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2009-02-27 7:06 AM
in reply to: #1984386

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
junthank - 2009-02-26 5:47 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-02-26 1:34 PM

just a bugger cuz i know that i was running 8:36/mile 5K pace before i got injured.   sigh.  time.  time.  time. 

Wow Stacie - way to go.  Bet you didn't run 8:36 5K pace after doing 12 miles on the bike in 48 and 700 meters in the pool in 15:30.  Super job.  One of the best quotes out of Gordo's book that I constantly remind myself of is "fast follows fit" or something like that (sorry G if I butcher the quote).

thank JEFF.  yes.  these are the things i need to remind myself.  its one thing to go out and bust a move on a 5K-only and be done for the day.  a whole other basket of bananas to run after doing a swim and a bike. 

crazy thing, except for the speed (which im certain will come, in time), i felt 'better' during this run endurancewise than i EVER felt in any of my running-only races.  [it will be interesting to see how that St Pattys 5K 'feels']

the G-plan is working, nodoubtaboutit.  (w those 2 hr endurance spins added in....)

what is that they say....slow and steady wins the race

[i really need to get the book]

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-27 7:08 AM

2009-02-27 7:25 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Essex, England
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

No training for me next week Cry

found out yesterday I have to fly to frankfurt monday til friday for work so any spare time this weekend is family time. Never mind it will give me a rest and will just have to do lots of walking about the city to have a look round. Will have to try and get out on the bike this weekend before I go.

2009-02-27 8:49 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Berkeley Heights
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
59m 37s 1600.00 yards 03m 44s /100 yards

4 x 50 wu
4 x 100
4 x 200
4 x 50

Felt really good today. Got my comfort zone rather quickly. Took 15 seconds rests as opposed to 30 and no razor burn on the's all good.

This weekends goal is to get some good running in without having the knee blow up.

 OH...I almost forgot!  I'm getting a bike fitting done on Sunday...very excited.

Edited by broonsy 2009-02-27 10:43 AM
2009-02-27 11:03 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
40m 20s 10.45 miles 15.55 Mi/hr
10:00 AM  Home-Central Sarasota-10.
Climb: 66 feet

Still can't get in the pool so I substituted a 20 minute swim/30 minute run for a 40 minute bike/20 minute run. I'm going to test out the left forearm in the pool on Saturday/Endurance Day. Just did an easy bike at my steady cadence. Wind was blowing pretty good on the way out.

20m 2.00 miles 10m/Mi
10:40 AM  2 Mile Run
Climb: 7 feet

Forgot to time the run. I'm certain it was a little faster than reported.

2009-02-27 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1984329

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Writebrained - 2009-02-26 4:10 PM
GordoByrn - 2009-02-26 10:46 AM
Writebrained - 2009-02-23 12:44 PM


I have had an on-going struggle with lower-back pain.  To date, I've done the following:

-yoga (helps some)

-streach out on medicine ball (helps some)

-hamstring streaches (helps some)

-spacers on tri bike (helps a lot)

-physical therapy (didn't help at all)

-inversion (didn't help)

-chiro (always helps)

I have had zero problems/minimal pain using the above techniques for the past 8 months but after skiing, a long car ride, and some running this weekend...I've been hurt'n.  I could barely get my shoes on this AM.

I visited the Chiro this morning.  He said "things were compressed" and he DID get my back to pop which provided much relief.  Any additional suggestions to avoid "compression"/pain in the lower back? Cry


 A few more questions before offering ideas...

 What is the longest that you will drive without stopping?  2 hours...but my chiro recently told me to stand-up and walk around every 45 min.  So, I'm currently doing that....

 Do you think skiing is the trigger?  It could be.  I've had some major episodes after skiing but I've also skied for 6 days straight without incident.   After snowboarding, I always have issues.  I have not snowboarded in two years - fyi.

 In addition to rehab/stretching -- what activities do you perform to strengthen your low abs, obliques and back?  I run, bike, and swim.  I also streach after runs for about 10 min.  I'm open to and looking forward to your suggestions in this area.....


 Stretching is useful but, with my pals with chronic back pain, strengthening works even better.  Some ideas:

 I recommend 15 min 2x per week -- I don't recommend incline twisting sit-ups for you -- focus on the other ones.

 45 min stretch is a good one during the day -- for driving I have had good results with a max limit of 90 minutes.

 Hope this helps,


2009-02-27 11:29 AM
in reply to: #1984362

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
junthank - 2009-02-26 4:31 PM
GordoByrn - 2009-02-26 11:42 AM
junthank - 2009-02-22 1:49 PM
18m 54s 2.00 miles 09m 27s/Mi

 I read a book about an elite chess player that used strides to refresh himself mentally.



Super to have you back – I missed the daily dose of TRI/LIFE wisdom – hope you enjoyed the slopes.

For at least the next year for me training is going to be about increasing swim/bike/run endurance and economy.   I’m not worried about speed.  I believe I have a great endurance building plan in each sport for the next 4 months (thanks for the help). 

With regard to economy/efficiency, I have plenty of things to focus on in the water (bilateral breathing, balance, etc.) and I have the appropriate drills in place to help me get there.  Likewise, on the bike I have lots of things to practice (position and cadence variations).  For the run I believe I have the run/walk protocol down and I’m constantly reminding myself of the running tips from your YouTube clip while training.  If I were to have an additional 15 minutes of run training time per session what run drills should I focus on?  Again, the focus of the drill(s) would be run efficiency. 


 With an extra 15 mins per session -- I would focus on calves (see my YouTube clip); core (just linked) and flexibility (hip progression from my book).  You can rotate these by run, say, 15 min each time.  You'll get a good all-round benefit from including them.


2009-02-27 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1985190

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Pashda - 2009-02-27 7:25 AM

No training for me next week Cry

found out yesterday I have to fly to frankfurt monday til friday for work so any spare time this weekend is family time. Never mind it will give me a rest and will just have to do lots of walking about the city to have a look round. Will have to try and get out on the bike this weekend before I go.

safe travels DAVE.  and enjoy your walking tour of Frankfurt.  never mind is right.  the trng will be there when you get back....

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-02-27 5:50 PM
2009-02-27 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

had a most splendid ACTIVE REST day today.

went to Phipps Conservatory to take in the Tropical plants and orchids on display.  WHAT a contrast to the gray&gloomy beyond the glass walls of the solarium.

i managed some light activity - urban biking - after i had my fill of flowers i took an urban ride through Oakland, to one my favorite resturants.  treated myself to a post-race meal/splurge.

then headed back to Schenely Park, and discovered a nice crushed limestone trail, but the deep puddles and the cold and wet got the better of me. when my jacket was soaked through, it was time to call it a day, i managed to get in 30 mins or so.

the trail will be there waiting for me on a day when mother nature cooperates.

another active rest day tomorrow.  not sure what i have planned.   enjoy the 'downtime'  giving myself a few unstructured days.  [mon im planning to start the Oly plan]

i do know Sun im running the St. Pattys 5K course w the running club.  should be fun!

heres to spring springing VERY soon!

2009-02-28 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
1h 20m 20.00 miles 15.00 Mi/hr
8:00 AM  

1st Endurance Day of the new plan. My wife convinced me to stay out of the pool for a little longer. So instead of doing 20 swim, 60 bike, and 35 run I did 80 bike and 35 run. Thru in some faster cadence and standup hill climb but I didn't want to over do it. The iPod was blaring and I felt pretty good during the entire session. HR stay below my normal bike level.

35m 3.40 miles 10m 17s/Mi
9:20 AM  

Did well on the run. Went a little slower than I normally run but not too much. 10:1 run/walk and the HR stay below my normal run rates.

Edited by junthank 2009-02-28 9:42 AM
2009-03-01 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


yesturday was full of family activity.  its been awhile since ive gone an entire day wout workout, yesturday was the day.

today i met the running club and ran the course for the St. Pattys 5K im running.  i ran the first half w the group, then they went on to run their planned 10 miler, i took the turn-around and ran the 2nd half of the 5K by myself. 

being outside, everything took a little get used to....

kept an eye on my HR, a little high at first, just making the adjustment, (cold, cold morning) running w the group, and running on varied terrain vs. a flat indoor track....

and oh, the sweet sweet smell of manure as the tractor pulling a load drove by.

this.  a whole other ball of wax...but by the time i got a little past the half way mark, i hit my stride, enjoyed the back half, and my HR was reasonably in chk.  [bounced around a bit, much like when i started running on the track vs the TM]

sorrowful day, we visited the cemetary.  we just miss C, terribly.


a life lived well, that's my honorarium.

but glad to have the last two weeks behind me.

tomorrow im back at it w the start of OLY PLAN.

i feel rested, recovered, and READY to get crackalacking!


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-03-01 12:30 PM
2009-03-01 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
15m 400.00 meters 03m 45s /100 meters
2:00 PM  

I just couldn't put off the urge to get in the pool another day. Convinced Austin to chill for 15 minutes while I jumped in the pool. Did 4x50's and 2x100's on 15-30 second RI's. Arm felt fine.


Sport comments: Out with Austy. The wind was howling, clay courts were closed, and both our tennis strokes were off. So as you might imagine the quality of the tennis we played was not pretty. But it was nice to get out with Austin.

2009-03-01 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Hey G-Team.

Haven't fallen off the wagon, gone walkabout, or been thrown in a mexican prison.

Just came off three days of the worst intestinal virus I can remember. At least I'll hit my weight loss goals. Back at it tomorrow, with lower intensity.



2009-03-01 7:33 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

Got a 3.3 mile run in....

 Windy and very cold. 



2009-03-02 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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New York
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL


I did the 1,000M swim test (FTPT) on Friday and after backing out the 90 seconds for the RI’s got a time of 20:01…  Based on the charts in the back of your book, am I correct in assuming that Zone 1 is Easy, Zone 2 is Steady and Zone 3 would be Med-Hard? 

 I was reading the running section of Going Long and see you have a number of Form and Speed drills.  While the descriptions in the chapter are good, I was wondering if there are any videos demonstrating these?  I would especially like to incorporate Strides and the form drills into my weekly schedule but feel like it’s a waste of time if I’m practicing the drills incorrectly. 



Edited by DGubner 2009-03-02 9:53 AM
2009-03-02 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

started my OLY TRI PLAN today (20 week balanced, from the site)

started out w a 24 min swim today.  counted yesturdays 5K as todays run. 

im using the 1750 yard beginner swim workout plan, again downloaded from the site.

w the time i had allotted i didnt get through the entire workout but i was pleased w a few results from what i was able to do today, one thing in particular stood out.

as per the plan, 8x50s, the first 50 you count your strokes, and then the remaining 50 you try and hit the same number of strokes or fewer.

what surprised is that after the first 50, i hit 36 strokes.

thinking it was a fluke, or a lucky first try...i swam another 50.  again 36 strokes.

then the next 50, the same number, and then again.

ok, big deal?

it wasnt that long ago (maybe 4-6 weeks ago) i was hitting 40-44 strokes per 50.

then, as per the plan, i 'played' 2x50 free golf.

both sets, 36/:50.  and these were moderate 50s.

i knew that this had to be an improvement from the last round i 'played, but i actually had to look back in my plan to find my previous results to find out just how much i have improved - 45/:56 and 42/:52 were my past results.


i really surprised myself, seeing such an improvement.

i took the advice of the plan.  it stated:  'FOCUS ON HIP ROTATION AND ARM EXTENSION RATHER THAN KICKING HARDER TO LOWER YOUR STROKE COUNT' and ive been reading quite a bit from the author about how speed comes from your hip rotation NOT just from the strength of your stroke or kick.

must be true.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-03-02 10:44 AM
2009-03-02 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1989979

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
gtkelly - 2009-03-01 5:32 PM

Hey G-Team.

Haven't fallen off the wagon, gone walkabout, or been thrown in a mexican prison.

Just came off three days of the worst intestinal virus I can remember. At least I'll hit my weight loss goals. Back at it tomorrow, with lower intensity.



GREG.  dear me.  sounds awful....glad your back at it, even if your dialing it back a little.  relief to hear you werent in prison. 

2009-03-02 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1990229

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
Writebrained - 2009-03-01 7:33 PM

Got a 3.3 mile run in....

 Windy and very cold. 




way to go YOU, getting that run in, inspiteof.

eternal optimist 

2009-03-02 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1989672

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
junthank - 2009-03-01 2:34 PM
15m 400.00 meters 03m 45s /100 meters
2:00 PM  

I just couldn't put off the urge to get in the pool another day. Convinced Austin to chill for 15 minutes while I jumped in the pool. Did 4x50's and 2x100's on 15-30 second RI's. Arm felt fine.


Sport comments: Out with Austy. The wind was howling, clay courts were closed, and both our tennis strokes were off. So as you might imagine the quality of the tennis we played was not pretty. But it was nice to get out with Austin.

JEFF.  400 meters is something.  glad your arm felt fine....

pretty tennis will have to wait another day   

but getting to play with your son, priceless.

2009-03-02 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
20m 800.00 meters 02m 30s /100 meters
10:30 AM  

Back in the pool for planned workouts, YES!! Did 2x50's, 1x500, 2x50's, 1x100. Still focused on technique but I wanted to complete an interval that was longer than 200 meters.

42m 05s 4.00 miles 10m 31s/Mi
11:00 AM  

Run build day. Felt super. 10:1 walk/run with HR @ 137, 136, 138 and 135. Purposely slowed my pace b/c I know I have some longer runs ahead of me and I need to find a tempo that I can hold for a long, long distance (Speed will come).

Edited by junthank 2009-03-02 11:43 AM
2009-03-02 11:31 AM
in reply to: #1991499

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
skrtrnr - 2009-03-02 11:40 AM

i took the advice of the plan.  it stated:  'FOCUS ON HIP ROTATION AND ARM EXTENSION RATHER THAN KICKING HARDER TO LOWER YOUR STROKE COUNT' and ive been reading quite a bit from the author about how speed comes from your hip rotation NOT just from the strength of your stroke or kick.

must be true.


O' come on Stacie - the real reason is that you are starting to grow gills and that ZOOT SUIT has built in side fins. 

Seriously, congra's on the swim improvements.

Edited by junthank 2009-03-02 11:44 AM
2009-03-02 2:38 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Central, IL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

1250 yrds in the pool - 30 min.

Started on the core exercises you sent me, last night.  Should do the trick!  I'm feel'n it in the right places...yep!




2009-03-02 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1991333

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Extreme Veteran
Boulder, CO
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
DGubner - 2009-03-02 8:53 AM


I did the 1,000M swim test (FTPT) on Friday and after backing out the 90 seconds for the RI’s got a time of 20:01…  Based on the charts in the back of your book, am I correct in assuming that Zone 1 is Easy, Zone 2 is Steady and Zone 3 would be Med-Hard? 

 I was reading the running section of Going Long and see you have a number of Form and Speed drills.  While the descriptions in the chapter are good, I was wondering if there are any videos demonstrating these?  I would especially like to incorporate Strides and the form drills into my weekly schedule but feel like it’s a waste of time if I’m practicing the drills incorrectly. 



 Hey Doug --

 Zn 1 to 3... you got it.  Another good article that I'd like to you read is the one that I wrote for XTri last week -- it pulls together all the components that we've discussed in this group.

 Check out the article on Benchmarking Your Swimming -- I've had positive feedback on that article and it explains your pathway from new to expert tri swimmer.  It also explains how to benchmark your different gears.  Happy to answer follow-up Qs.

 I don't have the form/drills on video but will be shooting video down in Tucson when I am there next week.  The "endurancecorner" channel on YouTube will have these when available.  You will also be able to track if you subscribe to the RSS feed on my main library page:


 The swim videos will pop up there when I upload/create my swim technique article that embeds them.  4 weeks away, minimum as I have a few other projects going right now.  But... they will be there eventually.  It will be pretty simple stuff though...

 Three stroke; Swing Recovery; Enter Down; Pull Straight Back -- in terms of where to focus those are the four main things that I feel are essential.

 Strides... focus on quickness of cadence, not "fast running -- stride length should not feel long, stride is quick with foot strike under body -- if you have a safe area for barefoot running then slight downhill with barefeet helps get the footstrike correct.



2009-03-02 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1991650

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
junthank - 2009-03-02 11:31 AM
skrtrnr - 2009-03-02 11:40 AM

i took the advice of the plan.  it stated:  'FOCUS ON HIP ROTATION AND ARM EXTENSION RATHER THAN KICKING HARDER TO LOWER YOUR STROKE COUNT' and ive been reading quite a bit from the author about how speed comes from your hip rotation NOT just from the strength of your stroke or kick.

must be true.


O' come on Stacie - the real reason is that you are starting to grow gills and that ZOOT SUIT has built in side fins. 

Seriously, congra's on the swim improvements.

thanks JEFF.  youre just super silly

must be getting back in the pool that has you in such a good mood.  those were SOME workouts, both of em!  GOOD GOIN'!

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-03-02 6:07 PM
2009-03-03 11:09 AM
in reply to: #1856890

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL
1h 10m 17.50 miles 15.00 Mi/hr
10:00 AM  

4x3 minute standup hill climb, 3x3 minute 85 rpm cadence. Also spent a great deal of time in the TT position during the workout. Felt really good, still have got to watch my HR during the standup intervals.
2009-03-03 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1856890

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Subject: RE: Gordo Byrn's Group - FULL

DAY 2, splendid workout. 

60 min spin

32 min swim, 1350 yds. 

nice spin, albeit indoors.  the weather looks promising thurs, fri, saturday....i have a 64 and 80 min ride on tap.  warm usually means rain this time of year in this neck of the woods....fingers crossed. 

i NEED a ride up at the lake, BAD.

decent swim as well.

wrkout as follow (as per the 1750 beginner swim workout plan on site):

4x100s, focus on head position;  keep your head from moving as you swim, look down at the pool bottom.  Build #4 (get faster within the 4th 100 in the set).  :15 rest between 100s. 

6x75  25 Fist, 50 Swim.  Focus on hip rotation instead of arm pull.  :15 rest

2x200  Descend #1-4.  Count strokes per length and keep stroke count steady throughout set.  (keep it within a range and make sure to not let your stroke count climb too high as you get faster within the set)

***THIS IS SOMETHING ILL NEED TO WORK ON, my stroke count definately climbed as i swam faster from 17-18 to 22-23

i could tell i get less efficient when im 'trying' to swim faster.  got work on keeping the form together.  stay relaxed.  3 stroke breathing.  hand entry.  hip rotation. et al.

[this was 4x200s in the plan, but i reached my time limit, so i had to cut it short....]

100  cool down.  3 stroke breathing.  did backstroke the final 25.

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