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2014-07-29 8:12 AM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

Randee- Jason can tell you about the IMMT course. Is there a specific reason that you're wanting to do that course? Location? Time of year? Vacation?

Does the timing of the race work with your life and work schedule? For example if you know that March/April is busy for tax season then signing up for a May/early June IM would not be the best idea. If you anyone in your family is involved in sports or activities you need to take that into consideration. I've never been able to sign up for IMLOU because it is the weekend that school starts.

What time of year do you want to be off recovering from an IM? I won't sign up for May/June IM's because I'd rather be training in the summer (teacher) than recovering from an IM. Which is the main reason that I always pick fall IM's.

There are tons of threads on BT about choosing an IM. I think a lot of people don't take into consideration the impact that it has on work and family when choosing a race. If your support team isn't on board then its going to be even harder to train. Have fun picking a race! I love training long!!

Well I did something really stupid the other night. Sliced off the tip of my thumb with a mandolin while making beet chips. I should have gone to the ER that night but didn't. When I took the bandage off last night it was still really bad. I went to the ER last night but they didn't check me in. Basically it is too late to sew or glue it back together. Now I'm not really sure what to do. I took the last 2 days off from the swimming. But with AG Nationals coming up really need to be back in the water. It doesn't look like this is going to heal anytime soon with a gaping hole. Ideas?


2014-07-29 9:14 AM
in reply to: Catwoman

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Geez Rene that sounds painful, don't let it get infected.
Nice job Randy, you are a machine!

I survived my Half distance race on Saturday in 6:23:50. Took off 16 minutes from last year and the bike was actually 2 miles longer this year due to them moving the swim location. I'm pretty sure the swim was short last year as well, I was a full 9 minutes slower this year. I really wanted to go under 6 but it just wasn't in the cards. I think I paced it well and didn't really suffer until the last 5k of the run. I'm working on a race report. Thanks for all the support and advice it truly made for a much better experience this year.
2014-07-29 10:18 AM
in reply to: GoldenSprocket

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Kevin...great job on the race!!! I think a well paced run that just doesn't totally suck by the end is pure success!!!

Rene...sorry about the thumb. Being a giant bacterial infection this wary of infection if you swim. Great advice about choosing an IM race. I was considering IMLOU for 2015 mainly because of two things: 1. The time of year (3 weeks after school starts, so that my huge volume weeks would be during summer vacation) and 2. The run is flat! Granted, the heat is a huge factor. I'm not sure that I want to train through 3 months of workweeks to do IMLOU now that it's in October.

Just finished up a 24 mile bike ride (rode the Olympic course for the Langley race) and then did a 2.5 mile trail run. Hit the dirt right around mile 1.75 after tripping over a root. Scraped up my elbow and my knee a little, but nothing too horrid.

Going to the eye doctor today (who is also a tri guy) as he believes he can fit me into contacts that will actually allow me to see well enough to do my job. We shall see!
2014-07-29 12:03 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by Catwoman

Randee- Jason can tell you about the IMMT course. Is there a specific reason that you're wanting to do that course? Location? Time of year? Vacation?

Does the timing of the race work with your life and work schedule? For example if you know that March/April is busy for tax season then signing up for a May/early June IM would not be the best idea. If you anyone in your family is involved in sports or activities you need to take that into consideration. I've never been able to sign up for IMLOU because it is the weekend that school starts.

What time of year do you want to be off recovering from an IM? I won't sign up for May/June IM's because I'd rather be training in the summer (teacher) than recovering from an IM. Which is the main reason that I always pick fall IM's.

There are tons of threads on BT about choosing an IM. I think a lot of people don't take into consideration the impact that it has on work and family when choosing a race. If your support team isn't on board then its going to be even harder to train. Have fun picking a race! I love training long!!

Well I did something really stupid the other night. Sliced off the tip of my thumb with a mandolin while making beet chips. I should have gone to the ER that night but didn't. When I took the bandage off last night it was still really bad. I went to the ER last night but they didn't check me in. Basically it is too late to sew or glue it back together. Now I'm not really sure what to do. I took the last 2 days off from the swimming. But with AG Nationals coming up really need to be back in the water. It doesn't look like this is going to heal anytime soon with a gaping hole. Ideas?


OMG those mandolins are dangerous! We have one and I'm always super paranoid when I use it!

All great suggestions for things to think about! DH is on board. He's a marathoner and likes to do 2 a year (one in April or May and then another in the fall so there's no conflict there). He's great and trains with me too. As far as what's going on in life - NOT MUCH Work is busy from Feb-April but that's it. No kids, no real commitments to speak of so I can't think of a reason NOT to do it.

As far as why IMMT? It's driveable, it's a lake swim and the reputation for venue is awesome as far as everything being within walking distance and the town is great etc etc. OH and of course I may have a whole group of friends going too!

I hate that you have to decide 364 days in advance! At least they have the $90 insurance/injury policy now. I will probably take that (if I sign up).
2014-07-29 2:02 PM
in reply to: GoldenSprocket

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

Originally posted by GoldenSprocket Geez Rene that sounds painful, don't let it get infected. Nice job Randy, you are a machine! I survived my Half distance race on Saturday in 6:23:50. Took off 16 minutes from last year and the bike was actually 2 miles longer this year due to them moving the swim location. I'm pretty sure the swim was short last year as well, I was a full 9 minutes slower this year. I really wanted to go under 6 but it just wasn't in the cards. I think I paced it well and didn't really suffer until the last 5k of the run. I'm working on a race report. Thanks for all the support and advice it truly made for a much better experience this year.

Great job! Will look forward to the race report. Really nice improvement over last year.

2014-07-29 5:11 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

Kevin- awesome job on the race! How are you feeling today?

Well I finally went to the doctor today. He said I should have had at least 3 stitches on Sunday. On a good note it is now too late to sew it up! I'm starting a round of

anti-biotics and can swim! Thumb is glued and steri-striped back together.

2014-07-29 5:29 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

What a weekend - glued to IMLP coverage since there were several people from my tri club in it! Catch the swim drama? Man that weather SUCKED!

Ok so here's an interesting question......the "newbies" from my tri club (I call us sophomores) are all excited about IM now and are talking about registering for one for 2015 and right now I think the front runner is Mont-Tremblant.

So it's over a year away, and my first HALF is this September. I'll admit the thought of doing this event with 10 of my friends sounds like a ton of do I know if I'm biting off more than I can chew?

Randee. It is always more than you can chew. You will never be ready. I wasn't but I did the training and it worked. All you have to do is decide to do it and you will. Mont Tremblant is an amazing place to race. Closed course (pretty much). Beautiful swim. Great local support. My wife and I both agree that it is the favorite place that we have ever raced. I would highly recomend MT as a place to do your first IM. I don't think you will be disappointed.

Kevin. Great work on your HIM. Improving your time on a longer course is fantastic.

Rene. Sorry to hear about the finger. Glad that it isn't going to stop you from swimming.
2014-07-29 5:42 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by slornow

Jamie-where did you eat in Chattanooga? Tony's Pasta in the Bluff View Arts District is one of my favorites. Rembrandt's Coffe House in the same area has great coffee, breakfast and chocolates. Other good places from when we were spending alot of time there included Urban Stack and The Terminal Brewhouse. We had a condo on the North Shore across the bridge from downtown. There is a Whole Foods over there as well as lots of shops and other always liked Taco Mammasita, River Street Deli and Jane Darling donuts on that side of the river.

I suspect the portion of the run course on the North Shore near the country club will be tough.....some hilly areas there. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Lots of people from down here are doing it.

Randy, I didn't get to eat at most of the place...guess I'll just have to get back there soon. I really loved the town; I could see myself happily living there. We had pizza at Lupi's downtown, and dinner at the Big River Grille, but my favorite was the chicken and pancake I had for brunch at the Blue Grille Sunday morning. I had that and we split an order of loaded chips-I felt that I could more than afford the calories!

Randee-IMHO, an IM is more than most can chew, but that's kind of the point, right? If your SO is onboard, that's pretty huge. And it's also a big plus that others are doing it; I really enjoyed training last weekend with a group of people that I know. However, I will say that I while I was running with a fellow teammate last Sunday, we were discussing IM training and both felt that there is a huge difference between training for an IM and training for other distances, even though it may not seem like it on paper. Going from 12-15 hrs/week for a HIM to 17-20 hrs/week for a full seems like no big deal, but those hours add up, especially since most of them will fall on the weekend, for most people. I'm not trying to dissuade you at all; I'm pumped about my race and can't wait to get to that finish line, but thought I'd relate my experience.

Personally, had a tough 8-mile run this morning with 3 Z4 intervals thrown in. Those hurt a little, but the weather was great, so it wasn't all that bad. Lots of time on the bike planned for this week-and school starts at the end of this week, so goodbye Saturdays!
2014-07-29 6:59 PM
in reply to: WoodrowCall

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
"Going from 12-15 hrs/week for a HIM to 17-20 hrs/week for a full seems like no big deal, but those hours add up, especially since most of them will fall on the weekend, for most people. I'm not trying to dissuade you at all; I'm pumped about my race and can't wait to get to that finish line, but thought I'd relate my experience."

Honestly, I won't have that many 15-17 hour weeks in prep for this fall's IM. Yes, there will be a few. There may even be one or two 20 hour weeks, but that is not the majority of the training.

If you can commit to 12-15 hours/week, you can finish an IM very respectably.

With all of that being said, I am very seriously thinking about following Randy's example and going all short-course for the next coule years. Of course, Randy doesn't train that much less than me......... Maybe more.

2014-07-30 9:26 AM
in reply to: 0

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by wannabefaster

"Going from 12-15 hrs/week for a HIM to 17-20 hrs/week for a full seems like no big deal, but those hours add up, especially since most of them will fall on the weekend, for most people. I'm not trying to dissuade you at all; I'm pumped about my race and can't wait to get to that finish line, but thought I'd relate my experience."

Honestly, I won't have that many 15-17 hour weeks in prep for this fall's IM. Yes, there will be a few. There may even be one or two 20 hour weeks, but that is not the majority of the training.

If you can commit to 12-15 hours/week, you can finish an IM very respectably.

With all of that being said, I am very seriously thinking about following Randy's example and going all short-course for the next coule years. Of course, Randy doesn't train that much less than me......... Maybe more.

yeah so far no one is talking me out of this

right now my training is at 10-12 hours a week. in the summer my work is pretty flexible and I have no problem taking lots of 4 day work weeks as the need arises.

what is making me second think IMMT, in particular, is the elevation of the bike course. Overall it doesn't look bad but it looks like it has some pretty steep sections. Jason is this what you found?

Edited by mtnbikerchk 2014-07-30 9:48 AM
2014-07-30 12:23 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

Originally posted by wannabefaster

"Going from 12-15 hrs/week for a HIM to 17-20 hrs/week for a full seems like no big deal, but those hours add up, especially since most of them will fall on the weekend, for most people. I'm not trying to dissuade you at all; I'm pumped about my race and can't wait to get to that finish line, but thought I'd relate my experience."

Honestly, I won't have that many 15-17 hour weeks in prep for this fall's IM. Yes, there will be a few. There may even be one or two 20 hour weeks, but that is not the majority of the training.

If you can commit to 12-15 hours/week, you can finish an IM very respectably.

With all of that being said, I am very seriously thinking about following Randy's example and going all short-course for the next coule years. Of course, Randy doesn't train that much less than me......... Maybe more.

yeah so far no one is talking me out of this

right now my training is at 10-12 hours a week. in the summer my work is pretty flexible and I have no problem taking lots of 4 day work weeks as the need arises.

what is making me second think IMMT, in particular, is the elevation of the bike course. Overall it doesn't look bad but it looks like it has some pretty steep sections. Jason is this what you found?

Here is the most comprehensive review of IMMT from start to finish:

I'll see if I can find the actual elevation profile.

I didn't find the bike all that difficult, but it isn't that easy either. The last 20k of each loop is really the hard part. I wouldn't skip this race based on the bike. Sometimes I think a course with a little bit of climbing and descending is 'easier' than just grinding away on a flat for 5-6 hours. At least it gives you a chance to get out of your seat for a bit and to coast down hill for a bit.

2014-07-30 1:08 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by wannabefaster

Here is the most comprehensive review of IMMT from start to finish:

I'll see if I can find the actual elevation profile.

I didn't find the bike all that difficult, but it isn't that easy either. The last 20k of each loop is really the hard part. I wouldn't skip this race based on the bike. Sometimes I think a course with a little bit of climbing and descending is 'easier' than just grinding away on a flat for 5-6 hours. At least it gives you a chance to get out of your seat for a bit and to coast down hill for a bit.

I've got all sorts of data and maps etc on my spreadsheet - including the elevation profile

Yeah I'm not letting it scare me away. I think that's the one.
2014-07-30 2:15 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

Randee-you know we support you whatever you decide ......if you do it you will hate us at times for encouraging you to do it then I suspect when you complete it and are wallowing in the joy of your achievement you will thank us for encouraging you. I know I have a love/hate relationship with triathlon. Hate the pain but love the feeling of accomplishment. I can only imagine that IM training and racing multiplies those feelings significantly. 

2014-07-30 2:43 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Randee let me echo what Randy said. We're behind you all the way. But if the question is can you do, I have no doubt. If the decision is to go for it then that is that. How can we help?

2014-07-30 3:41 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED


You have to pick a race that appeals to you. Yes, it is okay if parts of the course scare you. That is what will get your A$$ out the door when you're tired and don't want to train. There will be plenty of days that you will wonder what in the hell did you sign up for. Then you will remember that you signed up for "X" race because you're a Bad A$$ and wanted to do that course. Part of the allure of racing is seeing just what you're made of and how you respond to difficult situations.

Signing up for your first IM is kind of like jumping off a cliff. It's normally best if you don't overthink it and just jump.



2014-07-30 3:42 PM
in reply to: Catwoman

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

2014-07-30 3:44 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
2014-07-30 4:56 PM
in reply to: #4996375

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Randee...maybe we can train "together" next year.

Yesterday, after wearing glasses for 10 years, and being told by 2 eye doctors that I just couldn't be fit into contacts, I found one (he's also a triathlete) who achieved the unachievable! Today I actually bought normal sunglasses! I could see while swimming! I feel like a new me.
2014-07-30 6:40 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by glfprncs

Randee...maybe we can train "together" next year.

Yesterday, after wearing glasses for 10 years, and being told by 2 eye doctors that I just couldn't be fit into contacts, I found one (he's also a triathlete) who achieved the unachievable! Today I actually bought normal sunglasses! I could see while swimming! I feel like a new me.

wicked cool - on all fronts! I will totally virtually train with you!
2014-07-30 7:32 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

Nancy-great news on the contacts. I could never wear them....had Lasix about 16-18 years ago and buying a pair of cheap sunglasses was great!

Well, first race report from the weekend is done:


2014-07-30 8:31 PM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
I had LASIK too about eleven years ago. Some of the best money that I have ever spent. It was a great decision for me.

I could never get in contacts either. My wife wanted me to wear contacts/not wear glasses on our wedding day. I tried and tried and tried until both my eyes were bright red. Eventually I gave up and just was blind for my wedding. I also looked like I had pink eye. Oh well.

2014-07-31 8:25 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
someone please tell me why I'm having such a hard time getting up early to go to the pool these days? URGH I just don't want to?!!
2014-07-31 10:39 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Originally posted by mtnbikerchk

someone please tell me why I'm having such a hard time getting up early to go to the pool these days? URGH I just don't want to?!!

Can't help you on this one. Never had the problem. Now just getting up ever to go run, " URGH I just don't want to?!!"

Edited by Stuartap 2014-07-31 10:39 AM
2014-07-31 10:52 AM
in reply to: Stuartap

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED
Well I guess I am officially back in the game. I just signed up for the My Way Or The Tri Way race in Aurora, CO in three weeks. The 5700' elevation will be challenging compared to my home elevation of 200' but I chose it because I can do a Swim-Bike-Swim.

So with that in mind a have a few questions:

1. As a scuba diver I have put on a wetsuit hundreds of times. I have never had to worry about getting one off quickly however. My one and only tri back at the end of 2012 had the swim cancelled due to bad water conditions and my accident was just two weeks before my planned second event. So I have Body Glide but not at all clear on where the key areas are to use it.

2. I am finding myself in between gears on the flats right now. One gear is slightly too low and the cadence jumps too high and the next higher gear is a struggle to keep a fast cadence. So do I spin faster or spin harder?

3. The ride is only 20k so I am thinking I will not carry anything to drink. I think it makes more sense for me to slam down a quick something in transition between the two 750 meter swims. Does that make sense since I am not quick at getting a drink on the move?

4. Socks? I really do not like to ride without them but I know it adds time to both transitions. Do I just suck it up and forget it for the short ride or take the time since that is what I am comfortable with?

Thanks in advance for the help.

2014-07-31 11:40 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Summer Group-CLOSED

Originally posted by Stuartap Well I guess I am officially back in the game. I just signed up for the My Way Or The Tri Way race in Aurora, CO in three weeks. The 5700' elevation will be challenging compared to my home elevation of 200' but I chose it because I can do a Swim-Bike-Swim. So with that in mind a have a few questions: Stuart, I'm so glad to see you racing again!! I'm sure everyone else will have better answers to add to your questions. I'll add my opinion in here..

1. As a scuba diver I have put on a wetsuit hundreds of times. I have never had to worry about getting one off quickly however. My one and only tri back at the end of 2012 had the swim cancelled due to bad water conditions and my accident was just two weeks before my planned second event. So I have Body Glide but not at all clear on where the key areas are to use it. Body Glide- neck and around your wrists, ankles. If you wetsuit is really tight around the wrists and ankles you can cut it. Just don't cut it too short. I spray Tri Slide around my ankles to help get the wetsuit on and off.
Since it is so hot where I live we normally only wear wetsuits for out of state races. Everyone else may be able to help you more with the wetsuit stuff. There are also videos online that show how to get the wetsuit on and off quickly.

2. I am finding myself in between gears on the flats right now. One gear is slightly too low and the cadence jumps too high and the next higher gear is a struggle to keep a fast cadence. So do I spin faster or spin harder? I always choose the gear that feels the best at the time. I tend to like a certain amount of pressure on the pedals and gravitate to the harder gears. But that is just personal preference. I would suggest climbing in the easier gear and spinning more. The once you hit the crest of the hill shift into a harder gear and work the hill on the way down. It really just depends on what you prefer.

3. The ride is only 20k so I am thinking I will not carry anything to drink. I think it makes more sense for me to slam down a quick something in transition between the two 750 meter swims. Does that make sense since I am not quick at getting a drink on the move? I personally always carry a bottle of water or nutrition at short distances.  You never know when you're going to want something to drink. 20k doesn't seem like you'd need water/nutrition but you do. You probably normally don't swim before and after you ride 20k. Also you have to remember that you won't be drinking on the swim. Look at it this way:

Breakfast 4:30, Drive to and arrive at race site , Set up transition, bathroom, take in more nutrition, stop nutrition/GU about 20+ min before race, Swim 750 meters, T, Ride 20k, Swim 750 meters.

Then if you slam water down in transition it may make you feel sick on the bike and swim. Unless you're doing a beer mile slamming liquid in T isn't going to be your best idea. Most people normally wait a few minutes on the bike to start drinking water/nutrition and then they will stop drinking 10+ minutes out from T2 . Another reason to always have water on the bike is that you never know if you're going to need it to dump it on your head (heat), wash off blood, urine (hopefully not at the sprint/oly distance) or who knows what.

Are you comfortable drinking on the bike?

4. Socks? I really do not like to ride without them but I know it adds time to both transitions. Do I just suck it up and forget it for the short ride or take the time since that is what I am comfortable with? Thanks in advance for the help.

Socks- your feet aren't going to be dry. Unless you take time to dry off your feet really well you're going to be riding in wet socks. Next time you go to the pool take a pair of socks. Hop out of the pool and try to put them on. Even if your feet are dry the water from your suit is going to drip down your legs and get the socks wet.

IF you choose to wear socks try this tip. The night before your race put on your socks and wear them for about 5 minutes. Then roll the sock down like a condom with just the toe area unrolled. Stick your foot in the sock and roll it up to get it on quickly. You can also pre-squeeze Aquaphor in your socks if you're prone to blisters or if its going to rain for the ride/run. Personally I'd skip the socks. You probably won't notice that you don't have them on once you get going.




Edited by Catwoman 2014-07-31 12:06 PM
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