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2007-11-30 2:32 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Great Rich!  This challenge is very doable for me!  Thanks for getting it organized.  My first marathon is next Sunday (Dec. 9).  Then it's time to begin training for the 1/2 mary in Feb.  I'm ready for December...Let's go team!  WOOHOO!

2007-11-30 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1076678

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: December 2007 Group Challenge
Sounds great! I'm in! So...are there any additional incentives for winning/not missing workouts? There doesn't have to be, but I was just wondering.....
2007-11-30 11:01 PM
in reply to: #1076820

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: December 2007 Group Challenge
katzchen55 - 2007-11-30 3:20 PM

Sounds great! I'm in! So...are there any additional incentives for winning/not missing workouts? There doesn't have to be, but I was just wondering.....

Oooohhhhh I might come up with a couple of incentives for everyone!

2007-12-02 3:54 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Signed up for IM Arizona 11/2008
OMG! I pulled the trigger! Not only will I be doing Wildflower Long Course and potentially the Big Kahuna 70.3, but I just registered for IM Arizona scheduled for November 2008! This is one full year ahead of my plan.......but what the was an opportunity I could resist!

Oohhhh this will be tooo much fun!


2007-12-02 6:41 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
WOOHOO Rich!  Way to go!  This is going to be an exciting year of training and racing!  Looking forward to it!
2007-12-02 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1079627

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Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Rich, this is AWESOME!!! You are going to be tenting it with Caru, Barb and I! That soooo rocks! I'm really excited to see you all out there. My Oly is the next day, and I can't tell you how I am looking forward to cheering you on at the sidelines the day before. The great thing for me is that I'll have the opportunity to introduce my Team in Training coaches to you, my kick- online coach. That will be a very special moment for me, especially since you all have made such an impact in my life.

Ok, so who else wants to join this crazy bunch? Oh, and Caru, are you over the fact that you'll be staying in a tent yet??? *giggle* That is so funny!!!

I'm up for the challenge, most definitely. I'm going to be able to do most everything with exception to one week starting next Saturday. I'm headed to Cali (Santa Rosa) and won't have anything but my running shoes. Better than nothing though!

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far. Talk with you all soon!!!

2007-12-02 9:32 PM
in reply to: #1079837

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Andi! This will be totally cool! I didn't know Caru was coming out to the west coast! Very outstanding!

Believe it or not, Wildflower Long will be a training race for me in prep for Ironman AZ. How sick is THAT! If I finish this pupply in 7.5 hours, I'll be totally happy! The long course is a monster! About Mile 41 there is a killer hill that starts out at about a 10% grade, pops into a 12% grade and purportedly hits "Nasty Grade" where it hits 18%. I've ridden this course and when I hit Nasty Grade I got a wind-blowing-in-your-hair speed of 3 mph. Totally stoked about this course.......if I can complete this course in 7.5 hours, I'll be able to do IM AZ in under 14 hours. Wooooooooo Hooooooooo! Don't panic....the Olympic Course is different that the Long course

I'm tent camping if you want to call it that! I take two pop-ups (10x10s) with sides, the tent, heater, down mummy sleeping bag with mattress, a throw rug for inside the tent, chairs, ground coverings, and a small kitchen/cooler, etc. My car will be loaded to the top with "stuff" ohhhh and my bike, too!

I have a total kick of a time at Wildflower! I arrive on Wednesday to set up camp and hang out through Sunday! Woooooooo Hooooooo!

2007-12-02 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1079866

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

I think it's awesome that you all are going to be hooking up at Wildflower.  I have to say that I'm a bit jealous - not for doing the race but for hanging out at the campsite with you folks.  I just don't have the bandwidth/time/$$$ to make the trip! Please take lots of pix and video!!!!

And congrats Rich on taking the plunge and signing up for the IM!  You are crazier braver than me!

2007-12-02 11:18 PM
in reply to: #1079940

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Katz!

Just for kicks and can cut the cost of transportation by riding your bike from Texas to California. There is a group that did it last year! (Seriously they did!) I can throw an extra tent and sleeping back into the car and you'll be all set!

Tempting huh!?!?!?? :p

2007-12-03 1:00 PM
in reply to: #1079974

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Uh...yeah!  It's only 1627 miles from my house to the lake. I should be able to get there by May if I start next week! Don't get me wrong - I was tempted there for about a nanosecond or so.....
2007-12-03 4:39 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

guys, you crack me up!!!! seriously missed reading the  thread!!


I am totally in for the challenge....and yeah baby I am WAY over my head with all the races I signed up fir, but hey..

Rich I am WAYYY excited about the fact taht we shall be training at the same time Rich...I will be doing FL IM November 1st, so we shall seeeee......very exciting


ANDI! i have that pic of us!! I love it!!!! guys i gotta go, but will post later ok...send u all tones of love...


OH ANG- you are sooo ready for this!!! 

2007-12-08 1:28 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Okay Group...Sunday is my first marathon and while I'm totally ready and excited...the weather forecast is going to suck!  (to put it mildly!)  It's predicted to be in the high 40's with 80% chance of thunderstorms all day!!!  I don't mind the cold, but thunderstorms?  Who decided on this weather for this weekend in Dallas...I have a bone to pick with him!  I'll write up a race report as soon as I'm able...I was hoping for under 4:30, but now, I'm just running to finish...hopefully dry!

How's the challege going for everyone?  Keep pushing forward! 

Cheers!  Angela 


2007-12-08 3:53 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Dear Blondie!! no worries!, I'm sure that your training prepared you for anything, even this tough weather.

In my first marathon this year in February, the days before the race in Tokyo had been beautiful all week, but then race day, the temperature decided to drop to 30 and to rain throughout the whole race. It was rough, but it was just a matter of adjusting.

I have two suggestions:

Make sure you dress in layers, at least two layers so that at the half way point or wherever you feel warm enough you can take a layer off. My other suggestion is to make sure you take the proper nutrition (gels, amino tablets, etc), specially something with potassium to avoid cramps, but don't anything you haven't tried before!. That's pretty much it!

The bottom line is, not to let the weather bring you down. Remember all the training you have been through, all those early morning runs that you didn't really feel like running but you went through and tomorrow you will be a soldier and am sure you can be at around you estimated 4:30.

Take care and good luck, we will all be anxious to know how you did!!!

2007-12-08 11:17 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Angela! By the time you read this reply, you will probably be done....hopefully dry! I always keep a plastic poncho on hand rain or shine for a marathlon or half-marathon. I wear it to keep warm (and in your instance dry).

I did the Inaugural Pasadena Half-Marathon this morning with 70% chance of rain and starting temps at 42 degrees (in California.....who would have thunk?!?!) It was a little on the cool side, but rain(?). Zero!!!!! Didn't start raining until this evening!

Felipe: Great advice and wise! Kudos!

Hope your marathon went well Angela! Looking forward to a race report!

2007-12-09 5:33 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

HEY!!!  I survived!!!  Believe it or not, NO RAIN!!!  It was predicted to come a downpour, but it only rained 3 minutes!  It was cold, but great running weather.  I finished in 4:31:21!!!!!!  I ran my race, took in liquids and gels like I planned, meet a really nice girl to run with for about 21 miles.  It was a great first marathon.  The hills that I expected were nothing...little bumps in the road.  I have to say this was a great first marathon course.  Lots of super support, fun bands, great spectators.  I'm just pumped!  Now, I'm a little stiff...especially my left knee.  It began to ache around mile 10. I haven't had any knee pain in months.  I've been icing it all day so hopefully it will feel better in a few days. 

Felipe and Rich, thanks for the great advice.  I didnt' have a poncho, but I brought a trashbag to cover up with until the race began.  It was drizzling a little bit.  It's time to next race is Feb. 23.  I may change it to a full marathon instead of the half...

Stay warm!  Cheers! 


2007-12-10 7:48 AM
in reply to: #1091304

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
FANTASTIC!!! YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!! Congratulations! I'm seriously impressed!  I think marathons are probably much harder than triathlons, so you are completely my hero, now! Rest up that knee and enjoy the glow of accomplishment!

2007-12-10 8:11 AM
in reply to: #801361

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Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

That is some great news!!!!! you where right on target!!!!! to me 4:31 is the same as 4:30, you probably had to go to the bathroom and there was probably a line so you had to wait, so CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I happy to hear you did so well.

Now make sure you have a proper recovery in the next week. If you are up for it, you should filll your bathtub with ice and stay in there for at least 10 min, that should help. Its a pain in the buttt to get in but it really helps me recover faster.

Once again, awesome job!!!

2007-12-10 4:51 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Felipe, I DID have to use the potty at mile 12 and I DID have to wait, I swear, forever! LOL!!!  That's why I missed my time by 1min 21sec!!!  I thought about an ice bath just this morning...I think you were talking to me in my head!!!

Thanks, Kat...maybe next year, you could try it???  It really is a great, fast course.  I met lots of people from all over Texas, Oklahoma, Canada, Missouri...

Okay, now on the challenge...I'm taking a few days off from running to recover...the knee is still achy.  Hopefully, this time off won't affect my 21/31 runs.  Just asking, but could I use my marathon as 2 days???  I'm not whimping out...I just need some recovery time!  Pleeeaaaasssseeee!!!!!


2007-12-10 8:50 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Hey race report is done.  Check it out if you would like!  I failed to mention the terrible weather which turned out to be a blessing...I don't think I would have done as well if it were 74 degrees with 80% humidity! (that was the forecast the day before)  It ended up being 55 degrees at the beginning and fell to 41 degrees by the time I finished.  And it was windy and damp!  Thanks for all your support...I thought of all your kind words and advice...the last few miles, I had a lot of time to think solo!



2007-12-10 10:11 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
Hey Angela! CONGRATULATIONS......I don't hear any objections to you getting credit for 2 runs for doing your marathon!

AWESOME Job Angela! It sounds like you stuck to your race plan.....KUDOS! Now take some time to recover and come back slowly. I'm so proud of you! You are doing such a wonderful job! Your results brought a HUGE smile across my face!

Rest Well!!!!

2007-12-13 3:15 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: How is your challenge workouts going?
Hey gang!

Hope all is well, you are staying healthy, Angela is recovering from her marathon, and you are getting your Christmas/Holiday shopping done! Just wondering on you are doing on your December Challenge? I'm on workout 10..........I might not make it ......kidding!

If you are travelling this holiday, be safe and come back to us!

This next statement might be dangerous....(at least it would be for me)....... if you over endulge with food or other things (like drinks), don't beat yourself up....enjoy..... you have deserved it with all of your hard all have just ROCKED this year! (WARNING: This doesn't give you permission to go completely out of control!)

If I don't get a chance to talk with you....have a MERRY CHRISTMAS / HAPPY HOLIDAYS!


2007-12-13 3:56 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

I've taken a few days off to recover...I feel great, and don't want to overdo it too soon.  I have an 8 mile run planned for Saturday.  The weather as been very crummy the last few days.  Hopefully, I can get all my workouts in too!  Not too sure what # I'm on...

It's crazy, but my weight is still down from running last weekend.  I'm eating tons!  I'm sure it will catch up with me soon...better watch out or my arse will balloon up again!  I just love all the baked goodies from this time of year!  YUMMY!

Cheers!  Angela

2007-12-14 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1100616

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Extreme Veteran
Cedar Park, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

Merry merry, everyone! I'll be doing workout #8 today - looks like I have my work cut out for me if I'm going to make 21 workouts by the 31st....well, we'll see. I did a marathon shopping session on Tuesday, so I think I have the Christmas thing down to at least manageable. The family starts arriving from the east coast one week from today, and I still have quite a bit to get done.  It's all a ton of fun, though.  I LOVE this time of year!

As for the weight issue, I'm in the middle of adjusting a few medications that will affect that. I've put on a few pounds, but I'm hoping these adjustments will help me drop them back off quickly.  I'm trying to eat well on the "normal" days and saving up the extra calories for the big meal on Christmas Day!'s worth a shot, right?

Y'all enjoy the season, much love to everyone, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

2007-12-14 2:40 PM
in reply to: #801361

Fort Worth, Texas
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL

I think marathon shopping days should count as a workout!!!  It involves a LOT of walking!



2007-12-14 3:48 PM
in reply to: #801361

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA.
Subject: RE: Rich Miller's Group - FULL
I think if anyone walks into a Mall, they should get at least 1/2 a workout..... if you are in the Mall for greater than 5 hours, that should get an additiona 1/2 point......Me? Won't catch me in the Mall........5 hours just to find a parking spot.

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