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2014-11-29 2:45 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Happy Thamksgiving

Originally posted by QueenZipp

My dinner was an exercise in salvaging things.  The heating element for the oven decided to quit.  Gee thanks oven, had to do it on Thanksgiving?  It took a whole lot of creative shuffling and graciousness on my families part to eat foods not quite as hot as we would like.  But it was cooked through safely and tasted fine.  

We had this happen a couple years ago.  It was like the oven just knew it was about to be abused.  Glad  you were able to get dinner out safely!

2014-11-29 2:57 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon

Originally posted by lutzman

Here is the big announcement: Scott K has graciously agreed to assist by serving as the co-leader of this mentoring page with me. As you all know, Scott is a virtual encyclopedia of swim tips and has been a great asset to all of us. In only makes sense for us to utilize his knowledge to help everyone get faster.

Best, Steve

Wow!  Take a couple days for the holiday and all of a sudden there is breaking news!  I was honored when Steve asked if I would be interested in Co-Mentoring the group.  After a bit of back and forth on the phone, it quickly became apparent it would be a good fit.  I look forward to continuing the Gray Guys/Girls Group with Steve and hope all of you that have made the group so successful will return. 

2014-11-29 3:13 PM
in reply to: Vesteroid

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon

Originally posted by Vesteroid just read through some of this forum. I just turned 50 and am starting back to training after 18 months off. Hate excuses, so doesnt matter why, but over that 18 months I put on about 50 lbs that I dont want.

I ran a few halfs, a few 10K and a fair amount of 5K. I rode a century a month and usually rode 2-3 days a week too.

I always wanted to do a tri, and thats what I am going to train for. Figure if I get going now, I can get in shape enough for a sprint by april.

This is going to hurt.

Anyway hope to hang out here and learn.

Oh and I actually joined a gym with a pool just today. Swimming is going to be interesting, as I cant remember the last time I did any distance.

Hi Vesteroid,

Been there done that!  Except mine was closer to 100 pounds.  And your right, the excuses don't matter.  In fact, how many times you fall down doesn't matter.  What is important is how many times you get back up.  Words of wisdom from Vince Lombardi.

Congrats on joining the gym!  Swimming is a matter of 'one stroke at a time' so don't get discouraged at the start.


2014-11-30 12:00 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by lutzman

Here is the big announcement: Scott K has graciously agreed to assist by serving as the co-leader of this mentoring page with me. As you all know, Scott is a virtual encyclopedia of swim tips and has been a great asset to all of us. In only makes sense for us to utilize his knowledge to help everyone get faster.

Best, Steve

Wow!  Take a couple days for the holiday and all of a sudden there is breaking news!  I was honored when Steve asked if I would be interested in Co-Mentoring the group.  After a bit of back and forth on the phone, it quickly became apparent it would be a good fit.  I look forward to continuing the Gray Guys/Girls Group with Steve and hope all of you that have made the group so successful will return. 


Now there is a pair that will beat a fullhouse any day.

Sorry, I haven't been been as active as in the past but the new job has been taking up way more time than expected but I am hoping that things will be slowing down soon.

Anyway, looking to come back strong in 2015 with sheduling my first marathon ever and doing some more sprints along with a possible Olympic

I couldn't think of two better mentors for me, thanks to the both of you for all the help you offer each and everyone one of us.

2014-11-30 12:05 AM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Originally posted by JREDFLY

Originally posted by k9car363


Now there is a pair that will beat a fullhouse any day.

Sorry, I haven't been been as active as in the past but the new job has been taking up way more time than expected but I am hoping that things will be slowing down soon.

Anyway, looking to come back strong in 2015 with sheduling my first marathon ever and doing some more sprints along with a possible Olympic

I couldn't think of two better mentors for me, thanks to the both of you for all the help you offer each and everyone one of us.


Glad to have you back James!
2014-11-30 6:39 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Awesome news on the new group and the two leaders helping us along the way.
Can't wait to jump into the new group, big plans for this year starting with my first marathon in May.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thankfully the power came on in time to get the Turkey in the oven, the generator just isn't big enough to run everything.

Picked up some new Yak Trax ready for running in the snow all season.


2014-11-30 9:16 AM
in reply to: longrun26

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon

Originally posted by longrun26

I stumbled on this group and started to read and read and read the posts. I am a 55 year old male and looking to make a change in my life. Many more questions than comments but I feel a unique connection.

My name is Daniel. I sense this group is ongoing and I am a real beginner. Does this group still welcome new members?


Hey Daniel,

Beginners welcome and the learning will never stop on the journey you are about to embark on.  This group is a very diverse mix of experience and knowledge.   Most importantly, this group is more than helpful and willing to field your questions.  You can follow the move in the next couple weeks and join the fun!

2014-11-30 9:59 AM
in reply to: 0

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon

Originally posted by longrun26

Over the past 10 years I have allowed life to get in the way. My wife and I put our two boys through college and I earned three masters degrees. Time to reclaim and take care of me . . .

 . . . So my question is... keep going alone at home and use this site for motivation or join a global gym or a triathlon gym (Amphibian Multisport)? AM is incredible, unique, new and a mile from the house. It is a real community and has bike trainers, a two lane pool and tread mills but is $175 a month. Home is free. XSport and LifeTime are very close to home and much cheaper. Suggestions, input or ideas are appreciated.

Thanks, Daniel


Way back in high school and college I was a competitive swimmer and competed nationally and internationally at a fairly high level.  Then, like you, life happened.  The hardest part is recognizing that a change is in order and then having the courage to follow through.  Good for you as you have already done that!

As to going it alone or joining a gym  My first observation is that $175 a month at AM is expensive.  In my mind that much money implies a Triathlon coach as well as a gym.  There are any number of other gyms out there that are far less money.  For example, I joined L.A. Fitness for $39.00.month.  Every facility has the typical gym amenities: free weights, weight machines, cardio equipment, classes, and most importantly for me, a pool.  The really nice thing about LA Fitness is there are gyms across the country so when I travel, more often than not there is a gym close by.  What LA Fitness doesn't have is multi-sport coaching.  Sure they have "personal trainers" available, although their ideas may not be consistent with the needs of an endurance athlete.  AM will likely have effective multi-sport coaching but the question is, "Do you need that right now considering where you are in your triathlon journey?"  You have competed in endurance events in the past so you likely have some idea of what lies ahead.  At this point, you are probably at the point where you need to "train-to-train."  In other words you need to begin to build the endurance foundation upon which everything else will be built.  I humbly submit that you do not need to pay someone/someplace $175/month to do that.

Long SLOW runs, long SLOW bike rides, and SLOW swims are the order of the day at this point.  After you have begun to build a base level of fitness (at least a couple months although some coaches argue it takes years to truly build an endurance foundation), then you should move into a build phase.  At that point, there are a number of effective training plans right here on Beginner Triathlete that are free and were written by arguably some of the finest coaches available.

Today, you need a good pair of running shoes, access to a pool (and something to swim in), and access to a bike.  You don't need a $10,000 Triathlon Bike, you don't need a $500/month coach.  The big thing is don't rush it.  In very short order you will come to KNOW what is needed and where you should direct your resources.  Rome wasn't built in a day and likewise your triathlon journey will take an investment of time. 

Edited by k9car363 2014-11-30 10:14 AM
2014-11-30 10:27 AM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon

Originally posted by JREDFLY

 . . . Anyway, looking to come back strong in 2015 with sheduling my first marathon ever and doing some more sprints along with a possible Olympic.



Haven't seen you in a while.  So glad to hear you will be with us again!

2014-11-30 10:43 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon

Originally posted by Mountaindan

 . . . Can't wait to jump into the new group, big plans for this year starting with my first marathon in May.

  . . . Picked up some new Yak Trax ready for running in the snow all season.


Seems as though a number of us are doing first marathons in the upcoming months.  I swam in some really big races back in the day but am far more nervous about the marathon than I EVER was for a swimming event.  Haven't figured out why yet.  Under-prepared?  Fear of the unknown?  I have no idea.  Just trying to make the run my friend!

I had a pair of Yak Trax when we lived in Indiana, still have them, not that they are doing me any good in Southern California.  I never really formed an opinion on whether I liked them or not.  I had a few falls with them, and had a few falls without them.  I found that paying particular attention to where my feet were going was at least as effective as the Yak Trax were.  I finally took an old pair of shoes, put some 1/8 inch screws in the bottom of them and was good to go - until I got to dry pavement.  I found that nothing really was a "perfect" solution to running on snow/ice.  My final opinion was that I prefer to run outdoors, regardless of the hazards, rather than submit myself to a dreadmill treadmill.  Of course, I was only having to deal with temps down to the single digits and a foot of snow on a bad day.  I imagine up there where you are that is tame by comparison.

2014-11-30 4:40 PM
in reply to: k9car363

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Hello, Daniel here.

Thank you for the feedback and input. As a new member to the "Gray Guys" I am really motivated by the feedback and thought that goes into these replies. And, it is from people on the same journey without the cost that I have been seeing while shopping around.

I felt that $175 a month at AM was really high and while it is a wonderful community I am not at that point in my journey. I went out this morning and walked my 3.5 mile loop. It was sleeting, cold and windy here in the north suburbs of Chicago but I felt motivated to be on the trails again. I have made it two weeks without missing a day and instead of, "I have to exercise!" my single word switch is, "I get to exercise today!"

It feels nice to put on my running gear - even though I am walking. Everything is a little tighter but I am already enjoying the journey. I have XSPORT - a 24 hour health club that is a mile from the house - pool, spin classes, weights...

Now I get to look at what I eat! Thanks again for all the input. It really is helpful!

2014-11-30 8:09 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Hey gang,

Since the tri season ended, I've had quite a bit of business travel and other distractions crop up. As a result, I've wandered off the reservation over the last six weeks and the scale shows it. Now its time for me to step away from the refrigerator and get back in the game.

Looking forward to being part of the 2015 Grey group. Great to hear that we'll have Steve and Scott as co-captains.

2014-11-30 8:48 PM
in reply to: longrun26

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Originally posted by longrun26

Good morning,

Daniel here. This group is supportive and informative. I feel fortunate to have found it.
I know accountability to myself and others is important to stick to a program. I am midlife career changer. Left a corporate career 10 years ago on early retirement and became a teacher. Love my career and feel great about making a change and difference. 7th grade literature/language arts rocks! But I have gained 40 pounds over the past 10 years!

Over the past 10 years I have allowed life to get in the way. My wife and I put our two boys through college and I earned three masters degrees. Time to reclaim and take care of me.

I am 55, 6'0" and weigh 258. Before 45 I was never thin but ran 16 marathons and biked. I completed 6 sprint triathlons. I was never fast but felt confident and did it for me. I miss the competition. While my immediate goal is to drop weight and gain confidence I am already searching the internet for runs, biathlons and triathlons.

I have started walking - and really enjoy it. The idea of running right now is daunting at my weight. I walk 3-4 miles daily at a brisk pace and am slowly feeling the desire to be out every day is growing. Have stuck to it for three weeks.

So my question is... keep going alone at home and use this site for motivation or join a global gym or a triathlon gym (Amphibian Multisport)? AM is incredible, unique, new and a mile from the house. It is a real community and has bike trainers, a two lane pool and tread mills but is $175 a month. Home is free. XSport and LifeTime are very close to home and much cheaper.

Suggestions, input or ideas are appreciated.

Hey Daniel,

Welcome to the group! You know, the great thing about where you stand is that you have that marathon experience (16 of them - woah!). To me, that is the equivalent of a half-ironman in terms of time commitment and endurance. Most importantly, you already know what it takes. What's different is you're a few years older and a few sacks of potatoes heavier. If it were me (and it was 7 years ago except without the marathon experience), I'd stay active with whatever motivated me - not sure it matters too much right now what activity you choose - and zero in on eating right and losing about 1lb / week. If the idea of doing a tri excites you, I'd probably lean more toward biking and swimming (and walking), and minimize the impact stuff to lower the risk of injury.

On the health club stuff, it's nice to have a club. There's motivation in being in that environment - especially if you're in the polar vortex :-) My first year, I just did stuff at home and focused on losing weight, but I did find the health club motivating when I eventually joined one (thanks to my wife). But $175 is really steep. Personally, I'd save that for coaching down the road (literally, like put away the difference between that and a normal gym with pool in a savings account).

Anyway, look forward to hearing your progress as 2015 unfolds!


2014-12-01 9:04 AM
in reply to: DJP_19

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Originally posted by DJP_19

Hey gang,

Since the tri season ended, I've had quite a bit of business travel and other distractions crop up. As a result, I've wandered off the reservation over the last six weeks and the scale shows it. Now its time for me to step away from the refrigerator and get back in the game.

Looking forward to being part of the 2015 Grey group. Great to hear that we'll have Steve and Scott as co-captains.


Welcome back Dave! Glad to have you participating again.

2014-12-01 9:28 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by Mountaindan

 . . . Can't wait to jump into the new group, big plans for this year starting with my first marathon in May.

  . . . Picked up some new Yak Trax ready for running in the snow all season.


Seems as though a number of us are doing first marathons in the upcoming months.  I swam in some really big races back in the day but am far more nervous about the marathon than I EVER was for a swimming event.  Haven't figured out why yet.  Under-prepared?  Fear of the unknown?  I have no idea.  Just trying to make the run my friend!

I had a pair of Yak Trax when we lived in Indiana, still have them, not that they are doing me any good in Southern California.  I never really formed an opinion on whether I liked them or not.  I had a few falls with them, and had a few falls without them.  I found that paying particular attention to where my feet were going was at least as effective as the Yak Trax were.  I finally took an old pair of shoes, put some 1/8 inch screws in the bottom of them and was good to go - until I got to dry pavement.  I found that nothing really was a "perfect" solution to running on snow/ice.  My final opinion was that I prefer to run outdoors, regardless of the hazards, rather than submit myself to a dreadmill treadmill.  Of course, I was only having to deal with temps down to the single digits and a foot of snow on a bad day.  I imagine up there where you are that is tame by comparison.

True there is no perfect answer to running in the snow and ice, but I have had pretty good luck with the Yak Trax, that said I still need to be careful with my footing. I live in the southern part of Maine on the coast so we don't really get too much snow, but it does stick around once the ground is covered, which it is now. I hate the dreadmill I have done more than enough time on them and will run outside regardless of the cold temps and weather, most of the time against the will of my wife who doesn't like me running down country roads in snow storms at night, not sure what the problem is, I'm fully insured

Welcome to the group to our new members, there is a plethora of knowledge from Steve and Scott as well as many others.
2014-12-02 4:00 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon

Nice to see some activity in the mentor group.    No marathon plans for me.  I may be doing a bicycle tour next May with some old friends.  If we can pull it all together the plan is to ride from the south of Japan up to the north tip (30 days and 3000+ km).  I need to consider whether I can still get in enough run and swim time after that to do the same long course triathlon I did this year in early September.  


2014-12-02 7:37 AM
in reply to: dcon

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
About a month ago, I began attending yoga classes at the suggestion of my physical therapist. I've been practicing yoga twice per week in addition to my regular workouts. My goal is to gain flexibility so I'm wondering if I will see noticeable improvements over the long term. Does anyone in the group practice yoga on a regular basis, and if so, any insights to share?
2014-12-02 11:21 AM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Hey Steve's congrats and thanks for taking the time to be mentors! It takes a lot of time and I (we) really appreciate your time and patience!

yak trax, never heard of probably never will in FL.

When the group opens again I would like to be in the group if it is OK but I'll be focusing on running, doing more biking and maybe in the summer do 1 Olympic Tri if I can get the swim down. I want to do at least a 50k run and maybe a 1/2 duathlon, I want to see what running 13/1 is like after biking 56 miles.

I love all the activity here!

BTW, has their Hoka shoes on sale today. They are rarely on sale and i bought 2 pair and have 1 I have never even run in but the one I do love.

Update, still not running but my ankle is much better. I ran into a competitive runner the other day and I was talking to her. She is having the same problem I am having and the dr said rest. She has been off 8 weeks. I think I may be able to run a little but I'm going to take another day of so off to give it time to heal. The 50k I signed up for...well I'll be a vlounteer. I could get down but why! I'll go out and help others and make it positive. I'll try to be ready for my next marathon Feb 8.
2014-12-02 5:47 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
Welcome to new members Vesteroid (we may need a name here) and Daniel. I have found this group very supportive and feel like these people are actual friends.
Karl, you probably made the wise decision regarding the 50k. Disappointing, but you sometimes just have to be patient regarding injuries. You'll have more opportunities.
Dan C, your bike tour of Japan sounds like heaven! You'll have a blast!
Dave, I have some running friends who are hooked on yoga and swear it helps their flexibility. No personal experience. I tried some classes and found it to be REALLY HARD!
I just registered for Cayuga Lake Tri for 2015--my first Olympic distance. I have to admit I had a shock seeing my age listed as 68! I have been aware that is coming, but seeing it in writing is something else. An abstraction becomes a reality.
I also checked out my USAT national ranking. In my age group there are rarely enough competitors in any race to make my rank meaningful, so I like to see how I compare to everyone in my AG in the country. One of my goals for the season was to improve my ranking, which was 53 of 118 in 2013 (55th %ile). In 2014 I did better that, moving up to 48 of 131 (63rd %ile.) To get a ranking you have to do 3 USAT-sanctioned races in a season and be a USAT member. I do attribute much of that improvement to following one of the BT training plans.
I didn't do a Turkey Trot, but did run 7 miles in light snow Thanksgiving morning while visiting relatives in Akron Ohio. That has to count for something. Gee, they have a nice trail there within the city.
Here's the race report for my x-c race before Thanksgiving:
Last one coming up is the Club Nationals in 2 weeks.
For someone who hates being cold, I certainly subject myself to a lot of it!
Be well, all.

2014-12-02 8:41 PM
in reply to: juneapple

Libertyville, IL
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon
As a newbie to the group it is really nice to get on line after a long day and read the messages. Thank you for letting me jump in.
I am enjoying my walks. The idea of running really intimidates me right now but getting dressed for a 3-4 mile brisk walk is energizing. As I progress and drop some weight the running will begin.

My grad program really slows down in two weeks so I can start living again.
Looking forward to learning more about everyone and continuing the journey.
2014-12-02 10:53 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: I'd Like Your Opinion

Hello Everyone!

I'm not really sure if we are "allowed" to do this, but I figure I am among friends here in the Gray Guys/Girls group so what the heck.

You may have noticed the website link - - in my signature.  Had you clicked on it, you would have been taken to a page that said, "Coming Soon!"

Coming soon is here so I am really happy and excited to announce that we went live with the site earlier today. 

While the site is clearly centered on my love for swimming and triathlon, it actually grew out of my realization that a significant majority of triathletes struggle with the swim in one way or another.  If the site helps one person become a better swimmer than it will be a success.  Our goal was to have the site live before people really got in to base building so we have met that first milestone.  We have a couple dozen more articles ready to go, on topics ranging from Open Water Swimming to Energy Pathways, from Planning workouts to recovery and the aging athlete.  So look for those to be added over the coming days and weeks.

If you have a couple minutes, I would really like if you could take a look.  Maybe browse around the site and let me know what you think.  I welcome very critical comments.  If you are inclined to offer a comment, you can do it here or send me a private message.  We have checked and double checked to make sure there are no broken links, grammar and spelling are correct, etc., but stuff happens so if you find anything amiss, please let me know.


2014-12-03 5:41 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Subject: RE: I'd Like Your Opinion
Deb, nice race report, congrats. Will you comment on the Strength running program you are following. It sounds interesting...avoiding injury would be beneficial for me!

Daniel, welcome to the group. It is a great group of people.

Scott, I've been looking at your site in the past and it is AMAZING. I lvoe the swim Stroke section. That helped me a lot. Very nice site!

There are 2 pools we can use in town. Both are always busy busy busy, the one closest to my house is reserved for the travel swim teams from 3:30 - 7:00 pm every weekday. From 7:00 to 7:30 p m it is open to the public.... The good news is I'll be off work starting Friday until the 1st of the year and I hope I'll get some swimming in when everyone else is at work...

have ya'll started thinking about your goals for 2015?

2014-12-03 6:24 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Upstate, New York
Subject: RE: I'd Like Your Opinion
Scott, Just took a look - the site looks great. I freely admit to being psyched out by the swim components so it helps to keep seeing the foundations of a sound swim in print. Look forward to more input from you. Thanks for jumping in as a Mentor as well.
2014-12-03 6:34 AM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Upstate, New York
Subject: RE: New Mentor Page starting soon YOGA
I am a firm believer in the benefits of yoga - with the right class and instructor. I started practicing about 5 years ago and have noticed a definite improvement in flexibility as well as a bag of tricks to help with post run stiffness,etc.. But perhaps the best benefit has been an improvement in BALANCE - a factor that I was not even thinking about until I noticed the difference. There are some great online class sites available that give you a chance to explore different styles and goals; love Sage Roundtree's yoga for athletes on YogaVibes.
2014-12-03 8:26 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: I'd Like Your Opinion
Scott, the site looks awesome, I look forward to spending some more time looking through it and using the information and hopefully your services!

One thing I did notice was the Olympic base plan description is the same as the sprint.

Thanks for sharing!
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