matt welcome back, I have never been to Cape Cod so Iam looking forward to your pics.
Tracy way to push it on your ride!
Swimming while it's hailing? Ouch.

Edited by Jo63 2013-07-08 7:28 PM

2013-07-08 7:55 PM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by BigDaddyD79
Originally posted by strikyr I was finally able to get out on the bike this afternoon. It was freakin hot and windy out and I managed to get 67 miles in at 3:51. I was in a world of hurt when I was done today and I am not totally sure why. I thought I drank and ate enough but maybe I needed to drink more . I drained two bottles of powerbar perform and two bottles of infinit. All total I took in 1240 calories on the bike today but it didn't seem to be enough. The wind was brutal today too, I just felt like I was riding in a headwind the entire ride. To make matter worse I went down as well, nothing serious the bike is fine and my new bike shorts the DeSoto 404's are fine too. I was totally freaking out I though I may have torn them but I think they saved me. I was actually going very slow and made a left from a fork in the road which I was doing my loops. I was starting the next loop when I made the turn and a car was coming so I wanted to give it some room and misjudged how much room I had and hit some sand which got me off balance and down I went. The damn car went to the left fork anyway and it didn't pass my way so it was all for nothing! Thank God the bike and the new shorts are fine. I'm good too, two small scrapes on the outside of my left knee and some road rash on my behind, how embarrassing lol. I think I must have jinxed myself becuase my son and I were watching the TdF and talking about the crashes tday and if you ride in the tour you're going to get caught up in them eventually blah, blah, blah. Well I guess today was my day. I will say the DeSoto 404's are pretty comfortable with some really nice padding. I need to ride in them more and get some longer rides with them but I think I may use them for IM.
Glad you weren't hurt in the crash. Remember there is only two types of cyclists, those who have crashed, and those waiting to crash. I laid my bike down last year making a turn when I hit a bit of loose gravel. Unlucky for me that two very attractive young ladies were driving by at the exact time and pulled over to help. Nothing hurt but my ego,....and the giant patch of skin from my left hip that was left on the pavement. But it could of been alot worse. You lucky the bike and kit were OK, in the .01 second it took me to hit the ground all I could think was "I hope the bike is gonna be OK" Hope everyone enjoyed their July 4th. We finally have some sun up here so I may try and head to a local beach with the famiy to get in a OWS tomorrow. Wetsuit still hasen't arrive so it may be a cold one with all the bad weather and rain that we have had lately.

Oh great... I am in the waiting to crash category. If I laid down a motorcycle years ago would that count?

2013-07-08 8:27 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Will - Sorry to hear about your grandmother. My condolences to you and your family. Sorry to hear about going down ont he bike. I hope you are able to heal quickly.

Dirk - Thanks for the awesome comment on Facebook about my race. Loved reading your ride recap. Also makes me realize how smart it is to keep riding with folks faster than you.

All Junkies -Thanks for reading my blog and for all the comments here. It was a memorable race that I will indeed cherish.

Jeff - 210 miles, are you serious? Congrats on the accomplishment! I still think you are a bit crazy though.

Tracy - Olympic medals are won by hundreths of a second, so one whole second is huge! Congrats on that hill climb lady!!

Tony - Good job logging 14.5 hours of training this past week, especially in light of the holiday weekend!

Matt & Warren -- I love the post about comparing your numbers to Warren's!! HAhahaha... I agree with you, how did you get away with logging 320 miles in 4 days? Nevermind, I'm sure she enjoyed the quiet time. Welcome back Matt!

Derek - Yeah.. 30C is like 145F... yeah, sure.

Vero - Nice race report. Glad you have so much "fun" on the bike and congrats on the 6th place AG finish out of 23.


2013-07-08 9:14 PM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I wasn't very motivated to ride my bike today.  I've determined that I need to move my long bike ride back to Saturday.  Riding long on Sunday just isn't happening.

Anyway, I rode my hill during my short ride today.  The hill kicked my azzzzzz! When I uploaded my Garmin to Strava, I saw why it was so hard today. I hauled my butt up that hill faster than I ever have in the past! I even surpassed my husband's fastest attempt!  (Sure, I only beat him by one second!  It still counts!)   I felt like I was going to barf at the top and I was saying lots of bad words.

Tracy way to go on the hill ride, that is a great effort and something to be proud of and surely I can relate a little bit. I went out with 3 of my friends and did a hills ride on Saturday. Well the guy who organized the ride defintely wanted to punish the rest of us. We went up this hill I've not done before. As hard as it was for me my other friend who has been unable to train regulary and hadn't rode in 2 weeks wound up laid out on somebody's lawn after getting up that hill lol. He definitely redlined. That wasn't the worst of it though we wound up doing our killer Oakwood hill repeats. I have to find a way to post that Garmin data here.
2013-07-08 10:09 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by strikyr
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I wasn't very motivated to ride my bike today.  I've determined that I need to move my long bike ride back to Saturday.  Riding long on Sunday just isn't happening.

Anyway, I rode my hill during my short ride today.  The hill kicked my azzzzzz! When I uploaded my Garmin to Strava, I saw why it was so hard today. I hauled my butt up that hill faster than I ever have in the past! I even surpassed my husband's fastest attempt!  (Sure, I only beat him by one second!  It still counts!)   I felt like I was going to barf at the top and I was saying lots of bad words.

Tracy way to go on the hill ride, that is a great effort and something to be proud of and surely I can relate a little bit. I went out with 3 of my friends and did a hills ride on Saturday. Well the guy who organized the ride defintely wanted to punish the rest of us. We went up this hill I've not done before. As hard as it was for me my other friend who has been unable to train regulary and hadn't rode in 2 weeks wound up laid out on somebody's lawn after getting up that hill lol. He definitely redlined. That wasn't the worst of it though we wound up doing our killer Oakwood hill repeats. I have to find a way to post that Garmin data here.

Thanks!!!  Sounds like your ride was a killer, too!  Get yourself on Strava so we can spy on see your rides!  Warren and I are both on there! Laughing

2013-07-08 10:25 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Your race sounds like one that you will remember for a long, long time.  What a kind heart you have!  Congrats on the podium, too!

2013-07-08 10:29 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
I had a frustrating and funny run today.  The munchkin and daddy rode their bikes yesterday.  Today, I wanted to run while munchkin rode his bike with me.  Munchkin began complaining about his bottom hurting.  Poor little dude has learned that he can't ride his bike two days in a row without a sore tushy!  Tongue out
2013-07-08 11:08 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by JeffY
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I wasn't very motivated to ride my bike today.  I've determined that I need to move my long bike ride back to Saturday.  Riding long on Sunday just isn't happening.

Anyway, I rode my hill during my short ride today.  The hill kicked my azzzzzz! When I uploaded my Garmin to Strava, I saw why it was so hard today. I hauled my butt up that hill faster than I ever have in the past! I even surpassed my husband's fastest attempt!  (Sure, I only beat him by one second!  It still counts!)   I felt like I was going to barf at the top and I was saying lots of bad words.

!!! That's our girl!

Laughing Kiss

2013-07-09 4:36 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

It sounds like some amazing rides and riders this past week.  Tracy knocking down her big hill in record time, Warren crushing over 300 miles in 4 days and Jeff's buddy completely destroying all of us in one ride.

Well maybe I can add a little bit more to the fire this weekend for my Ironman Muncie race.  I'll be riding a disk for this race.  One of my teammates put it out on FB tat someone racing could borrow his wheel (just the rear) and I was the first to jump.  I am supposed to pick it up this week sometime and ride it once before the race to get used to feeling it in the wind.  that should set up a better shot at repeating last year's "A" race at Rev3.  This race will be different than last year if for no other reason than weather.  The temps are supposed to be warmer but the humidity will likely be killer.  We'll see how it play out.

2013-07-09 6:09 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dirk, good luck this weekend!!! We will be stalking you during your race!!!!

Dang Jeff, how does someone hold their head up for that long, my neck would be KILLING me.

GREAT training everyone, this is a GREAT, hard training group!!! Ya'll just seem to keep being so impressive in your training and races!

Vero, hail in the pool, that could hurt but yes that is a story worth telling..and yes you are crazy! lol

Jen, I couldn't open your link to your race report.

Has everyone recovered from their bike crashes?

I'll be getting a pair of Newton shoes today, if I do not like hem I'll send them back, will let ya'll know.
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