BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2011-03-21 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Sorry to hear about everyone's struggles. It is tough to balance life with the workouts at times.I always keep in mind that the triathlons are a hobby and not my livelihood so family and work come first.


My race this weekend was fun but I essentially turned in the same time as last year. I really felt like I had a good race and was comfortable the entire time. I am still solidly MOP. My swim and run were a little slower than last year and my bike was a little faster.


After my HIM at the end of April I am going to make speedwork a priority. I feel like I have a strong enough base at this point.

2011-03-21 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3406587

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
pschriver - 2011-03-21 9:55 AM

Sorry to hear about everyone's struggles. It is tough to balance life with the workouts at times.I always keep in mind that the triathlons are a hobby and not my livelihood so family and work come first.


Peter makes a very good point above. I sometimes beat myself down for working out too much. Then I spend time with the fam and beat myself up for not working out enough. Either way its a loss for me, but in the end its the family not triathlon that has to be the priority. My father in law asked me if I wanted a KONA slot and a 9 hour Ironman and no family or a good result like I had but no KONA slot and a good family life. THere was simply no question about it. Fack KONA. I'd rather have the good family.

I noticed that Peter and LisaB had solid results but not stellar as far as what they were hoping for. Peter seems to think he can improve with more speedwork, while LisaB seems to think that her speed is gone and she needs to not worry about time as much as giving it her best.

I think both may be good ways of thinking about results. Work harder on what limits you and judge yourself on effort relative to training/fitness.

2011-03-21 12:40 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I need to mention that my wife had a debilitating spinal cord tumor 2 years ago. She had the tumor removed and her spine fused. Her bike split was only 20 seconds slower than mine and was the 10th fastest female bike split overall. She did this with minimal training. It is very impressive to see her go from riding a Jazzy to racing a bike.
2011-03-22 9:06 AM
in reply to: #3403604

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
pschriver - 2011-03-18 12:55 PM

What's a jacket? Some type of Canadian outerwear? It was 80 degrees and sunny here today. Shorts sleeves are too much.



& just when it seemed like the weather was getting good.... apparently we're in for 5-10cm of snow tomorrow

2011-03-22 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
& best wishes to you guys-- it's rough when life comes by & gives you something like that to contend with....
i had my eyes opened the other weekend too...
i was running with a group doing 21kms around the city & over to the start of a 5k race (which we were just completing-- not racing!)
& one of the men in the group wound up collapsing partway through the 5k suffering a massive heart attack.
very scary situation. i didn't see it (i turned around when i came across a woman who had seen the situation unfold crying  in the middle of the race course), but he wound up having cpr administered & a defibrillator was used as well.
he survived & was moved out of ICU just yesterday
(& turns out, his condition wasn't brought on by the running itself, but he had a lot of pre-existing damage that led to his collapse)
but-- it was almost lucky for him to experience that on the course (where he was surrounded by people working for EMS). if it had happened along our 21km route, or when he was home alone... he would have been in even more trouble.
scary, scary stuff though.
it would be nice if health were more predictable.
but i guess it's incentive to just go for it while it's possible.
2011-03-22 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
& as far as workouts go...
this is a bit of a taper week before Sunday's upcoming 30k event.
so a 19km slow jog for me this past Sunday morning (which was beautiful!)
& a relatively easy swim with my masters group last night
(& a flat and informal 7k jog planned after work today)
but if we seriously do get 5-10cm of snow... I'LL CRY.

Edited by nicruns 2011-03-22 9:21 AM

2011-03-22 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
15 mile run this morning took my daughter to school and breakfast with my wife. a good morning.
2011-03-22 2:30 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Dang you guys are putting some good perspective out there. We have to cherish each and every moment as you or someone you care about could be gone on your next run or whatever.

nicruns, we will be pulling for you this weekend! rock it out. good work wmplummer! I hit a 17 miler with my new brooks dyad 6s (got re-fit while up in NJ). first century is this sunday (calling for tstorms so it might be on the trainer!).

also noticed nerdjock hit that 4 hour trainer ride this weekend. mad props to Peter's wife for that amazing comeback! what are you up to?

Edited by phatknot 2011-03-22 2:31 PM
2011-03-22 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I'm lazy at the moment. I am just catching back up at work. I plan to run in the morning. I have a HIM in just over 5 weeks. My IM coach discouraged me from doing sprint tris during my IM training. She always had me run long immediately after I finished. I never thought the short distance would be an issue but the intensity seems to sap my energy for a couple of days. I will get back on my plan tomorrow. 
2011-03-22 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Peter: Your wife sounds amazing!

Nic: At my last half, my bestie and I were the first people on the scene when a man collapsed during the marathon.  It was very scary.  We started first aid and he survived, but it was really heart wrenching.  The way I look at it, I'd rather be as healthy as possible and to die living than to die for 20 years.

I've been fighting with some insomnia recently.  I've had bouts of it throughout my life, though it's worse when life is stressful (ha!  like when finishing a dissertation, interviewing for postdocs, preparing for an all-day postdoc interview including and hour-long talk, training for IM and moving?) and I haven't slept more than a couple of hours a night in the past couple of weeks.  If I sleep, I wake up 15+ times/night.  Anyway, I'm starting to feel sleep deprived and a bit brain dead, so that has been hurting my motivation.  Started a run this morning and only made it 2 miles, then had to stop with a side ache.  F!  I thought I was toast.  Started getting mopey and feeling pathetic.  Then went out again a couple of hours ago and finished a strong 6 miler.  Heading out for another few miles after work.  Think I'm on the upswing.  Also, I did do 4 hours on the trainer on Sunday.  My longest drainer ride ever.  Definitely prefer to be outside, but now I have no more excuses not to ride long when the weather sucks.

Okay, I'm done being a weenie now and I'm back to being a slayer.

2011-03-23 1:51 PM
in reply to: #3256691

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
my turn to whine!
i tweaked my knee during last night's run
something just wasn't feeling right... & i'm still not sure what's going on with it (apart from swelling & discomfort)
so, i've got an appt booked for tomorrow to get it checked out, but i'm hoping it'll be manageable so i can see this 30k through (i really do like the event!)
but i'm nervous.
doubt sucks.
but regardless: i'm looking forward to my swim tonight! (but yes- i'm bailing on tonight's planned 6-7k run)

Edited by nicruns 2011-03-23 1:53 PM

2011-03-23 2:53 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Knee injuries suk. It always amazes me how I can go for months with no problem then something freaky happens a week or two before a big event. Good luck on the recovery phase.


I ran 6 slow today. Plan a long ride through the mountains tomorrow

2011-03-24 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3411026

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

get well asap nicruns and have a great ride Peter! Peter is right. stupid injuries creep up at all the wrong times. yesterday i threw a recovery swim in to finish the day and crunched my finger into the wall before turning. ouch! now i can barely bend it haha. especially with regards to your A races, you have to be so careful not to mess yourself up.

Keep me posted on how you all are doing! racing season is upon us. Need to keep at it. check in one and all!

2011-03-24 2:08 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
All I can add today is the weather was beautiful. I rode with a friend and never looked at the speedo for time or distance. I did hit 47 mph on a descent. I will upload the data later. A big Canadian group checked out this past weekend and migrated back north. Things must be thawing out up there. 
2011-03-26 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3412716

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

I heard on fb that KateR kicked some butt on her race today! perhaps she will check in. Also want to hear from nicruns on her day. Lousy weather here. Darn it! May have to do my century on the trainer tomorrow. Obviously will do the 4ish mile brick run in the rain if possible. What are you guys up to?

PS at 47mph Peter was flying!!!!!!

Edited by phatknot 2011-03-26 4:41 PM
2011-03-26 5:07 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
I'm getting ready for my first race of the season tomorrow: the SuperSeal Oly.  Can't wait!

2011-03-26 5:19 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

I hope the weather in Cali is better than the south east. It's cold and rainy here. I had a rough night and morning at work today. I did about 30 minutes on the trainer and that was it.

Good luck tomorrow Ashley. I'm sure the race will go well.

47mph downhill doesn't make up for the 8 mph climbs. My routes are really hilly so I have to go by watts not speed.

2011-03-27 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3415743

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Ashley going to town too! Bring it girl! Everyone hitting it in some form or fashion. I'm heading down the dungeon for close to 6 hours straight EEEK! What about you?
2011-03-27 2:52 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Short spin on the bike today. No mojo. Work
2011-03-27 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3416604

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Boo work!
2011-03-28 5:51 AM
in reply to: #3256691

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Extreme Veteran
Glasgow, UK
Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

Hi Guys, sorry for the late update - I raced on Saturday, top job. really enjoyed it. I wish I could bottle that feeling of finishing a tri, it'd keep me going forever. 

The swim was slower and harder than I expected but the bike was steady and the run OK. I felt at the time that the run was tough but it was only 2 minutes slower than my PB for a 5k so I was really pleased. It was a glorious day too slight clouds but sunny and bright. I'm still recovering from the cold and could definitely feel the effects in my lungs but all in all I really had a great time. 

Oh and in tribute to our captain (not least motiviated by a fb message just before the start, I had to smile to myself when the words 'SLAY IT!' came into my head when I was pushing on through the run. Cool

2011-03-28 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3417297

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Thats the way KateR! So proud of you for overcoming a lot in a short time to crush it. Who's next to report in about their weekend accomplishments? Y'all do know that I stuck it to the indoor century js.
2011-03-28 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3256691

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
Spin and Swim today. Passing on the half mary this weekend to focus on the HIM on the 30th. 4 weeks to figure out the run.
2011-03-28 3:33 PM
in reply to: #3418455

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED
what is your plan to figure out the run in 4 weeks Peter?
2011-03-28 4:20 PM
in reply to: #3418470

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Subject: RE: Not phat? Phatknot SLAYER - CLOSED

phatknot - 2011-03-28 4:33 PM what is your plan to figure out the run in 4 weeks Peter?

I am open to suggestions!!!

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