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2007-04-20 2:48 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
i'm going to try to post a pic now, too

2007-04-20 3:24 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
2007-04-20 5:46 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
last attempt of the day


102_0425.bp.bmp (74KB - 39 downloads)
2007-04-20 5:48 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
side view


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2007-04-20 5:52 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
My mug so you know it's really me


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2007-04-20 6:10 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Pene you have said sorry to me twice but I have no clue what for. I am all about you doing an ironman, as matter fact I will work in your crew, I just won't be running next to you. And as for Mark's photo, I looked laughed and was fine with what you said.
Now as far as I did I say to you, you write alot, take a break from us. I said it with love.
take care, I am doing the tri in few days for fun and pratice and not for perect time.

2007-04-20 7:57 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
It's okay BGT, I knew you were kidding. It didn't stop me from posting away today anyway You are going to do really well at your tri! It's good to give your body a rest--makes you stronger actually! And you will have fun, too. I admire your ability to swim so well and you are a faster runner than me hands down.

Well I just did my first 11 minute mile. Rather anaerobic, I'm afraid. Baby steps.

Do I have permission to smash my scale? It said I was 149.6# today and 32% body fat! I'm on my period but I STILL don't think the darn thing can be right about the %BF! The pics were from yesterday. I think I'll just stop looking at the fat number and go with how loose my jeans fit--those are my tightest pair, women's size 6. But I'm too vain to show you my thighs in a swimsuit (NOT very pretty, I'm afraid!). I keep hoping they melt with more run and swim kicks. So, that's my weigh in for the week. The scale's at the office and I don't plan to go in to work this weekend.
2007-04-20 9:33 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Pene there is no way you are at 32% body fat.  For woman, 30% is considered obese, and judging by those pics you are not looking obese and I am sure we all agree.  Either something is wrong with the scale or I don't know lol.  I would try to see if you can get a caliper test done and then compare.

Mark, LOVE the hat!  I will have to make a trip out east there to pick one up.  Do you think she had a matching wetsuit?


A topic that I have been thinking/reading about as of late is cross training.  And I bring this question to everyone here.

What cross training do you guys do that is not part of the 3 sports?  Oliptical?  Weights?  Other sports?  lets here it and tell us how you feel it is helping/not helping.

I personally have been rock climbing for a few months and love it.  Its great for building overall body strength, and giving you that short burst endurance.   I also life weights a couple times a week, but nothing to serious.

2007-04-20 9:45 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Isnt the definition of triathlon's crosstraining???? I dont know how many more sports I can handle! Well, I guess I do dabble in yoga and skiing in the winter. I just count weight training as part of the tri training. I did some walking today, about 2 miles with my sis and nephew. And then I chased him around the playground. I guess all thats cross training ( :

The body fat scale thing is not really accurate- I was told if you are very muscular (which we all are!), it cant calculate corrrectly. It has to do with impedance or something technical like that. Ive seen scales that are calibrated for "athletes" and supposedly are more accurate, but I didnt want to spend the extra money for them. I think Pene is right, go by your clothes etc.

I rode 37.3 miles today by myself, it was my longest solo ride ever. Im getting more used to being on the bike for longer periods of times, which is listed as one of my goals, so Im happy. I think I want to work up to 50 miles. Ive done 40 before with few of my hardcore cyclist friends but that most I have done. I guess Im finally getting over my aversion to riding, its only taken 5 years....
2007-04-20 9:47 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Heh guys- I'm still here!!

Just getting caughy-up with everyone's posts, pictures ( great pics), and all the updates. Life had been ++ hectic and crazy lately- nice to read everyones post and get caught up. And welcome to the new members!!

-anyway guys- as an update- have made the big decison to switch from the full to the 1/2 marathon this May. Now that I havr made the decision -it feels good- can now concentrate on speed and consistancy- and try and do a kick- red bike race!!! As well- by doing the 1/2- I'' get to see my daughter cross the line running her 1st marathon!!

- count me in for the wt managament regime starting this Sun (I'll post Mondays) won't get into all the details such as body fat (lots), etc- but will post wt- like pPhen had mentionaned its like weight watchers- accountability.

-wish I could post a pic-however- remeber I am computer illiterate!!! I need one of my kids to assist me in this!!!

- I think the spring weather is finally here in SW Ontario (right Robb!!) Hurray!!! I can hardly wait to get out on my bike

Bye for now

2007-04-21 7:05 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Cross training--I Box! I box a Gox in yellow sox, I box a yellow sox box Gox I love the release and the cardio and it gets me psyched to run or whatever. I start to feel like a TOUGH chick who can go kick butt and conquer the world! Ironman--bah, cake!! Rocky could do an IM before breakfast!! Gonna fly now........

Seriously though, my arms are getting stronger from the SWIM of all things! I can now just sort of do a forward punch/tap and almost tip the heavy bag stand (with the 75 pound bag, speed bag contraption and 140 pounds of weights already on it) with every little "tap". I was sort of impressed with myself last night. I'll need another 100# of weights now! I SHOULD kick box for those little thigh globs now, but that REALLY tips it over and it's right by a window, so that wouldn't be good. Hmmm, is it worth the investment, or should I just spend it on gas to go to LaCrosse and swim more???

So Rob, did I entice you to roadtrip down here yet??? That was the WHOLE aim of the picture posting ya know!! (sorry guys, I think I got all the flirt genes in the family and they became suddenly activated like about 3 months ago or so) Hard to fight genetics

Watergirl--I find it much harder to get on the bike outside cuz of the speed. I feel like I'm gonna crash on those dainty little tires or something. I'm going to be really wimpy and take it on the bike trails to start so I don't have to fret about the local traffic, hitting a pile of horse poop, a pothole, or crashing in public (because everyone knows ME, even if I have no clue who they are--when I run at the track everyone tells me they heard I was out there--geesh!). The trails are great for just working on speed without all the other variables. AND-- our human powered mountain bike trails are now OPEN!! Yeah!! That's what I really think is fun. Big fat tires out in the middle of nowhere and enjoying the squirrels and trees and stuff.

Helen--WHATEVER!! We all KNOW you can do the full! But you are a big girl now and if it gives you more peace, then so be it. But come ON, now! If this really slow chick plans on a full (in October after lots more practice and some coaching) then certainly after your 20 mile test run, you MUST realize those last 6 will be tough, but SOOOOO worth it! The adrenaline will just kick in and save you and by 26.2 you will feel like you could go another 6 no problemo! Trust me, I've talked with LOTS of marathon people and that is the thing I hear over and over and over. So, it must be true! You CAN walk it if need be. (Acckkk, I use the "W" word!) No, I mean you can PACE if need be! I do not believe if you slow down and "pace" that you will quit. I pace ALL the time and it gives me the mental/physical recharge I need to go run, faster than ever, up to that post ahead or whatever. I set my goals yards at a time, not even miles at a time. You are SOOOO ahead of most of us on the run! I do, I do, I do believe in Helen Everyone, now.......(from Peter Pan I do believe in fairies to save Tink)

I'm skipping my stupid Nutrition seminar this weekend. Politics. My Wisconsin Chiropractic Association is always thinking of ways to get more money out of us. So they told us we can't give nutritional advice as scope of practice until we spend $1000 on 4 seminars on Nutrition and then we'll be "certified". Bull crap!! Well, I can't find a babysitter (and truthfully I didn't look too hard because of my attitude) and they didn't take the money out of my account (you had to give them your account number with the registration and they would take the money out a week ahead of each module). Soooo, I'm going to cancel the whole DA*N thing and go swimming, etc, instead. And I'll tell people whatever I want, so there! (Like the Amish are really gonna tell on me for suggesting prenatals to my pregnant patients!) Either that or I'm showing up with all three kids.......that would teach em! Don't mess with boxing triathlete tough chicks who chase younger guys unabashedly and will do an Ironman in 2 years

2007-04-21 8:31 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Watergirl--there IS an "athlete" setting on my scale, but I haven't been using it, because the instructions said you aren't truly considered and athlete for their purposes until you are exercising more than 21 hours a week! That's IM training times! But I'm going to try it on that setting now and see if that number seems more realistic (and if not--I'm SMASHING it to smithereens!) I've actually be depressed for several weeks because I thought I was looking a little leaner, but the scale had me increasing in weight and body fat, and since I have a history of body image distortion with the eating disorder, I just figured I was not seeing myself properly again, but in reverse, and must have been outeating all the training! And can I ever beat myself up!!!!!

Mark/Sean--I've been going with a cup or two of brewed (cheaper) coffee in the mornings and switching to the white teas for lunch/afternoon pick me ups. I discovered Lipton has a lovely raspberry flavored White tea that actually has green tea in it, too! And there is a Fuze Oolong tea with White tea as well. And some other stuff to help you lose weight. After the first thing of white tea, I drove the kids to LaCrosse for their swim lessons, after already having been there earlier in the day for my swim, and got out of the car with wet jeans from the backs of my thighs sweating! Yeah! That's where I WANT thermogenesis to occur!!! It was a trifle embarrassing to walk in there that way, but I just pretended the bleachers were wet from little swimmers sitting there and sucked it up I'm spending a small fortune on gas to LaCrosse for swimming. Oh, well. I don't gamble, smoke, drink, take drugs or have a boyfriend to spoil with gifts (yet), so I guess if I spend money on gas to swim it's not so bad, eh?


1. Eat more protein/less carbs and fats.

2. Do half ironman distances per week. Tried to do full marathon distance with the run, but I don't think that's realistic for me yet with the other sports (and life).

3. Record EVERYTHING--food and activities--on Fitday so I quit fretting over stupid scale numbers.

4. Try athlete setting on scale and if that is off, SMASH scale (with relish!) and record activity of smashing on fitday.

5. Remember to USE subliminals and hypnosis tapes DAILY until it is a habit, too. (I keep forgetting to take the headphones to bed with me).

6. Get bike out on bike trails on Thursdays. Can't bike with kids other days. Buggers. And do training indoors other days, even though it is boring me to tears.

7. Pay a bit more attention to my pile of paperwork so my receptionist doesn't fire me. (she's threatening to).

8. TAKE my stupid supplements! They sit there and look at me. I have an aversion to swallowing horse pills repeatedly. Gets to be quite the handfull and after about 6 of them I start gagging. Oh well, suck it up, right?

9. Wean myself from hanging on this darn computer so much. (I just like hearing about all of you and what you are up to and thinking and such stuff--even if its about pink doggy stars)

10. Research more efficient ways of getting training results with less TIME put in. Anyone have Eric Harr's "Triathlete training in 4 hours a Week"?? I have this book about weight training and the dude SWEARS that you only need to do like 20 minutes a WEEK with it to get really FAB results. He says we over train and our muscles get weaker instead of stronger because they never get to rest enough to rebuild. I have the book, but thought perhaps he was wrong. Now I'm wondering if he doesn't just have a lot of wisdom! It seems the less I do, the stronger I get. Seriously.
2007-04-21 8:44 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hey guys im still alive havent had the chance to log or do anything recoverd very well after my tri tired legs the next day not muscle soreness which is good less then 1 month to the next 1
other news ive met a deadset top sort (aussie slang for a nice lady) she is a personal trainer and she is going to help me train which is brilliant and i told her i am a triathalete! had a bucks party last night and i am now hurting training begins again this weeek

will give all my weightloss details im so in

i know my weight currently is 89kg i wanna loose about 10ish
2007-04-21 1:37 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Hi Everyone!!

You all are bad influnces on me!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL

I have signed up for annother triathalon Sprint distance.
Pene said once that I have a lot of time untill the tri and I thought Yea I was happy for the indoor tri but I didn't have the jubliation everyone else was having.


Subaru U.S. womens benefiting ovarian cancer research fund. It's on June24 race pack pickup on the 23rd it's in Naperville.

80 dollars including permit. I raised the funds to enter.

I am a little nervous and excited at the same time
I am an athelete!
I am one hell of a runner!! yea right?!!!!@#&(*
I can do this.
MY GOAL... is to finish and beat my indoor base time.
2007-04-21 1:39 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Robb your invited too and so is everyone else.
2007-04-21 2:44 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well this one is for women only, so guys you can't join unless you want to dress in drag( I am thinking hula grass skirts and coconut tops), but please don't do this just for me.

2007-04-21 3:09 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Well, it's definitely doable. I've been to the Naperville Pig Fest many many years ago! The swim is almost double what I've done in the indoor tri and what my June 10 tri will be. But that would be good to push me with the swim. My July tri is only a 200 yard swim I think, but it's over the 4th and will be hot, so no wetsuit, so those factors will be challenge enough I thought. Then I don't have another swim event until August and that's an Aquathon with a 1000 yard swim and 5K run. It's 2 weeks after the first outdoor tri, so I'll have an idea of what sort of bugs need to be worked out, and have time to actually work them out, while still being in the afterglo of finishing my first "real" tri! And, it's for a good cause. And not a million miles away.

So, I will tentatively commit to it, but will need to check my office schedule to make sure there wasn't anything else on the books for that weekend.

But my affirmations go something like this: I am a swimmer, I won't drown doing an 800, I can do a course I've never been to before, I will have energy and no broken limbs after doing the first June tri, I can come up with 80 bucks extra this week, I will find a suitable babysitter(s) in time, my kids won't suddenly come down with Typhoid fever or other some such emergency at the last minute..............It will be fun to meet a comrade! Even if she can kick my butt on the swim!

In other news, I discovered a new running term: FARTLEK. Yep, that's the word. It means "speed play". And you literally go run on any terrain you feel like and do like 100's and 200's as fast as you can and then slow down to a jog (or pace) for awhile til you feel like going for another speedplay. And you do it for however long you want, usually around 45-60 minutes. And you try to have FUN with it, hence the "play" part of the term. Because we all groan mentally at the term, "intervals". Or at least I do. I sort of did Fartleks on my 8 mile jaunt without knowing there was a term for it. It made the distance go kinda fast and it was fun. Maybe Rob isn't the only trigeek here?
2007-04-21 3:24 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
I won't post all day, I promise. But I did my asthma hypnosis tape while on the bike trainer (gotta multitask with my lifestyle) and I LOVE IT. It takes you through these techniques for reducing your stress factors, which you visualize and then you replace that visual with a peaceful scene. Because asthma is pretty much directly related to STRESS/emotions. And you have to learn to deal with them when they come up so your airways don't seize up. Then I got on the treadmill, because there was a track meet today (get OFF MY track, I thought). And I was all nice and warmed up from the bike and relaxed because I visualized swimming with the dolphins and they LOVE ME even if no adult human does, and I did my run/walk all relaxed and in aerobic zone the whole time. So, in other words, I think the tape will help me with the run a lot!! And I did the endurance running subliminal (ocean waves) while on the treadmill, so maybe that helped, too. When I ran, it was quite a bit faster with less effort than I have done to date Then I did one 100 Fartlek at 7mph and was impressed, but super tired after an hour bike and 4 miles, so I hopped in the shower. Maybe I'll do a mile or two fartlek later today or tomorrow. (actually I just love using that word--it feels like it's a dirty word or something, so I want to use it all the time now...fartlek, fartlek, FARTLEK) Didn't have my Starbucks, either, and no I'm NOT drunk
2007-04-21 5:55 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Dolphins do swim with adults and children. If your in waters where it is known to have dolphins in the area you can use 2 wooden blocks. You clap them together in different intervals and different strengths. try to make music and try to repeat it again with a slightly different ending.
This attracts the curiosity of dolphins. Let them come to you and don't reach out.

Pene have you gone to social clubs like the Quiawians, Shriners, etc for fundraising? You can even send out letters to them asking for donations. The Shriners help kids a lot so if your triathalon is raising money for children you can go ask for a donation.

Bring the kids along they can help pass water to the runners. Wouldn't it be great if all triathalons had a daycare section for the participants children.

I am not a super fast swimmer but I can do distance, but thank you for the support.
2007-04-21 9:35 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
okay I ran for the first time in ALOT of days. It felt good and it felt scary. I spent the first 10 min's trying to figure out the heart rate moniter, I even took of one shirt and my top sports bra thinkining that was the trick( please note I live in the hood, I might have been m istake for a working girl) (second, my dark strech marked belly may have been someone's first sight this morning- I will say sorry here). In the end when I decdied the run was more important, and ran the HRM worked just fine. I hate that I am becoming a gear head. Overall it was not my best work but it was nice to get a run under my belt.

Also I throw out the swimming challange some time ago, I am proud to report I have done 130 of 880 laps. I am hoping to 45 more this week to get to the 5 mile mark of 175. It is hard but my stroke is getting better and my endurance has also increased. This month alone I have swam 6500 yards. It feel good to see such a high number.
Tommorw I plan on doing at least two of three sports, if not all three. SUppose to rain ( 80% chance) so we will see what I can get in before the ran falls. Bt well
2007-04-21 10:36 PM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Guys--I've been checking out BT's training plan for Beginner Ironman and it isn't too bad! It's 20 weeks, focuses mostly on bike (Rob does that), and ranges from 8 hours per week up to 15-17 but isn't too bad! I looked at my hours just now, and I'm doing about that already. Most of you are doing WAY more now. I have no intention to do an IM in 5 months, but heck--for SURE by early 2009 I'll be ready. Everyone was SOOO psyched just a few days ago, then fears got in the way and it all fizzled. Just do yourselves a favor (if it is at all a dream of yours, or even a nice fantasy)and look at the training plan on here. Then look at your logs. See--you are closer than you thought already! But like I said, I'll do it alone if need be. Ultimately you do it alone anyway. It's all a personal mental/physical/spiritual endurance deal. If you aren't strong in all three areas, you likely won't make it. Maybe the 75 year old nun has an IM prayer or a saint in charge of crazy triathletes.........someone email her

2007-04-21 11:54 PM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
trying to insert photo
2007-04-22 12:00 AM
in reply to: #640246

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
Trying to insert photo
2007-04-22 12:00 AM
in reply to: #640246

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Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...
just back from some excellent exercise started off with a smashing weights session left my arms wiped out followed by a 4km run pretty slow jog was with my un fit mate who now hates me then i did a quick bike sprint i love endorphins bring em on!!!! i told my mate im a triathlete and if he wants to train with 1 expect anything. then he spewed after the run! im oh so nasty
but it will save his life 1 day
thinkin about submiting a photo not sure if every1 wants to see my hairy chest and beer gut
2007-04-22 12:03 AM
in reply to: #771608

Subject: RE: Prof40's Group -- Technically full but ...

Jeanette darling when you post, hit the 'attach a file after posting' then hit submit, and it should bring you to where you can upload a stored photo from your computer


Pene I will have to look at those training plans.  Maybe it will be a reason to upgrade my account with you all.  I think a bike focus is important because it will be what you spend the majority of your time doing.  And its more fun personally :D 

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