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2015-10-07 2:58 PM
in reply to: phifatech

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Dennis - thanks. Good to do some speed work. I swear it made my steady pace running easier.

Phil - what kind of dog do you have? Just got a second dog to go with our pugle (pug/beagle). We found an 11# Japanese Chin (think Pekineses but cuter) at a shelter. Took him for a walk down the block and had to carry him home the last 1/4 of the way!

Steve - don't know how you handle working those long hours and training for IM. Very inspiring.


2015-10-07 3:21 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Alexandria, Virginia
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Haha! My dog is half vizsla half weimaraner, both breeds are excellent for running. That wasn't an accident, since I was looking for a running partner :-)
2015-10-07 4:25 PM
in reply to: phifatech

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New user
Simpsonville, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Phil, nice break on the free entry . Still a bummer, but better than nothing! Also impressive work for the pup, my dog is strictly a 1 mile kind of dog. He's a German shepherd and doesn't know how to pace himself.

My long run felt excellent today! Kind of rough working 2nd shift though, I woke up and started running and had to go straight to work from the trail. I didn't even have time to shower (gross, I know). Thankfully someone left chick-fil-a on my desk, that was a wonderful surprise when I came in since I hadn't really had much of a breakfast and no lunch. I also had to skip my swim today because there wasn't enough time in the day. I'll probably just fit it in tomorrow, an hour swim isn't too bad to do and it shouldn't hurt me to swim on my rest day.
2015-10-09 2:39 PM
in reply to: jimmybags

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Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
I hate when you plan something and through no fault of our own, the time is eaten up elsewhere. Good job for the run though! I think we've all had the workout-no long shower scenario at some point!

Today, managed my longest swim yet (almost 2 miles) and my fastest 5k over lunch (22:29). Happy days :-)
2015-10-09 8:14 PM
in reply to: #5075206

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Howdy folks, hope everyone's training is going well. Making slow progress here. Had a little hip pain after my last walk/run so I'm taking a little break. Good news is my HR is lower on the same route than previous walk/runs. Guess I'm getting more fit. The bike is going OK. Did 30 miles Tuesday and planning on 30+ tomorrow but thunderstorms are in the forecast. Down 20 lbs so far. Happy about that but still a long way to go. Small goals along the way seem to be the ticket.
I hope everyone has a great winter of training!
2015-10-10 1:49 PM
in reply to: respro

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Way to go on the weight loss Tyler!

My first bike rally in quite a while today. Did the "25 mile" route (actually a bit shorter), and thoroughly enjoyed the ride. Best weather day we have had so far this year, quite a few hills, and a good cause (St. Jude's Children's Hospital). I didn't realize that the kids who are treated there pay zero for care. What a blessing to their families.

So my weight has continued on a not good trend. My doc invited me to a clinical trial for a drug they are trying to get approved for Type 1's that can also help with weight loss, but I decided the time commitment was just too much (25 appts over 68 mos and it's a 2 hr commute for me). Not sure what employer would put up with that! Meeting with a dietitian next week to see if I can get some help. I tell myself it simply calories in/calories out and have a lot of head knowledge about all that, but am ready to get some help since I'm not getting it done on my own.

2015-10-10 3:00 PM
in reply to: #5145784

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Was in rare form last night so I did some Chi running intervals at midnight. Trying to transition from heel striking to midfoot. Maybe that will help with the recurring shin splints.
Hi Carol, I'm primarily plant based now. I found on YouTube and it has changed the way I think about food. Check it out.
2015-10-10 6:03 PM
in reply to: respro

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
The whole heal strike thing is bad is kid of a myth btw. The main thing is to not have your foot land out in front of your body, but land on the ground under your body. Most people heal strike more or less unless they are sprinters. So proceed with caution. My wife did the whole minimalist shoe thing for 3 years and developed enduring achilies issues that has not resolved. When I ran in some minimalist shoes I started to develop some achilies pain and ditched those shoes. I just don't have the time to play with new ways to injury myself. Now running form is a different issue than heal strike. The main thing is that you want the angle at your foot to your shin should be slightly less than 90 when you put weight on it. The more that angle goes past 90 degress the more your heal strike will slow you down and be more jarring to your body/joints.

58 mile bike today, lovely weather.

Work sucking again. It is tough to always work in environments where you have no peers. I had been hopeful in my new job and gave folks the benefit of the doubt and trusted them to have the needs of kids first. Nope, politics and tantrums are the norms, time to pull back and just do my job. It gets really frustrating to have folks let you down a lot when trying to help kids. But, I guess schools really aren't about the kids, they are about the adults. So it was good to get out and ride around the lake and watch the boats go flying by. Wish I had my boat here.
2015-10-11 9:18 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Steve -- Yep, dysfunction abounds in the workplace. Just sad when kids are the ones who suffer for adults acting like kids. My (relatively) new workplace has some of the most selfish people I've ever encountered. Everyone is their own island, and I just want to laugh at some of the "look at me" attitudes on prime display. Others have adapted to survive that, and there are a few who buck the trend. Maybe why you are there is to live that out and to encourage the ones who have adapted to survive but wish for something better. That's what I try to remember, but there is also always the possibility that I will tell too much unvarnished truth, or lash back in response, or just bust out laughing one day and not be one of the survivors!
2015-10-11 2:56 PM
in reply to: #5145870

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Hang in there Steve. It'll make retirement that much sweeter.
This group inspires me. Did 8+ mile Walk/Run today at a sub 14 min/mile pace. Getting stronger, I can feel it! A few more weeks of walk/run and then maybe start building base miles of continuous EASY running. I'm running in Asics gel nimbus 15s and can tell I'll need more cushion. Would love to run in Hokas but I have a 4E wide foot and I hear Hokas run narrow. Any ideas on a great cushioned running shoe that will accommodate a wide foot???
2015-10-11 4:57 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Tyler - congrats on weight loss - don't know what you are starting at, but 20 is always great.

Carol, weight loss is so much more complex than just cal in/cal out. You know that - it's how your body processes food and I don't even know what else, but it definitely is more complex so glad you are getting some professional support.

Steve, sorry work is sucking, you had high hopes for this job. I hope something good happens soon.

Jimmy - good job getting those workouts in! Stock your drawer with protein bars and pre-made shakes. A jar of nuts is good too. Got to keep the body fueled.


Edited by MuscleMomma 2015-11-04 9:39 AM

2015-10-11 7:50 PM
in reply to: #5145990

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Hi Mitzi, started at 280 and today 258. Just shy of 2 months primarily plant based. Eating all the fruits and veggies I want. Plus a dessert everyday. Not hungry, not counting calories, etc. Did a lot of research before I started. Reems of studies on nutrition. I've had to walk/run every single tri I've done. By hook or by crook I'll strike fear into my fellow age groupers
2015-10-11 9:40 PM
in reply to: respro

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Ya I am pretty frustrated with the job for a number of reasons. I saw that some of the admin was pro-student, but then I found that it was only to the extent that it made them look good. Students who don't make them look good need to get shipped to a different school. So part of it is just lowering expectations, falling back and developing a strategy to try to positively impact folks who will be highly resistant to help. Another disappointment was having a very large number of staff who are not capable of improving for various reasons who are not admin and are functioning in a really low level. The third is that there is not enough program to meet kids needs nor space to build on even if I convinced admin to hire more staff. It is one of those 10 percent functional 90 percent not types of systems. I genuinely do not know that I have what it takes to transform the entire system even to get it to low average. Anyway, enough about that, it is what it is and we see how God weaves life's little adventures.

10 mile run today, was slow but alright. The temps are cooling off down to the mid 90s now. The fires are pretty much out, except for the ones burning under ground. Hopefully we get some rain to just take care of all that. Monday is a new day and I have a marvelously complex puzzle to work on.
2015-10-13 8:22 AM
in reply to: respro

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New user
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
@Steve: what you are describing is pretty much the essence of the crisis in the school system here in Quebec. Teachers and school staff are going on planned strikes in the next few weeks, they are just fed up with always putting more unpaid hours and personal money to buy stuff for their class on the line. Government are cutting on services, and those who suffer the most are those more vulnerable, children with special needs etc.
Having 2 kids in elementary school and seeing that all the lunchtime and extra curricular activities (even homework, but they don't mind that one!!) that they like and make school bearable to them are cancelled, it is becoming clear that the kids are no longer at the center of today's school system. And the few exceptional individuals that still care simply cannot change by themselves the political issue it has become.

Anyway, this is why we need training and positive goals in our life!

I am progressing well with a run-walk plan to put me back on track and hopefully beat this plantar fascitis thing. Yoga is doing me some good, I'm all sore from last night's session. Getting stronger baby!

Have a happy week!
2015-10-15 9:46 PM
in reply to: #5146020

Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Thanks everyone for the encouragement! Clicking off the miles walk/running. I can feel the legs getting stronger. Won't be long now before I start running without the walk portion. Getting faster on the bike. I think building up my legs for running is making me faster on the bike. Thinking the weight loss is the reason for that. Anyho, hope everyone is shredding it this week.
2015-10-15 9:54 PM
in reply to: isabella969

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SOUTH WINDSOR, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)

Hey all,

Finished build set 1 - 2 weeks build, 1 recover. Already getting faster..  During last weeks recovery week hit 4 PR's on Monday, 2 on wed and 1 on Thursday..  :-o  First week miles were 16 (missed long run) week 2 was 24 and recovery week was 14.4.

This week hit a 10k PR yesterday and beat it today..  This weeks mileage will be 26, next week 28 third recovery back down to 16.8

Liking the program you have me doing Steve.  Really pushing and getting stronger / faster...

Personal item - the lump in my groin - Gone! - I haven't biked since the half...  so it was definitely from the seat / setup. Will need to start up again and see what I can do to get comfortable...  maybe time for a third seat..?

Swim clinic for 8 weeks starts this Sunday. Will be nice to finally meet Mitzi..  Looking forward to a great clinic. 

I also signed up for a week long clinic at Lake Placid. This will be training on the IMLP course...  Will volunteer for 2016, with hopes to sign up and race it in 2017..  

The journey continues...  Life is ..  up to us to make it great!

Steve - I can feel for you..  I have been in corporate america for far too long..  people only think of getting ahead and 'what's in it for me" - real different when you step back, do your job well and don't compete with them. Things will work out..  You have great karma on your side.

Keep the training going...


2015-10-16 12:55 AM
in reply to: Dennis B

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Dennis, awesome job on the running. It is really sucky hard to do that much intensity, but it does pay off. Watch those overall fatigue levels as you add the swim to your hard bike and run work.

I am coming around on the job. I have am trying to shift my perspective to match my triathlon training. Although I want a big outcome, I need to just focus on what I can get done today, let go of the outcome and have faith that things will turn out as they should. It was just tough thinking I had allies in my effort to improve things only to be let down by almost everyone I work with in a single week. I am used to being alone in work environments, not having any peers or friends, but had hoped for some of that with a larger team. So mostly disappointed in myself for reading things incorrectly, I usually don't do that so badly. The entire area has a personality dynamic that is significantly different than anywhere I have lived before. East coast folks have a very thin polite layer, followed with a thick boundary underneath that erodes slowly over time, but never really thaws completely. Midwest is friendly even before hey meet you. If you are on the beach and someone walks up and starts a conversation with you, they are from the Midwest. They tend to not be deep thinkers, but they will stop and tow your car out of a ditch in 100 below temps without thinking twice about it. In southern California folks are very self focused, you can live next door to someone for 10 years and never even see them. You could be trapped in a burning car in front of their house and they wouldn't even notice let alone come help or call 911. In northern California they are generally indifferent to you. Not nearly as polite as east coast folks and they take about 150 years to warm up to you if you don't own a ranch. Here they are openly inviting and friendly at first, but as soon as the tiniest hint of something goes south that narcissism comes blasting out in the most ridiculous rage you have ever seen. It is like one of those little rat dogs with a pink hat on barking and wetting himself trying to intimidate you as you walk by their property. I know massive generalizations based on personal experience of a smallish number of people in large geographical areas, but you get the point. Short story long I am getting my feet under me and establishing a proactive way of moving things forward, if glacially slowly, perhaps geologically slowly. I get to be chair for some expulsion hearings next week with the whole thing tape recorded and then presented to the board, good times,,,,,,,,.

Enough of that. The headlamp is working well, I can see well enough to run at night without any significant problems and the flasher on the back makes me feel a bit more secure around cars. It is like 110 lumens I think with a defuser on it (diamond sprinter) or some such and is rechargeable.
2015-10-16 7:46 PM
in reply to: Dennis B

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Originally posted by Dennis B

I have been in corporate america for far too long..  people only think of getting ahead and 'what's in it for me" - real different when you step back, do your job well and don't compete with them. Things will work out..  

That right there is some truth! Dennis, glad the lump was nothing, and sounds like you are in a very good place in training and experiencing new challenges.

Steve, I can see myself in what you wrote. The disappointment is the most difficult, and the lack of trust does lead to loneliness. Particularly if you pour into people and they kick you in the teeth (don't ask me how I know). Maybe it's my age, but the prideful attitudes that surround me at work are so extreme at times I truly have a hard time not laughing. Dennis's advice is solid, and when I focus on that I am happier, though I still wish for better.

On the plus side, met with a dietitian and my endocrinologist today. Feel like I have a very good support team there to help me make the most out of my new lifestyle. Also discovered a really cool area on my walk at oasis in the middle of office buildings. It's actually an ATV/motorcycle training ground, but is kind of like a desert park. Off for a 22 mi bike ride tomorrow mostly on a new to me MUP. Should be fun!
2015-10-17 7:25 PM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
60 ish mile bike ride for me today... felt longish, I must be getting soft.

I am feeling better about work, I am a little embarrassed that it took me this long to work out the dynamic, we are like 2 months into the school year and such. I guess I was just so busy trying to get a bzillion things done and a little too optimistic about what condition things would be in. Now it is just down to molding my strategy to move the 100 teachers, 30 teacher assistants, 6 speech therapists, 4 school psychologists, 2 nurses, 3 LVNs, 2 OTs, 1 PT, and 7 principals to all work together while accurately documenting everything while we are being audited by the state and things should come around nicely. See, when ya put it that way things seem soo much more doable, /nod. It is just a 60 variable puzzle not a 30 variable puzzle, completely different strategy.

By they way my Adamo Attack is the bestest saddle ever.

Edited by Baowolf 2015-10-17 7:28 PM
2015-10-18 5:06 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Steve, I have faith in you to accomplish good things - even if it's an uphill battle.

Carol, great to have the support you need.

Met Dennis at my first HEAT swim class. So glad I signed up. I think it's really going to make the difference. Felt great that I was put in lane 3 (out of 6), cause 1 was for those who can't swim, 2 was if you could only do 50 yds. 3 was if you'd done a tri before. Had my toe tapped twice, hope people weren't just being polite - don't like to hold anyone back/ don't like to be held back. Why I work out alone, but it felt nice to talk with Dennis and I think it will be great to be part of a club that works out together and goes to races. Got a friend from the neighborhood who wants to do tri's to sign up as well and we are carpooling, so I can't blow off a class.

They timed me at 2:47/100. Hate to say it but that is my PR. Seeing how I drag my dangling legs behind me made me realize that I've got to kick. Sometimes I think I actually forget to. I'm sure it's why I'm not winded after a swim, but I'm the last one out by a lot. Something is weird as my friend who's new to tri's and swimming had to doggie paddle a bit and still came in at 2:11/100. The coach for my lane said I was a natural swimmer - ?.

That's OK, I'm in the class, I'm on my way to PR's...

2015-10-18 5:29 PM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Grapevine, Texas
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Originally posted by Baowolf
By they way my Adamo Attack is the bestest saddle ever.'s the Selle SMP TRK lady! About 1/4 the cost of the Cobb Vflow Max, which is what I started with yrs ago and more comfy too.

Mitzi, that's wonderful re: the swim lessons! Really think you are going to be amazed by the progress that you are about to make.

Ride yesterday was lots of fun. New, wide multi-use paths. Will see if I can attach a picture or two.



Path.jpg (150KB - 8 downloads)
Pathfinders.jpg (105KB - 11 downloads)

2015-10-19 8:22 AM
in reply to: squirt

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Steve, sorry that work is so trying at this time. Really sorry.

Carol, that is a gorgeous path. Enjoy it.

Yay, Mitzi and Dennis met! That is wonderful.. Think it's awesome that both of you are taking swimming lessons.

I'm officially in taper. Hallelujah. I'm completely ready to focus on rest, mild eating, and dropping the few pounds I've added back since W30 ended. And core. Tested lots of things on last long run (clothes, eating, mental) and I think I'm as ready as I can be. All that being said, I still know that odds aren't great for a BQ but the difference this time is that I'm willing to try and not afraid if I fail.

Oh, can I just say that margarita chomps are a great reward. They would be better if that put a tiny bit of tequila in them but I pretend like they have it. I plan to use them during the portion of the race where I always lose it mentally.
2015-10-19 10:01 PM
in reply to: 0

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Pam, go get em.

Alright, Pam, I see you having 1 long run in the past 2 months which will make the last 6 miles sucky. You have a moderate number of miles last month for a Boston qualifier. You have fine miles to complete the marathon no problem there. What you don't have is a big cushion to go out hard and be able to carry that through to the finish without just hearting through it to get a 3:59:59 marathon. You are 53 with your 54th birthday before race day in 2016 if I remember correctly, which puts you at a 4:00:00 cut off time. At 55 you get 10 more minutes, motivation for getting to 55 strong! So your 800 repeats put you on track for a 4 hour marathon. However, you did not build to 12x800 repeats at that pace, so again probably solid through 20 miles and then those last 6 miles are gonna be tough at that pace. So if you had 2 more 20 mile runs and had gotten your 800 repeats up to 12 at that pace and gotten your 1 mile repeats up to 8 ish I would put money on your qualifying.

So a perfect day could do it, but if I were you anything in the 4:15 to 4:30 would be considered a victory which would set you up nicely for a BQ next year at 4:10. So to BQ you are looking at an 8:55 pace for the first 5 miles, then 8:50 for the next 7 miles, then 8:55 for the next 5 miles, 9:00 for the next 3 miles, 9:05 for the next 2 miles, 9:15 for the next 2 miles, 9:20 for the next 1 mile,9:30 next mile, 9:35 for the rest race gets you 3:55:48 which gives you roughly a 4 minute cushion for pacing error. That will feel a little slow for the first 5 miles, spot on for the next 7 miles, a little slow for the next 5 miles, good for the next 3 miles, then the seconds start to add despite trying to hold that pace. The last 6 miles is just gradually increasing effort to adjust for that loss of strength in your legs, keep your head down, arms swinging, breathing steady, focused on maintaining form. You will be tempted to tighten up, fighting the slower pace and stiffening up, but just keep your pacing steady, breethe through the tension and focus on the goal, neither despairing and letting go of those precious seconds too quickly nor trying to add speed too soon to make up for the seconds being lost. Just know they will add up, but that you have enough cushion to ride it out. If you were to blow up, no biggie you are already at mile 24 at a solid pace and can run walk it in if you need to and still finish under 4:30.

This is assuming I have ready your training accurately, that there are not too many hills in the course, that the weather is good and your long history of run training caries you through those last 6 miles.

Keep in mind that we all are proud of you no matter how fast or slow you run, because we care about you. Faith will carry you through, just follow the path and the outcome will follow.

Edited by Baowolf 2015-10-20 1:24 AM
2015-10-19 10:12 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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SOUTH WINDSOR, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)

Hello all,

Build week 2/2 started today.. 4 miles 5 sets of strides - finished strong.

No biking yet, need to get back on.

Swimming clinic started - Met up w/ Mitzi - Yeah! Same lane.. She swims better than she gives herself credit for. This is a class of 30 swimmers with 4 - 8 mentors and one heck of a coach - Jeff Sturart. This week I will ask Kurt to get a pic of us.. I didn't get my times as they screwed up.. had me do 300 yards and Jeff stopped me at 250. He thought the guy next to me couldn't have lapped me by 50 yards (he did).. not sure what they did for my time. When I practice by myself I usually average right around 2:44 / 100 - just cruising. I hope to be under 2:00 by the end of the session, which is 8 weeks.

I will be doing some private lessons w/ Jeff as well starting next week (hopefully) as we are both busy and our schedules haven't meshed.

Pam - good luck on your race - enjoy the virgin margaritas..

Squirt - Nice trails... Great that you are working with a dietitian. I am still up and down like a yo-yo - trending down..

Steve - Not pushing the bike yet, will hop on a bit and "work" after the race. Need to understand how to push and build in all 3 disciplines? I guess that is the journey part.?.? Haven't heard much about flats? Sounds like you have that figured out. If so, what was the "fix"? Regarding work - you have 60 potential partners. Look to find 6 - 10 people that you can make allies out of. There must be a few people that are looking for that breath of fresh air that you are ready to bring. Once you find them, they will help you. Take it like I do my OW swims.. on buoy at a time - one person at a time. Oh yeah, I am sure you will be slapped by a few waves along the way... maybe kicked by a "swimmer" (or two?).. you will persevere.. You are an Iron Man!

Happy training all!

2015-10-20 1:28 AM
in reply to: Dennis B

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN)
Thanks for the confidence guys. Steady effort to turn the work battle ship around slowly.

For the bike I put on Gatorskin tires with rhinodillo incerts between the tire and the tube last week. I had been doing evening rides indoors with the sun setting sooner, so fewer flats because of that. Last Saturday was the first new tire/liner ride and no flats there. I will have to see how it goes. I have one more layer of defense with thicker tubes, but did not want to go there if I don't have to. If you end up getting liners like these, you put them in and then you put in the tubes. Putting the tubes in first will be a pain in the butt to get the liners in after, not that I tried it the other way and gave up or anything before doing it the right way. /shakes head nopes.
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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : May 5, 2008
author : TriPainter
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I went into the pool area (as this was a pool swim) and got body marked. That's when it hit me that I was there to race - this was not a clinic.