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2008-04-09 1:12 AM
in reply to: #1325309

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

lyssa-gator - 2008-04-09 3:13 PM LOL!!! my mom gave me a cookie cook book for my birthday, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE to bake, but i think the reason i love it, is because it gives me a perverse sense of power. i almost NEVER sample what i bake. just tonight, my mom had a meeting at her house, so i took all the cookies over there, and they're gone now. hmmmmmm, what will i make tomorrow!?!? BUT i must confess that i fell to the after kids are in bed snacking again. i TRIED to make a healthier choice though, i had only ONE stale marshmellow peep (MMMMMM, it's like from the end of feb!! so rock hard and good!!) and a small bowl of mini wheats. i wish i could have the will power to NOT snack at ALL!! it's AWFUL!!! i need to use my "non cookie eating" power on the night snacking!!

Chances are if you are snacking like that late at night you might actually need the food... is it possible you are underestimating your calorie needs during the day and you actually need that extra meal?

2008-04-09 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1325351

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2008-04-09 1:12 AM

lyssa-gator - 2008-04-09 3:13 PM LOL!!! my mom gave me a cookie cook book for my birthday, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE to bake, but i think the reason i love it, is because it gives me a perverse sense of power. i almost NEVER sample what i bake. just tonight, my mom had a meeting at her house, so i took all the cookies over there, and they're gone now. hmmmmmm, what will i make tomorrow!?!? BUT i must confess that i fell to the after kids are in bed snacking again. i TRIED to make a healthier choice though, i had only ONE stale marshmellow peep (MMMMMM, it's like from the end of feb!! so rock hard and good!!) and a small bowl of mini wheats. i wish i could have the will power to NOT snack at ALL!! it's AWFUL!!! i need to use my "non cookie eating" power on the night snacking!!

Chances are if you are snacking like that late at night you might actually need the food... is it possible you are underestimating your calorie needs during the day and you actually need that extra meal?

I don't know that snacking itself is that bad...I'd rather have small snacks (or "graze" throughout the day that keep me from being starving, and then probably eating much more at meals or afterwards than I's just what and how much you snack.  I am trying to keep mine to fruit (dried or fresh) and often times, I'm actually just wanting something to drink, and so I keep water bottles around all the time and if I know I've had enough calorie wise, I try to go for the water (often I use Crystal Light or off-brand same things to flavor it--which helps too) and that typically holds me over.  Also, sometimes something like a few nuts (raw almonds are an awesome healthy snack) help as they have some healthy fats/oils that will help fill you more.  You just can't feast on them (my problem and why I'm staying back from nuts for awhile...). 

2008-04-09 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
i think the night snacking is more of a habit to break than an actual caloric need. i don't actually restrict calories at all, i haven't ever really felt that i needed to. for the most part, i eat healthy, and with the training, and the breastfeeding, the weight comes off pretty easy. i prefer to graze throughout the day, a cheesestick here, half an apple there. maybe even half a peanut butter sandwich. i don't even REALLY have a big problem with sweets. i eat them. but i don't go nuts. some of the cookies i made were these really teeny java cookies shaped like little coffee beans, they were DELICIOUS!! but i'm the kind that can eat one and walk away, dh eats them about 8 at a time!
my main weight loss challenge is that late night unhealthy snacking. and i do it just out of habit. because i can eat a healthy snack, but as soon as i'm done, i'm searching for a naughty snack!!

today, i'm off to the hill for more strenuous blah blah, i'm not loving it, but i think i'll see results pretty quickly.

what are you guys doing today??
2008-04-09 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Okay, I know I post a lot--my job is just not, well, very demanding at all right now...

Yeah, I just don't bake anymore cause I'd eat it! Kudos to you Lyssa for resisting! I can get away with a lot more too cause it's just me--no DH, no kiddos, just a dog, and I don't eat what he eats (though he occassionally eats what I eat! )

Today--I did my longest swim EVER (I really think EVER--cause I don't think as a kid I ever did that much) this morning. Phew...what a swim.  It is harder, for me, to pick up speed in the swim than it is for the bike and the run, but I guess in the cost/benefit analysis arena, the bike and run are more profitable for time increase.  I'm not slow, just not fast!

I was going to ride outside today, but it's raining, and it's just not worth it to me to risk a wreck and ride in the, it may be a trainer night for me.  Weekend looks good though, so Fri-Sun should see some outside riding.

2008-04-09 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

WOWZER! WHAT A SWIM!  Dude Britt, when you say long swim, you mean a LONG swim. complete with a 1000m TT to boot! my longest to date is 3200. 

This morning it was 2000m and it was a pool party.  Invited a new residence who swam competitively in udnergrad to walk to the pool with me so I would make it and 3 other people from my residence were standing in line to get in when we got there.  So it was a nice social morning.  A bit of time in the hot tub after and breakfast together back at our residence. I think I need a new swimsuit.. mine is to big (hurray!).

I have my first physio therapy appointment today since last July.  My knee isn't getting worse, just not any better.  It still gets swollen (although not painful) from time to time and it still won't straighten all the way and i am afraid it may be the reason my hip often feel tight or sore after a hard workout.  I'm scared, since I know the first thing she will say is "back off the training."   

2008-04-09 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1326233

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
KrazyLegs - 2008-04-10 3:10 AM

WOWZER! WHAT A SWIM!  Dude Britt, when you say long swim, you mean a LONG swim. complete with a 1000m TT to boot! my longest to date is 3200. 

This morning it was 2000m and it was a pool party.  Invited a new residence who swam competitively in udnergrad to walk to the pool with me so I would make it and 3 other people from my residence were standing in line to get in when we got there.  So it was a nice social morning.  A bit of time in the hot tub after and breakfast together back at our residence. I think I need a new swimsuit.. mine is to big (hurray!).

I have my first physio therapy appointment today since last July.  My knee isn't getting worse, just not any better.  It still gets swollen (although not painful) from time to time and it still won't straighten all the way and i am afraid it may be the reason my hip often feel tight or sore after a hard workout.  I'm scared, since I know the first thing she will say is "back off the training."   

They might just say 'back of the intensity' or 'back off the running' - but its MUCH better to get an injury properly rehabbed abd have a few training down weeks... trust me on this one!

The hip issue is probably related to the knee- the weakness will be causing balance and instability but also over compensating for it!

To put it shortly.... listen to what they say, and if you think theyve got it wrong go somewhere for a second opinion.... but cutting back on training for a few weeks is better than being out of it for a LONG time!

2008-04-09 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

so here's the word.

Wearing my knee brace for so long caused my pelvis to twist forward on the right side.  my hip acts like my right leg is longer than the left even though it's technically shorter since I can't straighten it all the way due to scar tissue and it is always slightly bent.

So I got an exercize I have to do every morning and before every workout to straighten my pelvis.  Then its massage and acupuncture to get the scar tissue out from my knee.  She did a bit of massage today and there was already some improvement aftewards. After we work on getting my pelvis straight then its on to strengthening specific glute muscles. she had me test it by laying on my side and doing a straight leg lift with the foot slightly forward of my body... no problem, way strong.  Then she had me move my leg backwards and try the same thing, I fell over.  So that's a muscle imbalance to work on that will help the running and helps prevent knee problems especially when running.

She's our cycling club Physical therapist and told her my plans for the olympic and she didn't seem concerned but was happy I came in before I really caused some over use, imbalance issues.  told me to keep training but warned me if she didn't see improvement in the alignment of my hips by next week then she may ask me to back off a bit. So you guys need to check on me to be sure I do them!! overall it went a lot better than I thought and I wish I hadn't put it off for so long!

2008-04-09 9:02 PM
in reply to: #1327399

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
KrazyLegs - 2008-04-10 11:14 AM

so here's the word.

Wearing my knee brace for so long caused my pelvis to twist forward on the right side.  my hip acts like my right leg is longer than the left even though it's technically shorter since I can't straighten it all the way due to scar tissue and it is always slightly bent.

So I got an exercize I have to do every morning and before every workout to straighten my pelvis.  Then its massage and acupuncture to get the scar tissue out from my knee.  She did a bit of massage today and there was already some improvement aftewards. After we work on getting my pelvis straight then its on to strengthening specific glute muscles. she had me test it by laying on my side and doing a straight leg lift with the foot slightly forward of my body... no problem, way strong.  Then she had me move my leg backwards and try the same thing, I fell over.  So that's a muscle imbalance to work on that will help the running and helps prevent knee problems especially when running.

She's our cycling club Physical therapist and told her my plans for the olympic and she didn't seem concerned but was happy I came in before I really caused some over use, imbalance issues.  told me to keep training but warned me if she didn't see improvement in the alignment of my hips by next week then she may ask me to back off a bit. So you guys need to check on me to be sure I do them!! overall it went a lot better than I thought and I wish I hadn't put it off for so long!

look at hte positive side - she is obviousdly used to dealing with athletes AND next time youll know not to put off going!

2008-04-09 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

JENI--do your stretching/knee exercises! Good news though, and yes, sounds like she knows what she's talking about.

You though I had a big swim day, give a WOWZERs to Pam--she beat me out on that one--nice swim Pam.  Also, I have to say, that Pam wrote one of the best posts I think I've read on here about goals in the goal thread in tri talk, I recommend it!

2008-04-10 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Thanks, Britt!

Good news on the knee, Jeni. Listen to your body. Swim lots. Ice, ice baby! Hopefully you won't have to back off.

I had a big training day today. Now that that is done, I'll have a mini-taper cuz I'm racing Sunday! Yay! I love racing! It's a short little sprint, 300 yard pool swim, 12.4 mile bike, 5K run. This is the one that started it all for me. So even though I know I would be better off racing a longer distance race this month, I feel the need to pay homage to this little sprint that basically got me addicted. It's also a chance for me to pay respect to my friend who encouraged me to try triathlon and is no longer here on earth physically. But her spirit lives on everytime I hop on my bike. Thanks, Jo. This race is for you!

2008-04-11 7:12 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Happy Friday, everyone! I am so excited! I lost 4.4 pounds since last Friday! Yay!!!! I had to announce it now because my daughter's birthday is Sunday and you know what that means. Lots of cake, ice cream and pizza. Not the most nutritional fare, but you only turn 7 once! Have a great weekend!

2008-04-11 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

CONGRATS!!! that's awesome!!!!

I ended up binging all night last night because there was a reception with free food and I working in the room next door. yummy cheese and crackers, shrimp, torilla chips, more cheese.... and fruit   Thank goodness there was no dessert   But I was feeling hungry all day yesterday so i think my body wanted it.  But I'm back on track today I have a gala on the 17th to dress up for so there's even more motivation to be good.

2008-04-11 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
here's what i'm reading this morning (that same RW article)
strategy for weight loss ELMO (eat less more often) have six or seven small meals a day with no more than three hours between meals "if you wait too long, your metabloism drops and fat-storage mode sets in, so your tendancy to overeat is strong"
also, there's a smoothie recipe, which i tried this morning, and it was AWESOME

4 T whey protein powder
1 banana
1/2 C frozen strawberries
1 T ground flaxseed
6 ice cubes
8 oz water
(optional-pack of splenda or a few drops of almond or vanilla extract)


2008-04-11 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Pam--that's awesome!! woohoo!! I was reading that RW article too! 

I really hate the wind y'all--I'm starting to embrace hills more and learn how to tackle them better, and tomorrow I'm going to have a long hilly ride (I'm pysching myself up to do it and not quit) for about 2 hours that will kick my rear, but I'm okay with long as it isn't HORRIBLY WINDY.  Today the wind where I rode was just 20mph, and it was a crosswind such that it hit you pretty bad the first half, and then finished you off the second half. I mean, NEVER was the wind at my back--never.  There were a couple of less windy spots, but man the wind really kicks me.  I'd ask if there were any tips, but really, I think it's just riding in it...wind should be banned (unless it's at my back).  

2008-04-11 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

I hear ya with the wind... here's a story from my epic ride last week...

The first half of our ride was all hills.. The second half after we were cooked was flat with a 12mph headwind (that's what the weather says, i think it was stronger). Man was it aweful. So you have two choices. give up and struggle against it or get stubborn and fight it. I got stubborn.

While I was pulling someone he asked how I could keep up that pace and I told him "pure stubborness." Which it is.. headwinds are mental training to say the least. Put your head down, spin your legs and be stubborn enough not to let the wind stop you. Now if that doesn't work you can try my other technique. Complain about the wind for a while to the person who is using you to draft off of. Then when the next big gust hits get pissed off, yell "F**K!!!!!!" at the top of your lungs, drop into a high gear, and take off, dropping the guy behind you. So the first technique will get you through your ride, but the second makes it a lot more memorable Cool but you may have to change your usename afterwards....

So physch yourself up to take out all that pent up aggression on the wind.

Now if only I didn't whimper like a baby when I meet headwinds on a run....


Edited by KrazyLegs 2008-04-11 3:52 PM
2008-04-11 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

2008-04-12 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
I'm back from my WW meeting. I was down 2.2 pounds this week!
2008-04-12 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Way to go Mel! That's awesome, congratulations!

On an upside, I had a breakthrough swim today as far as form goes, and then an even bigger one against the wind on the bike cause I was close to quitting, but then instead thought about the person that would beat me at a race and the fact that they wouldn't quit their 2 hour ride just because of some I decided I wanted to be the one that didn't was good! Jeni---you helped me unleash the stubborn me on the wind, thanks!!

2008-04-12 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Congrats on the weight loss Pam and MEl - WOW nice going!
2008-04-12 7:26 PM
in reply to: #1333322

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
TexasMPGal - 2008-04-12 8:16 PM

Way to go Mel! That's awesome, congratulations!

On an upside, I had a breakthrough swim today as far as form goes, and then an even bigger one against the wind on the bike cause I was close to quitting, but then instead thought about the person that would beat me at a race and the fact that they wouldn't quit their 2 hour ride just because of some I decided I wanted to be the one that didn't was good! Jeni---you helped me unleash the stubborn me on the wind, thanks!!

Way to get stubborn, Brit. I just stay as low as possible on my aerobars and put it into an easy gear and spin. No sense in killing your legs in a tough gear against the brutal forces of nature, especially if you've got to run afterwards. Same principal for hills: easy gear, higher cadence makes climbing and fighting a strong wind a lot more tolerable and enables me to do it longer!

2008-04-12 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1332862

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
BunnyB - 2008-04-12 12:59 PM

I'm back from my WW meeting. I was down 2.2 pounds this week!

Yay, Melissa!!!!! Way to go!!

2008-04-12 10:59 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Spring has arrived in Vancouver!!

Cherry blossoms in full bloom and no need for a jacket on the bike today. On the downside I fell off the eating healthy the last few days.  On the positive I met two more BTers today and they are great and I'm sure we will be seeing more of each other.  One is giving me a lift out to a bike race she's competing in tomorrow so I can cheer and take pics. As for the healthy eating...tomorrow's a new day!

2008-04-13 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Back from my 5k race this morning. Unofficial time of 54:24. It was REALLY hot out on the course. When I finished at around 8:40am, it was already 85F (29C) degrees with a heat index near 90F. I haven't done any training in that type of temperature conditions and I really felt it out there. Most of my training up to training up to this point has been with temps in the mid to upper 60's, so it was a massive difference. I'll write up my full RR later.
2008-04-13 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1333940

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
BunnyB - 2008-04-13 12:16 PM

Back from my 5k race this morning. Unofficial time of 54:24. It was REALLY hot out on the course. When I finished at around 8:40am, it was already 85F (29C) degrees with a heat index near 90F. I haven't done any training in that type of temperature conditions and I really felt it out there. Most of my training up to training up to this point has been with temps in the mid to upper 60's, so it was a massive difference. I'll write up my full RR later.

Good job in the heat, Melissa. I wish you could have sent me about 20 degrees of that warmth. Then we BOTH would have had good race conditions. I did my sprint triathlon. It was 48 degrees and windy (brrr!!!). My time was 1:05:26, about a minute slower than last year, but good enough for (drumroll...) FIRST PLACE OVERALL FEMALE!!!! Before y'all get too excited, there were only 21 women racing. But I'll take it! I think I was slower because of the cold temps. My bike split was the only thing that didn't improve (and in fact was slower) from last year. I was 19th out of 103 men AND women. So it was a very good race! Hope everyone is enjoying the remainder of their weekend!!
2008-04-13 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1333940

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

BunnyB - 2008-04-14 2:16 AM Back from my 5k race this morning. Unofficial time of 54:24. It was REALLY hot out on the course. When I finished at around 8:40am, it was already 85F (29C) degrees with a heat index near 90F. I haven't done any training in that type of temperature conditions and I really felt it out there. Most of my training up to training up to this point has been with temps in the mid to upper 60's, so it was a massive difference. I'll write up my full RR later.

Whoa awesome effort!!!! Having raced and got heat stroke all power to you for sticking it out!!!

Dont forget to drink LOTS for the next few days!

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