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2009-02-23 3:30 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Run last night was aiming to do 10k in about an hour. HR spiked up high in the first kilometre so eased the pace back a bit and carried on focusing on mid-sole feet and high cadence which helped the HR drop down to 140 so eased the pace back up a bit and HR settled around 145.

Was still slower than my usual pace but ignored that and went on perceived effort which kept me honest. got to 8km in 49mins but as I turned and started out my legs felt very tight in the calf so decided that it was best to call it a day. Walked and stretched for about 600m which helped and glad I did it as today no tightness or pain in legs and feel I could run again which is important.

Am putting higher HR down to effects of cold still in my system but we will see how it goes this week.

2009-02-23 7:12 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Ran for about 10 min on Friday-really pushed it, HR 156bmp

Get the bike out tomorrow since the weather's supposed to be nice

2009-02-23 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


pleasant swim this morning.  19 mins.

1x400 in 8:16  [im gonna be swimming a few of these in the next two weeks to come up w an average 400yd time.   the form for the mini sprint that im doing in April places you into groups/heats based on your 400 time....just want to make sure that im placed 'appropriately']


then another 400, but broke it down as follows:

1x100 freestyle; 1x50 backstroke

1x100 freestyle;  1x50 backstroke

1x50 freestyle; 1x50 backstroke

tomorrow is BRICK #3 - 37 min bike; 19 min run

thurs is BRICK #4 - 14 min swim; 28 min bike.  focus on making this one smoothandrelaxed.

SAT. im gonna do a 'mock' TRI, just to set some baseline times.  [planned since i started the Sprint Tri trng in Oct] 

though less than 'ideal - ill be doing this indoors, spinning rather than cycling, running on the indoor track rather than outside - im sure this will be a worthwhile pursuit nonetheless, im certain to glean valuable info that will prove helpful moving forward.

continue to be mindful of Gs suggestions though the dialing it back/unloading seems to be 'less critical', as i feel more 'ontopofthings'....though ive learned, this isnt a cue to go and work hard, unnecessarily, to 'prove' im back.

steady as i go.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-23 11:42 AM
2009-02-23 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
2nd day of the new plan and already had a problem. Ended up burning the heck out of my left forearm while power washing the lanai (a chlorine burn of all things). Anyway, it has been keeping me up the last 2 nights and I didn't think it was wise to jump in the pool today. Just keep treating it with aloe and neospirin and see how it progresses. Doesn't keep me from running or riding.

43m 13s 4.35 miles 09m 56s/Mi
10:30 AM  Run-4.35
Climb: 26 feet

Planned call for a 35 minute run today - bumped it up a bit because I was not able to get in the pool. 10:0.75 run/walk with HR @135, 134, 137 and 142.

Edited by junthank 2009-02-23 11:03 AM
2009-02-23 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


I have had an on-going struggle with lower-back pain.  To date, I've done the following:

-yoga (helps some)

-streach out on medicine ball (helps some)

-hamstring streaches (helps some)

-spacers on tri bike (helps a lot)

-physical therapy (didn't help at all)

-inversion (didn't help)

-chiro (always helps)

I have had zero problems/minimal pain using the above techniques for the past 8 months but after skiing, a long car ride, and some running this weekend...I've been hurt'n.  I could barely get my shoes on this AM.

I visited the Chiro this morning.  He said "things were compressed" and he DID get my back to pop which provided much relief.  Any additional suggestions to avoid "compression"/pain in the lower back? Cry


2009-02-24 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
1h 10m 17.50 miles 15.00 Mi/hr
11:00 AM  

Good workout. 4x3 minute stand up hill climb intervals, 4x3 minute 85rpm intervals, the rest were 65 rpm intervals.

2009-02-24 2:20 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

excellent wrkout today - BRICK #3


the transition felt as smooth and relaxed as BRICK #1, i can tell that these experiences are doing a lot to build my confidence/sense of competence.

felt a little 'tired' mid-way through the run, but i was able to dial it back just a bit, and then surge 65-70% into the run, just barely touching Zn 4 by the final 2 mins.

i feel race-ready.

BRICK # 4 on Thurs. - swim to bike.  hoping for a smoother transition than what i felt during BRICK #2.  taking what i learned last wk and taking it into this BRICK, this week.

#1 GOAL:  simplify

#2 GOAL:  DRY SOCKS (or a close proximation thereof)

then set my sights on the 'mock' sprint tri on saturday.  not a 'real' race but in some ways, it feels like a real one nonetheless.

steady as i go.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-24 2:21 PM
2009-02-25 3:23 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

35mins on the exercise bike in the gym. 11.2 miles apparently but didnt feel anything like that in terms of effort so I expect the bikes need calibrating.

Why do exercise bikes always have such awful saddles on them. They always seem to be really wide at the back and nothing like any saddle you would put on your bike. Spinning bikes seem to be a lot better.

Only 8 weeks to go to my sprint race so lots more cycling needed. Swim and run is sorted.

2009-02-25 5:31 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Berkeley Heights
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
47m 56s 1200.00 yards -----
5:00 AM     

4 x 25 wu 3:52:96
4 x 50
5 x 100
1 x 200
2 x 50
4 x 25 44:03:70/w 30 sec rest between each

I'm finding that I really don't get comfortable in the pool until I'm at about 5-600 yds.  I'll get into a grove when I stop thinking about swimming and "daydream"about something else.  I seem to fall into very smooth stroke, no trouble on bi-lateral breathing and good balance.  Now If I could just hypnotize myself to do that from the start. Myone toublesome moment came when I felt a burning in the front of my surgically repaired right shoulder....turns out I have a tendency to bring my chin across the front of the shoulder when rotating up to the right for air.....issue....razor burn...I started to laugh when I realized what it was.

Had follow up with Dr. on MRI.  Seems I have two spots in my right knee where the cartilage is almost worn away, along with several "floating bodies" in the joint and behind the knee cap.  Dr. seems to think I'll be OK as long as I continue to loose weight and go easy on the pounding.He prescribed 12 sessions with their Therapy group with a specialist that deals with triathletes and professional athletes...needless to say I was   This is by far the best ortho I've ever had and confident in his abilities because this Dr. is the NJ Nets team surgeon and assoc. doc for the Giants and Mets.  His is going to have the therapist to a running analysis of my stride and give me some knee and core excercises to use.  Looking forward to getting my a** kicked by that guy.

 So the good news is no surgery!!!


Edited by broonsy 2009-02-25 6:07 AM
2009-02-25 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
30m 7.50 miles 15.00 Mi/hr
10:30 AM  

Good spin. Nothing special. Worked in some hill climb and faster cadence stuff during this short spin.

21m 2.10 miles 10m/Mi
11:00 AM  

Still can't get in the pool so I substituted pool work with a run. Honestly I felt a little lethergic today but finished it.
2009-02-25 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

felt a little heavy-hearted today.  to be expected.  letting the grief rise and fall, come and go.  feb 29th was the day C passed away.  [though it being a leap year.....]

17 min run on the indoor track this morning while it was still gray&gloomy.

then, HALLELUJAH!  the clouds PARTED.  the sun came OUT!  the temperatures ROSE.  (a blazing 48 degrees!!!!)

i had to.

went out for an impromptu, soul-ride at the park. 

though, admittedly, i left my HRM in the truck and just let loose around the lake.  felt so AWESOME to be outside in the sunshine, i lost my head. 

no worse for the wear.  good medicine for the soul.  the heavy-heartedness all but gone.

BRICK #4 tomorrow am - 14 min swim, 28 min bike.  im thinking if the weather holds, i might just head out the YMCA door, hop on my bike and ride the 28 mins rather than doing spin. 

now wouldnt that be the BOMB?!

we shall see.  fingers crossed.

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-25 1:57 PM

2009-02-25 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

OMG you guys.

im super silly excited.  [john you know just how silly excited....]

i just found out that BART YASSO, chief running officer for runners world magazine, author of the book 'MY LIFE ON THE RUN' [which is an AWESOME book, SO worth going to Amazon RIGHT NOW and ordering] is going to be in the BURGH this weekend.

he going to be 'manning' the expert table at a race this weekend at the park where i JUST did my ride today [less than 10 mins from my house]  how cool is that?

AND hes giving a presentation later on in the day for a kick-off event for the PGH MARATHON at the Heinz History Center, downtown.

HIS IS AMAZING STORY, truly inspirational. 

you know you read about these guys....cant wait to meet him.....

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-25 3:10 PM
2009-02-25 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Yo G-Team. Didn't post yesterday. Job schedule has been crazy this week.



Run - 15:52

Z1 - :27

Z2 - 15:25


Swim - 1300 yds\34 mins

Bike 1hr on trainer. Simulated planned hill climbs with large ring\gear and standing

Z1 - 1:31

Z2 - 22:41

Z3 - 34:03

Z4 - :46




2009-02-26 6:11 AM
in reply to: #1980655

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
broonsy - 2009-02-25 5:31 AM

 So the good news is no surgery!!!

PHIL.  that's excellent news indeed!

sounds like you are in very good hands....


2009-02-26 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1975849

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
junthank - 2009-02-22 1:49 PM
18m 54s 2.00 miles 09m 27s/Mi
2:30 PM  2 Mile Run
Climb: 7 feet

Let's see - My son decided that it was more important to play football with his buddies than work on his tennis game. So I had to figure out some type of exercise for "family" day. Since none of my family was around I decided to run my original 2 mile course (the place where I started all this madness). During the run a couple thoughts came across my mind:

1) How easy the run was. I struggled with this 3 months ago. I could of gone tons further today but I know I have 2 weeks of harder training ahead.

2) How my body is no longer sore. I constantly struggled with sore knees and pulled calf muscles. No more. This was after going 30 miles on the bike yesterday.

3) The urge to exercise. I don't know what's causing this. Is it my mind telling me that I'm going to feel lethargic the rest of the day if I don't? Is it my body/mind needing a fix (i.e. the chemicals my body is releasing when I exercise)? I don't know - but I do know that going forward with my plan I have got to resist the need to push too hard.

O - G - one more thing to report. My wife refuses to get in the pool and train - so I don't think I'll ever be able to convince her to do a TRI. However, I'm happy to report she is now a Run/Walk convert!!! She did a 10K yesterday utilizing Run/Walk.

 Back from the mountains -- I was ski touring for a couple of days.  You'll find a few photos on my facebook page.

 The changes that we create in ourselves -- great that you are seeing the differences now.  It takes a few months to get perspective on how big an impact on ourselves.  The training -- I'm sure there is a chemical release from training but I also think that movement/circulation/oxygenation -- those three factors (separate from endorphins) set up our bodies/minds for operating at a higher level.  I read a book about an elite chess player that used strides to refresh himself mentally (The Art of Learning).  Interesting story as the author was able to achieve a VERY high level in both the mental and physical arenas.

 The ability to change our circle through changing ourself -- over the last decade, that has probably been the most powerful lesson that I've learned.  First in terms of general health, more recently in terms of coping positively with the economic changes that are happening.


2009-02-26 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1977546

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Writebrained - 2009-02-23 12:44 PM


I have had an on-going struggle with lower-back pain.  To date, I've done the following:

-yoga (helps some)

-streach out on medicine ball (helps some)

-hamstring streaches (helps some)

-spacers on tri bike (helps a lot)

-physical therapy (didn't help at all)

-inversion (didn't help)

-chiro (always helps)

I have had zero problems/minimal pain using the above techniques for the past 8 months but after skiing, a long car ride, and some running this weekend...I've been hurt'n.  I could barely get my shoes on this AM.

I visited the Chiro this morning.  He said "things were compressed" and he DID get my back to pop which provided much relief.  Any additional suggestions to avoid "compression"/pain in the lower back? Cry


 A few more questions before offering ideas...

 What is the longest that you will drive without stopping?

 Do you think skiing is the trigger?

 In addition to rehab/stretching -- what activities do you perform to strengthen your low abs, obliques and back?


2009-02-26 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1980655

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
broonsy - 2009-02-25 4:31 AM
47m 56s 1200.00 yards -----
5:00 AM     

4 x 25 wu 3:52:96
4 x 50
5 x 100
1 x 200
2 x 50
4 x 25 44:03:70/w 30 sec rest between each

I'm finding that I really don't get comfortable in the pool until I'm at about 5-600 yds.  I'll get into a grove when I stop thinking about swimming and "daydream"about something else.  I seem to fall into very smooth stroke, no trouble on bi-lateral breathing and good balance.  Now If I could just hypnotize myself to do that from the start. Myone toublesome moment came when I felt a burning in the front of my surgically repaired right shoulder....turns out I have a tendency to bring my chin across the front of the shoulder when rotating up to the right for air.....issue....razor burn...I started to laugh when I realized what it was.

Had follow up with Dr. on MRI.  Seems I have two spots in my right knee where the cartilage is almost worn away, along with several "floating bodies" in the joint and behind the knee cap.  Dr. seems to think I'll be OK as long as I continue to loose weight and go easy on the pounding.He prescribed 12 sessions with their Therapy group with a specialist that deals with triathletes and professional athletes...needless to say I was   This is by far the best ortho I've ever had and confident in his abilities because this Dr. is the NJ Nets team surgeon and assoc. doc for the Giants and Mets.  His is going to have the therapist to a running analysis of my stride and give me some knee and core excercises to use.  Looking forward to getting my a** kicked by that guy.

 So the good news is no surgery!!!


 No knives is good news.

 The length of warm-up that you need in the water is totally normal -- in fact, I know folks that need up to 2,000 to feel "ready".  If you are going to do any swim testing (training) or swim racing (triathloning) then it is important to remember your need for a warm-up and plan accordingly.  It will go a long way towards increasing both your performance and comfort.


2009-02-26 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
43m 10.45 miles 14.58 Mi/hr
10:00 AM  Home-Central Sarasota-10.
Climb: 66 feet

Great to be back outside on the bike. Did a little cadence work but I primarily just wanted to stay in my "biking HR zone" so I would have plenty left for the follow-on run.

28m 14s 3.02 miles 09m 21s/Mi
10:45 AM  3 Mile Run
Climb: 3 feet

Good run. Extended my walk from 45 seconds to 1 minute. Run/walk ratio 10:1 today. Keep the HR below 140 at all checks which was nice.
2009-02-26 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


the day was a HUGE success.  im mostly satisfied w my performance in all three disciplines.

i manged well through the transitions, theres still some streamling/simplifying to do, but....


got to pool 45 mins before the 'start' of the 'race'   warmed up in the pool area.  STRETCHED.  swam approx.  5-6x50s, 2x100s slow, easy.  NOTE:  next time. make sure that i stretch the bottom half as much as the top half, i was thinking just for the swim, but i need to think forward to the bike and run when im stretching.

700 m swim:  15:30.  the finish time for my swim, BIGGEST SURPRISE OF THE MORNING.  honestly for someone who really, really (and i mean really) lacks confidence w the swim, im consistently hitting times that are a full 2-3 mins faster than the average in my age group in the races that im planning to participate in.  who knew i was such a fine swimmer?  puts that whole 'i suck' thing to rest, that's for sure.

T1*: worked at keeping everything SIMPLE.  SIMPLE.  SIMPLE.  i got through this time w DRY SOCKS.  that was the #1 goal!

12 mile bike:  48 mins [Bairel Sprint Tri Average in my age group] though based on yesturdays ride (4.75 miles in 19 mins [w LOTS of wind]), this time is just about right or a little over.  i wasnt able to get outside to ride.  darn it all.  but at least i had yesturdays ride to give me an idea, and the average time of the women in my age group in the Sprint Tri im planning to do.

rt hip got tight (not typical, if a hip is tight its usually my lft) the final 4-5 mins of the ride, im guessing that i didnt take enough time to stretch.  shifted around a bit, used a standing climb to elogonate/stretch which helped.  didnt carry over to the run.  other than that, the ride felt GREAT.  kept HR @ or around 133.  and thats saying something, since this was an all climbing class today. (i sure can pick em cant i)  reduced/increased cadence/resistance as needed to keep HR in 'the zone'  yee haw!

T2*:  smooth and relaxed once again.  i need to get me a SHOE HORN.  what w the orthotics, its a little tough getting the shoes to go on wout a bit of a struggle, and i dont want to loosen my laces too much more than they are already.

3.2 mile run:  34:10.  of the three, this time was the most disappointing to me.  but i reminded myself, not so many weeks ago, i couldnt even walk from my couch to the powder room wout being in EXCURCIATING pain.  to be HERE, in 20+ weeks, A-MAZING.  remember, stacie.  remember.

walked the first minute coming off the bike, did 10 min:30 sec run/walk ratio.  not something i do in training (a factor in my finish time??)  i managed to keep my HR @ or around 143 in spite of the longer running/walking ratio (was planning on dropping back to my trng ratio if i was having a hard time controlling my HR, but was doing just fine, felt fine....), kept HR @ or around 143, except the final 3/4 of a mile, gradually 'ramped up' to end up just touching Zn 4 (151). 

again, dissapointed w my run time, but it gives me an area where i can grow, evolve, improve.  and considering where i was not so long ago....

just a bugger cuz i know that i was running 8:36/mile 5K pace before i got injured.   sigh.  time.  time.  time. 

*i made the decision to not time either transition, this go-round, though i was mindful of the time, and tried to keep everything simple and to the point, to move through the transition as quickly as i possibly could while still focuing on keeping it simple, relaxed, smooth.

OVERALL TIME (wout the transitions)  1:37:40  not a bad considering....

SO WORTH the experience. and im SO glad i did it today rather than on saturday.  this way its behind me and i can really focus on my family (and my own heart) over the next few days.

gonna enjoy a few days of post race RECOVERY (though honestly, i feel GREAT now, i may head to the pool tonight for the group swim (our last one of the cycle) and swim a few 50-100s, nice and slooooow. just for recovery and touch base w everyone

kicking off my recovery tomorrow heading to Phipps Convservatory to take in all the spring flowers on display and then lunch at the Spice Island Tea House.  anyone want to join me?? 

then the weekend remembering C.

BTW.  G.  QUESTION FOR YOU. what do you recommend as a POSTRACE RECOVERY PLAN?  im just thinking good information to have going forward.  i know w running light activity is preferrable to no activity.  stretching.  lean protein, carbs.  fluids.  resume a taper trng schedule for the first few days (1 day per mile you raced....)  though this isnt a race-race, im thinking this good info to have 'on file' moving forward.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-26 2:12 PM
2009-02-26 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1983734

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-02-26 11:34 AM

walked the first minute coming off the bike, did 10 min:30 sec run/walk ratio.  not something i do in training (a factor in my finish time??)  i managed to keep my HR @ or around 143 in spite of the longer running/walking ratio, except the final 12-3/4 of a mile, gradually 'ramped up' to just touching Zn 4 (151). 

again, dissapointed w my run time, but it gives me an area where i can grow, evolve, improve.  and considering where i was not so long ago....just a bugger cuz i know that i was running 8:36 5K pace before i got injured.   sigh.  time.  time.  time. 

BTW.  G.  QUESTION FOR YOU. what do you recommend as a POSTRACE RECOVERY PLAN?  im just thinking good information to have going forward.  i know w running light activity is preferrable to no activity.  stretching.  lean protein, carbs.  fluids.  resume a taper trng schedule for the first few days (1 day per mile you raced....)  though this isnt a race-race, im thinking this good info to have 'on file' moving forward.


 Great workout -- include some more running prep using the run:walk plan that you want to use during the race.

 For recovery -- remember to give yourself as long as you need -- some folks like to plan their easy training, some folks like to leave it unstructured -- for a mental break.  Both approaches are fine.  

Eating healthy is good, as you note -- a lot of folks give themselves a nutrition "break" and eat a ton of sugar post race.  I don't advise this because it plays havoc with mood and body composition -- why gain back ten weeks worth of weight loss in ten days.

 For immediate post race recovery -- fluids, light movement, get muscle temperature down -- then get dry, and dress appropriately for conditions.  Stay out of sun.  

 Hope this helps,


2009-02-26 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1983772

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-02-26 12:45 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-02-26 11:34 AM

walked the first minute coming off the bike, did 10 min:30 sec run/walk ratio.  not something i do in training (a factor in my finish time??)  i managed to keep my HR @ or around 143 in spite of the longer running/walking ratio, except the final 12-3/4 of a mile, gradually 'ramped up' to just touching Zn 4 (151). 

again, dissapointed w my run time, but it gives me an area where i can grow, evolve, improve.  and considering where i was not so long ago....just a bugger cuz i know that i was running 8:36 5K pace before i got injured.   sigh.  time.  time.  time. 

BTW.  G.  QUESTION FOR YOU. what do you recommend as a POSTRACE RECOVERY PLAN?  im just thinking good information to have going forward.  i know w running light activity is preferrable to no activity.  stretching.  lean protein, carbs.  fluids.  resume a taper trng schedule for the first few days (1 day per mile you raced....)  though this isnt a race-race, im thinking this good info to have 'on file' moving forward.


 Great workout -- include some more running prep using the run:walk plan that you want to use during the race.

 For recovery -- remember to give yourself as long as you need -- some folks like to plan their easy training, some folks like to leave it unstructured -- for a mental break.  Both approaches are fine.  

Eating healthy is good, as you note -- a lot of folks give themselves a nutrition "break" and eat a ton of sugar post race.  I don't advise this because it plays havoc with mood and body composition -- why gain back ten weeks worth of weight loss in ten days.

 For immediate post race recovery -- fluids, light movement, get muscle temperature down -- then get dry, and dress appropriately for conditions.  Stay out of sun.  

 Hope this helps,


G.  wow.  quick response time.  [we must be on at the same time]  btw, WELCOME BACK!

and YES.  thank you for the info it does help clarify a few things for me. 

im in total agreement about the sugar/recovery.  has never been very helpful or beneficial for me.  in fact what ive experienced is lots of sugar/processed food just prolongs the recovery process.

though, admittedly, i usually have one post-race splurge.  its usually ends up being a burger or pizza   i think it will be a fish sandwich on Friday from the local Catholic Church down the street this time round.

as for the run/walk ratio.  im not sure why i hadnt thought of earlier to use the 10:1 ratio in training.  i had been planning that as a race strategy all along, esp since i saw that i was doing well w the 7:1.

something to work on moving forward.  even w the disappointment, at least i have 'success' in the other areas - im pretty jazzed w my swim - to counteract the run.  oh the beauty that is TRIs.

i have a charity 5K race coming up on St. Patricks Day.  so it will be nice to have a run/race before the mini the end of April.  im hopeful to see a reasonable amt of improvement, but im not gonna 'sweat the small stuff' either.  and this IS small stuff.

again considering where i was, the fact that im HERE, is SIMPLY SPECTACULAR.

yeah me!

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-26 12:58 PM

2009-02-26 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1983461

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-02-26 10:46 AM
Writebrained - 2009-02-23 12:44 PM


I have had an on-going struggle with lower-back pain.  To date, I've done the following:

-yoga (helps some)

-streach out on medicine ball (helps some)

-hamstring streaches (helps some)

-spacers on tri bike (helps a lot)

-physical therapy (didn't help at all)

-inversion (didn't help)

-chiro (always helps)

I have had zero problems/minimal pain using the above techniques for the past 8 months but after skiing, a long car ride, and some running this weekend...I've been hurt'n.  I could barely get my shoes on this AM.

I visited the Chiro this morning.  He said "things were compressed" and he DID get my back to pop which provided much relief.  Any additional suggestions to avoid "compression"/pain in the lower back? Cry


 A few more questions before offering ideas...

 What is the longest that you will drive without stopping?  2 hours...but my chiro recently told me to stand-up and walk around every 45 min.  So, I'm currently doing that....

 Do you think skiing is the trigger?  It could be.  I've had some major episodes after skiing but I've also skied for 6 days straight without incident.   After snowboarding, I always have issues.  I have not snowboarded in two years - fyi.

 In addition to rehab/stretching -- what activities do you perform to strengthen your low abs, obliques and back?  I run, bike, and swim.  I also streach after runs for about 10 min.  I'm open to and looking forward to your suggestions in this area.....


2009-02-26 5:11 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Ran 3.3 miles, easy today. 
2009-02-26 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1983452

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
GordoByrn - 2009-02-26 11:42 AM
junthank - 2009-02-22 1:49 PM
18m 54s 2.00 miles 09m 27s/Mi

 I read a book about an elite chess player that used strides to refresh himself mentally.



Super to have you back – I missed the daily dose of TRI/LIFE wisdom – hope you enjoyed the slopes.

For at least the next year for me training is going to be about increasing swim/bike/run endurance and economy.   I’m not worried about speed.  I believe I have a great endurance building plan in each sport for the next 4 months (thanks for the help). 

With regard to economy/efficiency, I have plenty of things to focus on in the water (bilateral breathing, balance, etc.) and I have the appropriate drills in place to help me get there.  Likewise, on the bike I have lots of things to practice (position and cadence variations).  For the run I believe I have the run/walk protocol down and I’m constantly reminding myself of the running tips from your YouTube clip while training.  If I were to have an additional 15 minutes of run training time per session what run drills should I focus on?  Again, the focus of the drill(s) would be run efficiency. 


Edited by junthank 2009-02-26 5:50 PM
2009-02-26 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1983734

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-02-26 1:34 PM

just a bugger cuz i know that i was running 8:36/mile 5K pace before i got injured.   sigh.  time.  time.  time. 

Wow Stacie - way to go.  Bet you didn't run 8:36 5K pace after doing 12 miles on the bike in 48 and 700 meters in the pool in 15:30.  Super job.  One of the best quotes out of Gordo's book that I constantly remind myself of is "fast follows fit" or something like that (sorry G if I butcher the quote).

Edited by junthank 2009-02-26 7:53 PM
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