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2007-10-30 12:21 AM
in reply to: #1027957

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Katz! Hope you feel better quickly.....Now I know how that Halloween Costume thing goes, so here are some ideas (below). This was rumbling around the LA Triathlon community, but I thought I'd share!

8 Halloween costumes for cyclists

As a cyclist, you are much, much better equipped for Halloween than the average person. Why? Because you already wear outrageous costumes on a daily basis.

Think about it. Even though you are a (presumably) sane adult, you wear a shirt that would look much more at home on a superhero. You wear shorts that are much, much too tight, as if you were on your way to lead a jazzercize class. You wear a hat that belongs on an
alien. And, to top the whole look off, you wear what sound and look like tap-dancing shoes.

It's no wonder, then, that cyclists tend to be pretty lazy about dressing up for Halloween parties. Instead of putting time and money into it, you just show up in the outfit you rode to the party in. Hey, why not? A little sweat completes the effect, right?

What you don't realize, though, is that all your friends, family and co-workers are rolling their eyes at your lack of imagination. "There goes Tim," they say, "pretending again that his cycling outfit is a Halloween costume." It doesn't have to be that way, my friend. By spending just a few extra minutes, you can alter your cycling outfit; for the evening, making it so you're not just "a cyclist" at the party, but a very particular sort of cyclist. Simply follow these easy instructions.

Doping Cyclist: Dress up in full pro kit. Use a marker to draw needle tracks up and down one arm. Tie a length of surgical tubing above one elbow and leave a syringe sticking out of your vein. Wheel around an IV tower for the duration of the party. Stuff your jersey pockets
with bottles of drugs. When anyone asks what / who you are, respond that you are a professional cyclist. When they ask what all the needles and drugs are for, say you have no idea what they're talking about. No matter what, do not admit you have any drug-related items
on hand.

Mountain Biker (If You're normally a Roadie): Prepare for the party by gaining 10Kg and getting 20-30 tattoos. Wear baggy pants -- baggy enough that they keep falling down. Arrive drunk at the party and continue to drink once you get there. Insist you have mad skillz.

Roadie (If You're normally a Mountain Biker): Prepare for the party by putting a stick in your butt. Wear uncomfortably tight cycling clothes for the party, drink nothing put thrice-filtered water and tell everyone exactly how many calories and fat everything they're eating contains.

Triathlete: Don't come to the party, because you've only done four workouts today and still need to get in one more and you don't want to break training, no matter what.

Recumbent Rider: Tape your glasses together, somehow manage to affix a pocket protector to your jersey, and loudly and insistently explain to all and sundry that recumbents are really much more comfortable and practical than "wedge" bikes. Talk a lot about prostates.

Recreational Cyclist: Wear street clothes with your right pant leg cuff completely greasy and shredded. Wear a bike helmet backwards and cocked to one side. Tell people that you're starting to bike again to get back in shape.

Commuter: Wear street clothes, but carry a backpack or messenger bag full of what are clearly stinky bike clothes the entire evening. Make your helmet hair extremely obvious. Keep looking for opportunities to casually introduce the fact that you are a bike commuter into every
single conversation in which you participate.

Fixie / Track Cyclist: Dress the same as a road cyclist, but you must always either keep walking or -- if you must stay in one place -- you must trackstand by moving a couple inches forward, then back, then forward and back again.

See? Easy, effective, and totally transformational. Nobody will recognize you. Better start preparing that "Best Costume" acceptance speech now.

2007-10-30 12:32 AM
in reply to: #1028771

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Felipe!

I had a feeling you were out ther tearing up the road! Nice work! That is cool that you are doing the Tokyo Marathon! Sounds like the guys you are running with are helping you out tremendously. Keep up the GREAT work!

Shoulder is doing amputation yet.....although at times, I tell people to keep sharp objects away from me because I may use them. Shoulder is sore, but the doctor is playing the insurance game, I'm sure! Is moving real slow.....I'm just going for it and popping ibuprofen (1800 to 2000 mg per day). I go back in about 2 weeks, but the doc said that if it has improved or hasn't gotten worse, then push appointment back four weeks. Meanwhile, I'm just working through the back in the pool this week and abandoned the kickboard.

Felipe....keep up the GREAT work!

2007-10-30 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1029294

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hah!  LOVE the costume ideas....can I add one?

Kid cyclist - show up in high water pants and a grubby t-shirt.  Wear a helmet that is at least two sizes too big, along with elbow and knee pads.  Attach training wheels to the back of your bike - make sure they are way too high so that you have to ride at a severe angle in order to get one of them on the ground.  Walk around the party constantly tilted to the right or left. Talk all night about what a "big boy" you are!

Here in the Austin area, you could get away with one more.  For years, there has been a transvestite (sp?) named "Leslie" who has been riding his bike around downtown, when he/she isn't running for mayor.  So, you could dress up as "Summer Leslie" in a green sequin thong bikini, or "Winter Leslie" in a faux fur wrap, denim mini skirt, and combat boots.  Heavy make-up is required.

2007-11-01 12:21 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Gang!

I had chance to look up Barb's blog! Amazing what she is up to! She just completed a 50K and the Chicago Marathon. She and her husband are off to the NYC Marathon. Her husband won a lottery slot. Very cool!

Barb signed up for Wildflower out here in California, so I'll be able to meet up with her during the festivities!

Not sure if I mentioned this, but the Tri Team that I belong to starts a 26/30 run challenge. 26 runs in 30 days! Yikes! What am I getting myself into!

That's it for now gang!

2007-11-04 2:51 PM
in reply to: #808433

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Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Barb, I love your blog too! I need some tips to make mine not look so "standard".

Barb, I noticed that you are also a member of the TNT Bloggers Blog. How did you get in that? Is it by invitation only? If not, how can I get in?

And Barb, I'll be at the Wildflower too!!! I'll see you there.

On a different note, I hope everyone had a great Halloween! I'm leaving for Floriday on Wednesday, and if all works out, I hope to meet Caru and Felipe in person that day! Whoohoo! Then the next day it's off to Key West to spend a long weekend with my cousins. I am looking forward to a lot of catching up and some nice opportunities to running in the early morning as well. Can't wait!

Talk to you all soon!

2007-11-04 6:22 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Florida Trip and Wildflower
Hey Andi!

I hope you Caru and Felipe get to meet up! That sounds like so much fun!

As we get closer to Wildflower, we will have to set up a meeting time for Barb, you and I to meet up! I will also let you know where I will be during the Olympic on Sunday....most likely at the top of Lynch Hill! I'll be racing the Long Course on Saturday.

Have a safe trip and let us know all the fun and games you had when you return!


2007-11-04 7:23 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

hey guys!!

first of all Andi I cannot wait to meet you.Felipe leaves town that night..we have to talk so maybe you guys can have coffe and then i can go to dinner with you at night or meet up somewhere!???

 So EXCITINGto hear about the races. I have some awesome news...i registered for Florida Ironman 2008 and got it! It sold out in 4 minutes!!! its crazy..most of my teamates didnt get in so its kind of a bummer, but they are waiting on charity slots, so we shall see... i am very excited though since this feels like it will be a personal quest that I am excited about!

 RICH how are you doing?? I have my last race next sunday. Ive done 2 longeisw in the last 2 w4eekends and can see how im geting stronger.Today we were riding at 23mph and I was able to keep up and then do a long run..very happy..

 hope everyone is fabulous...take care everyone...ill try and catch up with you all has been pretty hectic....

2007-11-04 7:31 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

CARU!!!  I'm so excited for you!!!  That's awesome about Florida Ironman 2008!  Hopefully your teammates will get the slots so y'all can train together...WOW!  You are so hooked, girl!

Hope you and  Andi have a nice of these days, I'll make it to Florida myself!

2007-11-04 7:46 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL


thank you I AM very very excited about iT!!! i cant wait. well actually I can.... theres a lot of hrs adn training to do, but i really enjoy it, it shall be a quest....


Have been seeing you running improvements!!!man seriously doing awesome... managing to keep a very awesome awesome pace!!!  super cool..hope all else is fabulous and my little one creating her fabulous potions....need a request for next weekend please...send her my love  

2007-11-08 8:27 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey everyone! Caru and I met last night and had a blast together! She is even more cool in person! As it turns out, I'll be around Miami on Sunday before I head back to Michigan, so I'm going to get to watch Caru race in an Oly down here. Pretty cool!

I hope everyone is having a good week. I'm enjoying the warm Florida weather (especially since it's low 30s up in Michigan right now). I'm going to get my running shoes on and go for a nice jog this morning. My training for the next Team in Training Oly starts up on the 17th and I've been slacking quite a bit on the exercise, so I'm looking forward to getting back in the swing of things.

One thing that Caru and I talked about last night was open water swimming. She mentioned something that I had NEVER thought of before, which was the big difference she noticed doing open water swims in fresh water as opposed to salt water. The bouyancy in the salt water really gives an advantage, and that was something that I had never considered. So maybe I'll have to swim a few "laps" in the ocean this weekend to test the theory! At least I don't have to wear my wet suit down here!

Talk to you all soon!!!
2007-11-08 8:43 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL


So Andi is JUST AS I IMAGINED!! savey, super relaxed and cool...I'm so excited we got to meet!!  we talked triathlons and planned our next races for 2008!!

We met her cousin who was super nice as was very fun and I am compeltely excited to know that she will be  seeing me race!!She will also get to meet the people I train with, which is also very very cool!!

We are very lucky to have such an awesome mentor Rich!! and also awesome "internet"  friends!!1 hahah its amazing how well I felt I knew Andi even though I had never spoken to her in my entire life!!! hahaha that's CRAZY!!!

 send you all love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2007-11-08 11:11 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Caru and Andi! That is SOOOOO Coool! I'm glad you guys got to meet and exciting that Andi is going to be ther to root Caru on for her race on Sunday!

I think we have a very unique group! It is soooo unusual for a cyber group to bond and work so well together! That is ALL of you guys coming together!


2007-11-13 2:54 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Interested in Wildflower?
For those interested in Wildflower Triathlon, navigate to the California section of the Forum and locate the thread that reads "Wildflower Help".


2007-11-16 6:14 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hello, Hello, Helloooooooooooooooooooo! Have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

2007-11-17 1:41 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Everyone!  I'm just checking in...Rich, I ran 20.4 miles this morning and felt great!  We kept 10:28 pace.  I think we (my running buddy, Texmom) can complete our first marathon in under 4:45.  I'm just so pumped!  and to top it off, today's my 28th birthday....again!  (That's what I tell my kids...I'm really 38 today, but who's counting)

I hope everyone has a super Thanksgiving...stay safe if you're travelling.  Eat lots of turkey and dressing and stuffing and veggies and mac n cheese and....



2007-11-17 10:43 PM
in reply to: #1058318

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Angie!

FANTASTIC JOB! If you did 20 Miles and kept that pace, the marathon is in the bag! After Mile 20, it is just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. Once you get to mile 20, just keep telling yourself that your race is in the bag!

I'm sooooooo proud of you! You have done so much for yourself and made such great strides.

Have a HAPPY in the morning......if you can, do a Turkey Day Morning 5K and don't over do it at the dinner table......(I know, easier said than done).

Tell TEXMOM (or TEXASMOM ..... i.e. your training partner) GREAT Job, too! Best of luck to you both on your continued training and on your marathon!


2007-11-19 8:43 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: Batlling the Holiday WEIGHT GAIN

We officially started the holidays last weekend when we went out to my Dad's farm and had our Thanksgiving dinner with him.

I'm working out less and eating a bit more = gained 3 pounds already! Not a mystery how that happened.

I sign up for at least two 8-week spin class sessions in the winter. First session starts tonight -- whew!  Just in time.  I'm no expert, but I think sometimes we have to change up our workouts (sometimes more than just a little bit) when the weather changes and we are leaving for work and coming home in the dark.

Spin class is a good way for me to be commited to be somewhere (scheduled workouts that I am less likely to blow off) and burn some serious calories.  Oh, and guess what?  Lap swimming starts at 7:30 p.m. just down the street.  No excuse not to go to that afterwards!

What are you guys doing to stay out of too much trouble this holiday week?  Workouts scheduled?    HAPPY, FIT, SAFE HOLIDAY TO YOU ALL!

2007-11-19 10:53 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Christine! You are absolutely right in needing to mix things up! Good that you are taking a proactive approach!

How about we think about our own group challenge......With all the festivities in December, what if we have a 21/31 Challenge! 21 runs in 31 days? Treadmill running counts....2.5 mile minimum or 30 minute run minimum. That will help us get through the holidays. Just a suggestion!

Keep working it Christine!

2007-11-20 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1061669

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

The challenge sounds like a great idea, Rich.  I could really use some accountability this time of year! That, and I'm already gearing back up for my next race which will be the last weekend of March. It will be an olympic distance and I'm hoping to finish in under 3 hours. But I'll need to pick up speed in my cycling as well as my run to do it.  Any suggestions for trainer drills to work on while the weather is iffy?

2007-11-21 6:27 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Wow.  That would be a tough challenge for me since it's dark when I leave for work and dark when I get home.  Most of my running would be at the gym and I've heard treadmills are worse for shin splints -- which I tend to get if I don't work up gradually.

16 runs in 31 days would even be a challenge for me at this point.  Have you seen my training log lately!?!  :-)

2007-11-23 10:52 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hello Everyone, hope you all had a wonderful Turkey Day and had fun pigging out!!

We ran a 5k in the morning which was pretty cool. Caro broke the 22 barrier with a 21:43 and I did a pretty good time of 17:49, with a similar time I won a race last saturday, but in this case I think I was probably 20th overall, so it was a very very very fast field.

Marathon trianing will begin very soon for me!! Hope all of you are doing well.

Take care,


2007-11-23 2:57 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey Everyone!  Love the challenge idea...I'm in!  Tell me when to begin, what to do, etc. etc. etc.   I've never done a challenge before so this is what I need to get me through the winter months!  I'm feeling really good with my running.  After the first of the year, I'm going to need to concentrate on the swimming and biking...Rich, maybe you can design a challenge to get us all in the water and on our bikes.  Tri season will be here before we know it!  WOOHOO!

I ate so much for Thanksgiving...being out of town means lots of eating out.  I'm still stuffed from yesterday!  I hope everyone is doing well and had a great turkey day with family and friends.  Stay warm!


2007-11-23 3:01 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

GUYS! happy belated thanksgiving!!! hahaha..Hope you all ate a lot and enjoyed the family big big time! We had a winderful turkey day, and had a sun turkey trot in the morning....

 I am totally in for the challenge gang..have a lot going on, but hey when don't we have a lot of stuff going on right???? lets do it guys! AWESOME suggestion..

have a fabulous rest of the week..


2007-11-25 3:44 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Gang!

Sounds like most of us are in on some type of a challenge! I'll work on it this week for everyone! Here is one of the benefits........ I started the challenge beginning November 1st, but also had a head start with my running due to my for last 60 to 90 days I've had more of a focus on the running.

Pre Run Focus - 12 minute miles in a race situation was my best.....(Give me a break I'm a fat ole man....OK!?!?! LOL).

11/22/2007 (Thanksgiving Day) 5K Race...... posted a 30:54 or a 9.57 minute mile average. The first 1.5 miles was a 3% plus uphill grade with a short downhill followed by an uphill and long downhill to the finish. More experienced runners said that to subtract 1 minute off this time which would relate more to a normal terrain 5K event. So more like a 9.37 pace in normal conditions. Now I'm not sure about you, but that is a pretty good improvement.

Disclaimer: Don't try this at home and results may vary!

Happy Running! (Next Up: Inaugural Rose Bowl Half-Marathon!)

2007-11-30 2:18 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: December 2007 Group Challenge
Hey Gang!

Here is the challenge.....we have 31 days in December right? So let's make it easy with the holidays and weather etc.,!!!!!!! 20 workouts in 31 days is the challenge! A minimum of 10 run workouts and the remaining 10 workouts can be a combination of running,cycling/spin class and/or swims. Note: Runs can be done on a treadmill.

Workouts need to meet the following criteria:

Cycling/Spin Classes: Minimum 1 hour workout
Swim: Minimum 1500 yds or 30 minutes
Run: Minimum 3 Miles or 30 minutes

Focus - Cardiovascular thing to have is a HR Monitor to maintain your HR between 70% and 80% Levels.

Post your workouts in your training logs.

This challenge gives you a lot of flexibility given December's weather conditions and where you need to focus. You can do 20 runs; You can do 15 runs and 5 swims; You can do 15 runs and 5 cycling/spin workouts. Very flexibile based upon your focus.

Let me know if you have any questions!


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