BT Development Mentor Program Archives » ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-07-09 2:40 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I appreciate all the comments on my race report. I’ve been mentally going over where I could improve my time in transitions.

At this race venue the run up from the water to T1 is about 100 yards, I’m run/jogging the whole way while unzipping and pulling the wetsuit down to my waist so not much I can do there. I did walk a short spell once onto the pavement since the little pebbles were tough on my feet this time. So there may have been 50 to 100 feet of walking that I could run next
time. Once at my transition spot I step on the end of my towel and pull my legs and feet out of the wetsuit. Cap, goggles, ear plugs, and timer go onto the towel and I grab my helmet and strap it on while wiping my feet on the end of the towel. Then I pull on socks (just can’t ride or run without them, too susceptible to blisters), then bike shoes (Velcro straps so it’s pretty quick) sunglasses on then I grab the bike and run it out to the mount line.  I check the bike computer as I unrack the bike to make sure it’s not in sleep mode. I even left off the bike gloves that I usually wear during a race.  At this race I did spend about 15 seconds extra to get some sun block sprayed on.

I guess I could just practice more transitions and see how much faster I can accomplish it, but other than skipping the sun block I’m not doing anything I don’t need to do there.

In T2 I’m dismounting the bike and running it to my transition spot. Rack the bike and take off the helmet, put on a running hat, pull off the bike shoes, put on the run shoes, put on my race belt and GPS watch and I’m off. It doesn’t seem like I’m doing too much there.

I do use standard laces on my running shoes that I have to tie in transition.  I’m considering switching one pair over to a set of Yankz. I have some on an older pair that I don’t run in anymore.

Maybe just more practice at T2 also.

What do you guys think? Any tips for decreasing my transition times?

2013-07-09 4:31 PM
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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I can give you a relative step by step of my transition but there are differences in what we do.  For instance, I go sockless for everything other than long course races.  For my HIM's I will take the time to put socks on in T2 but anything shorter it's completely sockless for both bike and run.........and I accept blisters as part of the race.


  • *As I run out of the water I am reaching to the back of my neck to open the velcro closure on my wetsuit, grab the lanyard and unzip.
  • *After unzipping I peel my goggles and cap in one hand.
  • *Begin pulling the side of the wetsuit holding the goggles off my shoulder leaving the cap and goggles inside the sleeve.  I finish by pulling the other shoulder down and getting that arm out of the wetsuit.
  • *....Finish the run into transition
  • *At the bike I finish taking my wetsuit off by stepping on the legs a couple of times and I am able to clear it usually very quickly.  (I normally don't need to use my hands at all for my wetsuit.)
  • *Grab my wetsuit and toss it under my bike.  (I like to keep all of my stuff as much out of others way as I possibly can make it.  There's nothing worse than having someones stuff allover yours and having to fish through it.)
  • *Put on my sunglasses
  • *Helmet and buckle

..........Out of transition......

      I keep my shoes clipped into the pedals and get into the shoes once up to speed.  This is where Tri specific shoes can be a huge benefit.  However, I used cycling shoes for part of 2011 and all of 2012 seasons and I had them clipped into the pedals as well.  They're a little harder to get into but it's well worth the time savings.  Consider where you're going while standing in transition putting shoes on and where you're going while moving on your bike putting your shoes on.

........On the bike approaching T2 I remove my shoes and pedal the last 100-200 yards with my feet on top of the pedals.  (And make sure the dismount official see's me screaming in, get's really nervous and screams at me to slow down.)


  • *Put on my socks (only if long course racing)
  • *Put on my shoes
  • *Grab my race belt and visor
  • *Run out of transition putting my visor on and then my race belt.

You might try using some Body Glide on the inside of your cycling shoes to reduce the possibility of blisters if that is a concern.  Honestly I believe there could be some kind of a body mechanics issue or shoe fit issue if you're getting blisters from cycling shoes.  The first pair of cycling shoes I owned and rode for thousands of miles were the cheapest pair of pleather shoes you can find!!  I don't believe I ever got a blister riding in them.  The mechanics of the pedal stroke shouldn't really create a lot of friction or hot spots.  Now my triathlon specific shoes are size 44 and I would normally wear a 43 and I've never had issues with any hotspots at all and I've done 80 miles barefoot.

You can also try the Body Glide in your running shoes too.  I've done that and been pretty successful up to oly races except for the last mile or two.  I do get some blisters in certain areas but once they burst and I wash them once I don't have any problems.  But, that first time washing them SUCKS!!!!!  Fell the burn!!!

Edited by DirkP 2013-07-09 4:33 PM
2013-07-09 8:01 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Thanks for the transition info!

Tony I love the new picture thunderstorm and all!
2013-07-09 8:11 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Ok, I am looking for a Tri-Indy roll call.  Here's what I have from the May roll call:

  1. Dirk
  2. Jeff
  3. Brenda
  4. Allison (2012 Junkie)
  5. Joanne
  6. Dina?
  7. Matt

Anyone else I'm missing?  Well besides the 2 east coasters who are chickening out and scared to come face to face with the Junkie train that's going to be rolling through downtown Indy.

I am going to get a campsite set up for the KOA east of Indy pretty soon. This campground is about 15-20 minutes from the race site and packet pickup.  It is a really easy drive on race morning with very little to no traffic.  (Who else besides triathletes are going to be on the road at 6 AM on a Sunday?)

Who is looking to camp? They have RV and tent camping as well as some cabins.  I have never seen this campground even close to full for this particular weekend.  Usually we have a space or two (at least) on either side if our trailer.  I may also have some room to put a couple of people up in our camper if my girls decide not to make the trip.

Those getting hotels, where are you getting rooms geographically?


2013-07-09 8:52 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Vero I can't offer any advice on transitions. I have to be the slowest person in the group when it comes to transitions. I think Dirk offers up a lot of good info and advice. That is one area where I need to improve and will hope to do so next year by getting in more shorter distance races and actually making an effort to move faster and be more organized.

JoAnne I thought you might appreciate that pic, I'm sure you can relate LOL

Dirk I hope you guys all have a wonderful time and you crush the competition there at Tri-Indy. I hate missing the chance to see you and Jeff go head to head and getting together with a large part of the group. I will have to take a rain check this year and hopefully you guys will do it again next year or some other event that I can get out to so I can race with the rest of the Junkies.
2013-07-10 1:07 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
This week can bite me!!!!!  GRRRRRRR!!!!!! Yell

2013-07-10 6:10 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tracy, hope this week doesn't bite you.

Well i got the Newton Gravity shoes in, ran in them for 3 minutes took them off and sent them back, the knobs under the ball of my feet hurt to much and i said it was just not worth it... I'll never podium so why take a chance with injury.

Looking forward to seeing my son, going to pick him up today since he has been gone for 3 weeks to visit his grandparents in Atlanta and went to NY w/ his cousin.

Ya'll continue to train was hot here today at 4:00 am it was 78 but made or a nice run!
2013-07-10 7:21 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Happy Wednesday, Gang!    Back from vacation and finished 10 loads of laundry and about 7 hours of yard work yesterday.  Went to bed feeling more sore than I have in a long time.  I'm ready for another vacation and then I need to get a maid/groundskeeper to do the post clean-up. 

Like MATT, I was able to read your posts while I was away but I just didn't respond via my phone which is impossible to compose on.  Glad you enjoyed your East Coast trip. 

I echo everyone's condolences about your grandma's passing, WILL.   

All you Junkies be careful out there with the bike crashes.   Been there, done that and it's not fun.

JEN!!  I knew I liked you from the git-go and then I find out you ride motorcycles?!!  You're a girl after my own heart.   I rode for many years (sold my last Harley about 6 years ago when I started riding my bicycle more) and thankfully never put one down.  I'd say motorcycles and bicycles fall in the same category so you're good getting the fall out of the way.  Undecided   Hope you were OK - do you still ride?

If you're still checking in, DINA, I totally get your lack of motivation.  Nothing wrong with how you feel - It's OK to be where you are.  I see in your log you're still staying active with walking the dog and running around with the kids.   They deserve the best of you and I know you're doing a great job being a mom.

Sorry, DIRK, my man, but TriIndy is off my calendar.    As much as I'd like to see you all, it's just not gonna work with my family.  It was so wonderful to see you and Lisa in Winona.   You have really stepped up your game.  I love that you're connected with a team as your new tri outfit looks much better with your lime green visor than your old one.  Wink  Good luck at IM70.3 Muncie!  You're gonna ROCK it!

KARL -  4:00 AM and 78 sounds awful but way to get in a run any ways.  Enjoy getting your son back!



2013-07-10 7:54 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tracy sorry to hear that this week is not going your way. I hope things turn around in a good way for you.

Karl wow 3 minutes and back in the box for the Newtons! I guess sometimes you just know things are right for the get go. I hope you get to spend some time with your son being he's been away for 3 weeks.

Brenda welcome back glad to hear you've got all your chores out of the way after your vacation and I hope you enjoyed it and had a great time.

I got a OWS in last night at the lake, did one long out and back and one short out back for a little over 1.5 miles. My wife showed up with our dog Luna and we got her in the water and she was having a good ole time in there lol. We have to go early in the morning there were too many people around to let her loose. I'm guessing she is probably a better swimmer than I am since its in her genes.
2013-07-10 8:57 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony, congrats on the swim...and yes labs I think that is what Luna is, they are awesome water dogs!

OK who gave me the HARD drugs...against all odds I just signed up for the Oly Tri August is not wetsuit legal and i can't even swim that far w/o a wetsuit so what I'm saying is...IT HAS BEEN NICE KNOWING EVERYONE...if you do not hear from me after the 10th, you'll know what happened! Ok now I'm ready to go throw up!
2013-07-10 9:07 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Tony, congrats on the swim...and yes labs I think that is what Luna is, they are awesome water dogs!

OK who gave me the HARD drugs...against all odds I just signed up for the Oly Tri August is not wetsuit legal and i can't even swim that far w/o a wetsuit so what I'm saying is...IT HAS BEEN NICE KNOWING EVERYONE...if you do not hear from me after the 10th, you'll know what happened! Ok now I'm ready to go throw up!

Karl that is great. You have plenty of time to get yourself ready to be able to complete that swim distance. Fear is a great motivator and signing up for the race makes you accountable you just need to have a little faith in yourself and believe that you can do it. I felt the same way before my first Oly and that was wetsuit legal! Two thing you need to do, swim as much as you can and believe, you can do it!

2013-07-10 9:11 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun Tony, congrats on the swim...and yes labs I think that is what Luna is, they are awesome water dogs! OK who gave me the HARD drugs...against all odds I just signed up for the Oly Tri August is not wetsuit legal and i can't even swim that far w/o a wetsuit so what I'm saying is...IT HAS BEEN NICE KNOWING EVERYONE...if you do not hear from me after the 10th, you'll know what happened! Ok now I'm ready to go throw up!

I'll be there too Karl! It's going to be awesome!!

2013-07-10 9:34 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by bswcpa

Happy Wednesday, Gang!    Back from vacation and finished 10 loads of laundry and about 7 hours of yard work yesterday.  Went to bed feeling more sore than I have in a long time.  I'm ready for another vacation and then I need to get a maid/groundskeeper to do the post clean-up. 

JEN!!  I knew I liked you from the git-go and then I find out you ride motorcycles?!!  You're a girl after my own heart.   I rode for many years (sold my last Harley about 6 years ago when I started riding my bicycle more) and thankfully never put one down.  I'd say motorcycles and bicycles fall in the same category so you're good getting the fall out of the way.  Undecided   Hope you were OK - do you still ride? 


Welcome back! That daunting mountain of laundry sounds like my family after a long weekend! I don't currently ride - Too many hobbies and they all get expensive. I learned to ride when I was 17 and my first vehicle was a Honda Shadow 650CC Cruiser, which I rode to college everyday.... my husband is the only one that a has a motorcycle at the moment.

2013-07-10 10:36 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Tracy, hope this week doesn't bite you.

Well i got the Newton Gravity shoes in, ran in them for 3 minutes took them off and sent them back, the knobs under the ball of my feet hurt to much and i said it was just not worth it... I'll never podium so why take a chance with injury.

Looking forward to seeing my son, going to pick him up today since he has been gone for 3 weeks to visit his grandparents in Atlanta and went to NY w/ his cousin.

Ya'll continue to train was hot here today at 4:00 am it was 78 but made or a nice run!

I heard Bobby McGee, the great running coach and a huge proponent of improving running technique and running drills, talking about heel striking/minimalist shoes, etc. The short version is that he recommends if you aren't getting injured currently and you aren't chasing Olympic or national level awards, don't tinker TOO much with your natural foot fall or gait. Some tweaks are fine and can help, but otherwise he was particularly against fixing a problem which doesn't exist.

You must be missing your son crazy after 3 weeks! My middle guy has been at camp since Sunday and I'm missing him a ton already. I guess I'm not quite ready for them to be out of the house.
2013-07-10 3:52 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

It sounds like some amazing rides and riders this past week.  Tracy knocking down her big hill in record time, Warren crushing over 300 miles in 4 days and Jeff's buddy completely destroying all of us in one ride.

Well maybe I can add a little bit more to the fire this weekend for my Ironman Muncie race.  I'll be riding a disk for this race.  One of my teammates put it out on FB tat someone racing could borrow his wheel (just the rear) and I was the first to jump.  I am supposed to pick it up this week sometime and ride it once before the race to get used to feeling it in the wind.  that should set up a better shot at repeating last year's "A" race at Rev3.  This race will be different than last year if for no other reason than weather.  The temps are supposed to be warmer but the humidity will likely be killer.  We'll see how it play out.

Dirk, it's going to be wetsuit legal! So bring that wetsuit.
Is this a clincher disk? If not, I just wanted to remind you to also carry a spare tubular.

And don't fret the wind. A disk wheel on the REAR of a bike is not unstable in ANY wind conditions.
Have fun!

2013-07-10 3:58 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Ok, I am looking for a Tri-Indy roll call.  Here's what I have from the May roll call:

  1. Dirk
  2. Jeff
  3. Brenda
  4. Allison (2012 Junkie)
  5. Joanne
  6. Dina?
  7. Matt

Anyone else I'm missing?  Well besides the 2 east coasters who are chickening out and scared to come face to face with the Junkie train that's going to be rolling through downtown Indy.

I am going to get a campsite set up for the KOA east of Indy pretty soon. This campground is about 15-20 minutes from the race site and packet pickup.  It is a really easy drive on race morning with very little to no traffic.  (Who else besides triathletes are going to be on the road at 6 AM on a Sunday?)

Who is looking to camp? They have RV and tent camping as well as some cabins.  I have never seen this campground even close to full for this particular weekend.  Usually we have a space or two (at least) on either side if our trailer.  I may also have some room to put a couple of people up in our camper if my girls decide not to make the trip.

Those getting hotels, where are you getting rooms geographically?


Dirk, I will want to stay at the KOA to maximize my time to visit with you. I will have to set up a tent. I know that tent spots and camper spots are usually in different areas of most campgrounds.

2013-07-10 4:17 PM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by JonnyVero

I appreciate all the comments on my race report. I’ve been mentally going over where I could improve my time in transitions.

At this race venue the run up from the water to T1 is about 100 yards, I’m run/jogging the whole way while unzipping and pulling the wetsuit down to my waist so not much I can do there. I did walk a short spell once onto the pavement since the little pebbles were tough on my feet this time. So there may have been 50 to 100 feet of walking that I could run next
time. Once at my transition spot I step on the end of my towel and pull my legs and feet out of the wetsuit. Cap, goggles, ear plugs, and timer go onto the towel and I grab my helmet and strap it on while wiping my feet on the end of the towel. Then I pull on socks (just can’t ride or run without them, too susceptible to blisters), then bike shoes (Velcro straps so it’s pretty quick) sunglasses on then I grab the bike and run it out to the mount line.  I check the bike computer as I unrack the bike to make sure it’s not in sleep mode. I even left off the bike gloves that I usually wear during a race.  At this race I did spend about 15 seconds extra to get some sun block sprayed on.

I guess I could just practice more transitions and see how much faster I can accomplish it, but other than skipping the sun block I’m not doing anything I don’t need to do there.

In T2 I’m dismounting the bike and running it to my transition spot. Rack the bike and take off the helmet, put on a running hat, pull off the bike shoes, put on the run shoes, put on my race belt and GPS watch and I’m off. It doesn’t seem like I’m doing too much there.

I do use standard laces on my running shoes that I have to tie in transition.  I’m considering switching one pair over to a set of Yankz. I have some on an older pair that I don’t run in anymore.

Maybe just more practice at T2 also.

What do you guys think? Any tips for decreasing my transition times?

Well, running the part you walked would help out. I know that the pebbles hurt the feet...but you CAN develop a technique that can protect your feet in these situations. It takes ninja skills, but the short of it is run and as your foot touches down, if there is something poking up in to your foot uncomfortably you relax the knee and limping...until the next stride comes through and you recover the run then.
Or maybe staying on the toes will do the trick? It's the heel that's most tender.

Other than that...the ear plugs, goggles and cap should come off before you pull the wetsuit down. Get them in 1 hand first, then as you pull the top of the wetsuit off you let go of them when your sleeve is peeled halfway off. They stay inside the arm of the wetsuit until you fish them out after the race.

You can probably cycle without socks, can't you? Ever tried it? The blister concern should be a running thing, not a cycling thing? If so, then you only have 1 problem to solve. If you take the time to find out where your race shoes rub your feet (run barefoot for 1/4 mile or 1/2 mile or more until you find out) you can dab Vaseline inside the shoes in these specific locations before the race.
Put the speed laces on, then you slip them on your bare feet like slippers.

Don't bother to leave your shoes on your bike BEFORE the bike. Until you are an expert at it, the fastest thing is to put them on in T1 and run to the mount line as best you can in the cycling shoes.
BUT, practice leaving the shoes on the pedals as you approach the dismount line and you will save time in T2 getting them off, plus you probably run faster barefoot than in cycling shoes.

No sunscreen! You are done racing by about 9am anyway, right? The sun's rays don't hurt you that early. Obviously it's called for if the race is a long one. Or consider using a heavy duty waterproof sunscreen you apply before you start.

Running hat, race belt and watch can be put on while running out of T2? That may be much with that I suppose you could put on the hat, stuff the watch in your top and begin running while getting on the race belt, then grab the watch and install it on your wrist as you continue running....but what about wearing the watch from the start?

Oh, one more thing, you didn't indicate if your wetsuit comes off in 2 fast motions or if you are wrestling with it for a while to get it off your feet?

See this video:

2013-07-10 4:36 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Since the ladies are talking motorcycles.....


motorcycle_s.jpg (66KB - 22 downloads)
2013-07-10 5:31 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

The color makes me smile, Jeff!!   Love it! - that's one sweet ride. 

2013-07-10 6:06 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Here's me when we lived in beautiful Maryland with my favorite bike - a pearl white Fat Boy - this was pre-kids and pre-triathlons.     I'll have you know this is the first picture I've ever posted in a thread (thanks to Dina's instructions) so do a happy dance with me.   No, I promise not to bore you with pictures all the time now.   Laughing


Edited by bswcpa 2013-07-10 6:13 PM
2013-07-10 7:59 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Loving those bikes! I raced as a kid, and I owned a motorcycle before I owned a car. I did do down twice, once was fairly serious. My brother had a terrible fall which left him with permanent nerve damage, and I actually never rode again. And in a real tragedy, the guy I sold my last bike to killed himself on in a week later when he lost control at what was estimated to be 110. Sorry to tell my tale of woe.

2013-07-10 8:19 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
All the talk about bikes make miss the one I had! Being young with a crotch rocket combined with starting a new family just didn't mix though, scared the poo out of myself once and that was all it took. Someday though when I am not such a daredevil maybe I can get a another one.


image.jpg (379KB - 18 downloads)
2013-07-10 8:21 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Ha figured out how to post photos from an ipad, I rock! Although it does seem to be rather large, maybe if I used some ninja skills I would be able to get it smaller . (Couldn't resist)

Edited by mambos 2013-07-10 8:26 PM
2013-07-10 8:53 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by mambos

Ha figured out how to post photos from an ipad, I rock! Although it does seem to be rather large, maybe if I used some ninja skills I would be able to get it smaller . (Couldn't resist)

Hahahaha a hilarious!!!!! I just about spit my water when I read this.
2013-07-10 9:10 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Love the bikes!!

So Mirinda Carfrea just posted today she is coming to Racine for the HIM I am pretty excited to see her race! Last year my highlight was high fiving Mr Alexander we' ll see if I can meet mirinda

I haven't been able to get my bike to the shop since it fell over luckily I wasn't on it so I have been having to ride inside on the road bike, Ive been recording the tour so Iam riding with them on my bike days, but this inside stuff getting old.

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