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2007-04-18 3:29 PM
in reply to: #767098

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

OK, last post of the day. I promise. But I leave you with a doozy. This is what started my personal triathlete journey a few months back. I kid you not when I tell you that I watch it each and every day as a source of inspiration for being both a father and a triathlete. Robb referenced it a little while ago and it has to be one of the most inspirational things I have ever come across.

Read the article and then watch the video at the bottom. You'll be tearing up by the time it's over. I guarantee it.

I will consider myself a successful triathlete if I can do only a fraction of what this man can do, and has done.


P.S. Phoenix, this is my positive and productive thing for society today.  Well, our little society at least.  

Edited by Sp3c0ps27 2007-04-18 3:31 PM

2007-04-18 3:44 PM
in reply to: #767140

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well for the second time this forum has left me speechless. The first was BGT loosing over 100 lbs and taking part in her races, the second is about a guy who carries that amount to compete with his son. I'm amazed.
2007-04-18 4:54 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I just watched the video too- the Hoyt's are legendary in the Ironman world. When I was in Kona in 2004, I worked in the medical tent for the last shift of the night taking care of all the last finishers of the Ironman. I heard thru the grapevine that the Hoyt's had finally come in late, almost at midnight, and they were both hurting pretty bad-dehydrated, heat tired,etc. I never got to see them, we were so busy, but I always think of how amazing that must have been to see them come over the finish line. I just got emotional thinking about ALL those people we took care of who dragged themselves to the finish line-its a crazy crazy event .
2007-04-18 7:58 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Very cool, Sean. My kids saved my life, too. Wouldn't still be here without them. They just plain need their mother and she happens to be me. Until someone has kids of their own, they just can't understand that bond. I decided to do all this "stuff" so I could prove to myself that I had the endurance to see them grown, as doing this alone is rather daunting, and guys just don't want a woman with THREE little kids. Not for anything permanent anyway. So, I run to prove to myself that I CAN do this. And so I am.

Watergirl--well done volunteering! Very cool of you. I don't think I want to see the folks finishing because it might scare me from my personal goal of actually finishing an IM in 2009. And if I do, I'm gettin the tatoo!

Any advice for which IM to do as a beginner? So far my research says IM Florida is a good one, and maybe Bigfoot in Canada. One source said Lake Placid was good because of a nice downhill, and lots of great supportive people. Madison is hilly, but convenient training wise for me. Any advice from Prof on this?
2007-04-18 8:59 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I'll go to Florida w/you, Pene, even if I only get fit enough to hold your jogbra for ya! 
2007-04-18 9:12 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
well, C, from your logs, you can absolutely run circles around me now!! You are doing 8 minute miles, and it takes me almost double that. My fastest mile was 12. pitiful. but you are super sweet, girl!! you think I should do florida, then? I like the flat course aspect, that's for sure!

2007-04-18 10:54 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Watch out Iron Men here come the Super Iron Women!!!!!
Flat Florida sounds good to me.
That video was awesome!!! If he can do that I can do a regular one.
I was absoutely inspired. If we set our mind to it we can do it.
2007-04-18 11:32 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Oh man that video gets me all choked up.  They showed a clip of them coming out of the swim in Hawaii and it was so sad because they missed the cut-off time.  I sometimes think about how emotional it must be at the finish line of an IM.  All those people cheering, people from all over the world racing together for hours on end.

IM Florida it is!  I hear you pretty much have to sign up right after it happens (IE sign up for 09 right after the 08 one).   Some days I feel like I could almost aim for 2008, but that would be pushing it.  I guess I just get impatient :P

Today was the first long swim in almost a month and it felt so much better.  I was able to go faster and longer without breaks.  I think my increase in running has helped the most.  Cross training truly is the most effective way to train IMO, as your whole body gets conditioned.  Even biking is becoming easier to hit those huge hills that I would have to stop at the top to catch my breath.  I can't believe how bad of shape I was in 6months ago.


Mark, I'll go for you weigh in challenge.  I haven't been watching my weight lately so I'll check in this weekend. 

2007-04-18 11:38 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
If you can do 2 or 3 tri's in one year why not set a goal for half IM, there are some out there.
We can do a half IM in 2008 and a full IM in 2009!!
2007-04-18 11:47 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Well IM-Florida is in November, so from today we still have 2 1/2 years to train, which seems like a long time.  Even if we were to shoot for IM 08, that still gives a year and a half to train, and half a year before you have to commit.  I guess it depends on how the summer goes.


You are right though Jeanette, a HIM would be the way to go first.  My goals are to do a half-marathon, and a sprint tri this year, and a Olympic Tri and maybe a HIM next year.  I will see where I am at this fall. 

4k swim,  180km bike, 42km run.  17 hours to do it.  Piece of cake.


mmmm cake. 

2007-04-18 11:55 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Skip the cake and go for the choclate covered strawberries

Are the distances you wrote for the olympic or HER? LOL
I mean HIM?

2007-04-19 1:10 AM
in reply to: #640246


Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hi to all. I have been reading through your post and find them not only encouraging, but humorous. I have just made the life changing decision to train for a triathlon. I say life changing because I could never run to save my life or more importantly catch the ice cream truck (I hate to run). I am 38 and just a month ago had my fourth child. I’ve been cycling for years and I am a yoga instructor. My goal is to complete a race before I hit the 40 year mark. I hope to not only get support here, but also give it. (oh, did I mention I need to get back to my pre-pregnant weight -20lbs........oops!!!)
2007-04-19 2:04 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, sounds like maybe we have a little TEAM for IM Florida then. Jeanette, you have the advantage of being a fish. I'm really just a beginning fish, so it's the swim distance that has me weirded out now. The marathon will be hard, but I won't drown during it. And a century ride sounds uncomfortable more than anything else. At least if there aren't hills! But the swim.....oh my. I just don't think even allowing myself to backstroke as much as I want will make that one any easier. But I'll get in the pool tomorrow again and surprise myself with how much better it goes than the last time. (she says optimistically)

Robster--hi there! I got up at 2 am just to post this while you are awake I think you are night owl and I am day owl. You can push me in the dinghy when I give up at 1 mile in the swim (unless we figure out how to smuggle semi-invisible flippers--then I'm good to go the whole way in record breaking time!) A robster is a delicious thing--it's a really tall lobster Or a really tall triathlete dude during the swim.....I know what you mean about the cross training. Since I (apparently) do so much anaerobic running, it helps me anaerobically swim (cuz I can't ever get enough air with that, either).

I'm almost tempted to sign up for HIMFL 2007 otherwise! But I think a half in 2008 is far more realistic. They don't allow walking during the swim
2007-04-19 4:22 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Jennifer- Welcome to the world of life changing decisions. Most of us seem to have arrived here as a result of making similar decisions (except for prof at whose feet we all worship) and occasionally we talk about triathlons. Most of the chat seems to be about life changing decisions!

Guys: I tried to get into IMFL for t his year but I understand that it sold out mainly to the ’06 competitors. It is staggeringly popular as it is FLAT. Be warned though. The bike ride, for instance, is straight out and back so last year the racers had the wind at their backs for 56 miles and rode into a headwind all the way home!

I was given an option to enter as an overseas athlete (little did they know that I had only run 3.1 miles up to that point!) and I was more likely to get in that way so that may be of help to Rob who is, I understand, technically from somewhere other than the US (as is Malphh but the distance may be a bit far for him). The rest of you may have to join a tri club etc to see if that helps you get entries. Sometimes coaches get preference in getting slots (that’s how it occasionally works here) but try and speak with the organisers (who are very helpful) quite soon to devise a strategy.

To the weight challenge.

I have picked up from what a lot of you have said that weight doesn’t seem to shift but muscle mass grows so let’s do this on two levels.

Firstly, weight. Weigh in on Sunday morning and post your weight. Be honest (or lie consistently!) and that will be your base weight. We will weigh in at the same time every Sunday between this weekend and June 10th. There are no winners or losers, this is just an experiment to validate Sean’s frankly ridiculous formula of less in, more out equalling weight loss (!) and also to prove to the participants that we can all have a little bit of Sean and BGT in us.

Secondly, if you can, take a measure of your general stats (BMI, fat %, waist, pulse, blood pressure, post up an MRI scan if you have a scanner at home, amount of fillings etc) and let’s see what else changes over the seven weeks of this plan.

Just so that none of you feel embarrassed by posting your stats my current stats are:

Weight: 213 lbs

Fat %: 29

BMI: 28.9

Waist: 37 inches

Resting pulse: 48

Blood pressure: 100/60

Cholesterol: 4.34

Those are my basic parameters and I am hoping to see some material change in the stats as I guess that most of them are unhealthy. I have a goal of weighing in at between 140 - 184 lbs, having a BMI of in the low 20s and a fat % of between 15% and 18% and having a waist measuring around 32 inches. But I guess that I won’t achieve that by June 10th but what I would like to do by then is get some change, preferably downwards.

However, if my weight remains constant and the fat % goes down I know that I am turning into a rugby player or if non of the figures change I know that I am right and that the only way forwards if for me to wrap my head with a llama skin!

I have an unfair advantage as I am going away for a month so can incorporate a complete lifestyle change in that time and be as grumpy as I like whilst withdrawing from all the nice chocolate covered things in this world without having Satan moaning at me for not being cheerful!

Prof: Notwithstanding the existence of this challenge, we need another challenge that will include the whole group. Any ideas? Cycle across the US? Cycle from your place to Malphh? Check out the directions from San Francisco to York for an idea of good mapping (esp point 30)!

Edited by Mark Stanley 2007-04-19 4:23 AM
2007-04-19 6:06 AM
in reply to: #767823

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
mcgibbney - 2007-04-19 2:10 AM

Hi to all. I have been reading through your post and find them not only encouraging, but humorous. I have just made the life changing decision to train for a triathlon. I say life changing because I could never run to save my life or more importantly catch the ice cream truck (I hate to run). I am 38 and just a month ago had my fourth child. I’ve been cycling for years and I am a yoga instructor. My goal is to complete a race before I hit the 40 year mark. I hope to not only get support here, but also give it. (oh, did I mention I need to get back to my pre-pregnant weight -20lbs........oops!!!)

Well, hello, and welcome. I was intrigued to see your yoga background. There have been a few questions about yoga and stretching lately, and now we have an expert with us -- very good timing on your part!

Have you looked for a race yet? Why put it off to 40 when you can have it done within the next few months?
2007-04-19 6:25 AM
in reply to: #767842

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Mark Stanley - 2007-04-19 5:22 AM

Except for prof at whose feet we all worship...

To the weight challenge.

Just so that none of you feel embarrassed by posting your stats my current stats are:

Weight: 213 lbs
Fat %: 29
BMI: 28.9
Waist: 37 inches
Resting pulse: 48
Blood pressure: 100/60
Cholesterol: 4.34

Prof: Notwithstanding the existence of this challenge, we need another challenge that will include the whole group. Any ideas? Cycle across the US? Cycle from your place to Malphh? Check out the directions from San Francisco to York for an idea of good mapping (esp point 30)!

So much to say.

First, if you truly worship me, you can tithe 10% of your income to me, and I can stop working for a living and just enjoy being me. Yes, I think I'm humble enough to pull that off. I'll start working on my wise sayings and such during my run this morning.

Which by the way, I'm hoping will be amazing. Its 44 right now, and should hit 50 by 9, so perfect for shorts and a long t-shirt. I am truly looking forward to just being outside.

As for the measurements, you are indeed a courageous man! I've posted weights and body fat on my log, but you went above and beyond.

But I'm serious about the eating. And I'll probably start jotting down my diet for the next week or so, just to keep an eye on what I'm putting in. I feel "unhealthy" and I know its the result of a poor diet -- like ice cream cake and pizza last night. But what was I to do, be rude to my hosts and not eat it?

2007-04-19 7:06 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Our Father Prof, who art in PA, hallowed be thy running shoes........dunno about the tithing bit, though. Speaking of which--come on guys, I need at least ONE donation for this blasted TNT marathon deal, or I have to shell it all out myself and that's a rather daunting thing for this selfemployed with a ton of my ex's debt chick!! I'm not trying to quit my job here, just have the immense privilege of running really hard in public whilst sweating my remaining 10 pounds off (I hope).

The 26 year old 9 marathon dude messengered me last night after not hearing from him for months. He's pretty much just a friend, but it was interesting that I could actually talk to him as a fellow marathoner now (sort of)instead of a woman in awe of marathon people! I didn't talk with him long because kids needed to be put to bed, but I just thought the timing was interesting. I'll take all the resources I can get and I figured I can certainly learn from his experience.

Now I'm panicking about IM Florida. It would be the perfect time of year, temps and flatness for me and now Mark says it will take a miracle or serious bribing to get in. Well, can I say I live in Peru 9 months of the year and get in that way? Anyone willing to adopt me so I can have dual citizenship or something???

Rob, what do you know about IM Bigfoot up there in Canada? That was the discussion about beginning IM"s second choice....easy to register for??? Anyone know about IM Madison?? I sort of know this tri fellow from Madison, but he just did IM Arizona as his first IM distance (and finished in 11:54 with an injured leg!). So, I think maybe there are easier courses than Madtown for a newbie.....I don't like bugging the fellow much, but I may do so just to see what he thought of Arizona's course. And how hard it is to get into.

And I could humble myself and ask Pat the ironman which one he did first, too. I'm sort of mad at him for not worshipping me correctly! He actually chooses training and spending time with his kids as priorities over me--hrrmph! (kidding)

Welcome McGibbney!! Another Mc person--we have Rob and Celia as Mc Person's on here, too. Must be the Irish heritage thread? Or is it Scottish? Anyway, Prof's right--just go out and sign up for one!! Then you'll just find yourself ready for it magically and do great!! Although a newborn is rather intense! My kids were glued to me the first two years of their lives. I was absolutely their slave during those years--would even get up to nurse them at night, have to pee really bad and take the nursing baby to the toilet with me so they stayed quiet! Try to go to the pot that way some time--it takes some serious coordination! But you are old hat at this with 4 kids, so just go for it!!

Mark--I'm going to do the measurements and mostly go with that, because I simply don't trust the scale's body fat percentage. It says I'm around 30 %!! There's NO BLASTED WAY I can be that much fat because I can't pinch but maybe 10 pounds TOTAL on my whole body. I'm not a skinny supermodel, but I'm also not stupid. People do double takes when they see me after not seeing me for awhile and ask me how I stay so skinny. And they mean it. So I can't be that overweight. But I don't have any calipers. So I'll record what it says but go more with measurements and whatever else objective I can devise. I know water weight in women really messes up the bioimpedance--the scale even admits that. And I'm going to record everything on fitday because I've been really slack about that! Before I would do so and think, yep, lost at least half a pound now. And the scale wouldn't show it, so I'd get pissed and not record stuff anymore. Anyone know any physiology concerning INFLAMMATION amoung runners/athletes and how that all influences water retention and weight?? A guy at the Chi running seminar was bemoaning the fact that he gained weight since running, too. I told him it was probably all muscle and he said, yeah, and also inflammation! Which had occured to me as well. The muscles SWELL when you tear them down, bringing nutrients and taking away waste products. when we are in a continual state of tear down, we are in a continual state of swelling!! And muscles can REALLY retain water! That's what makes them so much heavier than fat! So, if you take a rest week, really taking one and not just cutting back, then in theory, one should lose the inflammation weight....... good logic??? Anyone with experience here?
2007-04-19 7:55 AM
in reply to: #767871

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Oh man !  IM Florida sounds good to this Florida guy.  It's even on my birthday !  If I can only coax my knees to work for more than 5 miles, I might just be able to accomplish it.  I'm pretty sure I can fit some surgery in before 2009 though.

On another note, here's a site to register to win an Endless Pool Fastlane...  You never know if you might just be the one. 


P.S.  I'm in on the weight challenge too.  I'll try to get my particulars this weekend but my father-in-law is in from Colorado so I might not have time.  I can get the weight easily enough but the body fat percentage might have to wait.

2007-04-19 8:07 AM
in reply to: #767871

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Brandon, FL.
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Prof - You remind me of the Scroobious Pip.  Getting out when the grass is green and the skies are grey.

Here's to a nice outdoors run for you !  


2007-04-19 9:05 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
YES!!! I'm GOING to win that fastlane!! Not that I have a pool mind you, or even a place to put one......small details, though. It's mine, it's mine, it's mine!!! She says sending hypnotic suggestion through the email entry......................
2007-04-19 10:28 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Welcome, McGibb - you've found a convivial group, and Mark's right - sometimes we even talk about

Pene - I say we go for IMFL Any Which Year - rollercoaster hills are only fun with a stick and a clutch, preferably of a little red Porsche....sorry, I tend to have really specific fantasies.  Where was I...?

Right, avoiding the talk of weight statistics - I think I've gone too heavy on the weights, too light on the aerobic stuff - then a gazillion hours of hea-vee yard work - didn't even eat much - was more thirsty - but I packed back on 4.5 pounds - wtf???!!!  So I'll do all that measuring stuff (P - my fat scale is schizophrenic too - I have to do it, like, 10 times, then average it out - and I'm still not positive.) and 'fess up on Sunday - or at least, I'll do it on Sunday and 'fess on Monday.

I am going to go chew on some of those myriad factoids Sean gathered for us. TTFN!

2007-04-19 10:53 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
C--you CRACK me up!! Everytime, girl! I just took pics of myself in my tightest Nike workout top and tightest jeans so I can more objectively look at myself and you all can, too. I don't see myself the right way. I see all the globs. Other people don't see them. But, they are my friends/family and might not be telling me the I'll work on posting my beginning diet pics and we can compare them with the post diet pics and see if there's any difference. And I'm smashing that scale.....

Okay, C, Jeanette, Rob, Sean-you in?, any other takers for IM 2009? Come on now, you have to commit WAY in advance. If we need to do a half in 2008, then we have to wait til the race is just over in 2007 to sign up for it. I'd like to do the half and the full in the same place. Make sense to the rest of you?

Pat the ironman just wrote back. He says IM madison is hilly, but we shouldn't be afraid of it. It IS close for me and I could EASILY train the course there....And of course FL is very nice that time of year and close to Sean.......and we can try for Bigfoot up there sort of near Rob.......Don't know of any down your way, C........Jeanette is pretty close to Madtown, too....We can sign up for Brazil up to THREE months prior to the race!!!......

And the cost is a mere $450 for most IM's. So, start saving your pennies, my dears!! And let me know which one sounds like the Cat's Meow to you all I'll do it alone if I have to, but it just sounds SOOOO much more fun with Mates!!

I wrote to Steve in Madison about IM Arizona, and why he didn't choose Madison where he lives. But he doesn't always get right back to me (cuz he's a busy Harvard finance dude).

ROB--I got on my bike today--outside

Off to swallow pool water now....

Sean, bless you my son, for the fastlane entry info. I'm truly going to pray for it! Cuz I'm NOT a fish (YET) and the swim has me FREAKING!!!!!
2007-04-19 3:36 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Welcome to our new group member (groupie?).  Please don't be scared off by any of us.  We are harmless.


It seems that you can sign up for IMFL online, but you literally have about 2 hrs before its filled up.  This is assuming it doesn't fill up in person, which opens 1hr before the online.  So if there is a way you can sign up in person, I would think you should be able to get a spot no problem.  

The Bigfoot IM is in BC, which is actually farther than Florida to me.  The closest around here are the Ottawa IM, Montreal, and what ever is in the north-eastern states.  There is the odd HIM that shows up though.


Dreaming is fun but theres lots of training to do at hand  :D   

2007-04-19 4:29 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I agree with Robb we need to try a half IM first.

I am a fish but not a super fast fish like watergirl!!! Thanks for the goggle info, I got ones that are strong plastic, no more rubber for me ;except on the bike.

Welcome new member!!!!!!!!

Go swimming to get out of the rain.
2007-04-19 8:04 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I've been trying to research half IM's and nothing is jumping out at me as THE place to go. Madison doesn't have a half. Buggers. And I can't recall at the moment if Florida does, but I don't think so. I think that's why I started questioning Florida. That and if you wait for Florida registration in November (the year before), and don't get in, well, then you are screwed for calendar year 2009 cuz Florida's the last one. Sooooooo, guess we road trip down to Florida November 2008 to sign up! Either that or settle for Oklahoma or some such place. Ya know, it will take a bit to get our bikes there. And I'm NOT going to rent one that I've never trained on. Persephone and I are going to be like peas and carrots! (for the newbies, Persephone is my bike's name). Yep, been stressing over all this. But, it's like a new mindset imagining myself an IRONWOMAN!! I really really really like this fantasy And it's pretty specific, Celia.

And then I thought maybe I'd like to do an IM in the spring of 2009 so I can appear at my class reunion WITH the tatoo! Now, where did I see one where you don't have a cutoff time--you complete the mileage, you finish! Even if it takes 3 days. I think it WAS Oklahoma--the Redman IM. Can't recall the date though. I'm getting too much info crowded into this brain these days. I'll look it all up again. And I think there's a half redman. That appealed to me, too. Guess a person could be really ambitious and do OK AND FL? Hmmmmm..... maybe if one is in the spring and one in the fall?
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