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2013-10-12 7:47 PM
in reply to: ransick

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

If you are still racing tomorrow, wishing you a good time. Let us know how it goes.


2013-10-12 10:30 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by PsyTri


If you are still racing tomorrow, wishing you a good time. Let us know how it goes.


Thanks Gary just picked up my packet and checked out the swim and found this very interesting


WP_000215.jpg (73KB - 16 downloads)
2013-10-13 9:15 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Gator bait!

Any lakes down here in Florida have similar signs. Makes you want to swim in the pack. Don't be a straggler like on those wildlife shows where the predator always picks off the weak ones who can't keep up! Swim for your life!

Hope you had a great time.
2013-10-13 10:04 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by PsyTri

Gator bait!

Any lakes down here in Florida have similar signs. Makes you want to swim in the pack. Don't be a straggler like on those wildlife shows where the predator always picks off the weak ones who can't keep up! Swim for your life!

Hope you had a great time.

Thanks Gary , its not really that interesting they cancelled the swim because of the rainy weather and danger of lightning. We only had BIke+Run. I did just fine. need to go back to training I believe you have one coming up to let me know bro.


2013-10-14 8:23 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Yeah. I heard Texas has been getting battered with wet weather. Are you packing it in for the off season, or do you have some races still to go?
This Sunday is my next sprint. Ocean swim (short - 400yd), 12 mile bike - very long and high bridge 2x, and then the typical 5k. I'll post a race report. Thinking that will probably do it unless I can find another Sprint nearby in Nov/Dec. Starting to think of an offseason training plan, which will hopefully include some tri bike shopping!
2013-10-14 9:56 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
You're doing some tri bike shopping, eh? Any ideas on what you might want to get?

2013-10-14 10:14 AM
in reply to: TRIal_of_miles

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Thinking of it. Really need to get educated first on the key features and brands. Looking either for a a good entry-level new bike or perhaps a used bike that might have even more features. Any resources would be appreciated.
2013-10-15 9:00 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Hashers and Mashers (for those of you out there!).... check out the attached spreadsheet for the mid-month stats.

Looking good.

HMOct2013Mid.xls (14KB - 19 downloads)
2013-10-15 12:17 PM
in reply to: Sarah73

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Hi my name's Dani and I would like to join your mentoring group please!

I'm a bit late to the party of getting involved and starting training... but I'm hoping you'll still have me anyway!

CURRENT TRAINING: little to almost none... I am currently studying at home awaiting graduation in January and need a reason to get out the house everyday, get motivated, energised and focused and thought training for a triathlon would be the way to do it! I run sporadically at the moment, getting out and hitting the pavement only really when I hit a wall with the studies. I imagine a time where I will be getting up early and exercising 6 days a week and having new goals to reach in terms of physical achievement... But I know I'm far off that at the moment so I thought a mentoring forum would be the best place to start!

FAMILY STATUS: I am 24 and live with my boyfriend of 2 years. He's really active and loves going to the gym so a great motivator too. We both play rugby but haven't been able to get back into training with our teams this season due to an over-running renovation project on our house!

WEIGHT LOSS: yes please! Too many "food for thought" study sessions and being sat around most of the day have led to a few extra pounds that weren't there last season...

GOALS: I want to be able to take advantage of the time I have at the moment before I get a full time job to be able to achieve something that have not done before. Also I've heard it'll look great on my CV Basically just completing my first (if really, really small) triathlon is my goal. I feel like it would compliment my studies brilliantly as I always feel like I concentrate better when exercising regularly. Also, I feel like I get bored easily so a completely new, and diverse challenge like a tri would be perfect.

I really look forward to reading lots of advice and information and getting started with my own little training program. I also really hope to be able to keep in touch with other people in the forum as at the moment my first big step is getting out the door and defeating my motivation demons.
2013-10-15 7:41 PM
in reply to: danineedham

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Welcome Dani!!!

Feel free to ask away.

If you dont mind me asking

So do you have a time frame when do you plan to do your first Tri?

Or are you preparing for next years season?

The season is ending fast , winter weather not good for Tri.

Sorry for the questions

2013-10-15 8:52 PM
in reply to: danineedham

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Dani - Welcome to the group. It is late in the season so things are fairly quiet right now but it is a good time to ask lots of questions so you're better prepared.

Are you a swimmer or cyclist? Your rugby experience should help you on the running. If you're not a swimmer - get some lessons and get started now. You could also find yourself a good training plan. There are some free ones here or get a good book like Gale Bernhardt's.

Besides asking questions here you should also talk to local people to learn about what is available in your area. My brother-in-law just returned from England and he says he noticed that between his prior trip to England and this trip that cycling has literally exploded in the numbers of cyclists out on the roads.

If you get a chance volunteer to help at a triathlon to meet likeminded people and learn how triathlons are run. Plus, read race reports for further info and inspiration.

2013-10-15 9:19 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Ransick - Just curious but are we likely to be archived soon?

Psy Tri - Thanks for posting the hours to date this month. It looks like we've slowed down quite a bit. My November should pick up a bit once I start my indoor cycling sessions.

Good luck on your tri-bike search. Don't rush your decision and ride as many bikes as you can. Aero bars really scare me but that's because I'm old and not very flexible. Definitely try an Orbea and a Felt they feel really comfortable to me. You may agree or find they're just not right for you.

It's a bit early but have fun in your event this weekend. If you're still thinking of another event this year maybe consider an Olympic event. You're probably ready and you'll find it an exciting finish to your season. At least let us know what you think of the idea

Dani - definitely start logging your workouts here on BT and make them accessible to us. At times you may want to ask questions that will be easier to answer if we can see how you're working out. To see my log click on my Wenceslasz and a menu will open then click on my Training Log. Mine is pretty basic but it will give you some idea of how to start. Other people keep track of a lot more info and even blog in their log.

Everyone - I was looking at the times for my last Oly and I noticed some incredible transition times. For example some people had T1 times like under 45 seconds! So, I'm thinking working on my Transition times is a good way to knock off some time in my events. However, when I think about this last event I couldn't run from the dismount line to the transition exit for the run in under 1 minute let alone have time to strip my helmet, gloves, rack the bike and put on my runners then get to the run start. So, any comments? How do they do it? What can we do to cut some time here? I'm not looking to cut my T1 or T2 times to under 1 minute but I'd sure like to get under 5 minutes for the two of them. Whaddya think?
2013-10-15 9:51 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by wenceslasz

Ransick - Just curious but are we likely to be archived soon?

Psy Tri - Thanks for posting the hours to date this month. It looks like we've slowed down quite a bit. My November should pick up a bit once I start my indoor cycling sessions.

Good luck on your tri-bike search. Don't rush your decision and ride as many bikes as you can. Aero bars really scare me but that's because I'm old and not very flexible. Definitely try an Orbea and a Felt they feel really comfortable to me. You may agree or find they're just not right for you.

It's a bit early but have fun in your event this weekend. If you're still thinking of another event this year maybe consider an Olympic event. You're probably ready and you'll find it an exciting finish to your season. At least let us know what you think of the idea

Dani - definitely start logging your workouts here on BT and make them accessible to us. At times you may want to ask questions that will be easier to answer if we can see how you're working out. To see my log click on my Wenceslasz and a menu will open then click on my Training Log. Mine is pretty basic but it will give you some idea of how to start. Other people keep track of a lot more info and even blog in their log.

Everyone - I was looking at the times for my last Oly and I noticed some incredible transition times. For example some people had T1 times like under 45 seconds! So, I'm thinking working on my Transition times is a good way to knock off some time in my events. However, when I think about this last event I couldn't run from the dismount line to the transition exit for the run in under 1 minute let alone have time to strip my helmet, gloves, rack the bike and put on my runners then get to the run start. So, any comments? How do they do it? What can we do to cut some time here? I'm not looking to cut my T1 or T2 times to under 1 minute but I'd sure like to get under 5 minutes for the two of them. Whaddya think?


Thanks. I'm pretty methodical and conservative, so I've been thinking of working my way up to an Olympic next season. I've got some more ground to cover to be ready for the increased distance, I think. I'll get there and will probably do an Oly in the middle of next season. A road/tri bike would help a lot. I've seen those brands. Don't know much but will check them out. Bike shop I was at today dealt only in Cervelo, and the guy was steering me toward a road bike fitted with aero bars. I've read BT articles that say to just go for the tri bike because of all of its advantages. I've got more deliberating to do to figure it all out. I'm still pretty new to this all, and it's a big purchase.

RE: transitions, I practiced running mount and dismount, which helped a lot. I did a lot of rehearsing, too. It went pretty well for me, but then again, I was doing a Sprint, and I know you do some longer races.
2013-10-15 10:02 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Any of you have done XTERRA Triathlon before?
2013-10-16 7:23 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Hi everyone, thanks for the warm welcome

I'm hoping to do my first Tri next year, as I'm aware this season is almost over, plus it'll give me plenty of time to improve my fitness.

I'd say I'm quite equally comfortable on a bike as in the water - but then that doesn't really say much at the mo! I was reading a few articles and thought I would start by building my 'base' fitness with running and weight training (both of which I'm used to doing for rugby) and then add in the other two gradually after a couple of months. I did read an article on swimming and the importance of being able to "breathe on both sides" and I used to be able to do that when I was younger so I hope it doesn't take too long to get back into it.

You're right to say cycling has boomed in England recently, everyone and his dog are getting road bikes and cycling to work. There's been nothing but a positive attitude recently towards cycling and its great. I've put a bike on my Christmas list this year, so I'll be cycling everywhere in the new year I'm sure!

Volunteering at an event is a great idea, and will help to answer all the silly little questions to do with the transitions etc. I'll let you know if I find one this side of Christmas to spark my motivation!

Thanks guys
2013-10-16 7:29 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Oh and Wenceslasz- Thanks for sending me to your training log, I didn't know that I could see other people's and it was nice to see that you use yours as a diary for logging personal improvements etc and times. Learning loads here!

Huge thanks again

2013-10-16 8:03 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Not sure when we will be archived, but when we are, we can open a Hashers and Mashers part 2 or a group under another name.
2013-10-16 9:39 PM
in reply to: ransick

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by ransick


Not sure when we will be archived, but when we are, we can open a Hashers and Mashers part 2 or a group under another name.

I didn't know we could do a "part 2". I just figured we'd be archived soon. Sounds good.
2013-10-17 12:13 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
It will be a brand new group. We can still post to the archived version of Hashers and Mashers until the new one opens then let everyone know when the new one opens.
2013-10-21 10:07 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by strykergt

Originally posted by PsyTri

Gator bait!

Any lakes down here in Florida have similar signs. Makes you want to swim in the pack. Don't be a straggler like on those wildlife shows where the predator always picks off the weak ones who can't keep up! Swim for your life!

Hope you had a great time.

Thanks Gary , its not really that interesting they cancelled the swim because of the rainy weather and danger of lightning. We only had BIke+Run. I did just fine. need to go back to training I believe you have one coming up to let me know bro.



race report

Edited by strykergt 2013-10-21 10:07 AM
2013-10-21 10:53 AM
in reply to: strykergt

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

race report

Enjoyed reading the report, Carl. Sweet trophy. Great ride. Sounds messed up with the swim being cancelled, but you made the best! of it Way to go.

Had my Sprint yesterday. Sunrise was awesome. Swim was a different course than advertised, but I felt great and did well. Bike was going great but turned into a fiasco. Run was a tad slower than I had aimed for, but pretty good given the bike problems.


2013-10-21 11:06 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open

Enjoyed reading the report, Carl. Sweet trophy. Great ride. Sounds messed up with the swim being cancelled, but you made the best! of it Way to go.

Had my Sprint yesterday. Sunrise was awesome. Swim was a different course than advertised, but I felt great and did well. Bike was going great but turned into a fiasco. Run was a tad slower than I had aimed for, but pretty good given the bike problems.


Good Report!!!!

everything went well swim looks good ,run is great, Sorry about the ants and the bike. I normally over prepare my bike for a sprint because i want to do the best i can not to stop , the mileage is low therefore a little bit of time loss is of great impact to your TT . Your T2 is amazingly flawless.

Goodluck on the next one or next year season is almost over.


2013-10-21 8:19 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Thanks. T2 looks so good because I bike on a hybrid with running shoes and toe clips. No shoe change required!
2013-10-21 8:46 PM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Originally posted by PsyTri

Thanks. T2 looks so good because I bike on a hybrid with running shoes and toe clips. No shoe change required!

LOL then i take it back about the bike you actually did good on the Hybrid at that speed!! Should be a no brainer whats your X-mas Gift and make it a gift to yourself in case family missed it.
2013-10-21 10:02 PM
in reply to: strykergt

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Hashers and Mashers - Open
Carl! That's a great result in your race. Congrats! 1/7 is really impressive. In my races, I really like it when people encourage each other like you were doing. That's a big part of the fun. Your medal and award are pretty nice looking as well.

Your bike and run paces were really good. I'd be happy to be that fast.

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