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2008-04-13 7:47 PM
in reply to: #1334257

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

barqhead - 2008-04-14 6:13 AM
BunnyB - 2008-04-13 12:16 PM Back from my 5k race this morning. Unofficial time of 54:24. It was REALLY hot out on the course. When I finished at around 8:40am, it was already 85F (29C) degrees with a heat index near 90F. I haven't done any training in that type of temperature conditions and I really felt it out there. Most of my training up to training up to this point has been with temps in the mid to upper 60's, so it was a massive difference. I'll write up my full RR later.
Good job in the heat, Melissa. I wish you could have sent me about 20 degrees of that warmth. Then we BOTH would have had good race conditions. I did my sprint triathlon. It was 48 degrees and windy (brrr!!!). My time was 1:05:26, about a minute slower than last year, but good enough for (drumroll...) FIRST PLACE OVERALL FEMALE!!!! Before y'all get too excited, there were only 21 women racing. But I'll take it! I think I was slower because of the cold temps. My bike split was the only thing that didn't improve (and in fact was slower) from last year. I was 19th out of 103 men AND women. So it was a very good race! Hope everyone is enjoying the remainder of their weekend!!

Fantastic RACE!!! And totally awesome effort on the hardware... doesnt matter how many people were there yuo race who showed up - and YOU WERE NUMBER 1!!!

Congratulationso nthe improvements!

2008-04-13 9:28 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Wow two amazing races in one fantastic weekend!! Way to go girls!

I'll take 20 degress too although vancouver is getting warmer and we are seeing the sun.

2008-04-14 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
got on the scale this morning, i really shouldn't have!! i'm up two pounds!!
well. that sounds worse than it is really, (not that it's GOOD in any way, mind you)
i always seem to bounce two pounds or so around, seems i'm always either 145 or 147, so i caught it on a 147 day. but it still sux because i've been working my BUTT off trying to shed a few, so i'm a little disheartened, but maybe it'll make me work harder.

we're having an open house tomorrow, (my house is on the market--anyone want it??! LOL) so my mom's coming over today to help me clean and get ready. but maybe while she's here, i'll have her stay with the kids for a few minutes and go run my butt off.

2008-04-14 8:12 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Awesome job Pam and Mel!

Sorry I've been absent--life is going to be busier for me these next couple of weeks--actually I think mid-Apr thru July is going to be crazy for me--but that's good, and by mid June hopefully Brittany here will know where she'll be living! Training and finding a new life will probably take up all my time for a bit--but of course I'll be in here, we'll see how it goes! I had an AWESOME training week this past week, and will push hard M-Th of this week as I travel 18-24 April (so I'll be on and off for sure).  Probably will be limited to running, and the good news is that sort of makes me sad cause I know I'll miss the pool and bike-but think I'm going to do a 60miler bike rally the weekend I'm back! I do much better with others on the road to motivate me!

Anyhow, haven't gotten on the scale yet but think I probably have stayed the same and replaced what I had burned...guess that's not too bad.

2008-04-15 12:40 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

I gained too. Back where I started. I ended up binging most of the weekend and I ate well today but then met friends for an amazing dinner and we were having such a great time we ordered dessert. Having a good time at the moment always seems to outweigh my self control. But at the same time I don't regret it because we had such a good time.

However I do have some happy thoughts for the week. Someone else in my cycling club who I hadn't seen for about a month commented on how it looked like I was really getting into shape and I went to a road race this weekend (I am playing the role of club photographer to get into the social side of things ) and I ended up hanging out with our club coach at a race on the weekend (she scares me- she used to race the women's tour de france when they had it) and she said I had the base for racing so I guess I should do some of the local weekly criterions come May. However the most happy thought of the week is that a year ago I bought a size 40 swim suit to swim in and lately have been noticing that it was a bit big. This week I bought a size 36 in RED and I look good! Looking good always makes ya faster right?

I have a 10km race this week with 55,000 other people.  CRAZY.  I am actually not really motivated for it.  I don't know why.  A few months ago I was motivated to try and have a sub 1 hour 10km time. But in the last 6 weeks I haven't really cared how I do.  I don't know if its because I know I can do the distance or what but it is strange.  On the bike I am always wanting to find ways to get stronger and faster and I push myself to the puking point a lot.  But I run just to run.  I guess its because having never liked running previously I am afraid if I push myself to have a hard workout I will stop enjoying it.  So right now I put enjoying it over really improving my run. So I need to find a goal/motivation that will get me to push it on my run.

Edited by KrazyLegs 2008-04-15 12:49 AM
2008-04-15 12:57 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Ok Im getting on my soap box for a second - REMEMBER your size my change but your weight may NOT every week. Especially when you are training hard...

With this in mind i bet your clothes are fitting better and you are looking fit, in shape and healthy regardless of your weight... so dont stress about it.

AND its NORMAL for your weight to fluctuate as much as 5 pounds over the course of a few weeks or even days just naturally (especially as a girl!)

Now if yuo were out and you had a good time, you enjoyed dessert then Id say a successful night out. It was fun! you enjoyed yourself! And I bet you felt great at the time! Hooray!

2008-04-15 6:33 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Cat--- you make me smile.

and so did the scale when it miraculously said i lost a pound this week somehow.  I think it's possessed and just likes to mess with me. 

2008-04-15 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1340323

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
KrazyLegs - 2008-04-16 9:33 AM

Cat--- you make me smile.

and so did the scale when it miraculously said i lost a pound this week somehow.  I think it's possessed and just likes to mess with me. 

I dont know what Ive done but I like making people smile!

Congrats on the weightloss!

2008-04-16 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Hey team, sorry I have been MIA over the past couple of weeks.  I haven't been working out and was embarrassed to come out and face the music.    I hope you all are doing well, I haven't had a chance to come out to read and catch up.  All is ok, I just got into one of my slumps that we all get into, no motivation, etc.  Then, I really had a look at my tri pics at MAP.  I realized I really don't want to look this way anymore.  I only weigh 147.6 (as of this morning) but I carry everything in my hips and butt.  I don't really have a target weight (though I would LOVE to be in the 120's again), but I want to be able to see muscle tone.

So, I have lost a couple of pounds since April 1st.  Not sure if I will hit my goal, but I am going to try.

Thanks for being patient with me, going out and inspiring me.  It really means alot.

2008-04-16 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
hey guys!
have had a super weird week.
yesterday we were having an open house at "lunch time" so imagine my surprise when i came up my CAR FILLED driveway from a long run at 1030!! it was wonderful to see all the happy people i didn't know in my house when i was all sweaty and disgusting, and NOT getting to take a shower, since we weren't even supposed to be HOME!! LOL oh yeah, just in case you're wondering i'm LOVING having my house on the market. we're having some GOOD TIMES!!

anyway, my training has been SUCKING lately. i'm doing it, i'm getting the numbers in, but i'm feeling off somehow. feeling weak. i get half mile up the road, and just bonk. i keep going out of sheer will power (which is DWINDLING to be sure) i thought i was anemic, so i've been eating a TON of spinach (good thing i love it!!) but i think i'll have to get some actual iron pills or something, unless someone knows some other reason why i would suddenly feel almost unable to even run a MILE without thinking i'm at death's door. i don't think i'm over training, and i don't think it's diet related, i mean, i'm not restricting calories, or carbs, i'm doing the ELMO thing (eat less, more often) but other than that, my diet is the same as it's just about always been.

anyway, that's my week in a nutshell. i think i may have come in to a tad of extra $$, so that new bike may be closer than i thought.

looking at the TREK 1.2 (it's about $700) which i'm feeling like is a good place for me to start, but i know NOTHING about bikes, so if i'm wrong, please one of you "bikies" tell me

thanks guys, i feel better for having unloaded!!
2008-04-16 8:19 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Sounds like a trip to the doc's for a blood test may be in order.  and I may join you... during the day I get hungry eat..feel fine and then an hour later slump no energy... eat feel good again and an hour later.. slump no energy until go get my HR up and then I feel good. It doesn't matter what I eat or how much I eat I still get that slump. but I do notice the high and lows get worse if I don't drink enough water.

warning- rant.....

1) I HATE RUNNING IN A GROUP I HATE IT I HATE IT I tried running with a group of residents who are all doing the race on sunday.  They have been doing group runs twice a week and I went once a few weeks ago when they did fartlecks and it was ok but this time it SUCKED.  I just hate it!

2) I HATE THE RUN 5 MINUTES, WALK 1 MINUTE ROUTINE It really just doesn't work for me. My body and my mind just hate it!

3) physio therapy to help realign your hips can cause some WEIRD groin muscle pain... that angrily flares up when you hate running in a group for five minutes and they make you walk for a minute so everything can tighten up and be REALLY painful when you try to run again.

4)and I am still trying to learn/realize that its not "giving up" 6.5 minutes into a group run when it really is your body saying "hey you need to rest!" after 4 solid days of training.

2008-04-16 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1343479

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
KrazyLegs - 2008-04-16 9:19 PM

Sounds like a trip to the doc's for a blood test may be in order.  and I may join you... during the day I get hungry eat..feel fine and then an hour later slump no energy... eat feel good again and an hour later.. slump no energy until go get my HR up and then I feel good. It doesn't matter what I eat or how much I eat I still get that slump. but I do notice the high and lows get worse if I don't drink enough water.

warning- rant.....

1) I HATE RUNNING IN A GROUP I HATE IT I HATE IT I tried running with a group of residents who are all doing the race on sunday.  They have been doing group runs twice a week and I went once a few weeks ago when they did fartlecks and it was ok but this time it SUCKED.  I just hate it!

2) I HATE THE RUN 5 MINUTES, WALK 1 MINUTE ROUTINE It really just doesn't work for me. My body and my mind just hate it!

3) physio therapy to help realign your hips can cause some WEIRD groin muscle pain... that angrily flares up when you hate running in a group for five minutes and they make you walk for a minute so everything can tighten up and be REALLY painful when you try to run again.

4)and I am still trying to learn/realize that its not "giving up" 6.5 minutes into a group run when it really is your body saying "hey you need to rest!" after 4 solid days of training.

BEWARE THE WEIRD GROIN PAIN!!!!! That is how my hip flexor injury began. I kept training through that pain instead of taking a week off of running and then ended up not running for 3 weeks before my HIM, doing the HIM anyway even though the half mary was my first run since the injury and then spending 3 months not running, two of those months I couldn't walk without a limp. DO NOT BE LIKE ME. Back off, do the race, then don't run for a week afterwards to give yourself time to heal. You will have a much longer, less painful tri season if you do this. Believe me. I'm not kidding. OK, done with lecture.

2008-04-16 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Lyssa - go to the doctor and get some general blood work done including Iron, B vitamins, liver, white and red blood count plus anything else the doctor recommends- lethargic and tired can be a sign of a WIDE RANGE of problems so please get a check up!

When was the last time you had a 'mental health' break from training an mothering? Your ongoing general level of stress may also be a contributor... you have a very busy life and may just need a 'time out' for you!

But please get to the doctor!

2008-04-16 9:32 PM
in reply to: #1343479

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
KrazyLegs - 2008-04-17 11:19 AM

Sounds like a trip to the doc's for a blood test may be in order.  and I may join you... during the day I get hungry eat..feel fine and then an hour later slump no energy... eat feel good again and an hour later.. slump no energy until go get my HR up and then I feel good. It doesn't matter what I eat or how much I eat I still get that slump. but I do notice the high and lows get worse if I don't drink enough water.

What i said to Lyssa applies - GO GET YOUR BLOOD WORK DONE!!!!!! You'll probbly want a fasting blood test so they can check blood sugar etc as well - just do it!

Then when was the last time you had a rest week from training? (reduced training by half for a WHOLE week) Be aware that these weeks are recommended every 4-ish weeks and essential for both body and mind!

Thirdly... what are you eating? low GI carbs with protein? Or Hi GI burn up fast make you crash carbs with no protein to slow absorption?

On the run/walk thing... it does not work for everyone... or the internvals may not be what you need... maybe you would be better suited to longer run segments and a longer walk segment such as 8 minutes running, 2 minutes rest - running with a group can be hard when that is not what they are planning but you need to train whats right for you... nothing wrong with starting with the group and meeting them afterwards if their schedule does not suit yours!

Finally - if you have weird muscle pain rest and ice - if within 2 days you have not had significant improvement then go see someone - physio, sportsd doc or even get a good massage as a starting point...  

Overuse injuries are the hardest to get back under control and the hardest to keep from acting up once you have them... if your body is  painful its telling you somehthing... do not let it get to the point where you will be battling an ongoing injury for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!

umm... hope thats not too much of a lecture!

2008-04-16 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Yeah, take the rest day...I did today after several brutal weeks of training and racing...I am going to be gone for a few days to Cali and NY and had intended to work right up to it, but I had to take today, and am glad I did (minus the slightly irresponsible eating I did this evening...oh well).  I plan to hit it hard tomorrow morning, but take a day of rest--I did some housework that I HAD TO HAD TO HAD TO DO, and so that was productive too.  I'm a little stressed with life right now (thus the emotional eating---argh, I know better)....but that in general will help, even though I initially felt like crap for not doing was good. I was urged by several people here and my swim coach, and they were right.

I am hit and miss on group runs--if it's at my pace I want to keep, great, if not, nope.  And no run walk for doesn't work...I HATE STOPPING.  That's why I wear a fuel belt or carry a bottle on my major run races so I can have a good amount of my hydration with me and I can just grab water when I want it towards the middle/end. 

Hang in there ladies...sounds like lots of us are in a somewhat slump with various things--but WE CAN DO IT...what I wouldn't give for all of us to get a workout together, but since we can't--just keep encouraging it makes all the difference.  Thanks for the help you've given to me. I'm off to bed--I need to knock off a solid brick tomorrow morning now that I'm rested!

2008-04-16 10:34 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Lectures heard.

I am putting into action if it doesn't stop hurting after the first 10minutes of a slow warm up then it means no...

I've done four hard days of training with not the best nutrition so yeah I should be proud of myself and tired.  Ate a ton of food tonight and feel MUCH better and that was part of it to since I didn't eat or drink enough today as I was running errands all over town.
Calling the doc for a blood test tomorrow...blah, i hate docs... almost as much as I hate group runs! on a side note I was telling some of the runners that running with people just doesn't put me into a good head space and I don't like it... and they didn't get it. But I also realized a lot of the people need to have people to run with so that they get out there and run.   To each their own, I just need my ipod

and last rest week would have been 3 weeks ago so I am due. 

2008-04-16 10:52 PM
in reply to: #1343739

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
KrazyLegs - 2008-04-17 1:34 PM

Lectures heard.

I am putting into action if it doesn't stop hurting after the first 10minutes of a slow warm up then it means no...

I've done four hard days of training with not the best nutrition so yeah I should be proud of myself and tired.  Ate a ton of food tonight and feel MUCH better and that was part of it to since I didn't eat or drink enough today as I was running errands all over town.
Calling the doc for a blood test tomorrow...blah, i hate docs... almost as much as I hate group runs! on a side note I was telling some of the runners that running with people just doesn't put me into a good head space and I don't like it... and they didn't get it. But I also realized a lot of the people need to have people to run with so that they get out there and run.   To each their own, I just need my ipod

and last rest week would have been 3 weeks ago so I am due. 

Just thought of one other thing.... look at your post workout/recovery nutrition... are you getting something (small) within half an hour of finishing? Are you getting a good meal within 1.5-2 hours of finishing? That lack of recovery nutrition alone would cause all the problems you listed....

Great you are going to the doc - hopefully he will do the blood work and give you the all clear!

2008-04-17 7:12 AM
in reply to: #1343739

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
KrazyLegs - 2008-04-16 11:34 PM

Lectures heard.

I am putting into action if it doesn't stop hurting after the first 10minutes of a slow warm up then it means no...

I've done four hard days of training with not the best nutrition so yeah I should be proud of myself and tired.  Ate a ton of food tonight and feel MUCH better and that was part of it to since I didn't eat or drink enough today as I was running errands all over town.
Calling the doc for a blood test tomorrow...blah, i hate docs... almost as much as I hate group runs! on a side note I was telling some of the runners that running with people just doesn't put me into a good head space and I don't like it... and they didn't get it. But I also realized a lot of the people need to have people to run with so that they get out there and run.   To each their own, I just need my ipod

and last rest week would have been 3 weeks ago so I am due. 

Jeni, I feel the same way about group runs. I really do think a lot of it is mental. I have confidence issues about running anyway and then I panic when the pace picks up out of my comfort zone. It is a very stressful experience. My ipod is my favorite running partner. A lady I work with wants to run together because she says we are similarly paced. I keep putting her off cuz I just don't want to go there. I guess I need to suck it up and run with her once. Just chalk it up to mental training. Enjoy your rest day.
2008-04-17 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
i think maybe i WILL go to the dr. i thought i was doing pretty well, and then boom, i was just dead all the time.
the dr that i want to go to wasn't accepting new patients when i called last, but hopefully he is now. (my insurance changed at the first of the year, and i can't go to my old dr now) i think i'll call though, because i want to race in a few weeks, and i can barely make it around the block as it is now.

2008-04-17 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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Extreme Veteran
Concord, NC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
Everyone should have an annual physical exam anyway, so if it has been a while, this is the best time to go in and get a full physical.  Also, you can explain what is happening to you and they can really help is assessing what may be going on with you.  I have those slumps as well, but I find mine comes from eating pretty horrible.  I figured I have to learn to eat right and exercise consistently before I can go complaining.  I know I will go and see my doctor and the first suggestion he would have is diet and exercise.  Since you already have these things down, then this is the time to go and get them checked out.  You know your body the best, so don't blow off things that you know aren't right.
2008-04-18 1:49 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

Hi - thought I would share what Im up to with everyone... as most of you know Ive had lots of illness and injury problems, including the back injury I got just under two weeks ago.... 

So in an attempt to stay healthy and injury free for a WHOLE Four weeks ive come up with.......  

Cats Ultra Conservative Dont Get Sick or Injured Training Strategy

Saturday: Weights, Spin Class

Sunday: Spin Class (or other cardio), weights

Monday: OFF

Tuesday: Lunchtime Spin with work people, weights

Wednesday: OFF

Thursday: Lunchtime intervals on Treadmill/Elliptical

Friday: OFF

With 3 days off I should be ok with this training volume because Im sick of being sick or injured!!!! 

If I can handle this (and get consistent with it) for 4 WHOLE WEEKS then I will as one more (lower intensity) training day (probably a swim or another short run or a fun gym class) and try another 4 weeks...

Not exactly setting the world on fire but this is more than enough training for someone to get fit and healthy as well as being more than a beginners plan... not sure if anyone is interested but I thought I would share!  

2008-04-18 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1346353

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
kaqphin - 2008-04-18 2:49 AM

Hi - thought I would share what Im up to with everyone... as most of you know Ive had lots of illness and injury problems, including the back injury I got just under two weeks ago.... 

So in an attempt to stay healthy and injury free for a WHOLE Four weeks ive come up with.......  

Cats Ultra Conservative Dont Get Sick or Injured Training Strategy

Saturday: Weights, Spin Class

Sunday: Spin Class (or other cardio), weights

Monday: OFF

Tuesday: Lunchtime Spin with work people, weights

Wednesday: OFF

Thursday: Lunchtime intervals on Treadmill/Elliptical

Friday: OFF

With 3 days off I should be ok with this training volume because Im sick of being sick or injured!!!! 

If I can handle this (and get consistent with it) for 4 WHOLE WEEKS then I will as one more (lower intensity) training day (probably a swim or another short run or a fun gym class) and try another 4 weeks...

Not exactly setting the world on fire but this is more than enough training for someone to get fit and healthy as well as being more than a beginners plan... not sure if anyone is interested but I thought I would share!  

Baby steps are the way to go, Cat. Little by little we go a long way, ya know!

Just wanted to report on my weight. Friday's are my official weigh-in day. So here it goes: Down .2!! I am 141.4 even with all the eating out, cake, ice cream and other various birthday stuff. I am very, very, very happy. I want to get under 140 so bad! I just really love junk food, too. So I am constantly fighting it. Anyway, I am celebrating small successes. Have a great weekend!
2008-04-18 10:09 AM
in reply to: #1091616

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
WTG, Pam! Even staying within my points allowance every day, my weight has been ALL OVER the place this week. I think it's mostly due to eating more processed food than normal and just the crazy amounts of stress I've been under at work. My WW meeting is at 8am tomorrow, but honestly, I may just stay home and sleep. I only got in 4 hours of sleep one night earlier in the week and I'm still feeling the effects of it.
2008-04-18 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1091616

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED
i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!!

i went to the dr yesterday, waited in the waiting room for over an hour, then re-scheduled for next week. which is fine. but i bought a book on women runners, and in reading it, came to think that perhaps i was trying to take on too much, too fast. trying to improve at a faster rate than my body could handle. so today i ran, took it real easy, and actually ENJOYED my run for the first time in two weeks!! i am going to add a TEENY little intense run once a week, instead of every day, and work on THAT.
but i'm SO HAPPY!!!! i was really starting to get depressed about it, and was almost on the verge of bailing on it for a few months. (i'm already registered for danskin seattle, so i would have still done that, but that would have been it) but i found my MOJO, and i'm OK!! i'll still go to the dr next week, just to be on the safe side. but i'm not a wimp, or a slacker, or even an unfit person, i was just trying too hard!! hooray!!
2008-04-18 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1348261

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: kaqphin (Super Cat's) Mentor group - CLOSED

lyssa-gator - 2008-04-18 5:39 PM i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!! i got my run MOJO back!!


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