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2007-04-19 8:19 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Pene - you named your bike after the Queen of the Damned?  I'm almost afraid to ask...  Maybe I'll name my goggles Persephone II...

Ah, Robb - you and your realism - training, shmaining.  Man, I hate it when you're right.

Sean, took your advice about lowering the calories too much and ate a handful of peanut M&M's - no, Jeanette, it's not fruit, but it's legumes.  Give me some credit.

2007-04-19 8:27 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
C--Persephone was lusted after by Hades, king of the underworld and he tricked her into eating fruit--a pomegranate (my fav) to keep her with him, but she missed the sun and her mother and life up above and so they shared her. She was with her mother half the time (summer) and with her husband the other half (winter because her mom missed her so everything died temporarily until she came back). I figure any babe that wonderful is worth naming a bike after Plus, I'll only be able to ride her in the summer. Make sense now? Besides, I want her mother on my side Lots of good weather during races, PLEASE!!
2007-04-19 8:29 PM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Since it's the topic of the night, here's what I know about race registrations.

The only way to sign-up for a US Ironman is when registration opens the day after the race. For example, if Lake Placid 2007 is on April 22, registration for 2008 opens on April 23. And it will sell out in a matter of hours. (Now there are exceptions to that general rule if you're willing to spring for the $1,000 corporate challenge spots, but are you really wanting to spend that much cash for a race? And there does seem to a be a reality TV star exception, too.) I've read that the overseas IMs don't sell out that far in advance, but I can't confirm or deny it.

Now that's the general rule for IMs. There are other long distance races, that is, non-IM brand but same mileage, that don't close a year in advance.

HIM races close when the spots are taken, usually a few months before the race. And again, there are many non-IM brand races throughout the country which are really good races.

If you just want to go the distance, you have lots of choices. If you want to do an Ironman brand race and try to win a spot for Kona for the full distance or Clearwater for the 1/2, you have to play the registration game.

As for Florida as a race destination -- the half is in May at Disney, the full is in November at Panama City.

All of you can be in shape to do the 1/2 in May 2008. Heck, if you're serious, you could do the full one in November, provided you register on time.
2007-04-19 8:32 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Thanks, prof, that's good info.  To clarify:  There's a 1/2 in Clearwater?  I've got places I can lay up there, that would be awesome.
2007-04-19 8:39 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Okay, I'm IN for Disney in May 2008 which means registration for it next month!! A half doesn't sound that daunting. But the full does right now. I just did 1200 yards today and it took me almost an hour. I didn't use flippers much and was practicing a lot of kick, which is slower. But Prof, do you REALLY think I can be ready to swim 2.4 miles in a year and a half? Cuz I totally and completely trust your judgement here..... I am a determined little piece of work. But I only learned to do the crawl a few months ago. Like just how many yards a week should I try to do starting now???? My goal has been a mile a week. But I would think that would have to be upped?? I do have Carlos as a resource. But he can't swim it for me!
2007-04-19 8:43 PM
in reply to: #640246

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Race locator: in addition to the Ironman site, which lists all of the official IM-brand full and halfs, you can go to, which lists most of the races in the country by state and also by full and half distances.

Be careful tossing around the "ironman" word. Some people take offense if you use it and it's not a specifically named Ironman race. For example, there's the Florida 1/2 Ironman, and the New Jersey Devilman Half triathlon. Same distances. Same sweat. Same euphoric feeling when you're done. But sure to lead to troubles if you're talking to the wrong person. And heaven forbid you do a non-IM brand race but get the tattoo anyway.

Now that's just for us. Our spouses, friends, co-workers, etc -- have no idea what we're talking about other than the word triathlon. So start talking about fulls, halfs, long, short, sprint, olympic, and the eye roll is always the same.

2007-04-19 8:48 PM
in reply to: #769349

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
cmckee - 2007-04-19 9:32 PM

Thanks, prof, that's good info.  To clarify:  There's a 1/2 in Clearwater?  I've got places I can lay up there, that would be awesome.

It's the championship race -- you have to qualify at a 1/2 Ironman to get a spot. You better start training!
2007-04-19 8:53 PM
in reply to: #769354

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-19 9:39 PM

Okay, I'm IN for Disney in May 2008 which means registration for it next month!! A half doesn't sound that daunting. But the full does right now. I just did 1200 yards today and it took me almost an hour. I didn't use flippers much and was practicing a lot of kick, which is slower. But Prof, do you REALLY think I can be ready to swim 2.4 miles in a year and a half? Cuz I totally and completely trust your judgement here..... I am a determined little piece of work. But I only learned to do the crawl a few months ago. Like just how many yards a week should I try to do starting now???? My goal has been a mile a week. But I would think that would have to be upped?? I do have Carlos as a resource. But he can't swim it for me!

You're probably safe to register next January. The 1/2s don't seem to require such an early registration.

And yes, you can do the swim. Just practice. But I'm thinking you'll need to push that up to a mile or 2 consistently every time you swim.
2007-04-19 9:08 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Just out of curiosity, and NOT because I truly want to spend any time in Kona WORKING (much rather just play there--a lot!) But--what ARE the qualifying times for 1/2 and full? (it also gives me something to say to the branded elite that seem to be everywhere now that I know about IM's--"so, like, did you QUALIFY for Kona??") And prof, did you get the tatoo?? Which IM did you do? I looked at your log but can't recall where your race was. I was just impressed that I had to look at your log to discover that you are among the elite that I still have up on that pedastal!! (I'd have been bragging about it all over the place if I were you) Okay I'll quit hanging on here and go run or something.
2007-04-19 10:31 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Thats good to hear about the 1/2s.  I don't really mind comiting a year in advance, but it would be nice if you didn't have to.

As I sit here eating pizza and drink some Stella, I must say there are few better rewards to a long day of exercise.  Good weather finally hit here today and I took advantage of it on my day off.   I hit my weekly goal for this week with a couple days to spare which is nice, so I am going to take it easy this weekend.

As Prof said, theres lots of non-IM branded huge distances.  I don't think I would get the mark before doing an official one, but I would love to race some of these long distances.

If you goto you can see all the events all over the world.   IM Brazil looks like fun and still has slots open!  Or how 'bout IM Germany?  I know my way around Frankfurt already it will be a walk in the park.

2007-04-19 10:47 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

BTW since we are on the IM topic, heres some info from the IM website

Average training per-week:  18-22hrs

Miles per week swimming: 7 (11.3 km)
Miles per week biking: 232 (373.3 km)
Miles per week running: 48 (77.2 km)

Now it doesn't list specific times to qualify for Kona, its more each event has a certain number of slots.  So I would assume you would need to place pretty high.



2007-04-20 12:55 AM
in reply to: #769458

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Yep. its harder than hell to qualify for Kona. Ive been reading all your post about Ironman- and its funny, I have now attended 3 ironman races (Kona, Couer D'Alene (idaho), and FLorida) as a spectator and a medical personnel and I have absolutely NO desire to ever complete one. I know thats not very inspiring, Im just being honest. I could maybe see a half ironman as a goal but thats about it. However, I will say that watching it has inspired me to keep working on my training and I am awed by the sheer physical discipline it takes to do one (Way to go Prof!). So, Im all for you having that as a goal! Part of it is those hours that Robb just listed on training. Its a full time job. I am currently watching my brother-in-law become a stress case because he is trying to train as a professional and work a full time job and be a father to a 1yr old. He always just looks tired. He has Ironman best of 9hrs 30min, and has not yet qualified for Kona- he missed it by 3 slots last year in Florida- For each race, they allott a certain many spots for each age group. For example, in Florida, they allowed the top 8 from his age group to go. He placed 11th.
Anyway, I would really recommend going to watch one if you get a chance, if there is one near where you live. Its so cool to see the Pro's and their sleek bikes and physiques and it helps to really get an idea of what you are in for. And then you can register the next day for the race next year! I will be in Idaho the end of June to watch my brother-in-law, y'all can join me if you wish
2007-04-20 4:33 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
can't sleep so I was reading the page. WOW you guys are made busy.
Pene no hate emails but girlfriend but slow down, let us miss you a little. (tried to get winky smile here)
1. my 2008 goal is three mini tri's *same ones as 2007, more 10k and a half marathon, I am thinking Grandma's in Duluth. I like tri's and cross training but at this stage no need for a IM.
2. Got a polar F1 heart rate moniter for my b day. most genric but I track everything here so no need to also add it to my HRM. I wanted to sleep in it after opening it last night, my husband thought I was silly; I think he was jealous.
3. I am all about weight loss challenge, I will get my data together and post later. as long as I am not preganant (and i am not, can we say cramps) I want to lose 25-20 more pounds. If I get pregnant, I refuse to gain more than 30 lbs. I have loving joked that I need a jog stoller to get home from the hospital. I am not sure if I am joking. thanks for still being here!
2007-04-20 4:36 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
okay now I am working on a pink star.
My food as sucked the last few days I have been eating complusivley which I hate. I know no food not matter how great, no matter how good will change how I feel and no matter how much I know that in my head, it does not stop me from eating. I have and love this program.
okay to more to sell the pink deal.
2007-04-20 4:44 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
last one for pink.
my working out has self tappered. It is not where I want to be two weeks before my tri (rookie distance indoor 12 swim laps, 10 bike, 3 run). I have taken off more days in April than all of Feb and March combined. So here is the question:
Should I drop out of the 4-29 mini tri (I would volunteer on Sunday and help out on Saturday night which means I get to do it anyway) ( also there is a waiting list so someone else would get in and the money is an okay loss) and make a plan and train harder for the outdoor tri at the end of June. If you have an opinion let me know. Also check my logs, you will see a steady decline in actvity. Aslo I am on day one (babymaking days), I am worried that I will be on day 12 when the tri hits and will need to miss it for a insemination- both cost money and time but sperm will win over a race anyday.
Okay now that I have confessed my mess, I better have a pink star.
2007-04-20 4:46 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
real question, did I become a vetern cause of my number of post or races/ tri completed? BGT

2007-04-20 5:24 AM
in reply to: #769378

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
phoenixrising404 - 2007-04-19 10:08 PM

Just out of curiosity, and NOT because I truly want to spend any time in Kona WORKING (much rather just play there--a lot!) But--what ARE the qualifying times for 1/2 and full? (it also gives me something to say to the branded elite that seem to be everywhere now that I know about IM's--"so, like, did you QUALIFY for Kona??") And prof, did you get the tatoo?? Which IM did you do? I looked at your log but can't recall where your race was. I was just impressed that I had to look at your log to discover that you are among the elite that I still have up on that pedastal!! (I'd have been bragging about it all over the place if I were you) Okay I'll quit hanging on here and go run or something.

"Elite", "pedestal", "impressed" -- you sound like one of my graduating seniors, who reminded me that he's never earned an A in any of my classes but he thinks this might be the semester when he does. Oh, only 10 more days of kissing up to the teacher and then he can do it in the workplace.

Qualifying times are actually a matter of how well you place in the race. In each IM or Half, there are a limited number of qualifying spots in each age group for the championship, e.g., 5 for Women 31-35, 5 for Men 31-35, 5 for Women 36-40, 5 for Men 36-40. Place in the top 5, and you're offered a spot then and there, which you must pay for then and there. If you decide not to accept, the opening rolls down to number 6, or 7, etc., until it's filled. If you go to a race site and look at last year's times, you'll see a little IM logo next to the names of the finishers in each age group who went to Kona or Clearwater.

Now there's also the USA Triathlon group, which has its own full and half distance races with its own end-of-season championship. I think you get invited based on finishing place at a qualifying race or hitting a cut-off time at a recognized event.

My unscientific, kind of recalled idea of cut-off times for either organization in my age group is 10:30 hours for an IM and 5:15ish for a half.

I did Lake Placid last summer, and no tattoo. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

2007-04-20 5:26 AM
in reply to: #769444

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb - 2007-04-19 11:31 PM

As I sit here eating pizza and drink some Stella, I must say there are few better rewards to a long day of exercise.  Good weather finally hit here today and I took advantage of it on my day off.   I hit my weekly goal for this week with a couple days to spare which is nice, so I am going to take it easy this weekend

Ain't that a great feeling? I love hitting my goals. And since I'm behind in mine, and planning on a Sunday morning weigh-in, no pizzza for me until next week!
2007-04-20 5:36 AM
in reply to: #769537

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-04-20 5:44 AM

last one for pink.
my working out has self tappered. It is not where I want to be two weeks before my tri (rookie distance indoor 12 swim laps, 10 bike, 3 run). I have taken off more days in April than all of Feb and March combined. So here is the question:
Should I drop out of the 4-29 mini tri (I would volunteer on Sunday and help out on Saturday night which means I get to do it anyway) ( also there is a waiting list so someone else would get in and the money is an okay loss) and make a plan and train harder for the outdoor tri at the end of June. If you have an opinion let me know. Also check my logs, you will see a steady decline in actvity. Aslo I am on day one (babymaking days), I am worried that I will be on day 12 when the tri hits and will need to miss it for a insemination- both cost money and time but sperm will win over a race anyday.
Okay now that I have confessed my mess, I better have a pink star.

I'd do the race and just plan on enjoying the day. And if I'm doing my math correctly, won't you be on day 10?
2007-04-20 5:37 AM
in reply to: #769539

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, District of Columbia
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
BigGirlTri-ing - 2007-04-20 5:46 AM

real question, did I become a vetern cause of my number of post or races/ tri completed? BGT

Posts. Look at you -- you're a veteran!
2007-04-20 8:50 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
oaky I will di it for fun not for time.
yes I will on day ten but my body is being wacky, I did nto even ovulate last month as far as I could tell AND
I am pink veteren.
PS did my HRM in the water today, not watokinga s hard I think. Nice to know. BGT

2007-04-20 9:59 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Ya I don't think I would ever actually want to try for Kona.  Thats crazy that 9.5hrs and he still didn't make it in. 

I am a competitive person but also realistic.  I don't plan to ever win a race, even a sprint.  I would like to finish high, but I know what it takes to finish first, or to qualify for Kona, and it is just not worth it to me.  I seriously think it is harder to win a local tri, then it is to just finish an IM in under 17hrs.

I seriously can't see doing a 15hr IM taking that many hours per week.  I know I am still new to this all so I will have to make a better judgement of that maybe in 6months from now.

If a 75 year old nun can do it, then so can I :D 

2007-04-20 1:01 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Sorry BGT, but I'm adding my 2 cents here.

Yes, the hours other people put in to train for an IM seem daunting, if not impossible for normal people with responsibilities. BUT, I'm not other people.

In reflecting upon my own little journey so far, this is what I realize--in 5 weeks I've triple and quadrupled the amount of yardage I can do in the swim, I'm run/walking 3-4 times as much now, too! And I've tapered off the bike some, but I'll be getting on that more now, too. And it will be outside, which is better.

My mindset is no longer on "finishing" a mini indoor tri. My mind is now set on finishing an Ironman by the end of 2009! And I've signed on to do a marathon this year and a century ride. NOT to break records, just to experience them. And maybe raise some money for a good cause and inspire people with my progress. Because I am progressing! And people are commenting on how I have changed. We forget all too easily.

If I can make that amount of change in a month or two, what else can I do in a year or two??

So, I will be an ironperson by the end of 2009. Because I just said so. Even if I do it all alone.
2007-04-20 1:38 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Hong Kong
Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I have given up trying to squeeze my photo through the slot at the front, instead I am trying to post to this.


That's me that is.

213 lbs of lard and passion!

With a beard as well. I best none of you guessed that.

PS If you like the hat, $3.00 from the Lady's market in Hong kong AND she love me long time for being her first customer of the day.

Edited by Mark Stanley 2007-04-20 1:41 PM


picture.JPG (24KB - 47 downloads)
2007-04-20 2:27 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
You fashion bug, you!! Love the matching plaid hat and polka dotted tie--very chic

Mischievious grin--just WHAT were you up to that day???

Sorry BGT, but I HAD to comment on a picture fitted through a slot!

HELEN--how's it goin sister??? We don't have your mighty mugshot yet, either!!
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